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evreu normal
2009-06-30 21:58:55

Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare&

Diavolii Lumii Moderne,virusii civilizatiei,cancerul viitorului!

2009-06-30 22:34:29

Pana acum...

Cunosc numai doi indivizi care , "gaseau " noi voturi la re re re numarari de baloturi electotale ...
Unul este Adolf Ahmedinajad in 2009...
Iar cel de al doilea este fostul vece presedinte Democrat, Algore junior , in 2000....

2009-06-30 22:52:02

Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare

Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.

evreu normal
2009-06-30 23:02:08

Re: Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare

La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.
In concluzie:
Ca intotdeauna cand raul poate sa primeze tu esti un FERICIT!
Ai elogiat vreodata in existenta ta de manipulator pe acest frum si partea cealalta?
Cred ca azi numai existai,boshii tai ruso-islamisti de aruncau la rame.........

2009-06-30 23:02:36

Re: Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare

La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.
Inca dorim sa aflam cate voturi in plus adolf , a "gasit " ...???

Daca la initala numaratoare cand adolf s-a declarat invingator , la numai doua (2 ) ore dupa inchiderea urnelor de vot , care nu sa-u numarat electronic ci : manual ...si a avut intre 114 si 140% din ttatalul voturilor de 100%....atunci acum dupa renumarare cand a "gasit " alte voturi , este posibil ca cei 100% din votanti , i-au acordat lui adolf , probabil , 175 -200% din voturi...

Probabil ca discipolii lui adolf ahmedinajad , au urmat exemplul discipolilor amicului ,lui : Obama...cei de la trupele de aslat numite ACORN....al caror motto este : " Voteaza devreme si voteaza des "...

evreu normal
2009-06-30 23:18:01

D-l Alamar

Evreul rus iti pregateste un raspuns,deocamdata inca pedaleaza in cautare pe Internet.......
Specialitatea casei=copi/paste

2009-06-30 23:18:56

Re: Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare

La 2009-06-30 23:02:36, alamar a scris:

> La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:
> > Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> > in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> > In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> > majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> > "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> > rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> > Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> > sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.
> >
> Inca dorim sa aflam cate voturi in plus adolf , a "gasit " ...???
> Daca la initala numaratoare cand adolf s-a declarat invingator , la
> numai doua (2 ) ore dupa inchiderea urnelor de vot , care nu sa-u
> numarat electronic ci : manual ...si a avut intre 114 si 140% din
> ttatalul voturilor de 100%....atunci acum dupa renumarare cand a
> "gasit " alte voturi , este posibil ca cei 100% din votanti , i-au
> acordat lui adolf , probabil , 175 -200% din voturi...
> Probabil ca discipolii lui adolf ahmedinajad , au urmat exemplul
> discipolilor amicului ,lui : Obama...cei de la trupele de aslat
> numite ACORN....al caror motto este : " Voteaza devreme si voteaza
> des "...
se vad studiile 'profunde' la 'dzjerdzjinsky'.. probabil dupa 'malta' si instructor la 'langley'... (via tincabesti..). Alegerile din '33 nu au fost fraudate, cel mult se poate spune ca rezultatul votului a fost favorizat (sau defavorizat..) de anumite lucruri.. Probabil ca tot asa a fost si in Iran si probabil in multe parti ale lumii.. si intotdeauna 'ceva' il favorizeaza pe invingator.. Rau este acolo unde cei ce si-au dat votul cu o oarecare convingere sunt de fapt 'mintiti' si dupa alegeri aproape ca nu mai conteaza pentru ce si-au dat votul... (cum de fapt se mai intimpla si pe la noi..) si nici nu exista mecanismele pentru sanctionarea celor 'alesi' care isi incalca mare parte din promisiunile din campanie sau chiar mai grav, fac cu totul altceva decit au promis...

2009-06-30 23:38:55

IATA CE FACE ORANDUIREA ISLAMICA DINTR-O TARA - hotie, terorism, crima si minciuna

intrat pe mana imamilor cu barba, papuci si turban
devine ciuma pt oamenii tarii
si ciuma pt tarile dinprejur
hotie, terorism, crima si minciuna

2009-06-30 23:46:10

NEDA NU A MURIT AHMADINEJAFULE !!! Iti vine tie si chiracilor ayatolahi plata, si inca fara gres

oranduire de taicalosi
stat islamic de criminali si mincinosi
Neda este acum in memoria lumii, de acolo va vede si va judeca
santeti condamnati!

2009-06-30 23:47:18


La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.

2009-06-30 23:50:03

Re: Ahmadinejad bis la renumarare

La 2009-06-30 23:02:36, alamar a scris:

> Inca dorim sa aflam cate voturi in plus adolf , a "gasit " ...???
> Daca la initala numaratoare cand adolf s-a declarat invingator , la
> numai doua (2 ) ore dupa inchiderea urnelor de vot , care nu sa-u
> numarat electronic ci : manual ...si a avut intre 114 si 140% din
> ttatalul voturilor de 100%....atunci acum dupa renumarare cand a
> "gasit " alte voturi , este posibil ca cei 100% din votanti , i-au
> acordat lui adolf , probabil , 175 -200% din voturi...
> Probabil ca discipolii lui adolf ahmedinajad , au urmat exemplul
> discipolilor amicului ,lui : Obama...cei de la trupele de aslat
> numite ACORN....al caror motto este : " Voteaza devreme si voteaza
> des "...

Poate ca au fost comise si cateva fraude (nu s-a nascut inca tara unde alegerile sa fie 100% corecte), dar ceea ce incerci sa spui nu explica diferenta atat de mare intre voturile obtinute de Ahmadinejad comparativ cu cele obtinute de Mousavi, si anume 11 milioane.
Majoritatea iranienilor au votat in continuare acelasi lucru, iar cei care doresc schimbarea raman deocamdata la stadiul de minoritate. Ca au furat la alegeri, poate or fi furat (chiar si in "Patria democratiei" s-a recurs la asemenea metode "abjecte"-numele lui Bush iti spune ceva?) dar atat de mult ca sa schimbe rezultatul alegerilor, cam greu de crezut tinand cont cat de mari sunt aceste cifre.
Crezi ce vrei, important este ca pe strazile Teheranului este iarasi liniste, dupa zile intregi de agitatie si framantari.

2009-06-30 23:50:34


tapi scarbosi si dara rusine

2009-06-30 23:54:54

ALT RUS? PTIUUU !!! de unde ciorti rasar? d-ar-ar apa in ei sa dea, apa chioara fara pic de basamac

La 2009-06-30 23:50:03, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-06-30 23:02:36, alamar a scris:
> > Inca dorim sa aflam cate voturi in plus adolf , a "gasit " ...???
> >
> > Daca la initala numaratoare cand adolf s-a declarat invingator , la
> > numai doua (2 ) ore dupa inchiderea urnelor de vot , care nu sa-u
> > numarat electronic ci : manual ...si a avut intre 114 si 140% din
> > ttatalul voturilor de 100%....atunci acum dupa renumarare cand a
> > "gasit " alte voturi , este posibil ca cei 100% din votanti , i-au
> > acordat lui adolf , probabil , 175 -200% din voturi...
> >
> > Probabil ca discipolii lui adolf ahmedinajad , au urmat exemplul
> > discipolilor amicului ,lui : Obama...cei de la trupele de aslat
> > numite ACORN....al caror motto este : " Voteaza devreme si voteaza
> > des "...
> Poate ca au fost comise si cateva fraude (nu s-a nascut inca tara
> unde alegerile sa fie 100% corecte), dar ceea ce incerci sa spui nu
> explica diferenta atat de mare intre voturile obtinute de Ahmadinejad
> comparativ cu cele obtinute de Mousavi, si anume 11 milioane.
> Majoritatea iranienilor au votat in continuare acelasi lucru, iar cei
> care doresc schimbarea raman deocamdata la stadiul de minoritate. Ca
> au furat la alegeri, poate or fi furat (chiar si in "Patria
> democratiei" s-a recurs la asemenea metode "abjecte"-numele lui Bush
> iti spune ceva?) dar atat de mult ca sa schimbe rezultatul
> alegerilor, cam greu de crezut tinand cont cat de mari sunt aceste
> cifre.
> Crezi ce vrei, important este ca pe strazile Teheranului este iarasi
> liniste, dupa zile intregi de agitatie si framantari.

2009-07-01 00:01:21

@ evreu normal

Va autocaracterizati natia sau va faceti autocritica?

2009-07-01 00:05:48

a castigat si Al Franken, tot dupa renumarare.

(CNN) -- Former Sen. Norm Coleman gave up his challenge to the November election results Tuesday, clearing the way for satirist Al Franken to take the state's remaining U.S. Senate seat.

2009-07-01 00:11:30

Re: @ evreu normal

La 2009-07-01 00:01:21, Ereticul a scris:

> Va autocaracterizati natia sau va faceti autocritica?

Cred ca si una si alta. Franchetea sa spontana ma impresioneaza placut de fiecare data.

2009-07-01 00:13:00

To : dorumare...

Dle dorumare , prima fraza a dtale de mai sus este putin...codificata...Decodifi-co , de crezi ca este importanta...

Despre "alegerile din '33 "...Din nou : decodifaca sau dezvolta subiectul !...

nu-ti pot citi gandurile si ideile....
Care : '33 i.e.n. . , 1533 e.n.. , 1833 e.n....si de unde ?...Din belize ?...din Palau sau din bourkina fasso ?...

Da ! intotdeauna "ceva" il favorizeaza pe invingator...In democratii acest ceva poarta numele de : "voturi "...
In alte parti pe invingator il vavorizeaza : armata , securitatea , politia , sistemul in sine creat de "invingator " ,etc.,etc...

Dta ce crezi dle dorumare ?....In iran , care dintre aceste doua variante l-a "favotizat " pe Adolf ahmedinajad ?....

Acum cateva cuvinte despre : "mecanismele de sanctionare " a celor care nu isi tin promisiunile facute in campaniile electorale......Hm!...

In democratii , binenteles ca exista mecanisme...

Spre deosebire in sistemele parlamentare , colaitiile se destrama si au loc : alegeri anticipate , vot de neincredere in parlamente ,etc.,etc...
In america , poarta numele de : alegeri prezidentiale ( din 4 in 4 ani )...

Mai sunt si alte asa zise semi democratii unde premierii se schimba precum sosetele ( vezi Italia ) , sau in alte democratii , unde glotale care pierd alegerile , cu ajutorul agitatorilor de strada ( in america ei se numesc : community organizers ), distrug ,devasteaza ,intimideaza , incalca legile si nu se opresc pana cand nu rastoarna guvernul ales in mod democratic si legal...vezi : grecia...

Cand aceste guverne alese legal si democratic sunt fortate sa abdice si sa se dizolve de gloate , unuii le numesc : democratia in actiune directa....
CVand exact acelasi lucru are loc ,dar de data aceasta infaptuit de fortele militare , aceeasi indivizi numesc aceasta : puch , lovitura de stat, etc...

Cu canotatia binenteles ca atunci cand gloatele , in mod ilegal rastoarna un guvern precum in grecia , in mod ilegal , aceasta este : Bine !...

Pe de alta parte cand fortele militare , fac bagajele unui presedinte si il conduc la avion cu : one way ticket ...atunci n-i se spune ca aceasta este o : lovitura de Stat , precum deunazi in Honduras...

Revenind la mecanismele astea de pedepsire a unor demagogi care nu se tin de promisiunile facute in campaniile electorale...Hm!...

Unii spun ca : fiecare popor isi merita liderii...

Sunt adesea situatii in care demagogii care candideaza ptr. posturi politice promit cele mai aberante , inimaginabile , si ridicole promisiuni , pe care un scolar care a absolvit clasa a 8 a ar intelege ca aceastea ar fi imposibil de realizat...
Totusi indivizi maturi , presupunadu-se ca sunt adulti si au un IQ , cel putin egal cu al unui rumegator , VOTEAZA ptr. acesti demagogi , cu speranta ca promisiunile vor fi indeplinite de politicieni...

Dle dorumare...dta lamentezi faptul ca nu exista un mecanism de sanctionare a demagogilor....Hm!...Adevarat...
Totusi dle dorumare , eu te asigur ca exista un mecanism de santionare a gloatelor care voteaza in continuu acesti demagogi plini de promisiune , una mai mare decat alta...

Mecanismul care santioneaza gloatele care voteaza in perpetuitate demagogii si promitatorii de Luna si de Stele de Sare si de Mare , dupa cativa ani , ....mecanismul.... ii loveste direct intre ochi ...

Acest mecanism poarta numele de : saracie , pierderea libertatilor individuale, micsorarea standardului de viata , confiscarea venitului sub forma de : taxe , mizerie , opresiune si teroare....

2009-07-01 00:16:53

Re: ALT RUS? PTIUUU !!! de unde ciorti rasar? d-ar-ar apa in ei sa dea, apa chioara fara pic de bas

La 2009-06-30 23:54:54, vodka este un baiat chiar simpatic in simplitatea sa intelectuala.

Te avertizez! Suntem un intreg batalion de rusi, bine chercheliti si pusi pe harta si dezinformare. Pazea, caci te vom depista oriune te vei afla! Chiar si in gaura de sobolan.

2009-07-01 00:19:13

Re: alamare ... esti confuz ...

Dar ne-am obisnuit, no worries.

La 2009-07-01 00:13:00, alamar a scris:

> Dle dorumare , prima fraza a dtale de mai sus este
> putin...codificata...Decodifi-co , de crezi ca este importanta...
> Despre "alegerile din '33 "...Din nou : decodifaca sau dezvolta
> subiectul !...
> nu-ti pot citi gandurile si ideile....
> Care : '33 i.e.n. . , 1533 e.n.. , 1833 e.n....si de unde ?...Din
> belize ?...din Palau sau din bourkina fasso ?...
> Da ! intotdeauna "ceva" il favorizeaza pe invingator...In democratii
> acest ceva poarta numele de : "voturi "...
> In alte parti pe invingator il vavorizeaza : armata , securitatea ,
> politia , sistemul in sine creat de "invingator " ,etc.,etc...
> Dta ce crezi dle dorumare ?....In iran , care dintre aceste doua
> variante l-a "favotizat " pe Adolf ahmedinajad ?....
> Acum cateva cuvinte despre : "mecanismele de sanctionare " a celor
> care nu isi tin promisiunile facute in campaniile
> electorale......Hm!...
> In democratii , binenteles ca exista mecanisme...
> Spre deosebire in sistemele parlamentare , colaitiile se destrama si
> au loc : alegeri anticipate , vot de neincredere in parlamente
> ,etc.,etc...
> In america , poarta numele de : alegeri prezidentiale ( din 4 in 4 ani
> )...
> Mai sunt si alte asa zise semi democratii unde premierii se schimba
> precum sosetele ( vezi Italia ) , sau in alte democratii , unde
> glotale care pierd alegerile , cu ajutorul agitatorilor de strada (
> in america ei se numesc : community organizers ), distrug ,devasteaza
> ,intimideaza , incalca legile si nu se opresc pana cand nu rastoarna
> guvernul ales in mod democratic si legal...vezi : grecia...
> Cand aceste guverne alese legal si democratic sunt fortate sa abdice
> si sa se dizolve de gloate , unuii le numesc : democratia in actiune
> directa....
> CVand exact acelasi lucru are loc ,dar de data aceasta infaptuit de
> fortele militare , aceeasi indivizi numesc aceasta : puch , lovitura
> de stat, etc...
> Cu canotatia binenteles ca atunci cand gloatele , in mod ilegal
> rastoarna un guvern precum in grecia , in mod ilegal , aceasta este :
> Bine !...
> Pe de alta parte cand fortele militare , fac bagajele unui presedinte
> si il conduc la avion cu : one way ticket ...atunci n-i se spune ca
> aceasta este o : lovitura de Stat , precum deunazi in Honduras...
> Revenind la mecanismele astea de pedepsire a unor demagogi care nu se
> tin de promisiunile facute in campaniile electorale...Hm!...
> Unii spun ca : fiecare popor isi merita liderii...
> Sunt adesea situatii in care demagogii care candideaza ptr. posturi
> politice promit cele mai aberante , inimaginabile , si ridicole
> promisiuni , pe care un scolar care a absolvit clasa a 8 a ar
> intelege ca aceastea ar fi imposibil de realizat...
> Totusi indivizi maturi , presupunadu-se ca sunt adulti si au un IQ ,
> cel putin egal cu al unui rumegator , VOTEAZA ptr. acesti demagogi ,
> cu speranta ca promisiunile vor fi indeplinite de politicieni...
> Dle dorumare...dta lamentezi faptul ca nu exista un mecanism de
> sanctionare a demagogilor....Hm!...Adevarat...
> Totusi dle dorumare , eu te asigur ca exista un mecanism de santionare
> a gloatelor care voteaza in continuu acesti demagogi plini de
> promisiune , una mai mare decat alta...
> Mecanismul care santioneaza gloatele care voteaza in perpetuitate
> demagogii si promitatorii de Luna si de Stele de Sare si de Mare ,
> dupa cativa ani , ....mecanismul.... ii loveste direct intre ochi
> ...
> Acest mecanism poarta numele de : saracie , pierderea libertatilor
> individuale, micsorarea standardului de viata , confiscarea venitului
> sub forma de : taxe , mizerie , opresiune si teroare....

2009-07-01 00:22:37

Re: din nou, esti tare confuz

Stie toata lumea ca alegerile din 2000 Bush vs. Gore au fost fraudate ... trebuia si americanii sa iasa in strada sa ceara anularea alegerilor. La fel ca si curajosii iranieni.

Nu crezi?

La 2009-06-30 22:34:29, alamar a scris:

> Cunosc numai doi indivizi care , "gaseau " noi voturi la re re re
> numarari de baloturi electotale ...
> Unul este Adolf Ahmedinajad in 2009...
> Iar cel de al doilea este fostul vece presedinte Democrat, Algore
> junior , in 2000....

Hokusai san
2009-07-01 00:23:16

Felicitari, minunata descriere a neamului tau, sincere felicitari!

La 2009-06-30 21:58:55, evreu normal a scris:

> Diavolii Lumii Moderne,virusii civilizatiei,cancerul viitorului!

2009-07-01 00:23:22

Mai bine nici Holywoodul nu putea inscena

daca nu ramanea la putere maimuta poate mai exista sansa ca Iranul sa termine cu arma nucleara asa o sa termine cu regimul,Israelul pregateste deja avioanele F15 cu rezervoare pentru cursa lunga si schimba efectiva lansatoarele de munitie.Evreul-ruSS o sa zbiere blady murder .

Hokusai san
2009-07-01 00:27:01

Re: Ahmadinejad nu-mi place deloc, si nici ceilalti fundamentalisti islamici, dar si fanaticii lor

adversari bancheri fundamentalisti.

La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.

Hokusai san
2009-07-01 00:30:34

Re: Ahmadinejad nu-mi place deloc, si nici ceilalti fundamentalisti islamici, dar si fanaticii lor

adversari bancheri fundamentalisti, nu-mi plac, la fel cum nu-mi plac nici cundamentalistii catolici-inchizitori-criminali !

> La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:
> > Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> > in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> > In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> > majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> > "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> > rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> > Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> > sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.
> >

2009-07-01 00:57:38

Re: din nou, esti tare confuz

La 2009-07-01 00:22:37, Arcturus a scris:

> Stie toata lumea ca alegerile din 2000 Bush vs. Gore au fost fraudate
> ... trebuia si americanii sa iasa in strada sa ceara anularea
> alegerilor. La fel ca si curajosii iranieni.
> Nu crezi?
> La 2009-06-30 22:34:29, alamar a scris:
> > Cunosc numai doi indivizi care , "gaseau " noi voturi la re re re
> > numarari de baloturi electotale ...
> > Unul este Adolf Ahmedinajad in 2009...
> > Iar cel de al doilea este fostul vece presedinte Democrat, Algore
> > junior , in 2000....
> >
Dle arcturus ,se pare ca dta nu esti gata ptr. a emigra inca in america...
Daca compari iranul cu america : m-am lamurit...

Dle Arcturus , cei care au comis fraude au fost cei care au pierdut : adica Democratii...
Dle Arcturus , acest mit al "fraudei " din 2000...Hm!...

Dle arcutus , dta stii ca Algore junior a dorit re re re re ( de shpe ori ) numararea voturilor NUMAI in doua counties ( Brevard si Palm Beach ) unde deja castigase alegerile in proportie de : 78% si respectiv 86% ???
Counties hevily populate cu evrei ?...

De obicei cand cineva are legitime indoieli despre frauda electoarala : NU CAUTA VOTURI , in zonele unde deja a castigat , ci in zonele unde : A PIERDUT !!!!!...
Pe de alta parte cine se duce la ...pescuit ...de " noi " voturi , este logigic ca sa re re re re numere voturille din zonele unde deja a castigat...

Dle Arcturus duap fiecar re numarare Algore junior , "gasea cateva zeci sau sute de voturi....dar binenteles ca acestea nu erau de ajuns si ...re numararea incepea din nou....democratii si Algore junior a re numarat voturile in counties unde castigase de cca 6 ori si nu avea de gand sa se opreasca pana nu va avea indeajuns voturi de a "castiga " alegerile "...

In america este o lege dle Arcturus numita : " Equal Treatment under the Law "...
Adica legea sa se aplice in mod egal tutror cetatenilor , si nu numai unora...

Sub aceasta Lege Capitala , Curtea Suprema a americii , a ordonat campaniei democratilor si lui Algore junior sa sisteze imediat re re re re numaratoarea voturilor in cele doua counties in care castigase si a ordonat re numararea voturilor TUTUROR floridienilor din cele 93 de counties ( eu am locuit in Florida 8 ani dle Arcturus si sunt familiar cu legile de acolo )...
In acel moment cand Algore a realizat ca sarada numita re re re re re numaratoare s-a inchieiat : A acceptat Realitatea , adica infrangerea...

Mai tarziu dupa alegeri , bratul de propaganda al Democratilor numit si : Media , nu s-a lasat si 4 ( patru) organizatii independente de presa si din media , intre care New York Times , CNN , ABC , NBC , au alocat bani , personal timp si energii ptr. a re re re re re re numara voturile din Florida...
ABSOLUT Toate aceste organizatii ale propagandei de stanga , AU ADMIS ca Algore junior : NU a castigat alegerile din Florida !!!...

Exsita un motto in randurile marxistilor democrati americani : Noi nu pierdem alegeri !! Ori le castigam , ori a fost frauda !! Noi nu pierdem !! "...

Cam asa este mentalitatea la marxisti dle Arctutus....

2009-07-01 01:06:13

Re: Mai bine nici Holywoodul nu putea inscena

La 2009-07-01 00:23:22, contraevreu-rus a scris:

> daca nu ramanea la putere maimuta poate mai exista sansa ca Iranul sa
> termine cu arma nucleara asa o sa termine cu regimul,Israelul
> pregateste deja avioanele F15 cu rezervoare pentru cursa lunga si
> schimba efectiva lansatoarele de munitie.Evreul-ruSS o sa zbiere
> blady murder .

Ha ha ha, dati-i bataie. Atacati Iranul, dar pe riscul vostru, caci statul persan este o nuca prea tare. Vreti sa va schimbati caminul, pesemne. Nu va condamn. Alaska are niste peisaje mirifice, numai bune de admirat...la fata locului.

2009-07-01 01:32:35

PE ALE LUI LE-A NUMARAT CU MANUSA DE BOX - pe Neda a numarat-o cu tragaciul

pe altii cu ciomegele
face si el ce stie mai bine

2009-07-01 01:36:34

ASTA ESTE EVIDENTA, ISLAMUL FACE DIN OM NEOM - a creat monstri ca Osama, Ahmadinejaf

de Khamenei nu mai zic, ala e dracul intruchipat

2009-07-01 01:42:40

Re: Ahmadinejad nu-mi place deloc, si nici ceilalti fundamentalisti islamici

inteleg, bati departe, foarte adanc
e normal, ideile dracesti nu pier din cap cu usorul
de cele mai multe ori una mai gogonata poate sa faca chiar si capul sa piara

La 2009-07-01 00:30:34, Hokusai san a scris:

> adversari bancheri fundamentalisti, nu-mi plac, la fel cum nu-mi plac
> nici cundamentalistii catolici-inchizitori-criminali !
> > La 2009-06-30 22:52:02, Evreu-rus a scris:
> >
> > > Felicitarile mele, Ahmadinejad, ptr bine-meritata victorie reportata
> > > in ciuda si spre disperarea inamicilor.
> > > In spiritul democratiei atat de des invocate, se pare ca totusi marea
> > > majoritate l-au votat pe Ahmadinejad. Chiar daca alegerile ar fost
> > > "fraudate" (din punctul de vedere al unora), e putin probabil ca
> > > rezultatele sa fie putut fi manipulate intr-un asemenea hal, incat
> > > Ahmadinejad sa castige detasat. Si in democratie, minoritatea trebuie
> > > sa accepte deciziile majoritatii.
> > >
> >
> >

2009-07-01 01:58:26

Ati vazut filmu Franghia Sapunita cu actorul Saddam in rolul pendulei? URMEAZA FRANGHIA SAPUNITA 2

aici o sa penduleze si Khamenei si Ahmadinejaf

2009-07-01 02:00:20

Stiati ca John Fitzgerald Kennedy a castigat alegerile prin frauda ?

Au lucrat la fraudarea alegerilor in cateva state din centrul Americii amicii mafioti Giancana si Trafficante. Tatal lui JFK era si el mafiot irlandez. Nixon a pierdut in fata lui JFK cu un procent. Asa da democratie !

2009-07-01 02:06:12

Re: nu stiam

dar cine l-a ales pe Johnson presedinte pe timpul mandatului lui JFK?

La 2009-07-01 02:00:20, oblioo a scris:

> Au lucrat la fraudarea alegerilor in cateva state din centrul Americii
> amicii mafioti Giancana si Trafficante. Tatal lui JFK era si el
> mafiot irlandez. Nixon a pierdut in fata lui JFK cu un procent. Asa
> da democratie !

2009-07-01 02:09:06

Fraudarea alegerilor, coruptia, dispretul fata de alegatori

fac parte si vin odata cu adoptarea sistemului democratic de tip occidental. Am putea adauga si traficul de droguri, sclavia sexuala, regresul economic etc.
Romanii nu ar trebui sa faca din democratie un fetish, democratia pare-se este facuta special sa tina popoarele in genunchi. Romanii ar trebui sa ceara buna guvernare ! Popoarele isi doresc si au nevoie sa fie bine guvernate, sa existe stabilitate si liniste sociala, siguranta zilei de maine si sa creasca nivelul de trai.

2009-07-01 02:12:25

Re: nu stiam

La 2009-07-01 02:06:12, vodka a scris:

> dar cine l-a ales pe Johnson presedinte pe timpul mandatului lui JFK?
> La 2009-07-01 02:00:20, oblioo a scris:
> > Au lucrat la fraudarea alegerilor in cateva state din centrul Americii
> > amicii mafioti Giancana si Trafficante. Tatal lui JFK era si el
> > mafiot irlandez. Nixon a pierdut in fata lui JFK cu un procent. Asa
> > da democratie !
> >
In america , vice presedintii , NU se aleg !
Ei sunt nominati de candidatul la presedentie , si formeaza : ' a ticket " prezidential...
Deci cine voteaza ptr. presedinte automat voteaza ptr. candidatul la vice presedentie pe care presedintele l-a ales...

La inceputul Istoriei statului american , vicepresedintii se alegeau separat de presedinte...
Adesea vicepresedintele , era ales din partidul opus presedintelui , si ca rezultat , aveam ce au acum mioriticii : perechea Basescu - Tariceanu , sau Presedinte versus vicepresedinte...Un dezastru Constitutional...

2009-07-01 02:24:43

Re: nu stiam

ei, acuma!
cine a apasat pe tragaci(uri) l-a facut pe Johnson presedinte
figura de stil, "alesul" ala...

La 2009-07-01 02:12:25, alamar a scris:

> La 2009-07-01 02:06:12, vodka a scris:
> > dar cine l-a ales pe Johnson presedinte pe timpul mandatului lui JFK?
> >
> > La 2009-07-01 02:00:20, oblioo a scris:
> >
> > > Au lucrat la fraudarea alegerilor in cateva state din centrul Americii
> > > amicii mafioti Giancana si Trafficante. Tatal lui JFK era si el
> > > mafiot irlandez. Nixon a pierdut in fata lui JFK cu un procent. Asa
> > > da democratie !
> > >
> >
> >
> In america , vice presedintii , NU se aleg !
> Ei sunt nominati de candidatul la presedentie , si formeaza : ' a
> ticket " prezidential...
> Deci cine voteaza ptr. presedinte automat voteaza ptr. candidatul la
> vice presedentie pe care presedintele l-a ales...
> La inceputul Istoriei statului american , vicepresedintii se alegeau
> separat de presedinte...
> Adesea vicepresedintele , era ales din partidul opus presedintelui ,
> si ca rezultat , aveam ce au acum mioriticii : perechea Basescu -
> Tariceanu , sau Presedinte versus vicepresedinte...Un dezastru
> Constitutional...

2009-07-01 02:24:43

In SUA se fac magarii pe fata si nimeni nu mai iese in strada sa protesteze

More evidence Bush stole the election

WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) - George W. Bush wishes the election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a legitimate president.

Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election until all the votes are counted - something that never happened last November.

And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed, he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.

CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush presidency.

We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount - and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush v. Gore decision - was the principle of equal protection. Simply stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat Buchanan.

Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there were the greatest number of disputed ballots.

But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in those counties most favorable to Bush.

It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to vote -which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers into bending the rules.

It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found, 680 - or 22 percent -were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7; ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were counted.

Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes tallied in four counties, while - with the cooperation of Secretary of State Katherine Harris - Republicans were successfully getting illegal votes counted statewide.

Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa, I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.

Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast, the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.

But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency.


2009-07-01 02:27:40

Re: Fraudarea alegerilor, coruptia, dispretul fata de alegatori

La 2009-07-01 02:09:06, oblioo a scris:

> fac parte si vin odata cu adoptarea sistemului democratic de tip
> occidental. Am putea adauga si traficul de droguri, sclavia sexuala,
> regresul economic etc.
> Romanii nu ar trebui sa faca din democratie un fetish, democratia
> pare-se este facuta special sa tina popoarele in genunchi. Romanii ar
> trebui sa ceara buna guvernare ! Popoarele isi doresc si au nevoie sa
> fie bine guvernate, sa existe stabilitate si liniste sociala,
> siguranta zilei de maine si sa creasca nivelul de trai.
Adevarat !...

Kennedy won in Cook County ( Chicago) ,cu numai cateva sute de voturi ..presedentia ...

De obicei cand diferenta este atat de mica , se recurge la re numarattori si se analizeaza validitatea voturilor ( adrese, nume ,etc, )...

Dupa alegeri , s-a constata ca Mafia pe statul de plata al democratului Kennedy , a inregistrat si votata sute de nume luate de pe crucile si mormintelor cimitirelor din Chicago , nume si adrese imaginare ,etc.,etc...

Deci Mafia l-a facut pe Kennedy presedinte...

Pe de alta parte Nixon , cu toate defectele lui ,in 1960 , NU a dorit sa tarasca tara printr-o criza electorala asa cum Algore junior a facut-o in 2000 ....

Acum...cateva cuvinte despre lamentarile dtale despre democratia americana...
Hm!...este evident ca democratia , NU este un sistem perfect si iuncoruptibil...
democratia este incoruptibila atat timp cat indivizii sunt incoruptibili....

Pe de alta parte , este putin neghiob si idiotic , ca dta sa te pseudo lamentezi despre sistemul american...cand dta locuiesti in Romania..

Doresti cumva sa-ti enumar cateva evenimente...democratice...care au avut loc in 1960 in Romania ?....
Eu am citit bazaconiilescrise de dta ,pana acum....Iar ...democratia ...asta evident , nu prea te intereseaza.....decat cea americana si israeliana , despre cea de acasa , te cam doare unde Soarele nu lumineaza...

Multumim ptr. sfaturi in democratie...

2009-07-01 02:29:55

In decembrie se implinesc 20 de ani de la revolutie.

Cred ca a sosit timpul unui bilant. A castigat poporul roman din aceasta rasturnare ? A castigat Romania ? Eu nu spun ca inainte de 89 era bine, tara era condusa de un partid care nu ar fi ajuns la conducere daca Romania nu pierdea razboiul. Eu ma gandesc la alegerile pe care romanii le-au facut dupa 89, "ajutati" de unii sa gandeasca "corect". Poate a sosit timpul sa nu mai gandim "corect", sa ne ferim ca de dracu' sa mai gandim "corect".

2009-07-01 02:33:11

Re: In decembrie se implinesc 20 de ani de la revolutie.

La 2009-07-01 02:29:55, oblioo a scris:

> Cred ca a sosit timpul unui bilant. A castigat poporul roman din
> aceasta rasturnare ? A castigat Romania ? Eu nu spun ca inainte de 89
> era bine, tara era condusa de un partid care nu ar fi ajuns la
> conducere daca Romania nu pierdea razboiul. Eu ma gandesc la
> alegerile pe care romanii le-au facut dupa 89, "ajutati" de unii sa
> gandeasca "corect". Poate a sosit timpul sa nu mai gandim "corect",
> sa ne ferim ca de dracu' sa mai gandim "corect".
Nu trebuia sa confirmi atat de repede si clar ce am scris mai sus :

Pe dta te intereseaza democratia , numai in : america si israel...
Cea de acasa , cum am spus : numai melancolie si lamentari....

2009-07-01 02:38:23


e democratie
nu vine scartza-partza pe coran sa decida
legea decide
de curtea suprema ai studiat?
dar constitutia>
vezi ca vorbesti ca rusul la sticla goala, se rasteste la ea...

Judicial branch:
Supreme Court (nine justices; nominated by the president and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Senate; appointed to serve for life); United States Courts of Appeal; United States District Courts; State and County Courts

La 2009-07-01 02:24:43, Evreu-rus a scris:

> More evidence Bush stole the election
> WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) - George W. Bush wishes the
> election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened
> in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a
> legitimate president.
> Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election
> until all the votes are counted - something that never happened last
> November.
> And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not
> win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed,
> he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but
> it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.
> CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major
> publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in
> Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will
> not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by
> the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious
> ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush
> presidency.
> We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount
> - and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush
> v. Gore decision - was the principle of equal protection. Simply
> stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all
> ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for
> dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who
> complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the
> confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat
> Buchanan.
> Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head
> honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used
> that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore
> campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there
> were the greatest number of disputed ballots.
> But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both
> sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal
> protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately
> pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in
> those counties most favorable to Bush.
> It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman
> Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear
> abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone
> numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to
> vote -which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been
> rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county
> courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers
> into bending the rules.
> It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found,
> 680 - or 22 percent -were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of
> five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with
> no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7;
> ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters
> who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November
> 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and
> duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were
> counted.
> Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going
> on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes
> tallied in four counties, while - with the cooperation of Secretary of
> State Katherine Harris - Republicans were successfully getting illegal
> votes counted statewide.
> Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and
> said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one
> presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who
> learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa,
> I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush
> campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.
> Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast,
> the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the
> election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the
> flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of
> 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.
> But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were
> willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating
> on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The
> election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That
> will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency.
> http://transcripts.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/07/23/billpress.column/index.html

2009-07-01 02:41:32

deci aici avem proba ca Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti - FSB, a ajuns la fundul sacului

nu mai are ce spune la subiect, si baga alte fente, dar si ales rasuflate

La 2009-07-01 02:24:43, Evreu-rus a scris:

> More evidence Bush stole the election
> WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) - George W. Bush wishes the
> election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened
> in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a
> legitimate president.
> Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election
> until all the votes are counted - something that never happened last
> November.
> And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not
> win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed,
> he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but
> it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.
> CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major
> publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in
> Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will
> not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by
> the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious
> ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush
> presidency.
> We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount
> - and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush
> v. Gore decision - was the principle of equal protection. Simply
> stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all
> ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for
> dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who
> complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the
> confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat
> Buchanan.
> Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head
> honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used
> that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore
> campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there
> were the greatest number of disputed ballots.
> But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both
> sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal
> protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately
> pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in
> those counties most favorable to Bush.
> It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman
> Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear
> abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone
> numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to
> vote -which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been
> rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county
> courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers
> into bending the rules.
> It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found,
> 680 - or 22 percent -were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of
> five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with
> no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7;
> ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters
> who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November
> 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and
> duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were
> counted.
> Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going
> on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes
> tallied in four counties, while - with the cooperation of Secretary of
> State Katherine Harris - Republicans were successfully getting illegal
> votes counted statewide.
> Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and
> said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one
> presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who
> learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa,
> I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush
> campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.
> Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast,
> the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the
> election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the
> flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of
> 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.
> But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were
> willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating
> on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The
> election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That
> will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency.
> http://transcripts.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/07/23/billpress.column/index.html

2009-07-01 02:43:58

dar ia sa vedem si despre Russia - CUM MAI E CU LEZBIANISMUL LEGENDAR AL 50% DIN POPULATIA RUSA?

La 2009-07-01 02:24:43, Evreu-rus a scris:

> More evidence Bush stole the election
> WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) - George W. Bush wishes the
> election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened
> in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a
> legitimate president.
> Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election
> until all the votes are counted - something that never happened last
> November.
> And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not
> win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed,
> he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but
> it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.
> CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major
> publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in
> Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will
> not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by
> the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious
> ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush
> presidency.
> We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount
> - and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush
> v. Gore decision - was the principle of equal protection. Simply
> stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all
> ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for
> dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who
> complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the
> confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat
> Buchanan.
> Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head
> honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used
> that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore
> campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there
> were the greatest number of disputed ballots.
> But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both
> sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal
> protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately
> pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in
> those counties most favorable to Bush.
> It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman
> Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear
> abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone
> numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to
> vote -which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been
> rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county
> courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers
> into bending the rules.
> It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found,
> 680 - or 22 percent -were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of
> five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with
> no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7;
> ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters
> who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November
> 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and
> duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were
> counted.
> Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going
> on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes
> tallied in four counties, while - with the cooperation of Secretary of
> State Katherine Harris - Republicans were successfully getting illegal
> votes counted statewide.
> Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and
> said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one
> presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who
> learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa,
> I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush
> campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.
> Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast,
> the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the
> election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the
> flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of
> 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.
> But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were
> willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating
> on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The
> election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That
> will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency.
> http://transcripts.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/07/23/billpress.column/index.html

2009-07-01 02:44:34

In Iran presedintele este ales prin votul direct al alegatorilor

Iranienii au dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele. Americanii nu au dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele, ci doar electorii care il vor alege pe presedinte. In 2000, Al Gore a castigat detasat alegerile populare, dar nu a ajuns presedinte.

2009-07-01 02:47:52


nu e gluma deloc
Izvestia dadea o vodka bunicica
se zica ca multi au reusit si din bocanci vechi

La 2009-07-01 02:24:43, Evreu-rus a scris:

> More evidence Bush stole the election
> WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) - George W. Bush wishes the
> election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened
> in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a
> legitimate president.
> Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election
> until all the votes are counted - something that never happened last
> November.
> And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not
> win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed,
> he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but
> it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.
> CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major
> publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in
> Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will
> not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by
> the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious
> ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush
> presidency.
> We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount
> - and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush
> v. Gore decision - was the principle of equal protection. Simply
> stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all
> ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for
> dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who
> complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the
> confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat
> Buchanan.
> Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head
> honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used
> that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore
> campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there
> were the greatest number of disputed ballots.
> But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both
> sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal
> protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately
> pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in
> those counties most favorable to Bush.
> It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman
> Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear
> abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone
> numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to
> vote -which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been
> rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county
> courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers
> into bending the rules.
> It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found,
> 680 - or 22 percent -were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of
> five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with
> no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7;
> ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters
> who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November
> 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and
> duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were
> counted.
> Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going
> on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes
> tallied in four counties, while - with the cooperation of Secretary of
> State Katherine Harris - Republicans were successfully getting illegal
> votes counted statewide.
> Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and
> said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one
> presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who
> learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa,
> I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush
> campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.
> Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast,
> the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the
> election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the
> flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of
> 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.
> But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were
> willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating
> on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The
> election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That
> will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency.
> http://transcripts.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/07/23/billpress.column/index.html

2009-07-01 02:54:22

In 2000 Al Gore a castigat 55% din votul popular si ar fi ajuns presedinte,

daca SUA ar fi fost o tara democratica.

2009-07-01 03:00:58

Re: In Iran presedintele este ales prin votul direct al alegatorilor

La 2009-07-01 02:44:34, oblioo a scris:

> Iranienii au dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele. Americanii nu au
> dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele, ci doar electorii care il vor
> alege pe presedinte. In 2000, Al Gore a castigat detasat alegerile
> populare, dar nu a ajuns presedinte.

Anii Bush, o tragedie care putea fi evitata, daca era respectata VOINTA poporului american.
Gore Won the Election by 538,948 votes; Bush Won the Count by 300
The complete and final 2000 election results are in. Al Gore, the Democrat, received 50,988,442 votes; George Bush, the Republican, received 50,449,494. Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate, got 2,185,330; Pat Buchanan, running with the Reform Party, had 430,307; Harry Browne, the Libertarian, got 390,062; John Hagelin, the Natural Law candidate, got 102,384; Howard Phillips, the Constitution Party candidate, garnered 93,136; James Harris, the Socialist Workers Party candidate got 7,249; David McReynolds, the Socialist Party USA's standard bearer received 5,548 and Monica Moorehead, the Worker’s World candidate, received 3,171 votes.


2009-07-01 03:11:03

Re: In 2000 Al Gore a castigat 55% din votul popular si ar fi ajuns presedinte,

La 2009-07-01 02:54:22, oblioo a scris:

> daca SUA ar fi fost o tara democratica.

O tara care exporta democratia la kg, cum poate sa fie altfel decat democratica? Atat de multa democratie li se serveste americanilor zilnic, incat trebuie sa o imparta si cu altii, caci astfel nu ar mai avea unde sa o depoziteze. Un kil de democratie mie, un kil tie, un kil vecinului tau. Filantropia americana este fabuloasa si reuseste sa ma uimeasca de fiecare data.

2009-07-01 03:14:06

Re: In Iran presedintele este ales prin votul direct al alegatorilor

La 2009-07-01 02:44:34, oblioo a scris:

> Iranienii au dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele. Americanii nu au
> dreptul sa-si aleaga presedintele, ci doar electorii care il vor
> alege pe presedinte. In 2000, Al Gore a castigat detasat alegerile
> populare, dar nu a ajuns presedinte.
Adevarat ! sistemul electoral si legislativ american este superior celorlate din Lume...
Adica....De obicei regiunile mai putin populate ale unor tari ,de obicei nu au atata putere legislativa in parlamentele tarilor respective...

Sa luam Romania spre exemplu...
Dupa cate am inteles conform Constituitie mioritice , atat in Camera Reprezentantilor ,cat si in Senat , numarul acestor legislatori ( parlamentari ) se face in mod proportional cu populatia judetului respectiv...

Deci judete precum : Prahova , Brasov, Timis , Arges , etc cu populatii mai numeroase au mai mut reprezentanti nu numai in Camera inferioara dar si in Senat , in comparatie sa spunem , cu judete precum : Tulcea , Harghita , Botosani , etc...
Deci , Senatul mioritic , nu face ( in mod reprezentativ ) decat sa copieze Camera Reprezentantilor ,care in mod traditional este aleasa in funtie de populatie...
Deci putem spune ca un mioritic din Tulcea este sub reprezentat decat un mioritic din Brasov ,si deci voturile brasovenilor valoreaza mai mult decat celor din tulcea...

Pe de alta parte Parintii americii , au constatat aceasta inegalitate...
Si in america , memmbrii camerei reprezentantilor ( The House ) sunt alesi ca de obicei in mod proportional in functie de numarul populatiei din districtul ,si statul respectiv...

Ptr. a balanta aceste inegalitati numerice , Fondatorii Constitutiei americane , au decis ca in Senat , sa fie reprezentat de cate Doi senatori , indiferent de numarul populatiei din statul repsectiv...

Astefel in america , in Senat , state cu populatie mica , precum Rhode Island, Delaware , Vermont , Hawaii , Alaska , Wyoming , the Dakotas ,etc.au aceeasi putere de vot in Senat egala cu state precum : California , N.Y. Texas , Florida, Pennsylvania , Virginia , North carolona , Michigan , Ohio ,etc.,etc...

In felul acesta Statele mari nu pot dicta statelor mici ( in populatie ) din Wasshington D.C...

Mai mult decat atat , Regurile Senatului sunt diferite de cele din camera reprezentantilor , astfel ca in situatii speciale , un singur senator dintr0un stat mic , poate bloca votrurile intregului Senat ( vezi : filibuster )...

America este o : Republica Reprezentativa , si nu o Democratie Directa...
Statutul Colegiului Electoral garanteaza , partial , ca Statele mici nu sunt : ignorate , luate in ras sau neimportante electoral...

Sistemul Colegiului Electoral este superior votului direct prin faptul ca daca un in america ar exista vot direct , popular , atunci un candidat nu ar trebui decat sa faca campanie in : Los Angeles , New York City , Dallas , Chicago , Philadelphia , Boston , si Miami...si ar castica alegerile prezidentiale , in caz ca nu ar exista Colegiu Electoral , care sa protejeze si sa egalizeze cat de cat vastele zone rurale ale americii si miile de orase medii si mici...

Sper ca ai inteles acum superioritatea Colegiului Electoral si defectele votului direct...

2009-07-01 03:48:25

America este o dictatura sinistra

In care americanii marsaluiesc cu sticla de Coca Cola in mana stanga si hamburgerul de la McDonalds in mana dreapta, zambind prosteste de la pastilele de diazepam pe care sunt obligati sa le i-a zilnic, intr-o forma sau alta.

2009-07-01 03:55:48

Dictatura "corectitudinii politice"

In America trebuie sa crezi ca soarele rasare de la apus. Daca spui ca tu vezi ca rasare de la rasarit, ti se spune sa nu crezi in ochii tai mincinosi. Mai nou ajungi si la parnaie pentru asta.

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