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2009-07-01 15:05:43

Stim cat valoreaza angajamentele lui Saakashvili.

iobagul roman
2009-07-01 17:26:58

guvernul jovreit al georgiei a tras sporadic in populatzia civila,mii de victime,de care nu s-a

sinkisit nimeni sa le vada,sa le stie numele,cind tzara e"democrata"victimele nu trebuiesc publicizate
Si nici alegerile criticate,in demohratzie totul se face in tacere,nu trebuiesc suparatzi detzinatorii presei si a guvernelor;trebuie facute multe spume cind guvernele sunt in afara sferei kosherite

International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to give the powerful more power.
If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or their leaders are brought down.
Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie countries together ready for a one world government.
Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for citizens to resist them.
The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and exterminate anyone who resists their control.

Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.

The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens' property to the powerful.
Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the conspirators.

Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary spending helps the powerful.

UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly hidden and tested at military bases.

Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with unnecessarily high interest.
They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the interest.
The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control, confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world wars.

Their members are in our governments and often form presidents of various countries. Therefore the conspirators control the world's governments.

The conspirators can control the weather for biological warfare. They are deliberately ruining the environment to gain more control.

The conspirators mix truth with evil to slowly seduce the masses into their hands. Like pawns in a game many people are helping and working for the conspirators without knowing this. People even unintentionally deceive their family members.

To achieve their plans they aim to destroy existing governments, private property, religion and sovereignty so that they control everything.

Many diseases, foods and medicines are deliberately made to weaken and control people. Starvation, death and poverty, deliberately caused to billions of people will also give the powerful, greater control.

Genetic engineering gives multinationals more power over food, crops, seed collecting and farmers.

Corrupting and weakening the population will make it easier for the conspirators to get the people to accept their conditions. Ways this is done include; media propaganda, promotion of violence and sex, bad education, and drugs.

Unnecessary paper work, duplication, and excessive questions in documents cause time and money to be wasted.

Inconsistency causes confusion. Standards vary so much in different places.

Government policies are advised by unelected bureaucrats, linked to and influenced by the powerful.

Newly elected members of parliament are lectured that they must vote as the party dictates.

To protect their interests, the media often give no publicity or bad publicity to good ideas or good parties. The reason why so many people are not aware of these things is that the conspirators control all the main media and education systems.

Bible prophecies are known to be 100% accurate. The Bible predicts that the Beast or Antichrist will fool the elect of many religions that he is God by doing miracles and promising peace. He will break his peace agreement, totally rule the world and bring widespread persecution. He will force everyone to worship him and accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13). This will probably be an embedded computer chip. It will be better to die and be with Christ instead of taking the mark and worshipping the satanic beast, which will cause you to be eternally separated from Christ.
There is strong evidence that the conspirators have well planned this system of a satanic one-world government.

Government statistics deceive people into thinking that things are going better than they are.
Something must be wrong when approximately: 90% of the world's population are worse off financially than the average pensioner, 95% of small businesses make a loss and 1/3 of the worlds population go to bed hungry. In wealthy countries real unemployment is about 20% with sometimes 16 unemployed people for every job vacancy. Wealth distribution is totally corrupt, because the hardest working, most honest, hard working, ambitious, intelligent and innovative Christian people may be poor while lazy and corrupt people may be rich. Please see the evidence at advantagein.com/statistics.htm

History books controlled by the conspiracy do not tell the full truth on why many events happen. Many facts are suppressed.

The justice system is corrupt, with unfair or delayed trials. High costs, duplication and retrials advantage the rich. Conflicts of interest and defamation laws suppress corruption

2009-07-02 02:11:51

Bun bancu'

Rusia isi ia angajamentul ca nu intra in Tbilisi daca se spanzura Saakasvili de un pom la vedere, in Piatza Centrala. Stirea asta-i mai plauzibila :-)

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