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  Nr. 4535 de vineri, 15 mai 2009 
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evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.86...)
2009-05-15 00:37
Obama the rookie

US president’s disastrous Middle Eastern policy will not stop Iran

Mordechai Kedar Published: 05.14.09, 12:39 / Israel Opinion

Thirty years ago, at the end of 1978 and beginning of 1979, US President Jimmy Carter’s blind approach and his obsessive concern for human rights everywhere, and particularly in the Shah-ruled Iran, prompted Khomeini’s rise and brought Khomeinism to power. Carter did not permit the Shah to handle the protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire. The result was the ayatollah takeover of Iran and the murder of thousands of Shah supporters. Everything the world suffered, is suffering, and will suffer because of Iran is the direct result of the short-sightedness of an American president who understood nothing in the ways of the Middle East.

The enduring problem of American politicians is that they view the world via their own cultural lenses and think that “if only we engage in dialogue with the others” they will be “like us,” “just like everyone else,” and “will become nice”; if only we give them jobs and comply with their “just” demands (the right of return, our capital which never had Palestinian significance, unwillingness to recognize our state, etc.) they will go to work in the morning and return in the evening to play with their children and fish.

Obama is currently making the same mistakes Carter did. He naively thinks that through dialogue with the ayatollahs he will achieve what the Europeans have failed to achieve for many years. He refuses to read what many researchers, politicians, and statesmen worldwide write, and refuses to listen to all those concerned by Iran – Arabs, Israelis, and Europeans – who have no doubt that the ayatollahs intend to first take over the Middle East, and later possibly take over the entire world, should they be given the chance.

Only a blind person would not see the manner in which Iran, even before it has turned nuclear, quickly changes the face of the Middle East. Iran’s long arms are already tightly grasping Lebanon, Iraq, and Gaza, and are also decisively and powerfully directed at other states such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Only a deaf person would not hear the cries of distress emerging from the Arab world (irrespective of Israel and its concerns,) as its leaders see the Persians, their historically hated rivals, rattling their sabres en route to paying back the Bedouins of the desert, uncultured barbarians in their view, for ruining, in the seventh century, the Persian nation, which was educated, progressive and modern at the time.

Only a blind person would fail to see the preparations undertaken by Iran’s Shiite leaders en route to taking their revenge on the Sunnis for 1,350 years of oppression, persecution, and assassinations undertaken by the Sunnis against the Shiite opposition any time and any place they could do it.

Obama thinks that if only Israel will be reduced to the size appropriate for it, that is, the 1949 borders (the “Auschwitz borders” in the words of Abba Eban, a peace-loving dove,) the Arab and Muslim world will sit around the bonfire with the Americas and sing. Some members of his team believe that Israel is the source of the problems in the Arab and Islamic world, and that if only peace will prevail between Israel and the Palestinians, the problems of Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, the Shiites, the Sunnis, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic Brotherhood will be resolved at once.

I hereby offer Obama and his people very important information: Even if Israel decides to evaporate, disappear, and wipe itself off the map, all the other problems will continue to kill, just as was the case when Israel existed.

Only an American president who decided to engineer the Arab and Islamic world in line with American standards can fall and make others fall into the trap of historical mistakes that Carter and Bush fell into, each in their own time and style. As a result of their errors, thousands of people in the region were massacred, killed, and wounded.

The American president conducts himself vis-à-vis the Arab and Islamic world like a rookie trying to command an armored division. Obama is rushing forwarded on an imaginary horse, and the people of the region can only hope that his terrible mistakes will not cost the lives of additional thousands.

The gravest matter of all is that some Israelis played a significant role in shaping Obama’s mistakes, and the blood of their brethren, other Israelis, will be the price we shall pay for the actions of those who sold Obama their imaginations, along with several foolish ideas that undermined our security and our self-confidence.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar is a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s department of Arabic

Ghita Bizonu' (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.107.234...)
2009-05-15 08:12
Re: si io precizez : gunfire ala la sahinsah insemna utilizarea artileriei si a srapnelelor

a mai avut necazuri si au murit cca 10.000 persani de fiecare data..
SI cand fu rezbelu dintre Irac (baas docialist, daca nu ateu macar laic) si Iranu lu Khmomeyni ei ei ... Isaraelul vindea arme si munitie .. ei sa lu aytoloahu !!

La 2009-05-15 00:37:48, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> US president’s disastrous Middle Eastern policy will not stop
> Iran
> Mordechai Kedar Published: 05.14.09, 12:39 / Israel Opinion
> Thirty years ago, at the end of 1978 and beginning of 1979, US
> President Jimmy Carter’s blind approach and his obsessive
> concern for human rights everywhere, and particularly in the
> Shah-ruled Iran, prompted Khomeini’s rise and brought
> Khomeinism to power. Carter did not permit the Shah to handle the
> protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire. The
> result was the ayatollah takeover of Iran and the murder of thousands
> of Shah supporters. Everything the world suffered, is suffering, and
> will suffer because of Iran is the direct result of the
> short-sightedness of an American president who understood nothing in
> the ways of the Middle East.
> The enduring problem of American politicians is that they view the
> world via their own cultural lenses and think that “if only we
> engage in dialogue with the others” they will be “like
> us,” “just like everyone else,” and “will
> become nice”; if only we give them jobs and comply with their
> “just” demands (the right of return, our capital which
> never had Palestinian significance, unwillingness to recognize our
> state, etc.) they will go to work in the morning and return in the
> evening to play with their children and fish.
> Obama is currently making the same mistakes Carter did. He naively
> thinks that through dialogue with the ayatollahs he will achieve what
> the Europeans have failed to achieve for many years. He refuses to
> read what many researchers, politicians, and statesmen worldwide
> write, and refuses to listen to all those concerned by Iran –
> Arabs, Israelis, and Europeans – who have no doubt that the
> ayatollahs intend to first take over the Middle East, and later
> possibly take over the entire world, should they be given the chance.
> Only a blind person would not see the manner in which Iran, even
> before it has turned nuclear, quickly changes the face of the Middle
> East. Iran’s long arms are already tightly grasping Lebanon,
> Iraq, and Gaza, and are also decisively and powerfully directed at
> other states such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi
> Arabia.
> Only a deaf person would not hear the cries of distress emerging from
> the Arab world (irrespective of Israel and its concerns,) as its
> leaders see the Persians, their historically hated rivals, rattling
> their sabres en route to paying back the Bedouins of the desert,
> uncultured barbarians in their view, for ruining, in the seventh
> century, the Persian nation, which was educated, progressive and
> modern at the time.
> Only a blind person would fail to see the preparations undertaken by
> Iran’s Shiite leaders en route to taking their revenge on the
> Sunnis for 1,350 years of oppression, persecution, and assassinations
> undertaken by the Sunnis against the Shiite opposition any time and
> any place they could do it.
> Obama thinks that if only Israel will be reduced to the size
> appropriate for it, that is, the 1949 borders (the “Auschwitz
> borders” in the words of Abba Eban, a peace-loving dove,) the
> Arab and Muslim world will sit around the bonfire with the Americas
> and sing. Some members of his team believe that Israel is the source
> of the problems in the Arab and Islamic world, and that if only peace
> will prevail between Israel and the Palestinians, the problems of
> Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, the Shiites, the Sunnis, al-Qaeda,
> and the Islamic Brotherhood will be resolved at once.
> I hereby offer Obama and his people very important information: Even
> if Israel decides to evaporate, disappear, and wipe itself off the
> map, all the other problems will continue to kill, just as was the
> case when Israel existed.
> Only an American president who decided to engineer the Arab and
> Islamic world in line with American standards can fall and make
> others fall into the trap of historical mistakes that Carter and Bush
> fell into, each in their own time and style. As a result of their
> errors, thousands of people in the region were massacred, killed, and
> wounded.
> The American president conducts himself vis-à-vis the Arab and
> Islamic world like a rookie trying to command an armored division.
> Obama is rushing forwarded on an imaginary horse, and the people of
> the region can only hope that his terrible mistakes will not cost the
> lives of additional thousands.
> The gravest matter of all is that some Israelis played a significant
> role in shaping Obama’s mistakes, and the blood of their
> brethren, other Israelis, will be the price we shall pay for the
> actions of those who sold Obama their imaginations, along with
> several foolish ideas that undermined our security and our
> self-confidence.
> Dr. Mordechai Kedar is a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s
> department of Arabic

ledzep din patrida (...@gmail.com, IP: 79.114.26...)
2009-05-15 09:04
Re: Obama the rookie

"Carter did not permit the Shah to handle the
protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."

ce mizerie de articol, ce i-as zice cateva de la obraz lui "mordechai". E vinovat Carter ca era preocupat de drepturile omului. E ca si cum ai spune

"... did not permit Ceausescu to handle the
protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."

La 2009-05-15 00:37:48, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> US president’s disastrous Middle Eastern policy will not stop
> Iran
> Mordechai Kedar Published: 05.14.09, 12:39 / Israel Opinion

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.86...)
2009-05-15 12:16
Re: Obama the rookie

Exemplul tau nu e corect, cu si fara Ceausescu , Romania n-ar fi pus niciodata in pericol tarile vecine sau pacea in Europa, dar era de asteptat ca fundamentalistii din Iran care vor prelua puterea din mainile Shah-ului , vor fi o mare durere de cap pt Orientul Mijlociu, era destul sa citesti filozofiile si ideologia scrisa de Humeini.
In-afara de asta , sunt drepturile omului in Iran respectate mai mult acum? Clar ca nu!

La 2009-05-15 09:04:48, ledzep a scris:

> "Carter did not permit the Shah to handle the
> protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."
> ce mizerie de articol, ce i-as zice cateva de la obraz lui
> "mordechai". E vinovat Carter ca era preocupat de drepturile omului.
> E ca si cum ai spune
> "... did not permit Ceausescu to handle the
> protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."
> La 2009-05-15 00:37:48, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > US president’s disastrous Middle Eastern policy will not stop
> > Iran
> >
> > Mordechai Kedar Published: 05.14.09, 12:39 / Israel Opinion
> >
> ....

ledzep din patrida (...@gmail.com, IP: 79.114.56...)
2009-05-15 13:03
Re: Obama the rookie

este corect in sensul ca atat sahul, cat si Ceausescu, au ajuns atat de nepopulari incat probabil 90% din popor ii voia jos. Ce sugereaza autorul, ca ar fi trebuit impuscati in masa, doar ca sa se mentina un regim convenabil, marioneta? Ma supara o asemenea judecata.

Ref. iran, au alt sistem, bazat pe legea islamica, nu vreau sa comentez ca m-as lungi prea mult dar acel "clar ca nu!" cu care inchei nu-i clar deloc. Iti dai seama cate tone de propaganda curg in directia ca iranienii ar fi nebuni sau iresponsabili. Nu cred asta.

La 2009-05-15 12:16:19, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Exemplul tau nu e corect, cu si fara Ceausescu , Romania n-ar fi pus
> niciodata in pericol tarile vecine sau pacea in Europa, dar era de
> asteptat ca fundamentalistii din Iran care vor prelua puterea din
> mainile Shah-ului , vor fi o mare durere de cap pt Orientul Mijlociu,
> era destul sa citesti filozofiile si ideologia scrisa de Humeini.
> In-afara de asta , sunt drepturile omului in Iran respectate mai mult
> acum? Clar ca nu!
> La 2009-05-15 09:04:48, ledzep a scris:
> > "Carter did not permit the Shah to handle the
> > protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."
> >
> > ce mizerie de articol, ce i-as zice cateva de la obraz lui
> > "mordechai". E vinovat Carter ca era preocupat de drepturile omului.
> > E ca si cum ai spune
> >
> > "... did not permit Ceausescu to handle the
> > protests against him, that is, to disperse them with gunfire."
> >
> > La 2009-05-15 00:37:48, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> >
> > > US president’s disastrous Middle Eastern policy will not stop
> > > Iran
> > >
> > > Mordechai Kedar Published: 05.14.09, 12:39 / Israel Opinion
> > >
> > ....
> >

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