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  Nr. 4516 de sambata, 18 aprilie 2009 
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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-04-21 19:57
tot din lirica lui Baruch Cohen


In June 1941, the Nazi extermination of the Jews had not yet started. But, even before the gas chambers and crematoriums were set to work at their ghastly purpose, the most savage brains ever born on this planet were already at work. That is why Iasi—a monstrous symbol of persecution, robbery, and mass murder—stands apart from all other antisemitic activities that preceded it during the war. It was a brutal precursor to the horrific events that were to take place in the months and years ahead.

The Iasi pogrom’s roots originated deep within the political rottenness of Romania’s pseudo-democracy. It was not the accidental explosion of isolated passions or of momentary madness. The savagery did not burst spontaneously from the depths of some criminals’ minds. It did not suddenly start with Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu’s order on Sunday, June 28, 1941 to “cleanse” Romania of its Jewish population, nor three days earlier when the first killings took place, nor on June 22 when open hostilities between the German-Romanian alliance and Communist Russia erupted.

The origins of the pogrom are embedded in the antisemitic history of Romania; Iasi is the child born from earlier Romanian antisemites like Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol, Vasile Conta, Nae Ionescu, A.C. Cuza, Corneliu Codreanu, and from the citadel of the National Christian Defence League (Liga Apararii National Crestine). In this vile breeding ground the germs of hate against the Jewish population spread, resulting in the brutal murder of 14,000 Jews.

“That Sunday,” June 28, 1941, a giant crime was committed. The victims were destroyed by a mad, hate-filled whirlwind impossible truly to describe. Yet those barbaric atrocities—which astonished even the German military onlookers—were merely a foreshadowing of what was to come. And still, the brutality of “that Sunday” bore no parallel up to that time in the early history of the Holocaust.

Remember that Sunday in Iasi! Zachor!

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-04-21 20:14
Re: tot din lirica lui Baruch Cohen

Scuze, Adresa este

Anyway, cred ca ajunge. Oricum m-ar interesa daca stie cineva care era numele lui de familie in perioada in care a locuit in Romania. Cineva care a parasit cu acte in regula Romania in 1950, impreuna cu familia, atunci cind nici picior de evreu nu se gindea sa paraseasca raiul din tara a avut probabil un nume un pic diferit. (vezi oracolul de la damaroaia, Roman, etc) Daca as face legatura cu semnificatia religioasa a numelui sau probabil se numea Popescu. Oricum este interesant cum a ajuns supravietuitor cind chiar dupa spusele lui n-a fost inchis intr-un lagar, nici macar intr-o celula de politie pentru DUI.

La 2009-04-21 19:57:13, dorinP a scris:

> http://www.ziua.ro/f.php?f=news&data=2009-04-18&thread=26102
> In June 1941, the Nazi extermination of the Jews had not yet started.
> But, even before the gas chambers and crematoriums were set to work at
> their ghastly purpose, the most savage brains ever born on this planet
> were already at work. That is why Iasi—a monstrous symbol of
> persecution, robbery, and mass murder—stands apart from all
> other antisemitic activities that preceded it during the war. It was
> a brutal precursor to the horrific events that were to take place in
> the months and years ahead.
> The Iasi pogrom’s roots originated deep within the political
> rottenness of Romania’s pseudo-democracy. It was not the
> accidental explosion of isolated passions or of momentary madness.
> The savagery did not burst spontaneously from the depths of some
> criminals’ minds. It did not suddenly start with Romanian
> dictator Ion Antonescu’s order on Sunday, June 28, 1941 to
> “cleanse” Romania of its Jewish population, nor three
> days earlier when the first killings took place, nor on June 22 when
> open hostilities between the German-Romanian alliance and Communist
> Russia erupted.
> The origins of the pogrom are embedded in the antisemitic history of
> Romania; Iasi is the child born from earlier Romanian antisemites
> like Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol, Vasile Conta, Nae Ionescu, A.C.
> Cuza, Corneliu Codreanu, and from the citadel of the National
> Christian Defence League (Liga Apararii National Crestine). In this
> vile breeding ground the germs of hate against the Jewish population
> spread, resulting in the brutal murder of 14,000 Jews.
> “That Sunday,” June 28, 1941, a giant crime was committed.
> The victims were destroyed by a mad, hate-filled whirlwind impossible
> truly to describe. Yet those barbaric atrocities—which
> astonished even the German military onlookers—were merely a
> foreshadowing of what was to come. And still, the brutality of
> “that Sunday” bore no parallel up to that time in the
> early history of the Holocaust.
> Remember that Sunday in Iasi! Zachor!

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