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  Nr. 4473 de vineri, 27 februarie 2009 
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bolovan gheorghe (...@yahoo.com, IP: 78.96.65...)
2009-02-27 10:53
jegosii planetei

structurile de tip mafiot care se pretind a conduce lumea se bat acuma pe tarimul propagandei mai ceva ca pe vremea razboiului rece,se pare ca s-a golit sacul.Unteanu si ceilalati maninca si ei o piine alba daca latra si ei catre partea adversa,ce sa-i faci.

Gormogon (...@mymacmail.com, IP: 209.139.208...)
2009-02-27 13:51
Re: jegosii planetei/Ai dreptate. http://giyus.org, cum se castiga razboaiele azi=cu opinia publica

O fi tagma politica o adunatura de incompetenti dar PAPUSARII LOR nu sunt decat niste starpituri mafiote. Si nu sunt redusi mintali, sunt doar beti de PUTERE si LACOMIE.
Dar hai sa vedem mai departe (sper ca ramane textul pana apucati sa-l cititi):

Official Trailer for AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM --Aaron Russo

1) Aaron Russo, America: From Freedom to Fascism (part 1 of 11)

[Episoadele 1~11 sunt tot acolo la youTube de gasit]

2) Apoi am mai avea exemple:
Mai departe:
‘Here’s what I do know first hand - I know that about eleven months to a year before 9/11 ever happened

I was talking to my Rockefeller friend (Nicholas Rockefeller) and he said to me ‘Aaron there’s gonna be an event’ and he never told me what the event was going to be - I’m not sure he knew what the event was going to be I don’t know that he knew that,’‘He just said there’s gonna be an event and out of that event we’re gonna invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the middle east and to make the middle east part of the new world order and we’re going to go after Venezuela - that’s what’s going to come out of this event.’

Eleven months to a year later [11 Sept 2001] that’s what happened…. !

He certainly knew that something was going to happen.’"In my relationships with some of these people I can tell you that it's as evil as it really gets - this is it - this is the game.’

'People know that 9/11 was an inside job, look what they did here in America, look at 9/11, look what they did - they killed thousands of Americans - people jumping out of windows from a hundred floors up - they don't care.'

In the end he couldn't afford the treatment he required to help him fight his cancer and a fund was established to help him pay for it. Sadly, it has been too late.#

La 2009-02-27 10:53:30, bolovan gheorghe a scris:

> structurile de tip mafiot care se pretind a conduce lumea se bat acuma
> pe tarimul propagandei mai ceva ca pe vremea razboiului rece,se pare
> ca s-a golit sacul.Unteanu si ceilalati maninca si ei o piine alba
> daca latra si ei catre partea adversa,ce sa-i faci.

Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 74.57.15...)
2009-02-27 16:24
Re: jegosii planetei

La 2009-02-27 10:53:30, bolovan gheorghe a scris:

> structurile de tip mafiot care se pretind a conduce lumea se bat acuma
> pe tarimul propagandei mai ceva ca pe vremea razboiului rece,se pare
> ca s-a golit sacul.Unteanu si ceilalati maninca si ei o piine alba
> daca latra si ei catre partea adversa,ce sa-i faci.

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