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  Nr. 4477 de miercuri, 4 martie 2009 
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Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2009-03-03 22:53
Frectie la picior de lemn

Informati-va aici:
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Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 141.76.45...)
2009-03-04 01:18
Re: BS


"No case of a cure of a cancer patient by Hamer׳s method has yet been published in medical literature. Neither have any studies to this effect been published in the specialised press.
The «Hamer foci» on the CT images in Hamer׳s books have been identified by radiological experts as typical artefacts produced by the radiological device which can appear in a poor-quality CT scan.
«Spiegel» magazine reports an investigation by the authorities in Germany, stating that out of 50 cancer patients who have passed through Hamer׳s care only seven have survived.
The numerous case reports in Hamer׳s books, often described in highly empathetic fashion, lack the additional data that are essential for medical assessment, and the cures described must therefore be subject to doubt. "

La 2009-03-03 22:53:17, Tudor190 a scris:

> Informati-va aici:
> http://germannewmedicine.ca/documents/welcome.html
> si aici
> http://www.allaboutgnm.org/

georgems din ROMANIA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.46.75...)
2009-03-04 08:39
Re: BS

La 2009-03-04 01:18:10, Arcturus a scris:

> http://www.swisscancer.ch/dt_fr/content/orange/pdf/skak/01_02_hamer_e.pdf
> "No case of a cure of a cancer patient by Hamer׳s method has yet
> been published in medical literature. Neither have any studies to this
> effect been published in the specialised press.
> The «Hamer foci» on the CT images in Hamer׳s books
> have been identified by radiological experts as typical artefacts
> produced by the radiological device which can appear in a
> poor-quality CT scan.
> «Spiegel» magazine reports an investigation by the
> authorities in Germany, stating that out of 50 cancer patients who
> have passed through Hamer׳s care only seven have survived.
> The numerous case reports in Hamer׳s books, often described in
> highly empathetic fashion, lack the additional data that are
> essential for medical assessment, and the cures described must
> therefore be subject to doubt. "
> La 2009-03-03 22:53:17, Tudor190 a scris:
> > Informati-va aici:
> > http://germannewmedicine.ca/documents/welcome.html
> > si aici
> > http://www.allaboutgnm.org/
> >
Parca in articol e vorba de prevenire nu de cura, mestere .

Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2009-03-04 18:02
Re: BS

La 2009-03-04 08:39:00, georgems a scris:

> La 2009-03-04 01:18:10, Arcturus a scris:
> > http://www.swisscancer.ch/dt_fr/content/orange/pdf/skak/01_02_hamer_e.pdf
> >
> > "No case of a cure of a cancer patient by Hamer׳s method has yet
> > been published in medical literature.Neither have any studies to this
> > effect been published in the specialised press.

Lui Hamer i s-a retras licenta de catre mafia medicala. Au chiar incercat fara succes sa-l declare nebun. Literatura de specialitate de cine-i controlata si finatata?

> > effect been published in the specialised press.
> > The «Hamer foci» on the CT images in Hamer׳s books
> > have been identified by radiological experts as typical artefacts
> > produced by the radiological device which can appear in a
> > poor-quality CT scan.

Pe unele saituri este fotografiat/scanat documentul origianal din partea Siemens ce sustine contrariul. Se spune ca aparatul este in regula si ceea ce apare "mai ciudat" nu sint din cauza aparatului.

> > «Spiegel» magazine reports an investigation by the
> > authorities in Germany, stating that out of 50 cancer patients who
> > have passed through Hamer׳s care only seven have survived.

Spiegel este parte a mediei dominate.
Chiar si aceste cifre (14% supravietuire/vindecare) sint net superioare supravietuitorilor dupa 5 ani de chimioterapie si radiatii. In SUA supravietuirea este de 2,3% iar in Australia este de 2,1%.
Pe unele saituri este citata procuratura austriaca care a vrut sa-l "infunde" si a colectat date. Din 6500 de pacienti dupa 5 ani mai erau in viata 6000!

Oricum teoria oficiala a cancerului scirtiie si a suferit modificari frecvent. Unde-i teoria virala a cancerului. Dupa 20 de ani de uitare unii incearca sa o aduca la viata din lipsa de ... imaginatie.
Se spune ca cea mai mica parte a corpului este controlata de creier. In cazul cancerului pt medicina oficiala nu mai este adevarat din moment ce unele celule se inmultesc "necontrolat" .

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