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  Nr. 4627 de luni, 31 august 2009 
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Deva din New York, USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.108.2...)
2009-08-31 21:33

 Federal Bureau of Investigation 
 J. Edgar Hoover Building 
 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, 
 NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

( The Directorate of Intelligence (DI) oversees field intelligence operations. )

............ information..... concrete ties between Bout and firms in Romania............................................................................ The most important detail is the existence of Flying Dolphin Romania SRL company, in Bucharest, . According to data in the Commerce Register, the only shareholder and administrator is Sheikh Abdullah Zayed Saqr al Nayhan from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates [UAE]. Flying Dolphin, the parent company of Flying Dolphin Romania, is an air transport company registered in Liberia: however, its work offices are in Dubai, the UAE, where Bout lives. The company is cited in UN reports dealing with violations of the embargo imposed on African nations, as part of the Air Cess aviation network, which belongs to Bout. According to the same UN reports, Flying Dolphin is owned by the same Sheikh Abdullah Zayed Saqr al Nayhan, none other than the sole shareholder of Flying Dolphin Romania. He is described in the UN's reports as close to Bout. He is not a nobody in the Emirates. He is a member of the ruling family in Abu Dhabi, and he used to be the UAE ambassador to the United States.
Transport for Bin Ladin's Taliban...................
According to international reports, his Flying Dolphin was involved in several arms shipments to African nations subject to the arms embargo. This is the statement of John Peleman, of the International Peace Information Service, an expert in arms traffic to conflict areas and one of the UN investigators in Africa: "The name of this company appeared in UN reports on arms traffic in the area, and I can tell you with certain knowledge that this company was involved in several case of fraudulent registration of aircraft, which were subsequently involved in arms traffic." The latest data gathered by Western investigators suggests it is very likely that Flying Dolphin may have shipped arms to Afghanistan. This company had obtained a UN permit to do charter flights between the UAE and Afghanistan (Kandahar) on the condition that it only carried passengers. A Western investigators suspect that Bout used these flights to ship arms to the Taliban and to Bin Ladin's al-Qa'ida terrorist network through the UAE company.
The International Press About Romanian Weapons
- According to a Reuters report,......, the Cuban coast guard arrested three Americans of Cuban descent who were carrying Romanian-manufactured AK-47s. The three were planning to attack nightclubs in the Tropicana tourist resort. Cuban officials said the three were members of a Florida-based anti-Fidel Castro group.
- The Irish Independent daily on...... announced the discovery of an arms warehouse that belonged to Irish Republican Army (IRA) terrorists. Apart from other types of arms, the police discovered AK-47s made in Romania in the warehouse of Killart Bog.
- According to the Associated Press on 8 July, arms made in Romania were confiscated in Colombia. They were being shipped to guerillas hostile to the Bogota government.
- The Chicago Tribune ....... published material on Romanian weapons used in the Congo conflict. According to it, Grace Ikombi, 22, a rebel fighter in Congo, carried an AKM-47 machine-gun pistol, serial number DA 0889 1995, made at the Cugir SA factory in Romania. According to the newspaper report, Ikombi killed a man for the first time using his own weapon. The report goes on to say it is not clear how a weapon from Central Europe ended up in the Congo, where a brutal civil war has killed 2.5 million people. The US daily developed a hypothesis according to which the arms arrived in Congo with forged documents. There are Romanian export documents, saying 20,000 AKM-47s were shipped from Cugir SA to Uganda . From Uganda, the Romanian arms ended up in the hands of Congolese rebels...................................................
Robert Horvath ........................New York 31 august 2009

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