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  Nr. 4452 de marti, 3 februarie 2009 
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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-02-04 17:23
situatzia e super explozibila pt.ca lupul a fost numit sef la stina si confunda planeta cu isus

si impreuna cu haita lor satanista se pregatesc de crucificare,urmeaza cosovtransilvania,e pe noua lor agenda de lucru,dupa pakistan,iran,etc
Forget the “Military Industrial Complex” Today it’s the Political, Financial and

Media Zionist Complex!

The “Military, Industrial Complex” is no more. Today it is the Political, Financial and Media — Zionist Complex!

The “Military-Industrial complex” really has no relevance to the real holders of global power today.

America is the most powerful military and economic nation on earth. The powers that control the levers of political power in America possess the greatest power the world has ever seen.

Who really has power over the government today? Is it the fabled “Military, Industrial Complex”?

An effective gauge of direct political power in America is “to discover who provided the pivotal amounts of the billion-dollar recent campaigns for U.S. President. You can look directly at campaign contributions for every candidate from the Federal Election Commission in order to find out who holds the real power in politics.

So, who holds the real power over the American political establishment?

Let’s first look at who does not hold much power over the establishment.

1) It is not the military. There is not any organized military monetary influence or even significant political influence of the military over the politicians. In fact, no one in military positions of authority are allowed to openly get involved in politics. (more…)

Obama’s Mideast Jewish Dream Team!
Posted under: General— @ 5:33 am

Sen. George Mitchell, a non-Jew who owes his Senate career completely to AIPAC, has a perfect Zionist voting record in the U.S. Senate and rammed through the Senate resolution supporting Israel’s terrorism against the people of Gaza. He is supposed to be the “fair broker ” of a “just and honest” peace between Zionist Israel and Palestinians. If the University of Michigan football program played Notre Dame, would they permit all the referees to be the leaders of the Notre Dame fan club? How can we let these Jewish extremists and those completely in the grasp of Jewish extremists control American foreign policy?

Obama’s Mideast Jewish Dream Team

George Mitchell is the new American envoy now in the Mideast. Who is Mitchell and who are the key players in Obama’s Mideast policy team?

First, let’s examine the major players on the Obama foreign policy team. Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times on January 11, 2009 wrote some things that if he were a Gentile would have earned him some attacks as an “anti-Semite.” He pointed out the incredible top-heavy pro-Zionist content of the team which is supposed to broker a fair and just peace in the Mideast. In discussing the team he identified them with these words:

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