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2009-10-19 22:04:00

Mai vorbim peste un an despre aceasta noua "mareata descoperirie" ce va face...

Acei nenorociti incearca sa-si justifice activitatea sugind bani de la buget. Nimic nou sub soare.

Why do retroviruses in the 70th were invented? Cause Genetic science was build until then then, on the believe that the DNA in a cell is some kind of static thing. That only RNA can be generated from DNA not the way round! But evolutionary Genetics has proven that there was at first RNA from which DNA was recreated. And this they have observed in the 70th that RNA is transcribed back into DNA, the reverse transcription. And they had to invent an exceptional rule to protect the world of science they worked for. And that exception rule was that this RNA was not from the host organism itself, but from an exogenic virus that invades the cell, breeds there and destroys it. Never been proven.

So when they tried to explain cancer through a virus infection, they observed that there was reverse transcription going on in the whole body all over the place, and when they tried to stop it, they must admit that this had not any influence on the cancer. So they quickly had to give up this idea. But then this drug was taken out of the drawer again with birdflu, as an anti-retroviral drug. It stops the enzyme reverse protease to transcribe RNA back into DNA, which is a repair process, observed in phyto planktons that those RNA material "viruses" live in coexistence with the cells and it has never been observed that they do something harmful. So in fact Tamiflu prevents the organism, the DNA of the cells from repairing himself/itself. There can be discovered so many frauds in that pseudoscience virology based on:
- arbitrariness of symptoms
- arbitrariness of diagnosis
-arbitrariness of detection methods/test methods, (CPR, lol is not even recommended from the designer for virus diseases diagnosis, check how they proceed there, for quantitative analysis, they use a multiplication analysis tool..) the way of reproduction (virus morphology based on the chicken embryo model , lol still in use check what is done there and how they try to justify it what they do there, lol)
- and much more…

2009-10-20 09:48:24

gena ar trebui

numita lili marlen

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