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  Nr. 4444 de sambata, 24 ianuarie 2009 
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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-01-25 07:30
Obalama e papetul intunecat al isrelului,dupa el potopu si al III-lea, Noiembrie-2010


Why are the Zionist leaders in Israel so happy about the new President?

Listen to Dr. David Duke’s dynamic short broadcast about anti-Zionists who stupidly sing the praises of Barack Obama — stream or Download

Why is the President of Israel, the terrorist who just oversaw the Zionist mass murder and maiming of thousands of Palestinians so happy that Obama is President of the USA?

Read the excerpt from the Israeli News about how President Perez and Israel think that Obama’s becoming U.S. President is great day for Israel.

Israel’s President Shimon Peres ecstatic over the election of Obama

Ronen Medzini Israel News Jan. 21

“Today is a great day not only for the United States of America, but for the entire world,” President Shimon Peres wrote in a letter addressed to Barack Obama on the day of his inauguration as president of the United States.

“Obama was elected by the United States, but as a matter of fact, he was chosen by the whole of humankind,”

Why is Peres so ecstatic?

Why shouldn’t he be, he knows that Obama is completely in the grip of the extremist Jewish Zionists in America, and he knows that the greater Obama’s popularity and idol worship, the more Obama can do for the International Zionist Cause.

Any thinking and caring human being who realizes that the Zionist-controlled American foreign policy has been a disaster for the robbed and murdered people of Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and a catastrophe for the 50,000 American wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as an economic catastrophe for the hardworking Americans who pay trillions to finance these wars for Israel — must wake up the fact that supporting Obama and increasing his popularity will only aid Zionist terrorism, war, and their murder and oppression of the Palestinians. It will also hasten the economic suffering of billions of people around the world as his popularity enables him to more easily aid the Zionist International Bankers steal the wealth of the United States, Europe and the world. Obama is totally in the bloodstained and green ink-stained hands of the Zionists. The hard truth is that the more good will and support Obama has also gives more power to support the Zionist agenda! (more…)

Dr. Norman Finklestein Condemns Israel and Says Obama is “just one more corrupt politician”

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