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  Nr. 4639 de luni, 14 septembrie 2009 
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Marile Dosare


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2009-09-13 22:38:06


MAXAM nu putea avea un termen pentru distrugerea munitiei pentru ca pe taiwanwzi nu-i mai interesa asa ceva, ei au platit ca sa scape de 'deseuri'.. Termenul era poate pentru 'reciclarea' munitiei si revinderea ei unei terte firme... Din moment ce exista MAXAM, de ce mai era nevoie si de o alta firma intermediara, Oxo? Nu putea negocia direct cu UM Babeni pentru prestarea unor servicii? (uitasem ca in Romania si 'buna ziua' se da prin intermediar..)

Hoku Sayebou
2009-09-14 00:01:43

PRESEDINTELE TAIWANULUI S-A SINUCIS !!! Ma Ying-jeou, scandalul obuzelor l-a terminat

gata adevarul a iesit la iveala

2009-09-14 05:45:31

au contraire

Nu s-a sinucis

Ba chiar a aranjat condamnarea predecersorului sau Chen_Shui-bian la inchisoare pe viatza, el + nevasta-sa + toata familia . Cooool .




Taiwan Ex-President Chen Shui-bian and wife sentenced to life in prison

tic tac tic tac , ceasul a inceput sa bata pentru Basescu .

"Former President Chen Shui-bian was sentenced to life in prison and a fine of NT$200 million as he was found guilty on six counts involving corruption and money laundering, the Taipei District Court ruled yesterday.
The verdict came at the end of more than a year of revelations and allegations about four cases of corruption and money laundering involving a total of NT$800 million and 14 defendants, including Chen and his closest relatives, former aides, government officials and business leaders.


Chen's wife Wu Shu-jen was also sentenced to life in prison and a NT$300 million fine in her cases, and also lost her civil rights for life.


Chen and Wu each received life sentences for the misuse of NT$104 million from the special presidential state affairs fund, and lower sentences for a variety of other charges. Chen was sentenced to eight years for money laundering, Wu to 18 years.

Their son Chen Chih-chung was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison and a NT$150 million fine for money laundering. His wife Huang Jui-ching was sentenced to one year and eight months and a NT$150million fine, but she would be put on probation for five years if she paid a NT$200 million fine, reports said.

Wu's brother Wu Ching-mao and his wife Chen Chun-ying were each sentenced to two years suspended for five years. They were also fined NT$3 million each. The former first lady's brother said he was "happy" with his verdict in a phone interview with cable station CTI, though his wife expressed concern about the fines.

A heavy sentence was issued against the ex-president's former close adviser Ma Yung-cheng, who received 20 years in prison and lost his civil rights for ten years. Lin Te-shun, another ex-aide, was sentenced to 16 years.

Former presidential cashier Chen Chen-hui did not receive any sentences because of her cooperation with prosecutors during the investigation and the trial. She admitted guilt on five charges, the court said.

Former Hsinchu Science Park Director James Lee was sentenced to six years in prison for accepting NT$30 million in bribes in the sale of a plot of private land in Lungtan, Taoyuan County. Chen and Wu received 20-year sentences each for allegedly accepting a total of NT$273 million in the deal.

In the Nangang Exhibition Hall case, businessman Kuo Chuan-ching received three months in jail, reduced from six months, while his civil rights would be suspended for one year. Kuo allegedly handed over a total of NT$90 million in bribes to a friend of the former first family in exchange for a list of jury members in charge of evaluating the construction project. Kuo wanted the list so he could influence the panel members to turn the bid in his company's favor, reports said. The former first lady was sentenced to 14 years for the Nangang deal, for which Chen was not indicted.

Wu family friend Tsai Ming-che was to be put on probation for five years after being sentenced to two years and two months with a NT$3 million fine. His brother Tsai Ming-chieh received two years and a NT$10 million fine. Both allegedly played roles as go-betweens in the handling of bribes and in money laundering.

Their sister Tsai Mei-li was also indicted, but the court issued no sentence for her yesterday, reportedly because she was terminally ill with cancer, media reports said.
On the same day, former Taipei 101 Chairwoman Diana Chen was sentenced to one year and six months in jail for perjury in a case involving a payment of NT$10 million to Wu. The businesswoman said the money was a political donation for the Democratic Progressive Party, but the court ruled it was a payment to obtain a top job at a securities house. "

2009-09-14 09:45:17

19 ani de democratie? Halal noua!

Frumos - Romania a devenit groapa de gunoi pentru munitiile radioactive si toxice folosite de NATO, inca de ordinul tonelor.. Cine e suficient de naiv incat sa creada ca distrugerea munitiilor s-a facut sub un strict control al proceselor, cu izolarea perfecta a deseurilor toxice si radioactive astfel incat sa nu prezinte nici un pericol pentru populatie si mediul inconjurator?
Nu-i asa ca va vine mai usor sa va imaginati o teava groasa care deversa toate mizeriile in cel mai apropiat curs de apa si o groapa toxica care sa contamineze panza de apa freatica pe o raza de cateva zeci de km ?
Bine am mai ajuns: nu numai ca nu mai producem nimic semnificativ si ca exportam materie prima, dar ca o democratie curat bananiera, am ajuns sa mai fim si folositi pe post de tomberon pentru gunoiul altora!

2009-09-14 16:01:01

autorizatii si licente

Pentru a obtine autorizatiile si licentele necesare importului de produse speciale , conform meodologiilor ancex , sunt necesare cel putin 3 luni , din momentul depunerii dosarului . Pentru a depune dosarul este necesar si avizul Oficiului de control de la Ministerul apararii, care se obtine in mximum 60 de zile. Respectand legea, avizele si licentele pentru import se puteau obtine in cel putin 120 de zile. Cum a reusit purcarea sa le obtina asa repede ? datele de mai sus sunt de pe site-ul Ancex si M. apararii, pentru cei interesati sau curiosi.

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