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  Nr. 4517 de miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009 
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Comentarii: 22, forum ACTIV

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2009-04-22 00:19:52

Cine au fost circarii??

2009-04-22 00:48:30

Adevarul e ca cel mai rasist stat din lume este Israel. Care-i scandalu'?

Faptul ca cativa pupinkuristi au parasit sala nu sachimba cu nimic adevarul: Israelul este cel mai rasist stat din lume. Pe langa faptul ca este un stat asasin.

2009-04-22 00:49:08

Declaratiile "antisemite" facut in cadrul summitului ONU de la Durban

Declaratiile respective se refera la conflictul israeliano-palestinian. Un paragraf se refera clar la "soarta poporului palestinian care traieste sub ocupatie straina".

Victimele rasismului, discriminarii rasiale, xenofobiei si intolerantei asociate
63. "Suntem preocupati de situatia poporului palestinian aflat sub ocupatie straina. Recunoastem dreptul inalienabil al poporului palestinian la autodeterminare si la crearea unui stat independent si recunoastem dreptul la securitate al tuturor statelor din regiune, inclusiv Israel, si facem apel la state sa sprijine procesul de pace si sa-l definitiveze cat mai repede."

65. "Recunoastem dreptul refugiatilor de a se intoarce in mod voluntar in caminele si pe proprietatile lor in demnitate si siguranta, si cerem insistent statelor sa le inlesneasca intoarcerea in aceste conditii."

Curat "antisemitism"!

2009-04-22 01:20:31

Re: Adevarul e ca cel mai rasist stat din lume este Israel. Care-i scandalu'?

La 2009-04-22 00:48:30, Zenn a scris:

> Faptul ca cativa pupinkuristi au parasit sala nu sachimba cu nimic
> adevarul: Israelul este cel mai rasist stat din lume. Pe langa faptul
> ca este un stat asasin.

2009-04-22 01:21:36



2009-04-22 02:31:41

ha ha ha !! asta chiar ca-i...

poanta zilei

bey,daca tot esti pus sa torni minciuni,macar fa-o cu ceva...skill,ceva logica

oricum,este bine stiut ca ei nu pronunta niciodata cuvantul "israel",ci exprimari de genul..."entitate sionista",etc...

dar daca aduci aici un copy/paste cu fragmentul respectiv(in engleza),vei fi iertat

ps. ca sa vezi cum e viata asta,sunt unii pe forum care te ridica in slavi,iar altii(eu,noi,de exemplu)afirma ca nu ai fi avut loc pe-acolo pe la ei nici ca spalator de weceuri

iobagul roman
2009-04-22 04:28:18

doar tzarile care sunt complet controlate de mossad au parasit sala

Dar fie vorba intre noi, cite milioane de maceluri a facut netrebnicul asta de ahmedinalat,merita electrocutat,auzi tataie;vietnam,corea,america centrala,de sud,yugo,liban,irak,afganistan,siria,pakistan,etc,etc
Satanisti astia sustzinatori ai macelarilor au parasit in fuga sala din geneva si vor refugiu politic in Gaza, ca e o oaza de liniste
Ma bucur ca traim intr-o lume obiectivista,racheta nord coreana a fost vazuta si sanctzionata,iar milioanele trase din israel cu chimicale si defragmentale nu au fost observate de nimeni
Dormi linistit ca pasim impreuna pe drumul "bun"==ala al crucificarii totale

2009-04-22 07:14:14

Deabia acuma ati aflat ca in Europa se creshte din fasha iar fascismul ?

Bine ca v-ati trezit ....daca nu o fi prea tarziu.

2009-04-22 07:40:14

alte opinii

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, Greg Bacon said...
I watched part of his speech and was struck by the booing and hissing going on... and the walkout, which was obviously staged.

Someone sure is afraid of AJ and what he had to say, so much so they tried to disrupt a man merely giving a speech.

Looks like they have no ground to stand on and give educated rebuttals, so they resort to a form of violence. Just like that SLC in the ME anytime someone mentions the word "peace." Mention the "P" word to the Khazars and they'll respond by sending in flights of heavily armed F-16's and Apache helicopter gunships to reply.

That's Israel for you. When they can't beat you to death with a club, or bomb and shoot you out of existence, they'll make a big show and disrupt your speech because they don't want anyone to hear anything that hasn't been thru the Zionist filter.

At Tuesday, April 21, 2009, Infensus Mentis said...
You're welcome, Q.

I agree, Greg - the walk-out was a form of violence, and since it was an orchestrated one, it was pre-meditated violence. It's an insult of the highest order. It says a lot about our arse-backward world when leaders of nations walk out on the only person willing to speak the truth at an international forum.

As good as his speech was, it looks like Ahmadinejad toned it down a bit:

Among the excised sections was a claim that Zionists "have been able to deeply penetrate [western] political and economic structures, including their legislation, mass media, companies, financial systems, and their security and intelligence agencies".Perfectly factual assertion, but of course a totally unacceptable utterance if you're addressing Zionist stooges at the U.N., who chuck hissy fits and walk out at the slightest hint of criticism of the Apartheid State. The irony is that the walk-out actually confirms that Ahmadinejad's omitted claim is true.

2009-04-22 07:43:49

rasismul-sionist de stat Israelian asa cum e descris el la ONU -2


Dear Friends, today, the human community is facing a kind of racism which has tarnished the image of humanity in the beginning of the third millennium.

World Zionism personifies racism that falsely resorts to religions and abuses religious sentiments to hide its hatred and ugly face. However, it is of great importance to bring into focus the political goals of some of the world powers and those who control huge economic resources and interests in the world. They mobilize all the resources including their economic and political influence and world media to render support in vain to the Zionist regime and to maliciously diminish the indignity and disgrace of this regime.

This is not simply a question of ignorance and one cannot conclude these ugly phenomena through consular campaigns. Efforts must be made to put an end to the abuse by Zionists and their political and international supporters and in respect with the will and aspirations of nations. Governments must be encouraged and supported in their fights aimed at eradicating this barbaric racism and to move towards reform in current international mechanisms.

There is no doubt that you are all aware of the conspiracies of some powers and Zionist circles against the goals and objectives of this conference. Unfortunately, there have been literatures and statements in support of Zionists and their crimes. And it is the responsibility of honorable representatives of nations to disclose these campaigns which run counter to humanitarian values and principles.

It should be recognized that boycotting such a session as an outstanding international capacity is a true indication of supporting the blatant example of racism. In defending human rights, it is primarily important to defend the rights of all nations to participate equally in all important international decision making processes without the influence of certain world powers.

And secondly, it is necessary to restructure the existing international organizations and their respective arrangements. Therefore this conference is a testing ground and the world public opinion today and tomorrow will judge our decisions and our actions.

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, the world is going through rapid fundamental changes. Power relations have become weak and fragile. The sound of cracks in the pillars of world systems can now be heard. Major political and economic structures are on the brink of collapse. Political and security crises are on the rise. The worsening crisis in the world economy for which there can be seen no bright prospect, demonstrates the rising tide of far-reaching global changes. I have repeatedly emphasized the need to change the wrong direction through which the world is being managed today and I have also warned of the dire consequences of any delay in this crucial responsibility.

Now in this valuable event, I would like to announce to all leaders, thinkers and to all nations of the world present in this meeting and those who have a hunger for peace and economic well-being that the unjust economic management of the world is now at the end of the road. This deadlock was inevitable since the logic of this imposed management was oppressive.

The logic of collective management of world affairs is based on noble aspirations which centers on human beings and the supremacy of the almighty God. Therefore it defies any policy or plan which goes against the influence of nations. The victory of right over wrong and the establishment of a just world system has been promised by the Almighty God and his messengers and it has been a shared goal of all human beings from different societies and generations in the course of history. Realization of such a future depends on the knowledge of creation and the belief of the faithful.

The making of a global society is in fact the accomplishment of a noble goal held in the establishment of a common global system that will be run with the participation of all nations of the world in all major decision making processes and the definite root to this sublime goal.

Scientific and technical capacities as well as communication technology have created a common and widespread understanding of the world society and has provided the necessary ground for a common system. Now it is upon all intellectuals, thinkers and policy makers in the world to carry out their historical responsibility with a firm belief in this definite root.

I also want to lay emphasis on the fact that Western liberalism and capitalism has reached its end since it has failed to perceive the truth of the world and humans as they are.

It has imposed its own goals and directions on human beings. There is no regard for human and divine values, justice, freedom, love and brotherhood and it has based living on intense competition, securing individual and cooperative material interest.

Now we must learn from the past by initiating collective efforts in dealing with present challenges and in this connection, and as a closing remark, I wish to draw your kind attention to two important issues:

Firstly, it is absolutely possible to improve the existing situation in the world. However it must be noted that this could be only achieved through the cooperation of all countries in order to get the best out of the existing capacities and resources in the world. My participation in this conference is because of my conviction to these important issues as well as to our common responsibility of defending the rights of nations vis-à-vis the sinister phenomena of racism and being with you, the thinkers of the world.

Secondly, mindful of the inefficiency of the current international political, economic and security systems, it is necessary to focus on divine and humanitarian values by referring to the true definition of human beings based upon justice and respect for the rights of all people in all parts of the world and by acknowledging the past wrong doings in the past dominant management of the world, and to undertake collective measures to reform the existing structures.

In this respect, it is crucially important to rapidly reform the structure of the Security Council, including the elimination of the discriminatory veto right and to change the current world financial and monetary systems.

It is evident that lack of understanding of the urgency for change is equivalent to the much heavier costs of delay.

Dear Friends, beware that to move in the direction of justice and human dignity is like a rapid flow in the current of a river. Let us not forget the essence of love and affection. The promised future of human beings is a great asset that may serve our purposes in keeping together to build a new world.

In order to make the world a better place full of love and blessings, a world devoid of poverty and hatred, merging the increasing blessings of God Almighty and the righteous managing of the perfect human being, let us all join hands in friendship in the fulfillment of such a new world.

I thank you Mr. President, Secretary General and all distinguished participants for having the patience to listen to me. Thank you very much. "

2009-04-22 07:46:18

sparge-i botul si rupe-i picioarele

Dragi scursuri sioniste de pe forum acuma ca eforturile voastre disperate de a bloca google-ul de face imposibila orice citare a discursului lui Ahmed au esuat , va astept cometariile pe text .

1- de ce nici-un cometariu a celor ce au walk-out anti ahmed nu face accesibil textul discursului lui ahmed ,ahmed care a acceptat formulari de genul "Suntem preocupati de situatia poporului palestinian aflat sub ocupatie straina. Recunoastem dreptul inalienabil al poporului palestinian la autodeterminare si la crearea unui stat independent si recunoastem dreptul la securitate al tuturor statelor din regiune, inclusiv Israel, si facem apel la state sa sprijine procesul de pace si sa-l definitiveze cat mai repede"

Ah ce text imposibil oare de ce nu poate fi accepta de USA, Israel si restul de jeguri slugarnice : Austria, Anglia, Spania, Romania, Danemarca, Portugalia, Franta, Suedia, Cehia, Ungaria, Bulgaria, Irlanda, Grecia, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Slovacia

2- ce ramane din urletul vostru isteric fata cu realitatea rece textului impricinat ?

De aceea fatza cu faptele voastre de zi cu zi asa cum le vedem si a complicitatzii jegose a slugilor voastre doar o singura rectzie poate fi definita ca ratzionala si justa

Cum il vezi, cum il prinzi si imediat de potzi sparge-i botul si rupe-i picioarele, fara discutzii, justificari sau cometarii Ca el / ei si acolitzi lui de mult se straduie sa-tzi puna capastru !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nu-i asa ?

Ei, jegurile, de mult traisc exlusiv in miniuna calamonie, Instutuitzai Mondiala a Furtului (IMF ) si a politicii asasinatului de stat (dirijat nu asa )si li se pare firesc legitim moral si adevarat sa fie asa .

Dovada sta Antiohus un moderat de altfel poate sa puna senin ca Ahmen nicodata nu folosteste formulari gen Israel cand colo el nu doar folosete ba chiar ca subscrie la

"We are concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign occupation. We recognize the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State and we recognize the right to security for all States in the region, including Israel, and call upon all States to support the peace process and bring it to an early conclusion"

si dar chiar ii pronuntza numele

"The supporters of Israel have always been either supportive or silent against the crimes"

Dar desiguir ca conspiratzia minciunii nu poate lasa o ocaziua sa treca neexploata cand ea ar trebui sa conduca la ingenuncherea si ocuparea prin minciuni si calomnii oneroase a Iranului asa dupa cum a fost cazul in Irak .

Desigur ca radacina problemei e afirmatzia verificabila ca :

"Following World War II, they resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless under the pretext of Jewish suffering and they sent migrants from Europe, the United States and other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government in occupied Palestine. And, in fact, in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine."


Pai sa verificam .

Au totzi rezidentzii legitimi ai Isralelului acelasi drepturi indiferent de originea lor etnica sau religioasa ?

Pot arabii sa construiasca case in acelasi conditzii ca si evreii ?
Pot arabii sa detzina si exploateze terenuri in aceleasi conditzi ca si evreii ?

Pe numere asa cum sunt verificate ele in statistici si pe texte de lege asa cum sunt ele aplicate zi de zi .

NU, legal ei au alte condizti si dincolo de lege INSTITUTZILE RASIST-SIONSITE ALE STATULUI ISRAEL se asigura ca arabii nu au acelesi drepturi ca si evreii in Israel, dovada sa in numarul de autorizatzii de constructii acordate arabilor in Ierusalim in ultimul sfert de secol .

RASISMUL- SIONIST SE POATE DEMONSTRA PRIN COMPARATZIE CU ETALONUL = APERHAIDULUI RSA fata de care e similar realizari statistice dar mai putzin institutzional acesta insa e mai mult mai institzutzional. violent, criminal si sangeros decata practicile rasismului KKK ALE USA DE DINAINTE DE 1960 .



De atfel tot ce cere el e O ELIMINARE A ABUZURILOR SIONISMULUI. cee a ce nu-I asa se traduce in stregerea Israelului de pe harta deorece e evident pentru tozti cei ce au walk –out ca ISRAELUL NU POTE SA EXISTE IN ABSENTZA ABUZURIELOR SIONISTE nu asa ?

"World Zionism personifies racism that falsely resorts to religions and abuses religious sentiments to hide its hatred and ugly face. However, it is of great importance to bring into focus the political goals of some of the world powers and those who control huge economic resources and interests in the world. They mobilize all the resources including their economic and political influence and world media to render support in vain to the Zionist regime and to maliciously diminish the indignity and disgrace of this regime.

This is not simply a question of ignorance and one cannot conclude these ugly phenomena through consular campaigns. Efforts must be made to put an end to the abuse by Zionists and their political and international supporters and in respect with the will and aspirations of nations. Governments must be encouraged and supported in their fights aimed at eradicating this barbaric racism and to move towards reform in current international mechanisms.

There is no doubt that you are all aware of the conspiracies of some powers and Zionist circles against the goals and objectives of this conference. Unfortunately, there have been literatures and statements in support of Zionists and their crimes. And it is the responsibility of honorable representatives of nations to disclose these campaigns which run counter to humanitarian values and principles.

It should be recognized that boycotting such a session as an outstanding international capacity is a true indication of supporting the blatant example of racism. In defending human rights, it is primarily important to defend the rights of all nations to participate equally in all important international decision making processes without the influence of certain world powers."

E oare atat de imposibil sa elimini ABUZURILE sionismului ?
Oare nu poate Israelul sa existe in absenta lor ?

Sau altfel zis oare merita sa existe in impunitate un stat care e constient ca nu poate sa SUBZISTE in absentza abuzurilor ?

Alex Lorber
2009-04-22 08:51:04

Este oare Israelul rasist

Imi pare rau ca persoane care nu cunosc situatia scriu inexactitati.
Cateva fapte pe care nimeni nu le-a scris;
1- In Israel sunt ofiteri superiori, inclusiv general arab druz.
2- In armata Israelului exista unitate de elita formata din arabi beduini.
3- In universitatile israeliene numarul arabilor depaseste procentajul lor raportat la pupulatie
4- In unele universitati de stat israeliene sunt cursuri si programe in limba araba.
5- In Israel sunt institutii de invatamant superior nationale in limba araba.
6- Limba araba este limba oficiala in Israel.
7- In toate institutiile de stat israeliene se poate folosi limba araba.
8- Arabii israelieni au drepturi egale cu evreii in toate domeniile.
Alex Lorber

2009-04-22 10:50:02

popor roman si "crestin" ....

...cat priveste pe cei ce sunt impotriva lui ISRAEL , sa vedem popor "crestin" ce zice BIBLIA :

Sa vedem ce spune Sfanta Scriptura despre dushmanii lui ISRAEL :

Ezechiel cap. 38

14. De aceea prooroceste, fiul omului, si spune lui Gog: "Asa vorbeste Domnul Dumnezeu: "Da, in ziua cand poporul Meu Israel va trai in liniste, vei porni din tara ta,

15. si vei veni din fundul miazanoaptei, tu si multe popoare cu tine, toti calari pe cai, o mare multime si o puternica ostire!

16. Vei inainta impotriva poporului Meu ISRAEL, ca un nor, care va acoperi tara. In zilele de apoi, te voi aduce impotriva tarii Mele, ca sa Ma cunoasca neamurile, cand voi fi sfintit in tine supt ochii lor, Gog!"

17. Asa vorbeste Domnul Dumnezeu: "Nu esti tu acela despre care am vorbit odinioara, prin robii Mei proorocii lui Israel, cari au proorocit atunci ani de zile, ca te voi aduce impotriva lor?

18. In ziua aceea, insa, in ziua cand va porni Gog impotriva pamantului lui Israel, zice Domnul Dumnezeu, Mi se va sui in nari mania aprinsa.

19. O spun, in gelozia si in focul maniei Mele: In ziua aceea, va fi un mare cutremur in tara lui Israel.

20. Pestii marii si pasarile cerului vor tremura de Mine, si fiarele campului si toate taratoarele cari se tarasc pe pamant, si toti oamenii cari sunt pe fata pamantului; muntii se vor rasturna, peretii stancilor se vor prabusi, si toate zidurile vor cadea la pamant.

21. Atunci voi chema groaza impotriva lui pe toti muntii Mei, zice Domnul Dumnezeu; sabia fiecaruia se va intoarce impotriva fratelui sau.

22. Il voi judeca prin ciuma si sange, printr-o ploaie napraznica si prin pietre de grindina; voi ploua foc si pucioasa peste el, peste ostile lui, si peste popoarele cele multe, cari vor fi cu el.

23. Imi voi arata astfel marimea si sfintenia, Ma voi face cunoscut inaintea multimii neamurilor, si vor sti ca Eu sunt Domnul."

AMOS cap.9

13. "Iata, vin zile, zice Domnul, cand plugarul va ajunge pe secerator, si cel ce calca strugurii pe cel ce imprastie samanta, cand mustul va picura din munti si va curge de pe toate dealurile.

14. Voi aduce inapoi pe prinsii de razboi ai poporului Meu Israel; ei vor zidi iaras cetatile pustiite si le vor locui, vor sadi vii si le vor bea vinul, vor face gradini si le vor manca roadele.

15. Ii voi sadi in tara lor, si nu vor mai fi smulsi din tara pe care le-am dat-o, zice Domnul, Dumnezeul tau!"

ZAHARIA cap.14

12. Dar iata urgia cu care va lovi Domnul pe toate popoarele, CARI VOR LUPTA IMPOTRIVA Ierusalimului. Le va putrezi carnea stand inca in picioare, le vor putrezi ochii in gaurile lor, si le va putrezi limba in gura.

13. In ziua aceea, Domnul va trimete o mare invalmasala in ei; unul va apuca mana altuia, si vor ridica mana unii asupra altora.

Ioel 3

1. Caci iata ca in zilele acelea si in vremile acelea, cand voi aduce inapoi pe prinsii de razboi ai lui Iuda si ai Ierusalimului,

2. voi strange pe toate neamurile, si le voi pogora in valea lui Iosafat. Acolo, Ma voi judeca cu ele, pentru poporul Meu, PENTRU Israel, MOSTENIREA Mea, pe care l-au risipit printre neamuri, impartind intre ele tara Mea.

Ura impotriva lui ISRAEL este pusa de satan in inima oamenilor ce zac in pacatele lor si inca nu sau intalnit cu Isus Hristos Mantuitorul, caci ORICINE iubeste pe DOMNUL iubeste pe ISRAEL.
Voi cei ce batjocoriti pe ISRAEL , iata ca pedeapsa voastra va veni curand, si cine va scapa de mania viitoare?


Pocaiti-va si credeti in EVANGHELIE caci DOMNUL Isus Hristos vine FOARTE CURAND.AMIN.

2009-04-22 13:34:06


SUAimpreuna cu israelul vor sa ia dreptul la opinie au cautat prin orce mijloace sa puna pumnul in gura celor care vor sa spuna adevarul despre evrei. Cele doua state accepta numai ,,asa zisul adevar al lor" iar restul au un singur drept alaturi de evrei -sa taca-.Evreii din israel si din sua nu se gandesc ca s-ar putea sa plateasca mai dur decat pe timpul lui Hitler?Aceasta natie si-a trimis conationalii sa moara ca sa aiba motiv de tanguire si sa se poata autocompatimi,un fel de masochisti.Conducatorii sionisti au ajuns sa comande si asa zisele pogromuri tocmai ca lumea sa-i compatimeasca.Se pare ca si pe Isus l-au sacrificat ptr. ca sa indoctrineze lumea cu credinta ptr.a o conduce mai usor .

2009-04-22 14:21:47

ce-o fi in capul unora.....

orice persoana normala din europa poate sa traiasca in israel la fel de bine ca in propria tara. nu acelasi lucru se poate spune despre iran. daca esti femeie, este foarte greu sa traiesti in iran dupa normele europene. femeile sint considerate persoane de mina a doua. este simptomatic cum cosmonauta de origine iraniana a fost ignorata tocmai de iranieni. nu concepeau sa nu aiba basmaua pe cap si sa nu ia in consideratie coranul.....este ciudat cum unii pot sa apere iranul in fata unei tari democratice normale cum este israelul....

2009-04-22 15:55:29


laur, io bag, ioane(scrum), ahmed(rus mincinos), zain, dorin p..a
cele scrise de voi ma desgusta.
aprob tarille care au parasit balciul de la geneva unde a debutat maimuta aia dresata de o aiatula imputita.

2009-04-22 16:22:09

Declaratiile in original

La 2009-04-22 02:31:41, antiohus a scris:

> poanta zilei
> bey,daca tot esti pus sa torni minciuni,macar fa-o cu
> ceva...skill,ceva logica
> oricum,este bine stiut ca ei nu pronunta niciodata cuvantul
> "israel",ci exprimari de genul..."entitate sionista",etc...
> dar daca aduci aici un copy/paste cu fragmentul respectiv(in
> engleza),vei fi iertat

World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and
Related Intolerance

63. "We are concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign
occupation. We recognize the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State and we recognize the right to security for all States in the region, including Israel, and call upon all States to support the peace process and bring it to an early conclusion";

65. "We recognize the right of refugees to return voluntarily to their homes and
properties in dignity and safety, and urge all States to facilitate such return";

Unde anume vezi "antisemitism" in aceste declaratii?

2009-04-22 17:10:46

ptr. monel

Monei-monei ai nume predestinat ptr. un adevarat evreu .Se pare ca azi esti evreul de serviciu vad ca toti aveti un vocabular f. variat ,ti-am spus in alt comentariu ca bun sapun ar iesi din tine.

2009-04-22 17:23:26


La 2009-04-22 15:55:29, monel a scris:

> laur, io bag, ioane(scrum), ahmed(rus mincinos), zain, dorin p..a
> cele scrise de voi ma desgusta.
> aprob tarille care au parasit balciul de la geneva unde a debutat
> maimuta aia dresata de o aiatula imputita.

Poate avea ceva dreptate iranianul, altfel expresia "maimuta aia dresata de o aiatula imputita" n-ar avea nimic cu rasismul...

2009-04-22 17:38:27

Acum se culege recolta erorilor de la sfarsitul celui de al doilea razboi mondial !

Aroganta, lacomia, sau dorinta de putere nelimitata, au provocat de regula toate conflictele istoriei. Democratiile cele mai longevive, au danuit pentruca au fost capabile sa-si dezvolte sistemul de "feet back" social. Asa au putut preveni convulsiile sociale, asigurand cresterea buna starii. Pe masura ce se vor dezvolta sistemele de "feet back" social in fiiecare tara membra ONU, precum si in restul tarilor, pericolele convulsiilor sociale se vor reduce. Din nefericire aparitia G20 este concecinta ineficientei ONU,o organizatie infiintata in stil mafiot, sub presiunile excrocului paranoic, Stalin si a slabicinilor de caracter ale lui Roosewelt, care s-a lasat cumparat de Stalin cu un timbru foarte rar, permitand divizarea Europei si infiintarea Consiliului de Securitate, astfel structurat, incat orice menbru permanent sa poata bloca orice proiect de decizie. Singura minte lucida, a fost Chiuchill, dar a fost lipsit de posibilitatile de actiune. Cand Roosewelt a realizat eroarea comisa, atat cu legea de imprumut si inchiriere, cat si acorduile semnate cu Stalin, era prea tarziu, incat, esirea rapida din istorie a fost singura solutie. Tot ce a urmat se stie. Un razboi rece, cu consecinte deosebit de grave asupra dezvoltarii sociale postbelice, cu risipirea unor imense resurse materiale.Chiar daca SUA, a reusit ani de zile sa se legene in senzatia ireala de a fi permanent castigator, cu ocazia actualei crize s-a dovedit ca aceasta strategie a fost perdanta. Democratia americana a dainuit de peste 200 de ani, pentruca constitutia SUA are la baza un sistem cu un apreciabil, "feet back" social . Nu stiu dece se uita prea des acest mare adevar ?
Oare la ce mai foloseste ONU ? Coreea de Nord va continua inarmarea nucleara, sub imboldul Rusiei si a Chinei ! La fel si Iranul ! Dupa cum se vede nici in G20 lucrurile nu merg bine ! Si atunci la ce bun aceste organizatii ? Sa transmita din cand unele comunicate , pe care nu le baga nimeni in seama ?
Doamne lumineaza mintile conducatorilor lumii, pentru a salva planeta de noi convulsiuni !

2009-04-22 18:42:43

Este oare Israelul rasist? Este.

La 2009-04-22 08:51:04, Alex Lorber a scris:

> Imi pare rau ca persoane care nu cunosc situatia scriu inexactitati.
> Cateva fapte pe care nimeni nu le-a scris;
> 1- In Israel sunt ofiteri superiori, inclusiv general arab druz.
> 2- In armata Israelului exista unitate de elita formata din arabi
> beduini.
> 3- In universitatile israeliene numarul arabilor depaseste procentajul
> lor raportat la pupulatie
> 4- In unele universitati de stat israeliene sunt cursuri si programe
> in limba araba.
> 5- In Israel sunt institutii de invatamant superior nationale in limba
> araba.
> 6- Limba araba este limba oficiala in Israel.
> 7- In toate institutiile de stat israeliene se poate folosi limba
> araba.
> 8- Arabii israelieni au drepturi egale cu evreii in toate domeniile.
> Alex Lorber

Desi sunt cetateni israelieni cu drept de vot si care platesc taxe, arabii sunt supusi discriminarilor, alocatiilor inegale de resurse si violarii drepturilor lor legale. Arabii israelieni se bucura de un respect formal al drepturilor lor, cum ar fi dreptul la vot, dreptul la munca si libera exprimare. Nu li se permite sa faca armata the Army, decat in cazuri de exceptie (druzii).
-cca 48 din cele 61cele mai sarace orase din Israel sunt arabe.
-desi arabii reprezita cca 20% din populatie, autoritatile locale arabe au jurisdictie doar asupra a 3% din teritorii, ceea ce inseamna suprapopulare si saracie.
-160.000 de beduini din Negev traiesc in saracie extrema. Jumatate traiesc in 36 de sate nerecunoscute si 9 alte sate slab organizate, carora le lipsesc servicii de baza precum apa, electricitatea si asistenta medicala.
-scolile si universitatile arabe primesc doar jumatate din bugetul scolilor evreiesti. Elevii arabi sunt nevoiti astfel sa-si abandoneze studiile.
-multe comunitati arabe nu dispun de buncare si sisteme de avertizare asupra atacurilor cu rachete, 40% dintre civilii ucisi in timpul razboiului din vara lui 2006 fiind arabi israelieni
Toate guvernele israeliene stiau despre inegalitati si discriminari, dar nu au facut nici un pas ptr a remedia situatia.

Mai multe informatii gasesti aici:
The Arab Citizens of Israel

2009-04-22 19:41:27


Bine Coren, asa este cum zici tu. Ti-ai trecut deja probele, nu trebuie sa mai demonstrezi nimic. Nu era nevoie sa incerci sa ne demonstrezi ca esti adeptul unui dialog deschis bineinteles cind este unidirectional.
Salutari de la Jack

La 2009-04-22 15:55:29, monel a scris:

> laur, io bag, ioane(scrum), ahmed(rus mincinos), zain, dorin p..a
> cele scrise de voi ma desgusta.
> aprob tarille care au parasit balciul de la geneva unde a debutat
> maimuta aia dresata de o aiatula imputita.

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