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2009-10-01 22:52:54

Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti...

...chiar OMV se pare ca este inca o fatada Gazprom (cautati pe internet). Asa ca ce ne miram!
Curios ca in acest domeniu considerat banos, americanii nu au nici un fel de intentie. Si atunci oare sferele de influenta nu sint deja impartite, noua raminindu-ne doar luxul de comenta in nestiinta de cauza si de a constanta cind este prea tirziu.

Daca bomba atomica nu exista (daca dovezile prezentate pentru existenta ei va satisfac, treaba voastra, dar trebuie sa realizati ca (si) acest subiect este o dogma; (1) credeti ca asa vi s-a spus si (2) ca nu-i posibila o minciuna atit de mare) atunci colaborarea si din timpul razboiului rece intre sovietici si americani a fost perfecta. Si ca marii manipulatori sint in spatele oricarui guvern, orice forma ar avea.

2009-10-01 23:52:02

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti.../Off topic

MA tantalaule:)))))) ia-te de mana cu Frosina ca numa el mai are idei de astea fixe:)----------------apropos ai facut vreodata un calcul ce putere "iese" din barele tale de grafit dintr-un reactor nuclera acele bare pe care mai data trecutra le tineai sub curent:?:) si ti-ai pus vreodata capul sa calculezi ce diametru tre sa aiba firu de ce o fi s atransporte energia ielektrika necesara pentru a "emana" cantitatea respectiva de caldura.........................................ka data trecuta nu am reusit sa iti raspund la ineptia cu " de fapt caldura e produsa de curentul ielektric in barele de grafit" Domnule savant codoi:))))))))

2009-10-02 12:40:35

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti...

Mai Tudor,

eu stiu ca nu-i usor sa intelegi intotdeauna dedesubturile jocurilor politice mondiale. SIgur ca nu-i o solutie sa crezi tot ce se spune, si trebuie sa-ti pasterzi un dram de scepticism. Insa nici sa nu crezi nimic din ce se spune nu-i o alternativa! Pune-ti capul la contributie, si trage concluzii. Nu te lasa aburit de cei care nu cred in nimic, si vad dupa fiecare pom un agent CIA/NSA sau Mossad! :-))


La 2009-10-01 22:52:54, Tudor190 a scris:

> ...chiar OMV se pare ca este inca o fatada Gazprom (cautati pe
> internet). Asa ca ce ne miram!
> Curios ca in acest domeniu considerat banos, americanii nu au nici un
> fel de intentie. Si atunci oare sferele de influenta nu sint deja
> impartite, noua raminindu-ne doar luxul de comenta in nestiinta de
> cauza si de a constanta cind este prea tirziu.
> Daca bomba atomica nu exista (daca dovezile prezentate pentru
> existenta ei va satisfac, treaba voastra, dar trebuie sa realizati ca
> (si) acest subiect este o dogma; (1) credeti ca asa vi s-a spus si (2)
> ca nu-i posibila o minciuna atit de mare) atunci colaborarea si din
> timpul razboiului rece intre sovietici si americani a fost perfecta.
> Si ca marii manipulatori sint in spatele oricarui guvern, orice forma
> ar avea.

2009-10-02 18:40:48

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti.../Off topic

La 2009-10-01 23:52:02, Budapestanul a scris:

> MA tantalaule:)))))) ia-te de mana cu Frosina ca numa el mai are idei
> de astea fixe:)----------------apropos ai facut vreodata un calcul ce
> putere "iese" din barele tale de grafit dintr-un reactor nuclera
> acele bare pe care mai data trecutra le tineai sub curent:?:) si
> ti-ai pus vreodata capul sa calculezi ce diametru tre sa aiba firu de
> ce o fi s atransporte energia ielektrika necesara pentru a "emana"
> cantitatea respectiva de
> caldura.........................................ka data trecuta nu am
> reusit sa iti raspund la ineptia cu " de fapt caldura e produsa de
> curentul ielektric in barele de grafit" Domnule savant codoi:))))))))

Nu stiu, aveam o parere mai buna despre ce-i ce-si spun unguri/maghiari. Dar incercarea moarte n'are;
- firul ce intra ar fi de aceasi grosime cu firu care iese dintr-o centerala termica de exemplu. Fa tu calculul ca te vad hodinit la minte.
- cine-a zis ca trebuie sa consume cit genereaza o centrala termica. Zicem, ma rog altii mai destepti ca mine ziceau ca asa zisele centrale nucleare sint pentru a prelua excesul din retea.

Poate te mai luminezi citind aici:

PS Pentru cei ce nu sint la curent: evidentele ca vreodata o bomba nucleara (orice tip) s-ar fi detonat sint la fel de subrede precum cele cu mersul pe luna. Ca sint atitea "puteri nucleare" nu demonstreaza decit faptul ca cei ce conduc, clica este aceasi orice forma si-ar lua: capitalista, socialista, comunista, fururista etc.
Daca bomba nu exista inseamna ca centralele nucleare sint o minciuna gogonata menita sa (a) preia execul de energie din retea si (b) sa mentina minciuna cu bomba.
Va recomand discutiile de la adresa pusa mai sus. Dupa aia mai discutam.

2009-10-02 18:42:36

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti...

La 2009-10-02 12:40:35, Bumerang a scris:

> Mai Tudor,
> eu stiu ca nu-i usor sa intelegi intotdeauna dedesubturile jocurilor
> politice mondiale. SIgur ca nu-i o solutie sa crezi tot ce se spune,
> si trebuie sa-ti pasterzi un dram de scepticism. Insa nici sa nu
> crezi nimic din ce se spune nu-i o alternativa! Pune-ti capul la
> contributie, si trage concluzii. Nu te lasa aburit de cei care nu
> cred in nimic, si vad dupa fiecare pom un agent CIA/NSA sau Mossad!
> :-))
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=998tSBoa3lo&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYQ88GB4zBA&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4dAUQN6Z_A
> La 2009-10-01 22:52:54, Tudor190 a scris:
> > ...chiar OMV se pare ca este inca o fatada Gazprom (cautati pe
> > internet). Asa ca ce ne miram!
> > Curios ca in acest domeniu considerat banos, americanii nu au nici un
> > fel de intentie. Si atunci oare sferele de influenta nu sint deja
> > impartite, noua raminindu-ne doar luxul de comenta in nestiinta de
> > cauza si de a constanta cind este prea tirziu.
> >
> > Daca bomba atomica nu exista (daca dovezile prezentate pentru
> > existenta ei va satisfac, treaba voastra, dar trebuie sa realizati ca
> > (si) acest subiect este o dogma; (1) credeti ca asa vi s-a spus si (2)
> > ca nu-i posibila o minciuna atit de mare) atunci colaborarea si din
> > timpul razboiului rece intre sovietici si americani a fost perfecta.
> > Si ca marii manipulatori sint in spatele oricarui guvern, orice forma
> > ar avea.
> >

Daca tu ti-ai gasit raspunsuri clarificatoare la cele 20 de puncte ridicate de un sceptic (vezi si adresa pusa mai sus) te felicit.

2009-10-02 18:45:27

de ce bomba nucleara nu exista (1-4)

This is a invitation to the atom bomb believers to post a rebuttal to the points I will list below illustrating some the reasons I believe atom bombs are a bogus science and a shameless hoax.
here is the list:

Item 1) The historical seismograms of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have mysteriously vanished. If not only for the sake of war-era memorabilia, that information should have been everywhere in the museums and in the press. Hiroshima is located in a highly volcanic zone called the Honshu Arc and those active volcanoes were under constant seismographic surveillance during that period and log before that. The so-called atomic blast at hiroshima was estimated to be the equivalent of 6.2 on the Richter Scale but no seismological outpost in the world appears to have noted it. The Russians said they exploded the biggest atomic bomb ever made (50 megatons) at Novaya Zemlya in northern Russia. That is hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than what they say exploded over Hiroshima yet again, not one seismic needle moved at all. How is that possible I ask?

Item 2) In 1942 Hitler's Lufftwaffe had a plan to bomb Lower Manhatten in New York City USA. This plan included a special transport behemouth to fly the package across the Atlantic and deliver it to the target. This is fully 3 years before Hiroshima yet the so-called atom bomb they said they were using is the exact yield and deployed at the same height as the one they say they dropped on Hiroshima. This suggests to me that the atomic hoaxsters were shopping for a spot to nest the hoax. What other possible explanation can there be? When the US started using what they call atom bombs the used the uranuim hammer configurations but the Hitler model is not specific at that level. So, what is Hitler doing planning atom bomb attacks before he even had the facilities or infrastructure to even start planning such late strategies. They never said what they would replace that bomb with if it fell into the ocean with the plane. Why would he not have delivered the package by boat instead. How do we explain these contradictions?

Item 3) The so-called nuclear industry, be it weapons or so-called commercially viable nuclear reactors is the hoaxster's paradise. The whole ripoff scheme is shrouded in national security protocols and security bonding which means you can't discuss your work outside the plant if you don't want to incur the wrath of the NSA and risk jailtime for attempted so-called nuclear terrorism. The whole scam is compartmentalized so Sam doesn't know what George is up to. Perfect cover for the atom bomb hoax clusters. So perfect in fact that I believe the jews could not resist pulling off those massive long-cons on the people of the world. How can they NOT have done it when the opportunities, the means and the motives were all there for them to exploit?

Item 4) During the so-called billion-dollar east coast of the United States blackout a good portion of that area was completely without power. How is this possible when so many so-called nuclear reactors were supposed to have autonomy? How is that possible that people can shell out 5 billion dollars to build a reactor and it can't light a lightbulb when the grid goes down. My contention is that the reason the power failure is so absolute is because the conventional sources are fueling the hoax reactors. Who would build a distribution grid for electricity like a superhighway that cloggs up when two cars collide on a country road? Nobody would design a grid where a reactor can't support it's customers when the other grid elements are compromised. I say this is further evidence of the hoax. How can it be otherwise?

2009-10-02 18:46:29


Item 5) The mushroom cloud thermodynamics of the atom bomb hoax have also been examined. The first problem the competant examiner notices with the mushroom cloud photographed on the day Hiroshima was attacked is that the sun is shining brightly overhead at the noon position. The bombing was said to have been at 8:15 am. I have heard it argued that this was the Nagasaki cloud but it has been used by the hoaxsters themselves for Hiroshima and Justin Raimondo had this exact cloud for his essay, Hiroshima, Mon Amour. Why would the jews want to say it is Nagasaki if they have nothing to hide? I went to the public library in downtown Montreal as a youth and I looked at microfilm of newspapers for that day in 1945 and the picture I enlarged taken from the microfilm was the cloud at noon and it was Hiroshima indeed. So, more evidence of a hoax?

Item 6) The firebombing of Tokyo March 9-10, 1945-100,000 dead. M-69 aimable cluster firebombs reduced 26 square kilometers of that city to ash using a few hundred U.S. Air Force B-29 bombers. Aside the cost of the aircraft when initially built the cost of destroying all that section of Tokyo was a little more than a million dollars. So, why build anything that costs billions to destroy a fraction of the land those B-29 bombers could have destroyed in under less than a million dollars? Because the atom bomb was a lie and those cities reduced to ash by M-69 firebombs and that also explains the mysterious vanishing of the historical seismograms of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Are they hiding the fact that there was no shock wave? Is that why the trees were still standing charred and many building facades still standing?

Item 7) Hiroshima was not evacuated and life came back to normal very quickly. This is inconsistent with the models presented by the experts that said nothing would grow for 70 years and nobody could live there for a very long time. One week after the so-called atom bomb, oleanders were growing everywhere. The hoaxsters started stories of a miracle. More contradiction and nonsense from the jewish hoaxsters.

Item 8) The pilot of the B-29 they said dropped the so-called atom bomb on Hiroshima is a known Hollywood insider and his B-29 crew was totally segregated on an island with the pilot Commander Tibbits fully in charge of security and everything. He had full autonomy and discretion. I believe his crew of talmudic cowards was near 200 aircraft when they sortie'd on Hiroshima then later on Nagasaki. Another brilliant example of the secrecy and security shroud of compartmentalization over the whole hoax. Why would this dumbass put his mother's name on an instrument of utter genocide if it were not that his mother gloats without end at jewish hoax accomplishments and mass murder that she would be pleased to figure prominently on the nose of that beast of destruction and mass murder. How can anyone believe such a mess of contradictions when it is obvious they would have been nuts not to exploit the means they had at their disposal under those circumstances. They pulled it off while everyone on earth was in a state of shock and would have believed anything the jews said just to stop the ignited gasoline showers?

Item 9) Items said to be radioactive have in fact been doped with x-ray radiation for periods of time corresponding to the hoax expectations. At the Pantex assembly plant in Amarillo Texas they have a very powerful x-ray machine they say they use to look inside decomissioned so-called atom bombs before they open them up. That is totally rediculous because why would anything be wrong inside a bomb watched by the military night and day. I say the x-ray machine is there to dope the materials they assemble so that the x-ray detectors they call rad meters can read something expected from the mathematical models. When a rad meter is picking up x-ray radiation it is seemlessly and logarithmically converting this sampled energy and reporting the results as rads instead of x-ray energy that it is. When a student examines a sample said to be radioactive it is a sample irradiated prior using a high intensity x-ray machine. Again compartmentalization plays a key role here at the Pantex plant. Coincidentally they are the only plant in the US authorized to make the final assemblies of so-called nuclear bombs. What else could they be using that huge x-ray machine at Pantex if it is not to create illusions of atomic radioactivity?

Item 10) Einstein the plagerist. At least a few links provided at my Hiroshima thread deal with the question of Einstein's honesty in claiming the authorship of a lot of his predecessor's work. Some say his wife was more the mathematical genius and coached him a lot. Anyways the original and official story of the creation of the first so-called atom bomb says that Einstein gave the letter he wrote to the president of the United States to a financier in New York that bounced it around town for a week before giving it to the president. This was a letter explaining in terms a president could understand that atom bombs can be made. The story says that everyone was paranoid that Hitler would discover the plan to build a bomb yet they let the letter concerning it's so-called feasibility float around town for a week. More contradiction.

2009-10-02 18:47:56


Item 11) The question of the Tribally Affiliated. Can anyone deny that the global congregations of tribally affiliated had the means, the motives, and the opportunities to hoax the world with fake atom bombs and fake CVNEs and fake DU and the fake nuclear navy? They even faked moonlandings and NAZIS holocausts. They call their genocides wars and failed diplomacy. They faked the dinosaurs too it would appear.

Item 12) Iraq, why did they not find so-called atom bombs there?

Item13) Suicide bombers, since when can't the underworld aquire atom bombs for suicide missions if they are not bogus?

Item 14) Why 60 years without so-called atom bomb accidental explosions or terrorist explosions? Everything the jews running the government do is sloppy and anyone with entry level skills can steal a package from the military and configure it to their likings. Why has this never occurred with the so-called atom bomb?

Item 15) The global conspiracy in negotiable instruments run by the jews and indoctrinated into the minds of the poor youth abandoned to those pathetic indoctrination centers called public schools worldwide is a very important factor in the widespread acceptance of the hoax clusters of the atomic variety by the mainsteam public. The tribal affiliates monopoly on the mainstream media is also another great element used to ram the hoax down our throats while we are still very young and vulnerable to fear. The gobal ring of tribally affiliated running all the governments of the world and controlling all the military forces of the planet make the hoax possible also. Who can deny the influence of the tribe in every country?

Item 16) So-called nuclear reactors- The buildings and structures as they appear to the human eye in as much as one is permitted to examine without special clearance are real enough and cost real money if we can pretend the money supply is really backed with anything of any real value. Billions of dollars to build each one. I have worked building a pair of reactors in Gentilly Quebec so that appeared real enough at the surface at least. Many people are salaried to work in these buildings and monitor security, supply and maintenance. All this, of course, is to be expected if you want anyone to believe the hoax it has to have at least the appearance of function and form. The real sham starts in the control room. What is a control room anyways you might ask, well, it is a representation of variables said to be operating to achieve the potential predicted in the mathematical models. The truth is that the control panel is an advanced simulator running on highly specific top-secret application software developed secretly a long time ago and refined many times since. So, the unsuspecting employees work all day monitoring variables fed to them by sophisticated digital processors geared to simulate a fully functional reactor core and cooling elements. The fake reactor is tethered to the grid and the energy from conventional sources is fed to the brushes of the generators making them instantly motors instead that circulate the water and perhaps also heat it for effect and steam. The instruments reading the output from the reactor is actually reversing the reading of the power pouring in. Who can deny that such simulator technology was not possible at the time they started those hoaxes?

Item 17) The money- now there's a good motive for hoaxing these clusters of deceit. How many people making big money in that fake industry feel like letting it all go so the truth be known? They will fight to the death to keep that salary and income no matter how bogus the industry is proven to them to be. Who can deny that important obstacle to the truth? The money stolen because of these hoax clusters is beyond understanding.

Item 18) Mushroom clouds do not grow out of radial airbrust explosions. The mushroom cloud needs to be seeded from the ground. The thermodynamic conditions caused by a circumferential airburst explosion would superheat the air all around and send radial shock waves emanating from the center outwards like the popular festivity fireworks and that would negate the conditions required for a mushroom cloud to grow normally. A mushroom cloud grows from the ground up in a predictable circular pattern that develops and flows through a relatively cool and stable upper air mass because the explosion was at the ground level. Who can deny that mushroom clouds can't grow out of radial airburst explosions?

Item 19) A total absence of dead birds in all the documentation and photos related to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Reports claim that people saw birds exploding in mid-air when the bomb went off yet all should have been blinded by the incredible flash of light that preceded the blast.

2009-10-02 19:26:29

Bine spus

Coalitie la Marea Neagra
"Tarile riverane la Marea Neagra trebuie sa conlucreze, sa formeze o coalitie care sa sustina dezvoltarea infrastructurii energetice la Marea Neagra si a coridorului sudic", a atras atentia ambasadorul Richard Morningstar, trimisul special pe energie al presedintelui Barack Obama.

Deci: Statele Unite, Turcia, Ucraina,Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania ... cine mai este la Marea Neagra? Era sa uit Polonia si ANGLIA... ma scuzati.
Rusia, Abhazia n-au granita la Marea Neagra asa ca nu sunt invitate.

2009-10-02 21:01:54

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti.../Off topic

- firul ce intra ar fi de aceasi grosime cu firu care iese dintr-o
> centerala termica de exemplu.

Atunci ce rost ar avea sa creeeze centrala:?:) acum 3000 de ani faceau piramide amu se fac centrale termice pentru eternitate:?:)))))))))

Fa tu calculul ca te vad hodinit la
> minte. ma copile:) tu ai spus ca ai luat la fizica 9.,72 nu io.

> - cine-a zis ca trebuie sa consume cit genereaza o centrala termica.

Ma, centrala atomo electrica in ciclu combinat ( si numai asa) de aia ie facuta sa creeze curent electric, sa asigure o cantitate de curent electric constanta nicidecum pentru varfuri ( alea pentru varfuri se cheama centrale electrice si de abur secundar in ciclu rapid pe baza de gaz ( cogeneratoare pe baza de gaz ). Alea functioneaza 2 - 4 ore cat is varfurile de consum dimineata sau seara in rest se pot chiar opri desigur daca e cine sa plateasca curentul produs cu asa pierderi.

> Zicem, ma rog altii mai destepti ca mine ziceau ca asa zisele
> centrale nucleare sint pentru a prelua excesul din retea.

MAi tantalukule:)))))))))) cum naiba sa preia excesul de curent electric:?:)))))))))) gandeste te la un singur lucru : ca sa pornesti la parametri nominali o centrala de acest tip iti trebuie cateva saptamani-----------------------ce spui tu se cheama eventual acumulatoare de abur viu la presiune medie ( 20-80 bari) .

apropos lasa-i pe unguri cincentreaza te pe manuale mici gen lexicon de masini termice si termodinamica editura technica ..........e in romana si e mult mai interesant decat ineptiile de pe anumite forumuri. MAcar ti s clare notiuni elementare ca si puetre si energie :??????

2009-10-02 21:31:09

Re: Majoritatea investitiilor sint oricum rusesti.../Off topic

La 2009-10-02 21:01:54, Budapestanul a scris:

Fac abstractie de jignirile gratuite. De data asta. Si reiau:
- nu exista fisiune si nici fuziune; asta inseamna ca (a) nu exista bombe nucleare ci doar sperietoatrea lor si ca (b) nu exita reactoare nucleare care sa genereze energie.
- centralele nucleare au fost inventate pentru ca lumea s-ar fi intrebat ca daca-i posibila atita energie intr-o explozie dintr-un volum de minge de oina de ce nu putem sa o utilizam pasnic si pentru a mentine vie minciuna cu bomba nucleara.
- asa zis centralele nucleare nu creaza curent pentru virfuri de consum ci doar preiau/consuma excesul de curent din retea. Eventual cu acea putere disipata se genereaza abur de ochii lumii.
- priceput?
- toate astea nu vin de la mine ci de la altii mai destepti; vezi ca-m pus ceva in engleza mai sus. Putem discuta critic fiecare punct in parte, de la 1 la 19, dar nu te certa cu mine.

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