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  Nr. 4571 de vineri, 26 iunie 2009 
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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-06-25 22:55
papagalii astia de ziaristi sunt slugile la bancherii internatzionali,nu fac altceva

decit sa va aiurasca cu tot felul de labareli aburite
ei merg pe o mina moarta si pe cea a prostovanilor aurolaco-indracitzi,da dar in final ,tot cu ei se sterg la popou
The powerful conspirators are made up largely of the international bankers, and the Illuminati, which is a super-rich organization, which controls the mainstream media, workforce, education system, companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. They are controlled by the richest people in the world such as the super-rich Rothschild and Rockefeller families. They also hide behind many organizations such as the United Nations, the WTO and the Council on Foreign relations.
There is also a Jesuit-Vatican connection, planning the merging of many faiths into the apostate one world church which will serve Satan. The New Age movements are also part of the plan.
To gain full control of the world's money would mean full control over everyone, especially those in debt. This is exactly what the international bankers conspiracy is doing. Every government is in debt to them. This debt is increasing. Personal debt is very widespread and increasing. Hence almost everyone is in debt. Wasteful spending, borrowing and debt are encouraged. Therefore people and governments are becoming increasingly in the bankers control, as they have to pay interest, which the bankers can manipulate to their will.

Governments are forced to sell assets, lose sovereignty, and place citizens in poverty to repay their debt.

The conspirators are privatising, buying and controlling government assets.

The conspirators bribe governments with political donations.

They gain ownership of land through world heritage, which is then miss-managed and restricted.

Things that prove a trend towards a one world government include; a rising amount of globalization, free trade, privatization, foreign investment, mergers, international organizations, debt, international problems that need an international solution and peace agreements that give false security.

Perhaps the greatest conspiracy is to distract us from the truth, so that we will lose money and property to the powerful conspirators, who corruptly monopolize wealth and power, and gain more power as a result.
Instead of using most of our time or money to fight the powerful by learning and sharing the truth, we are deceived into trying to keep and make more money than we really need, so that we will lose it to the powerful.
A common control measure is to deceive the majority that the purpose of life is to spend most of your time to make money, and spend it on unnecessary things. The conspirators deceive people that making excessive money is easy and profitable, despite the fact that the majority of small businesses go bankrupt. Suitable paid work is very hard to find. Searching and applying for it costs money and time. Therefore the conspirators profit from

iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-06-26 18:36
Re: papagalii astia de ziaristi sunt slugile la bancherii internatzionali,nu fac altceva

La 2009-06-25 22:55:40, iobagul roman a scris:

> decit sa va aiurasca cu tot felul de labareli aburite
> ei merg pe o mina moarta si pe cea a
> prostovanilor aurolaco-indracitzi,da dar in final ,tot cu ei se sterg
> la popou
> The powerful conspirators are made up largely of the international
> bankers, and the Illuminati, which is a super-rich organization,
> which controls the mainstream media, workforce, education system,
> companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. They are
> controlled by the richest people in the world such as the super-rich
> Rothschild and Rockefeller families. They also hide behind many
> organizations such as the United Nations, the WTO and the Council on
> Foreign relations.
> There is also a Jesuit-Vatican connection, planning the merging of
> many faiths into the apostate one world church which will serve
> Satan. The New Age movements are also part of the plan.
> To gain full control of the world's money would mean full control
> over everyone, especially those in debt. This is exactly what the
> international bankers conspiracy is doing. Every government is in
> debt to them. This debt is increasing. Personal debt is very
> widespread and increasing. Hence almost everyone is in debt. Wasteful
> spending, borrowing and debt are encouraged. Therefore people and
> governments are becoming increasingly in the bankers control, as they
> have to pay interest, which the bankers can manipulate to their will.
> Governments are forced to sell assets, lose sovereignty, and place
> citizens in poverty to repay their debt.
> The conspirators are privatising, buying and controlling government
> assets.
> The conspirators bribe governments with political donations.
> They gain ownership of land through world heritage, which is then
> miss-managed and restricted.
> Things that prove a trend towards a one world government include; a
> rising amount of globalization, free trade, privatization, foreign
> investment, mergers, international organizations, debt, international
> problems that need an international solution and peace agreements that
> give false security.
> Perhaps the greatest conspiracy is to distract us from the truth,
> so that we will lose money and property to the powerful conspirators,
> who corruptly monopolize wealth and power, and gain more power as a
> result.
> Instead of using most of our time or money to fight the powerful by
> learning and sharing the truth, we are deceived into trying to keep
> and make more money than we really need, so that we will lose it to
> the powerful.
> A common control measure is to deceive the majority that the
> purpose of life is to spend most of your time to make money, and
> spend it on unnecessary things. The conspirators deceive people that
> making excessive money is easy and profitable, despite the fact that
> the majority of small businesses go bankrupt. Suitable paid work is
> very hard to find. Searching and applying for it costs money and
> time. Therefore the conspirators profit from

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