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  Nr. 4568 de marti, 23 iunie 2009 
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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-06-23 03:47

discutind despre iran
Despite an uncivilized media smear campaign against “rising neo-fascist parties,” accompanied by non-stop stories of the “danger of anti-Semitism,” and despite taxpayer-funded advertising against the so-called right-wing radicalism, the prose and the sermons of EU insiders did not have much effect on the behavior of a sizable chunk of the European population.

In addition, the entire EU election was a joke as the voter turnout all across Europe did not exceed 30 percent. With more than 70 percent of voters not showing up at the polls, the credibility of the EU is now in serious jeopardy.

In Eastern Europe, nationalist parties, such as the Jobbik in Hungary and the PRM in Romania, are quite happy after securing two seats each respectively in the EU parliament. Their constituency is finally discovering that the answer to former communist mind control is not the Western pipe dream about the end of history or quick Hollywood-like prosperity. Unlike docile West Europeans, voters in Slovakia, Hungary and Romania were less constrained by the canons of ethnic sensitivity training and media self-censorship. Many of them want to keep their countries racially and culturally homogenous and appear to have had enough of Western prattling about free market miracles.

Krisztina Morvai, the attractive Christian nationalist lawyer and head of the Hungarian Jobbik, did not hesitate to reply to a comment by a “proud Hungarian Jew” that she fomented hatred and should be banned from politics (…Full Article)

read davidduke.com

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