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  Nr. 4544 de marti, 26 mai 2009 
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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.167.89...)
2009-05-26 01:59
Teroristii capturati de Bush! Baieti de 12 ani!

US lawyers ask Afghan court to help Gitmo inmate

U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo, left, shakes hand with Bahawuddin Baha, AP – U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo, left, shakes hand with Bahawuddin Baha, Afghanistan's deputy …

* Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes Play Video Afghanistan Video:Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes WJZ 13 Baltimore
* Memorial Day events held in Seattle area Play Video Afghanistan Video:Memorial Day events held in Seattle area KING5 Seattle
* U.S. and NATO commemorate dead Play Video Afghanistan Video:U.S. and NATO commemorate dead Reuters

By HEIDI VOGT and MIKE MELIA, Associated Press Writers Heidi Vogt And Mike Melia, Associated Press Writers – Mon May 25, 2:59 pm ET

KABUL – U.S. military lawyers asked Afghanistan's highest court Monday to demand the release of a Guantanamo prisoner they say was only about 12 years old — not 18, as the military maintains — when he was sent to the detention center in Cuba.

Mohammed Jawad's lawyers say they are enlisting Afghan courts because President Barack Obama's decision to close Guantanamo and reconsider how detainees should be tried has indefinitely stalled their case in the United States.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 93.173.218...)
2009-05-26 14:22
Re: Teroristii capturati de Bush! Baieti de 12 ani!

Copii chiar si de 5-6 ani manuiesc puscociul in Angola si in alte partzi din africa si omoara oameni. Si la 12 ani potzi sa omori oameni.

La 2009-05-26 01:59:38, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> US lawyers ask Afghan court to help Gitmo inmate
> AP
> U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo, left, shakes hand with
> Bahawuddin Baha, AP – U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo,
> left, shakes hand with Bahawuddin Baha, Afghanistan's deputy …
> * Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes Play Video Afghanistan
> Video:Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes WJZ 13 Baltimore
> * Memorial Day events held in Seattle area Play Video Afghanistan
> Video:Memorial Day events held in Seattle area KING5 Seattle
> * U.S. and NATO commemorate dead Play Video Afghanistan Video:U.S.
> and NATO commemorate dead Reuters
> By HEIDI VOGT and MIKE MELIA, Associated Press Writers Heidi Vogt And
> Mike Melia, Associated Press Writers – Mon May 25, 2:59 pm ET
> KABUL – U.S. military lawyers asked Afghanistan's highest court
> Monday to demand the release of a Guantanamo prisoner they say was
> only about 12 years old — not 18, as the military maintains
> — when he was sent to the detention center in Cuba.
> Mohammed Jawad's lawyers say they are enlisting Afghan courts because
> President Barack Obama's decision to close Guantanamo and reconsider
> how detainees should be tried has indefinitely stalled their case in
> the United States.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-05-26 14:44
Re: Teroristii capturati de Bush! Baieti de 12 ani!

La 2009-05-26 14:22:47, roy a scris:

> Copii chiar si de 5-6 ani manuiesc puscociul in Angola si in alte
> partzi din africa si omoara oameni. Si la 12 ani potzi sa omori
> oameni.

Sau fetitele evreice care scriu dedicatii pe bombele destinate copiilor libanezi, musulmani si crestini deopotriva. Ce democratie (arabii macar nu au pretentia ca ar fi democrati) isi mai educa in acest fel propii copii? Aceste copile sunt expuse urii oarbe sioniste, care le transforma in ucigase feroce, dar probabil ca asta e intentia finala si reala a sionismului: ca ura sa devina scopul educatiei.

Hokusai san din Kyoto (...@gmail.com, IP: 188.24.212...)
2009-05-26 16:11
Re: Teroristii capturati de Bush! Baieti de 12 ani! / Erai un mare critic al evreilor. ai intors

foaia, foarte probabil supus la tot felul de amenintari, terorizari din dartea ovreilor, n-asa, LASULE COCOS DE RAHAT??????!!!!!

La 2009-05-26 01:59:38, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> US lawyers ask Afghan court to help Gitmo inmate
> AP
> U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo, left, shakes hand with
> Bahawuddin Baha, AP – U.S. military lawyer Maj. Eric Montalvo,
> left, shakes hand with Bahawuddin Baha, Afghanistan's deputy …
> * Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes Play Video Afghanistan
> Video:Maryland Honors Fallen War Heroes WJZ 13 Baltimore
> * Memorial Day events held in Seattle area Play Video Afghanistan
> Video:Memorial Day events held in Seattle area KING5 Seattle
> * U.S. and NATO commemorate dead Play Video Afghanistan Video:U.S.
> and NATO commemorate dead Reuters
> By HEIDI VOGT and MIKE MELIA, Associated Press Writers Heidi Vogt And
> Mike Melia, Associated Press Writers – Mon May 25, 2:59 pm ET
> KABUL – U.S. military lawyers asked Afghanistan's highest court
> Monday to demand the release of a Guantanamo prisoner they say was
> only about 12 years old — not 18, as the military maintains
> — when he was sent to the detention center in Cuba.
> Mohammed Jawad's lawyers say they are enlisting Afghan courts because
> President Barack Obama's decision to close Guantanamo and reconsider
> how detainees should be tried has indefinitely stalled their case in
> the United States.

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-05-26 18:02
Re: Teroristii capturati de Bush! Baieti de 12 ani!

Instruiti de Mosad, javra dracului!

Breaking News: Algerian daily confirms Mossad training camps for al-Qaida???


La 2009-05-26 14:22:47, roy a scris:

> Copii chiar si de 5-6 ani manuiesc puscociul in Angola si in alte
> partzi din africa si omoara oameni. Si la 12 ani potzi sa omori
> oameni.

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