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  Nr. 4443 de vineri, 23 ianuarie 2009 
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Giurgiu Crisan
2009-01-22 22:15:46

Ana Munteanu,nu ai nimic in mina

ci numai vise. Daca nu se poate proba ceva de ce esti asa sigua ca Mengele e autorul?
.....ii clonase dup? Hitler in film ! Vise si iar vise.....

2009-01-23 00:08:41

chiar povesti..

foarte posibil ca sa fi fost un tirg... caietele cu rezultatele cercetarilor (multe unicate ireproductibile..) contra libertate controlata desi e greu de crezut... In rest sunt doar speculatii si fantezii... care nu se pot proba in nici un fel... cam ca la ozn-uri. Mai degraba cereti parerea serviciilor israeliene...

Ghita Bizonu'
2009-01-23 08:47:35

Mira-m-as ca Mengele sa fi fost atat de bun

medic. Nu la suflet.
Si ar mai fi ceva de zis : mici azi medicina nu e in stare, desi progresele sunt enorme fata de anii 50-60 ... Si deci Mengele a reusit in 60 ? haida-de!

2009-01-23 12:11:46

adevarul este ca in

La 2009-01-23 08:47:35, Ghita Bizonu' a scris:

> medic. Nu la suflet.
> Si ar mai fi ceva de zis : mici azi medicina nu e in stare, desi
> progresele sunt enorme fata de anii 50-60 ... Si deci Mengele a
> reusit in 60 ? haida-de!
Experiments on twins
Experiments on twin children in concentration camps were created to show the similarities and differences in the genetics and eugenics of twins, as well as to see if the human body can be unnaturally manipulated. The central leader of the experiments was Josef Mengele, who performed experiments on over 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins, of which fewer than 200 individuals survived the studies.[4] Whilst attending University of Munich (located in the city that remained one of Adolf Hitler's focal points during the revolution) studying philosophy and medicine with an emphasis on anthropology and paleontology, Mengele got swept up in the Nazi hysteria and even said that "this simple political concept finally became the decisive factor in my life".[5] Mengele's newfound admiration for the "simple political concept" led him to mix his studies of medicine and politics as his career choice. Mengele received his PhD for a thesis entitled "Racial Morphological Research on the Lower Jaw Section of Four Racial Groups", which suggested that a person's race could be identified by the shape of the jaw.[6] The Nazi organization saw his studies as talents, and Mengele was asked to be the leading physician and researcher at Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in May 1943.[7] There, Mengele organized genetic experiments on twins. The twins were arranged by age and sex and kept in barracks between experiments, which ranged from injection of different chemicals into the eyes of twins to see whether it would change their colors to literally sewing twins together to try creating conjoined twins.[8][9]

2009-01-23 12:21:04

adevarul este ca Mengele era obsedat de ``Experiments on Twins``, .. in lagarele de concentrare

La 2009-01-23 12:11:46, Seherezada a scris:

``Experiments on Twins`` era cea mai importanta sectie in cadrul ``Nazi Human experimentation`` care s-au desfasurat in lagarele de concentrare, sub conducerea lui Mengele ...

<<The central leader of the experiments was Josef Mengele, ... who performed experiments on over 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins, of which fewer than 200 individuals survived the studies.>>

alte detalii macabre despre ``Nazi Human Experimentation``:

Experiments on twins:
> Experiments on twin children in concentration camps were created to
> show the similarities and differences in the genetics and eugenics of
> twins, as well as to see if the human body can be unnaturally
> manipulated. The central leader of the experiments was Josef Mengele,
> who performed experiments on over 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins, of
> which fewer than 200 individuals survived the studies.[4] Whilst
> attending University of Munich (located in the city that remained one
> of Adolf Hitler's focal points during the revolution) studying
> philosophy and medicine with an emphasis on anthropology and
> paleontology, Mengele got swept up in the Nazi hysteria and even said
> that "this simple political concept finally became the decisive factor
> in my life".[5] Mengele's newfound admiration for the "simple
> political concept" led him to mix his studies of medicine and
> politics as his career choice. Mengele received his PhD for a thesis
> entitled "Racial Morphological Research on the Lower Jaw Section of
> Four Racial Groups", which suggested that a person's race could be
> identified by the shape of the jaw.[6] The Nazi organization saw his
> studies as talents, and Mengele was asked to be the leading physician
> and researcher at Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in May
> 1943.[7] There, Mengele organized genetic experiments on twins. The
> twins were arranged by age and sex and kept in barracks between
> experiments, which ranged from injection of different chemicals into
> the eyes of twins to see whether it would change their colors to
> literally sewing twins together to try creating conjoined
> twins.[8][9]

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