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  Nr. 4649 de vineri, 25 septembrie 2009 
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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.65.147...)
2009-09-25 16:35
Netanyahu despre ONU: "And, again, the UN was silent - absolutely silent."

din cuvintarea lui Netanyahu:
<<For eight long years Hamas fired rockets ... from Gaza on nearby Israeli citizens ..., thousands of missiles, mortars, hurling down from the sky on schools, on homes, shopping centers, bus stops.

Year after year as these missiles were deliberately fired on our civilians, ...
not a single - not one UN resolution was passed condemning those criminal attacks.
We heard nothing, absolutely nothing, from the UN Human Rights Council - a misnamed institution if there ever was one.

In 2005, hoping to advance peace, Israel unilaterally withdrew from every inch of Gaza. It was very painful. We dismantled 21 settlements, really, bedroom communities, and farms. We uprooted over 8,000 Israelis. We just yanked them out from their homes.

We did this because many in Israel believed that this would get peace.
Well, we didn`t get peace.
Instead, we got an Iranian-backed terror base 50 miles from Tel Aviv.
But life in the Israeli towns and cities immediately next to Gaza became nothing less than a nightmare.
You see, the Hamas rocket launchers and the rocket attacks not only continued after we left, they actually increased dramatically. They increased tenfold.

And, again, the UN was silent - absolutely silent.>>

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