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  Nr. 4528 de joi, 7 mai 2009 
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evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.86...)
2009-05-07 00:46
Pe asta ati auzit-o?

IAEA: Weapons grade uranium traces found in Egypt

UN nuclear watchdog agency confirms inspectors have found traces of military-grade enriched uranium northeast of Cairo. Investigation ongoing, agency believes particles may have come into country on containers holding radio isotopes

Associated Press Published: 05.06.09, 17:25 / Israel News

A restricted report from the International Atomic Energy Agency says the particles were detected last year and in 2007, and remain under investigation.
A senior diplomat who demands anonymity for commenting on restricted information said Wednesday it's the first time the agency has reported these findings.

The report also says the highly enriched uranium particles were found alongside traces of low-enriched uranium particles. Both were detected at the Inshas site, northeast of Cairo, where Egypt's two small research reactors are located.

The document said Egypt believes the particles could have come into the country on containers containing radio isotopes.

The report comes less than a day after a senior US official said Israel, India and Pakistan should join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. US Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller declined to say whether Washington would take any new steps to press Israel to join the treaty and give up any nuclear weapons it has. She made no mention of Iran.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak hinted two years ago that if Iran were to pursue nuclear arms, Cairo too would follow suit. Until now Egypt has only worked towards developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said his country is committed to helping Egypt harness the power of nuclear energy for civilian purposes.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-05-07 00:52
Re: Pe asta ati auzit-o?

La 2009-05-07 00:46:21, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> IAEA: Weapons grade uranium traces found in Egypt

Interesant. Dar nu inteleg ce legatura are programul nuclear civil egiptean cu armele nucleare detinute deja de Israel. Poate te indupleci sa ma lamuresti.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.86...)
2009-05-07 09:55
Re: Ahmed...

citeste cu atentie...

"UN nuclear watchdog agency confirms inspectors have found traces of "military-grade" enriched uranium ...

La 2009-05-07 00:52:49, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-05-07 00:46:21, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > IAEA: Weapons grade uranium traces found in Egypt
> Interesant. Dar nu inteleg ce legatura are programul nuclear civil
> egiptean cu armele nucleare detinute deja de Israel. Poate te
> indupleci sa ma lamuresti.

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