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  Nr. 4556 de marti, 9 iunie 2009 
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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2009-06-09 15:05
off topic: Un ministru israelian propune sanctiuni impotriva Americii.

Sa mori de ris si alta nu!

Peled proposes Israeli sanctions on US

In a sign of growing concern in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government over US President Barack Obama's Middle East policies, Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled proposed Israeli sanctions on the US in a letter to cabinet ministers on Sunday.
Likud Minister Without...

Likud Minister Without Portfolio Yossi Peled.
Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World

In the 11-page letter, obtained by The Jerusalem Post from a minister on Monday, Peled recommends steps Israel can take to compensate for the shift in American policy, which he believes has become hostile to Israel.

"Obama's ascendance represents a turning point in America's approach to the region, especially to Israel," he wrote in the letter. "The new administration believes that in order to fight terror, guarantee stability and withdraw from Iraq, a new diplomatic slant is needed involving drastic steps to pacify the Muslim world and the adoption of a more balanced approach to Israel, including intensive pressure to stop building in settlements, remove outposts and advance the formation of a Palestinian state."

Peled added that faced with an American government with an activist agenda that does not mesh with Israel's, traditional reactions are no longer relevant. He said he expected that Obama would eventually realize that appeasement and dialogue with countries that support terror would not have positive results.

* Likud MKs: Endorsing 2 states won't topple PM

But in the interim, the minister suggests reconsidering military and civilian purchases from the US, selling sensitive equipment that the Washington opposes distributing internationally, and allowing other countries that compete with the US to get involved with the peace process and be given a foothold for their military forces and intelligence agencies.

Peled said that shifting military acquisition to America's competition would make Israel less dependent on the US. For instance, he suggested buying planes from the France-based Airbus firm instead of the American Boeing.

In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.

Peled called for the formation of a new body intended to influence American public opinion. The groups he suggests courting include Hispanic Americans and Labor unions in industries that benefit from Israeli military acquisitions.

CALUGARU din Manastire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.99.16...)
2009-06-09 15:09
Hait ! S-a ales prafu de subiect. O daduram pe evrei din nou ! Hai ! Sho pe ei ! :)))

La 2009-06-09 15:05:32, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Sa mori de ris si alta nu!
> Peled proposes Israeli sanctions on US
> In a sign of growing concern in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's
> government over US President Barack Obama's Middle East policies,
> Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled proposed Israeli sanctions on
> the US in a letter to cabinet ministers on Sunday.
> Likud Minister Without...
> Likud Minister Without Portfolio Yossi Peled.
> Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
> SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World
> In the 11-page letter, obtained by The Jerusalem Post from a minister
> on Monday, Peled recommends steps Israel can take to compensate for
> the shift in American policy, which he believes has become hostile to
> Israel.
> "Obama's ascendance represents a turning point in America's approach
> to the region, especially to Israel," he wrote in the letter. "The
> new administration believes that in order to fight terror, guarantee
> stability and withdraw from Iraq, a new diplomatic slant is needed
> involving drastic steps to pacify the Muslim world and the adoption
> of a more balanced approach to Israel, including intensive pressure
> to stop building in settlements, remove outposts and advance the
> formation of a Palestinian state."
> Peled added that faced with an American government with an activist
> agenda that does not mesh with Israel's, traditional reactions are no
> longer relevant. He said he expected that Obama would eventually
> realize that appeasement and dialogue with countries that support
> terror would not have positive results.
> * Likud MKs: Endorsing 2 states won't topple PM
> But in the interim, the minister suggests reconsidering military and
> civilian purchases from the US, selling sensitive equipment that the
> Washington opposes distributing internationally, and allowing other
> countries that compete with the US to get involved with the peace
> process and be given a foothold for their military forces and
> intelligence agencies.
> Peled said that shifting military acquisition to America's competition
> would make Israel less dependent on the US. For instance, he suggested
> buying planes from the France-based Airbus firm instead of the
> American Boeing.
> In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends
> intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and
> asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic
> congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in
> Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.
> Peled called for the formation of a new body intended to influence
> American public opinion. The groups he suggests courting include
> Hispanic Americans and Labor unions in industries that benefit from
> Israeli military acquisitions.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 93.173.252...)
2009-06-09 15:14
Re: Asa se face diversiune. Domnul Cocoasa are pregatire temeinica /ndc

La 2009-06-09 15:09:32, CALUGARU a scris:

> La 2009-06-09 15:05:32, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Sa mori de ris si alta nu!
> >
> >
> > Peled proposes Israeli sanctions on US
> >
> >
> > In a sign of growing concern in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's
> > government over US President Barack Obama's Middle East policies,
> > Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled proposed Israeli sanctions on
> > the US in a letter to cabinet ministers on Sunday.
> > Likud Minister Without...
> >
> > Likud Minister Without Portfolio Yossi Peled.
> > Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
> > SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World
> >
> > In the 11-page letter, obtained by The Jerusalem Post from a minister
> > on Monday, Peled recommends steps Israel can take to compensate for
> > the shift in American policy, which he believes has become hostile to
> > Israel.
> >
> > "Obama's ascendance represents a turning point in America's approach
> > to the region, especially to Israel," he wrote in the letter. "The
> > new administration believes that in order to fight terror, guarantee
> > stability and withdraw from Iraq, a new diplomatic slant is needed
> > involving drastic steps to pacify the Muslim world and the adoption
> > of a more balanced approach to Israel, including intensive pressure
> > to stop building in settlements, remove outposts and advance the
> > formation of a Palestinian state."
> >
> > Peled added that faced with an American government with an activist
> > agenda that does not mesh with Israel's, traditional reactions are no
> > longer relevant. He said he expected that Obama would eventually
> > realize that appeasement and dialogue with countries that support
> > terror would not have positive results.
> >
> > * Likud MKs: Endorsing 2 states won't topple PM
> >
> > But in the interim, the minister suggests reconsidering military and
> > civilian purchases from the US, selling sensitive equipment that the
> > Washington opposes distributing internationally, and allowing other
> > countries that compete with the US to get involved with the peace
> > process and be given a foothold for their military forces and
> > intelligence agencies.
> >
> > Peled said that shifting military acquisition to America's competition
> > would make Israel less dependent on the US. For instance, he suggested
> > buying planes from the France-based Airbus firm instead of the
> > American Boeing.
> >
> > In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends
> > intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and
> > asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic
> > congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in
> > Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.
> >
> > Peled called for the formation of a new body intended to influence
> > American public opinion. The groups he suggests courting include
> > Hispanic Americans and Labor unions in industries that benefit from
> > Israeli military acquisitions.
> >

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2009-06-09 15:40
Re: roy-ule cind incepeti blocada impotriva SUA?


Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 96.22.97...)
2009-06-09 15:51
Re:..Un ministru israelian propune sanctiuni impotriva Americii./ Foarte bine face...

"off topic: Un ministru israelian propune sanctiuni impotriva Americii."
Sper sa le reuseasca!

La 2009-06-09 15:05:32, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Sa mori de ris si alta nu!
> Peled proposes Israeli sanctions on US
> In a sign of growing concern in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's
> government over US President Barack Obama's Middle East policies,
> Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled proposed Israeli sanctions on
> the US in a letter to cabinet ministers on Sunday.
> Likud Minister Without...
> Likud Minister Without Portfolio Yossi Peled.
> Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
> SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World
> In the 11-page letter, obtained by The Jerusalem Post from a minister
> on Monday, Peled recommends steps Israel can take to compensate for
> the shift in American policy, which he believes has become hostile to
> Israel.
> "Obama's ascendance represents a turning point in America's approach
> to the region, especially to Israel," he wrote in the letter. "The
> new administration believes that in order to fight terror, guarantee
> stability and withdraw from Iraq, a new diplomatic slant is needed
> involving drastic steps to pacify the Muslim world and the adoption
> of a more balanced approach to Israel, including intensive pressure
> to stop building in settlements, remove outposts and advance the
> formation of a Palestinian state."
> Peled added that faced with an American government with an activist
> agenda that does not mesh with Israel's, traditional reactions are no
> longer relevant. He said he expected that Obama would eventually
> realize that appeasement and dialogue with countries that support
> terror would not have positive results.
> * Likud MKs: Endorsing 2 states won't topple PM
> But in the interim, the minister suggests reconsidering military and
> civilian purchases from the US, selling sensitive equipment that the
> Washington opposes distributing internationally, and allowing other
> countries that compete with the US to get involved with the peace
> process and be given a foothold for their military forces and
> intelligence agencies.
> Peled said that shifting military acquisition to America's competition
> would make Israel less dependent on the US. For instance, he suggested
> buying planes from the France-based Airbus firm instead of the
> American Boeing.
> In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends
> intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and
> asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic
> congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in
> Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.
> Peled called for the formation of a new body intended to influence
> American public opinion. The groups he suggests courting include
> Hispanic Americans and Labor unions in industries that benefit from
> Israeli military acquisitions.

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