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2009-01-19 21:52:55

2009-01-19 22:05:12

Armate de avocati (ovrei) din USA.

Se pregatesc sa mearga in zona si sa lucreze ? voluntar (nu chiar asa) pt. miile de procese ce sunt prevazute sa apara. Iar miroase a gheseft,cine plateste ? Sa nu spuneti ca rasfatatii din jerusalaim.

jan dinu
2009-01-19 22:11:34

Re: Armate de avocati (ovrei) din USA.

La 2009-01-19 22:05:12, Aladin a scris:

> Se pregatesc sa mearga in zona si sa lucreze ? voluntar (nu chiar
> asa) pt. miile de procese ce sunt prevazute sa apara. Iar miroase a
> gheseft,cine plateste ? Sa nu spuneti ca rasfatatii din jerusalaim.
Gadaffi a platit vreo 2 miliarde pentru o pocnitoare aviaticA !
Cit or plati americanii pentru bombardarea populatiei civile palestiniene
ca sponsor shi protector ??

2009-01-19 22:13:10

Minciunele si pogaci

Ma intreb daca dormi linistit dupa ce torni atitea minciuni si atita ura in ... hai sa le zicem articole.
Intrebare retorica pentru ca ca un om normal n-ar fi traiat atita cu constiinta incarcata.

2009-01-19 22:14:44

Top US military analysts visiting Israel,Analysis: Europe's plea for peace ignores the Gaza reality

Top US military analysts visiting Israel

Nine of America's preeminent military analysts, columnists and defense correspondents arrived in Israel for a 3-day fact-finding mission.

Sponsored by the American Jewish Committee's Project Interchange, a non-political non-governmental organization based in Washington, the trip will include Fox News analyst Lt. General (ret) Tom McInerney, Tony
Cordesman of the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Rick Francona, Lt. Col (ret) an analyst for NBC, Max Boot, a journalist with the Council on Foreign Relations, Noah Shachtman, an editor with WIRED Magazine and several others with expertise in defense and strategic affairs.

These senior analysts were invited to Israel to examine and discuss first-hand the complex events unfolding in the region.

"They want to be on the ground to see for themselves - not only what's transpired in Gaza but to take a keen look at what comes next," said Sam Witkin, the Executive Director of Project Interchange.

"Through briefings with senior Israeli officials, participants will enhance their understanding of Israel's military objectives and priorities. They'll address Israeli domestic and regional concerns as well by talking directly with Palestinian leaders, Israeli legislators, civilians, and leading voices from Israel's think-tanks and media," Witkin added.

Jan 19, 2009 14:12 -http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1232292904940&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

Analysis: Europe's plea for peace ignores the Gaza reality

While European leaders gathered twice Sunday in Egypt and Israel to hail the fragile Gaza cease-fire as an opportunity to revive Middle East peace efforts, the Hamas leadership-in-exile gathered in a Damascus TV studio to essentially state: Not over our dead bodies. Or, more accurately, not over Gazans' dead bodies.

Its heroic resistance fighters had withstood the might of the Israeli occupation forces for three full weeks, said members of the Hamas leadership-in-exile, seated around a black table bearing a map of all of Palestine. Now, said Hamas spokesman Moussa Abu Marzouk, it was consenting to a tentative cease-fire, but only if Israel vacated Gaza within seven days.

Otherwise, the invincible rocket crews would again be called into action, and the valiant assault on Israel would recommence.

Just like Hizbullah in 2006, Hamas was either astonishingly cynical in provoking Israel's Operation Cast Lead onslaught by escalating its rocket fire, or it was astonishingly stupid. Either it anticipated the crushing Israeli military response and didn't care about the consequences for Gazans. Or it failed to appreciate what it was about to let Gaza in for.

Either explanation reflects dismally on Hamas. And try as it might, unlike Hizbullah, it cannot even credibly claim that it inflicted high Israeli losses, pummeled large sections of the country with 100-plus rockets per day, wrought despair and confusion on the Israeli home front or exposed an incompetent Israeli military and political leadership.

Again, unlike Hizbullah, it cannot credibly claim to have fought bravely against the IDF. Its fighters, rather, melted away into the deepest recesses of civilian protection. And while the likes of Marzouk and his colleague Khaled Mashaal sounded consistently indomitable from the comfort and safety of the Syrian capital, the local Gaza leadership simply hid.

But will the people of Gaza, who chose Hamas as their leadership three years ago, internalize any of this?

The fragile denouement of Operation Cast Lead saw Egypt and Israel graced by the presence of so many world leaders on Sunday that they barely had room to put their elbows on the shared table at Sharm e-Sheikh. They took so long to make their speeches in Jerusalem that all three Israeli nightly news shows cut away to other stories.

The European leaders put on a public display here and in Egypt that was designed to underline the illegitimacy of Hamas and its Iranian and Syrian backers. The inclusion of Turkey's President Abdullah Gul at the Egyptian gathering highlighted that, ultimately, Hamas remained beyond the pale, despite all Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's vicious criticism of Israel these past three weeks.

But will Gazans get the message? Or, confronted with the ruins all around them, will they instead redouble their hostility to Israel, forgive Hamas what was either cynicism or foolishness, and rededicate themselves to helping their elected Islamist leadership to eventually prevail over the Zionists?

One after the other in Jerusalem on Sunday night, the dignitaries from Europe declared that the cease-fire was not enough - not an end in and of itself. The unstable truce had, rather, in the words of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, opened "a window of opportunity" to a broad Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Each of the guests had their own stresses and nuances. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had slammed Israel on the very first day of Operation Cast Lead for its "disproportionate" response to eight years of rocket fire, was by far the most critical, declaring, in apparent contradiction of his professed support for Israel's right to self-defense, that "the IDF's role is not in Gaza."

He was "not out to lecture Israel," Sarkozy went on, and then did precisely that: "What is at stake is the future of the State of Israel," he declared with tremendous passion. And what was needed was "a major international conference," built on "trust" and the current "glimmer of hope," to "hammer out a great final peace plan" and "make peace this year."

Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown was characteristically more circumspect. Unlike Sarkozy, he recognized that "permanent peace may seem a very, very distant prospect."

But, like the French president, Brown, too, said he could "see a road" opening up in the direction of a permanent accord.

Any such road, however, must of necessity run through Gaza. And there, Hamas is vowing to regain and then strengthen its capacity to hurt Israel. There, the Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin warned yesterday, Hamas will have the Philadelphi Corridor weapons smuggling operation back at full strength in two or three months if Egypt does not radically bolster prevention efforts. And there, as President Hosni Mubarak emphatically told his VIP guests on Sunday, Egypt will not allow a single foreign adviser, monitor or soldier to assist in the anti-smuggling work.

Tony Blair echoed his successor Brown and the other European leaders when he stated on Sunday that "the cease-fire won't hold" unless there was a new effort to move toward a two-state solution. But long-since sobered by his work as the international Quartet's Middle East envoy, Blair added a caveat that was not stressed by the guests in Jerusalem. A new peace effort, he said, required a new Palestinian unity based on consensual Palestinian support for a two-state solution.

What Blair left unspoken, on the day that the Hamas leadership in Damascus celebrated its victory and set out its conditions for maintaining the cease-fire, was that so long as Hamas dominates Gaza, there will be no such consensual Palestinian support for viable peace. And as of Sunday night, with the IDF starting to pull back after three weeks of Operation Cast Lead, Hamas has every intention of continuing to dominate Gaza.

2009-01-19 22:18:53

Jewish community gets on the Obama bandwagon

President-elect Barack Obama completed his whistle-stop tour from Philadelphia to the US capital on Saturday night for his inauguration this week, where he is being greeted by millions of Americans, a packed schedule of festivities and even the occasional "Shalom.Washington Jews - as well as thousands of Jewish visitors from coast to coast - are getting in on the inaugural action with activism, prayer services, and, of course, balls. Though the official swearing-in isn't until noon on Tuesday, the weekend witnessed a packed Jewish calendar, with more to come throughout the week.

The highest-profile Jewish presence is set to come on Wednesday morning, when three rabbis from different streams will participate in the National Prayer Service. Rabbi David Saperstein, executive director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington, will deliver a psalm, while Rabbi Jerome Epstein, director of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and Orthodox Rabbi Haskel Lookstein of Manhattan's Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun will offer responsive prayers.

The service, as well as the inauguration itself, has run into some controversy on religious grounds. Some in the Jewish community were displeased that Rick Warren, an evangelical pastor from the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, the fourth largest church in the US, was chosen to give the inaugural invocation despite having made controversial comments about gays and Judaism, while others objected to the all-Protestant line-up of religious figures at Tuesday's event. Some groups even wanted the phrase "so help me God" stricken from the oath.

The following day's prayer service at the National Cathedral has come under additional fire, with media reports that a Muslim scholar scheduled to speak at the event was the leader of a group that federal prosecutors said had ties to terrorists.

Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America, has been a guest at the State Department, Pentagon and the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer.

But federal prosecutors in Dallas have filed court documents in the last year linking the Plainfield, Indiana-based Islamic society to Hamas, though neither Mattson nor her organization have been charged.

Linda Douglass, a spokeswoman for Obama's inaugural committee, would not discuss the case or whether the committee knew about it, saying "she has a stellar reputation in the faith community."

Hamas, and Israel's war against the Islamist organization in Gaza, also surfaced during a Sunday pre-inauguration interview with Obama chief political strategist David Axelrod. When asked by CNN's John King about the incipient cease-fire, he reiterated the Obama administration's commitment to engaging with the region.

"All of us are hopeful that a cessation of violence will hold," Axelrod said. "But the president-elect has said repeatedly that he intends to engage early and aggressively with diplomacy all over the world and using the men and women, the professionals who are in place, who are great, and, where appropriate, special envoys."

Politics and Middle East policy are also making nominal appearances at Jewish events tied to the inaugural festivities, often in the presence of food, alcohol and schmoozing.

The National Jewish Democratic Council and the new J Street Israel lobby are co-hosting breakfasts for their members to hear a few leading transition team and Middle East experts speak.

The Jewish Grassroots Action Network, which was formed from the campaign activist group Jews for Obama, hosted a workshop reflecting on the lessons learned from the campaign and brainstorming on how to continue to push issues of importance.

On Monday, several Jewish organizations are planning to participate in Obama's call for a day of service. The day is a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr., and Jewish volunteers will participate in service projects ranging from voter registration to preparing food for a homeless shelter.

"There are more activities for this inaugural than at least for the last two," said William Daroff, who heads the Washington office of the United Jewish Communities, which will be joining with other Jewish organizations to hold a reception on Monday afternoon.

Daroff attributed the increased participation in part to Jews being overwhelmingly Democrat and therefore enthusiastic about ushering in the first Democratic administration in eight years.

"Americans in general - Democrats, Republicans and Independents - are excited about the Obama presidency," he said. "The Jewish community is part of the general excitement about the inauguration of the first African-American, someone who is much younger and who has really captivated the American people, and someone who is legitimately a source of excitement for all Americans."

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, from the National Synagogue, the oldest Orthodox synagogue in Washington, also pointed to the bipartisan nature of the event at hand when explaining his decision to hold his first Jewish Inaugural Ball on Sunday night.

"We're having a ball because whether or not one is Republican or Democrat, there's one commander-in-chief in this country and we have to recognize that we all want him to succeed, and we're celebrating and praying for the welfare of the government," he said, noting that he wasn't yet in Washington when the last inauguration took place four year ago.

In addition to food, music and mingling, the ball will also feature a table where attendees can write letters of support to IDF soldiers and residents of southern Israel, as well as sell artwork whose proceeds will largely go to organizations helping Israeli soldiers.

"It's hard to celebrate," Herzfeld said, "when our brothers and sisters in the Land of Israel are engaged in a war, so we want to make sure to incorporate that part in our celebration."


2009-01-19 22:21:12

Eye on Iran: The fourth option

Posted by Ali Kazemi, Virginia, USA

The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has long been recognized as the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. It has funded, trained and armed several terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The discovery of Iran's extensive and clandestine uranium enrichment has only added to the international apprehension.

The US has had economic sanctions against Iran for 26 years. It has been a failure. Only Israel and Uzbekistan joined the US in the sanction. But even if other countries were to join, there is little evidence that would change Iran's direction. The suffering that sanctions bring is almost entirely imposed on the Iranian people. The regime will continue to function and will even use the sanctions to oppress the people. It will tighten its economic control even more and the rewards that it bestows on its followers become irresistible. That is what Saddam did that during the years that Iraq was under economic sanctions.

The EU has had a policy of "Constructive Dialogue" with Iran for many years. That too has been a total failure. The EU has made several offers for more advanced nuclear reactors and expanded trade packages. They also guaranteed nuclear fuel delivery at the market rate, which would be 1/3 of what it would cost Iran to make. All these offers have met with Iran's steadfast refusal to halt its uranium enrichment. This leaves little doubt about its real intentions for uranium enrichment.

Using the current methods of carrot by the EU and stick by the US, the West will never be successful in getting the IRI to be less of a menace internationally. These policies have failed because in both cases the unspoken assumption has been that IRI has the best interest of Iranians in mind. The US and the EU are democracies and the democratically elected governments need to be sensitive to the needs and wants of the governed or they won't stay in power. They have instinctively, but erroneously attributed similar motives to IRI. But the IRI is a totalitarian system and such a regime would collapse as soon as it starts caring about its citizens. This simple fact is the key to success in dealing with the IRI.

The West needs allies in dealing with the mullahs' regime. The natural allies are the Iranian people themselves. Iranians have been the biggest victims of the regime. Most Iranians do not support the Islamic regime and want to have good relations with the West. This is the Achilles' heel of the regime. The mullahs know it too. In 2002 when the government's own pollsters asked Iranians if they wanted to have normal relations restored with the US, 74% said yes. But instead of a policy change it got the pollsters arrested. They were sentenced to eight years in prison for "propagating against the Islamic Republic" and "selling intelligence to foreigners". This is a frightened regime that is desperate to hide the depths of its unpopularity.

You might wonder then why do Iranians put up with their government and not elect better leaders. As reported in the Western media, Iran has the usual organs of democracies such as an elected president and congress.

But what is almost never mentioned in the media is that the Iranian people are not allowed to freely elect their presidents or congressmen. Only candidates that are from the ruling circle and proven to be loyal to the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei can run in Iranian elections. They have even codified the pre-vetting process. A committee selected by the Supreme Leader has to approve every candidate for every national election. In the last presidential election over 1000 candidates were rejected and only allowed 4 to run.

Furthermore, the president has no actual powers and can be dismissed by the Supreme Leader at anytime. The same is true for members of congress. Iran has a Potemkin government. It is entirely for show. The power legally and practically belongs to the Supreme Leader and no change to the system is allowed without his approval. So people cannot vote their leaders in or out of office. The actual leaders are the unelected Supreme Leader and his appointees and even the for-show government is pre-selected by the Supreme Leader.

A government that knows it has majority support does not act the way the IRI has been acting from its very inception. IRI treats Iranians as the enemy, not citizens. They have executed over 150,000 political prisoners. They try their opponents in Revolutionary Courts where the accused have no rights. The judge and the prosecutor are often the same and the prisoners are tortured until they confess. They are executed for charges such as "Fighting the Will of God" or "Spreading Corruption on Earth". The regime's assassins have killed hundreds of Iranian dissidents including many exiles in Europe.

The rulers of Iran have closed most information outlets from the citizens. Access to the Internet is limited and thousands of political websites are blocked by the government. Ownership of satellite dishes is illegal. Hundreds of newspapers and magazines have been shut down. Journalists and bloggers are imprisoned, tortured and killed.

Canadian Journalist Zahra Kazemi was photographing a demonstration by the families of political prisoners outside Tehran's Evin prison. She was arrested, brutally raped and tortured. She died from her injuries 19 days later. IRI refused to return her body to her son who lives in Canada. A former staff physician in Iran's Defense Ministry who escaped Iran recently stated that he examined Kazemi in the hospital, four days after her arrest. He said Kazemi showed obvious signs of brutal torture and rape. This is the fate of many dissidents in Iran. Her case was reported in the Western media because she was a journalist and a Canadian citizen.

During the cold war, Soviet bloc dissidents such as Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn received a lot of attention and support from the West. Lech Walesa was a well-known name in the West. He received the Noble Peace Prize and addressed a joint session of the United States Congress. Walesa was a shipyard worker whose first demand was an independent union.


2009-01-19 22:24:26

The great Iranian sting

While our warriors are on the battlefield fighting, it's difficult to express criticism of any kind. But it is of the utmost importance to know and internalize that the present warfare is not only about rockets pounding our southern cities. Of course, any sovereign nation cannot allow its citizens to be attacked day after day, week after week, year after year, without responding.

However, this is just what consecutive governments did not do, beginning not with the Oslo war, otherwise known as the second intifada. Rather in the late 1980s, during the first intifada, when Israelis were stoned, firebombed and shot at, the government's reactions were lukewarm at best.

With the outbreak of the second intifada on the eve of Rosh Hashana 2000, the government effectively ignored the attacks on its citizens, most particularly those living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. In Hebron, Arabs shot at Jews from the surrounding Abu Sneineh and Harat a-Shech Hills for more than two years, with the only response being "virtual."
The IDF was under strict orders not to retake the hills, which would have stopped the shooting.
In Gush Katif, thousands upon thousands of mortars shells were fired into Jewish communities. The response to these attacks was not even lukewarm; it was nil.
So it came as no surprise when the country's leaders didn't blink an eye when Hamas terrorists, utilizing the very land given to them by the State of Israel, began shelling Sderot. Nor were we shocked when rockets started falling on Ashkelon and Ashdod; such attacks had been predicted prior to the abandonment of Gush Katif.

Those of us who envisioned such shellings were at best ignored or called "black prophets"; at worst we were "enemies of peace."

Today's battles are not only about self-defense. Much more importantly, they are a return to our national pride, knowing that this is our country, this is our land and we must do, and will do, whatever necessary to protect our citizens and preserve our sovereignty.

This, despite the heartache with each and every casualty, knowing that it didn't necessarily have to be this way; we weren't forced to abandon Gush Katif and we didn't have to allow Hamas to rearm itself with missiles which have paralyzed the South.

BUT THIS is, perhaps, only a minuscule amount of the damage that's been done.

A few brief, analytical questions: 1. Why did Hamas agree, in the first place, to a cease-fire more than six months ago? 2. Why did Hamas, only a few weeks ago, refuse to renew the cease-fire? 3. Why did Hamas, knowing that at some point Israel would have no choice but to respond, fire hundreds of rockets? 4. Why has Hamas refused to accept a cease-fire, despite the massive destruction and loss of life in Gaza?

The answer to these questions is, quite possibly, very simple.

Our Arab neighbors are not as stupid as we would like to think they are. What is the real existential threat to the State of Israel today? The Iranian nuclear threat. The Iranians, as well as building nuclear reactors, also know how to read calendars. They know that on January 20, George W. Bush will cease to be president of the United States and will be replaced by Barack Obama. They know that Israel would much prefer to "clean up" the Iranian problem prior to the presidential transition, realizing that Bush would be much more likely to give a green light to offensive action than would the new president Obama. How could they prevent a preemptive attack?

Iran is the number one supplier of money to Hamas. Iranian leaders told Hamas: "You are going to be sacrificed for a higher good - the destruction of the Jewish state." Hamas was ordered to make a cease-fire and then break it to keep Israel occupied with the south, rather than with the north.

Israel would not attempt major armed conflict on two fronts simultaneously. Massive rocket attacks on cities would force Israel's hand, but prevent an attack on Iran. Surely Iran promised Hamas that it would receive full compensation for all damage done.

As for the Arabs killed, necessary sacrifices. Besides which, photographs of dead make for excellent propaganda when broadcast on CNN and the BBC.

In other words, the current war is nothing more than a great Iranian sting operation, preventing Israel from demolishing its nuclear facilities before January 20, at the cost of a few thousand buildings and a few hundred Arab lives in Gaza. This is perhaps, the real cost of the Gush Katif "disengagement."


2009-01-19 22:26:44

Jerusalem Post - Negocieri ultrasecrete

Statele Unite examineaza, in secret, posibilitatea de a folosi bazele si aeroporturile militare georgiene sau azere, in eventualitatea unui atac antiiranian, scrie cotidianul israelian Jerusalem Post intr-un material in exclusivitate.

""Americanii si-au intins antenele"", declara un oficial georgian. Ziarul insista asupra recentelor presiuni diplomatice americane care au dat gres in fata pozitiei ""stoice"" a Teheranului de a nu se lasa intimidat cand vine vorba de renuntarea la programul nuclear.
Cat priveste Georgia, tara situata la nord-vest de Iran si aflata intr-o pozitie delicata de vreme ce este un aliat important al SUA, Guvernul de la Tbilisi se teme de un contraatac iranian, daca fortele americane vor folosi teritoriul acestei republici pentru declansarea unei ofensive. Azerbaidjanul, un alt aliat al SUA si vecin cu Iranul, este luat in calcul la Washington inca de la sfarsitul lui 2004.


2009-01-19 22:27:29

Si, care-i diferenta dintre secret si ULTRAsecret ? :))))

La 2009-01-19 22:26:44, nellu a scris:

> Statele Unite examineaza, in secret, posibilitatea de a folosi bazele
> si aeroporturile militare georgiene sau azere, in eventualitatea unui
> atac antiiranian, scrie cotidianul israelian Jerusalem Post intr-un
> material in exclusivitate.
> ""Americanii si-au intins antenele"", declara un oficial georgian.
> Ziarul insista asupra recentelor presiuni diplomatice americane care
> au dat gres in fata pozitiei ""stoice"" a Teheranului de a nu se lasa
> intimidat cand vine vorba de renuntarea la programul nuclear.
> Cat priveste Georgia, tara situata la nord-vest de Iran si aflata
> intr-o pozitie delicata de vreme ce este un aliat important al SUA,
> Guvernul de la Tbilisi se teme de un contraatac iranian, daca fortele
> americane vor folosi teritoriul acestei republici pentru declansarea
> unei ofensive. Azerbaidjanul, un alt aliat al SUA si vecin cu Iranul,
> este luat in calcul la Washington inca de la sfarsitul lui 2004.
> http://www.9am.ro/stiri-revista-presei

2009-01-19 22:28:57

Jerusalem Post - Israelul ar putea ataca preventiv Iranul

Departamentul american al Apararii studiaza posibilitatea ca Israelul sa lanseze un atac aerian preventiv asupra Iranului. Cotidianul Jerusalem Post scrie despre o serie de discutii desfasurate la Pentagon, in urma carora nu s-au tras insa concluzii concrete.
DRUMUL DREPT, PRIN IRAK. Tratativele, abordate din punctul de vedere al informatiilor secrete, s-au axat pe ideea declansarii unui atac aerian preventiv din Israel impotriva Iranului. Ziarul israelian scrie ca Israelul trebuie sa colaboreze cu trupele SUA in conditiile in care, probabil, se va alege cea mai scurta cale de acces in Iran - spatiul aerian al Irakului. Israelienii nu vor lansa atacul pana la alegerile din 28 martie.
Israelul este constient ca Occidentul nu are posibilitatea de a ataca o tara precum Iranul. Saptamana trecuta, seful Statului Major Moshe Yaa€™alon a declarat, la Washington, ca Vestul nu dispune de optiunea militara impotriva Teheranului, iar un atac aerian comun desfasurat de Statele Unite, Alianta Nord-Atlantica si Israel ar putea fi singura solutie pentru a pune capat programului nuclear iranian pentru urmatorii ani.


2009-01-19 22:30:41

Israelul va distruge Iranul, daca va fi atacat de acesta

Israelul va initia "o riposta dura" si va distruge Iranul, daca Teheranul lanseaza un atac impotriva statului evreu, a afirmat ministrul infrastructurilor israelian Benyamin Ben Eliezer.
"Iranul nu se va grabi sa ne atace deoarece intelege semnificatia unui asemenea act. Un atac iranian impotriva Israelului va declansa o riposta dura ce va provoca distrugerea natiunii iraniene", a afirmat oficialul israelian citat de posturile de radio locale.


2009-01-19 22:31:02

Ar fi si normal, ar fi si cazul. In mod normal, Israelul ar trebui sa aibe granita cu China ! Nu ?

La 2009-01-19 22:28:57, nellu a scris:

> Departamentul american al Apararii studiaza posibilitatea ca Israelul
> sa lanseze un atac aerian preventiv asupra Iranului. Cotidianul
> Jerusalem Post scrie despre o serie de discutii desfasurate la
> Pentagon, in urma carora nu s-au tras insa concluzii concrete.
> DRUMUL DREPT, PRIN IRAK. Tratativele, abordate din punctul de vedere
> al informatiilor secrete, s-au axat pe ideea declansarii unui atac
> aerian preventiv din Israel impotriva Iranului. Ziarul israelian
> scrie ca Israelul trebuie sa colaboreze cu trupele SUA in conditiile
> in care, probabil, se va alege cea mai scurta cale de acces in Iran -
> spatiul aerian al Irakului. Israelienii nu vor lansa atacul pana la
> alegerile din 28 martie.
> Israelul este constient ca Occidentul nu are posibilitatea de a ataca
> o tara precum Iranul. Saptamana trecuta, seful Statului Major Moshe
> Yaa€™alon a declarat, la Washington, ca Vestul nu dispune
> de optiunea militara impotriva Teheranului, iar un atac aerian comun
> desfasurat de Statele Unite, Alianta Nord-Atlantica si Israel ar
> putea fi singura solutie pentru a pune capat programului nuclear
> iranian pentru urmatorii ani.
> http://www.9am.ro/stiri-revista-presei

carol zwilling1
2009-01-19 22:32:34

Concluzia de aici:Gaza war's outcome determined in first 4 minutes

F-16 fighter-bomber
The Israel air force demolished two key Hamas war systems in the first 4 minutes of its massive offensive on Gaza Saturday morning, Dec. 27, DEBKAfile's military sources report. The bombers destroyed six mosques in Gaza City which held the terrorists' biggest weapons arsenals and scores of "beehives" containing launchers primed for the simultaneous, automatic release of hundreds of powerful rockets against Israeli cities.

These launchers were rigged for precision-targeting in Israeli town centers. They were operated by a unit of 300 special Hamas operatives trained for their mission at a Syrian military bases under the instruction of Hizballah rocket specialists.

The aerial offensive knocked out 80 percent of the rockets Hamas had prepared to launch and saved Israel's southern cities. The Palestinian Islamists were left only with inferior projectiles. Therefore, 98 percent of the hundreds of missiles they managed to fire in the 22-day war missed their targets and exploded in open ground.

Answering questions about the extreme destruction wrought in Gaza and the high number of casualties – more than 1,300 - Israel commanders described combat conditions as the most complicated they had ever faced: Every second apartment building was booby-trapped and every third building concealed arms caches. Weapons were concealed under children's beds and in basements. Inside of fighting out in the open, Hamas gunmen by and large avoided engaging Israeli troops, relying on these death traps.

Monday, Jan. 19, the second day of the ceasefire, the second-echelon of the Hamas leadership emerged from their fortified bunkers after three weeks underground, claiming they had vanquished the Israeli enemy. The top leaders remained invisible. The homeless people picking their

2009-01-19 22:33:16

Sa mai si ridem !


2009-01-19 22:33:52

Israelul a vrut sa bombardeze Iranul in mai, dar Bush a refuzat

Israelul s-a gandit serios sa bombardeze instalatiile nucleare din Iran in 2008, dar presedintele american George W.Bush a refuzat sa sustina astfel de operatiuni, a informat cotidianul britanic The Guardian, potrivit NewsIn.
Potrivit The Guardian, care citeaza surse diplomatice europene de inalt nivel, premierul Ehud Olmert a discutat aceasta chestiune cu Bush intr-o intalnire din 14 mai. Liderul american a spus insa ca nu va sustine o astfel de initiativa, din cauza posibilelor represalii asupra unor tinte americane din Irak si Afganistan si pentru ca se indoia in legatura cu capacitatea Israelului de a avaria serios instalatiile iraniene.

Potrivit cotidianului britanic, chiar daca Israelul ar fi intentionat sa desfasoare atacurile fara sustinerea SUA, avioanele sale nu ar fi putut ajunge in Iran fara sa treaca prin spatiul aerian irakian, sub control american, ceea ce ar fi facut Teheranul sa creada ca Statele Unite aprobasera un astfel de atac.

Israelul considera Iranul drept cea mai mare amenintare la adresa securitatii sale, din cauza accelerarii programului nuclear. Israelul, singura putere nucleara din Orientul Mijlociu, si SUA acuza Iranul ca incearca sa obtina arma nucleara.

Sursa: 9am, 29 Septembrie 2008

2009-01-19 22:43:13

Europenii sunt niste idioti

Europenii sunt ipocrit. La inceputul conflictului au cerut "incetarea focului de ambele parti" -citeste- Israel sa nu riposteze. Sarkozy si altii chiar au condamnat "reactia disproportionata" a Israel. Acum, cand Israel a invins, Hamas e zdrobit, guvernele arabe nu au mai pus sula in coasta UE, Sarko, Merkel, Berlusco, Brown, viteji dupa razbo,i au dat fuga in Orientul Mijlociu ca sa faca poze. Cretinii astia au inceput sa debiteze ca au oprit invazia rusa in Georgia si au rezolvat criza financiara mondiala. Acum te pomenesti ca or fi facut si pace in Gaza.
Sarkozy vrea "conferinta internationala de pace". Adica exact ce respinge Israel, ca sa nu-si puna soarta unor mascarici ca Sarkozy. Franta nu face doi bani in OM, oricat s-ar agita Sarkozy. Camp David I si II, Acordul de la Oslo, dezangajarea lui Sharon, s-au facut fara ca Franta sa aiba cel mai mic amestec. Ar fi si culmea dupa ce i-au pupat in cur pe arabi 40 de ani, i-au construit reactor nuclear lui Saddam, l-a trimis pe Khomeini la Teheran cu Air France sa faca revolutia islamica, au supus Israel embargoului in razboiul din 1973 si a refuzat sa lase sa treaca avioanele anglo-americane care l-au bombardat pe Ghaddafi.
Sarkozy este evreu. La fel si David Miliband, ministrul de externe britanic, aflat in fruntea propagandei anti-israeliene. Nu mi se pare deloc ca evreii ar conduce Europa conform teoriei conspiratiei

2009-01-19 22:51:48

Re: Si, care-i diferenta dintre secret si ULTRAsecret ?

Poti folosi sursele la orisice nelamurire

Center for Defense Information (CDI)
1779 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 1-202-332-0600
Fax: 1-202-462-4559
E-mail: info@cdi.org
Website: www.cdi.org

The Center for Homeland & Global Security
Equity International, Inc.
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Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 1-202-756-2244
Fax: 1-202-756-7323
E-mail: Ianacorrigan@hotmail.com
Website: www.globalsecurity.bz

Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
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Phone: (703) 482-0623
Fax: (703) 482-1739
Email: go to contact us and use the e-mail form to post questions and comments
Website: www.cia.gov/

The Department of State
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Office of Public Affairs, Room 2509
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Phone: 1-202-647-4000
E-mail: secretary@state.gov
Website: www.state.gov/s/ct

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 7350
Washington, DC 20535
Phone: 1-202-324-3000
Website: www.fbi.gov

The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
ICT - at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150 Israel
Fax: 972-9-9513073
Website: www.ict.org.il

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837
Washington, DC 20038
Phone: 1-202-955-9070
Fax: 1-202-955-9077
E-Mail: memri@memri.org
Website: www.memri.org

National Security Institute’s Security Resource Net (NSI)
116 Main Street, Suite 200
Medway, MA 02053
Phone: 1-508-533-9099
Fax: 1-508-533-3761
E-mail: webmaster@nsi.org
Website: www.nsi.org

Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
P.O. Box 889
621 North Robinson, Fourth Floor
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
Phone: 1-405-232-5121
Fax: 1-405-232-5132
E-mail: suggestions@mipt.org
Website: www.mipt.org


Muslims Against Terrorism (MAT)
28 Crowfoot Terrace NW
P.O. Box 68142, Calgary, Alberta T3G 3N8, Canada
Phone: 1-403-831-6330
E-Mail: matinfo@m-a-t.org
Website: www.m-a-t.org

neamtu tiganu
2009-01-19 22:56:57

Un arab vrea sa-si vinda masina..

2009-01-19 22:57:54

'Hamas torturing Fatah members in Gaza'

Hamas militiamen have rounded up hundreds of Fatah activists on suspicion of "collaboration" with Israel during Operation Cast Lead, Fatah members in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.They said the Hamas crackdown on Fatah intensified after the cease-fire went into effect early Sunday morning.

The Fatah members and eyewitnesses said the detainees were being held in school buildings and hospitals that Hamas had turned into make-shift interrogation centers.

Hamas has also renewed house arrest orders that were issued against thousands of Fatah officials and activists in the Gaza Strip shortly after the military operation started.

Fatah official in Ramallah told the Post that at least 100 of his men had been killed or wounded as a result of the massive Hamas crackdown. Some had been brutally tortured, he added.

The official said that the perpetrators belonged to Hamas's armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, and to the movement's Internal Security Force.

According to the official, at least three of the detainees had their eyes put out by their interrogators, who accused them of providing Israel with wartime information about the location of Hamas militiamen and officials.

A number of Hamas leaders and spokesmen have claimed in the past few days that Fatah members in the Gaza Strip had been spying on their movement and passing the information to Israel.

Two Hamas officials, Salah Bardaweel and Fawzi Barhoum, accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his "spies" in the Gaza Strip of tipping off the Israelis about the movements of slain Hamas interior minister Said Siam, who was killed in an IAF strike on his brother's home in Gaza City last week.

The Fatah official in Ramallah said that, apart from being baseless, the allegations were aimed at paving the way for a ruthless Hamas attack on Fatah activists in the Gaza Strip.

"They were afraid to confront the Israeli army and many Hamas militiamen even ran away during the fighting," he said. "Hamas is now venting its anger and frustration against our Fatah members there."

Eyewitnesses said that Hamas militiamen had turned a number of hospitals and schools into temporary detention centers where dozens of Fatah members and supporters were being held on suspicion of helping Israel during the war.

The eyewitnesses said that a children's hospital and a mental health center in Gaza City, as well as a number of school buildings in Khan Yunis and Rafah, were among the places that Hamas had turned into "torture centers."

A Fatah activist in Gaza City claimed that as many as 80 members of his faction were either shot in the legs or had their hands broken for allegedly defying Hamas's house-arrest orders.

"What's happening in the Gaza Strip is a new massacre that is being carried out by Hamas against Fatah," he said. "Where were these [Hamas] cowards when the Israeli army was here?"

The activist said that Hamas's security forces had also confiscated cellular phones and computers belonging to thousands of local Fatah members and supporters.

Relatives of Abed al-Gharabli, a former Fatah security officer who spent 12 years in Israeli prisons, said he was kidnapped by a group of Hamas militiamen who shot him in both legs after severely torturing him.

Ziad Abu Hayeh, one of the commanders of Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, is reported to have lost his sight after Hamas gunmen put out his eyes. According to Fatah activists, Abu Hayeh was kidnapped from his home in Khan Yunis by Hamas militiamen.

The Fatah men said that in a number of incidents, Hamas militiamen had kidnapped Fatah activists while they were attending the funerals of people killed during the war. In other cases, activists were detained and shot in the legs after they were spotted smiling in public - an act interpreted by Hamas as an expression of joy over Israel's military offensive.

On Saturday night, three brothers from the Subuh family were abducted by Hamas militiamen and taken to the Abdel Aziz Rantisi Mosque in Khan Yunis, where they were shot in the legs, a local journalist told the Post.

In a more recent incident, Hamas gunmen shot and killed 80-year-old Hisham Tawfik Najjar after storming his home and beating his four sons - all Fatah activists.

Fahmi Za'areer, a Fatah spokesman in the West Bank, revealed that at least 16 Fatah activists had been executed by Hamas in the past few days. He strongly condemned the Hamas clampdown on Fatah and warned against a bloodbath in the Gaza Strip.

A leaflet distributed by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in various parts of the Gaza Strip called on Hamas to "respect the blood of the Palestinian martyrs" and stop pursuing Fatah members. The leaflet said that Hamas had placed hundreds of Fatah men under house arrest in the past 48 hours and was warning that anyone who failed to comply with these orders would be shot.


2009-01-19 23:07:18

pe vremuri moscova..

in anii razboiului rece de acolo veneau...si in Cuba si in Vietnam si prin Africa... si nu ca acuma din Iran, si totusi nu cred ca cineva s-a gindit sa-i bombardeze pe sovietici... In afara conflictelor din antichitate intre cele doua natiuni, evrei si persi, nu cred ca au mai fost animozitati pina la caderea sahului si schimbarea regimului din Iran, si atunci au aparut doar pentru ca israelienii ii sustineau pe americani, cu care iranienii erau intr-un conflict aproape deschis... Pe fondul razboiului crunt cu Irakul era normal sa devina asa aspri din moment ce majoritatea 'civilizata' i-a sustinut si inarmat pe irakieni.. Cu toate acestea i-au ajutat si ei discret pe talibanii care luptau contra sovieticilor in Afghanistan. Probabil ca tot de atunci sunt si 'mercenarii' externalizati poate si de prin Iran si care astazi sunt in toate 'conflictele' cu iz musulman din lume...incepind de la Bosnia si Kosovo, Cecenia si terminind cu Libanul si Palestina... Istoria 'luptatorilor de guerila' din lume arata ca de multe ori acestia s-au intors chiar impotriva 'parintilor' sau au scapat de sub tutela lor, 'lucrind' pe cont propriu..Cazul lui Che Guevara, Tito, chiar si Dej si Ceausescu, Carlos sau Bin Laden si talibanii, poate chiar si Hamas-ul... Presiunea internationala asupra Iranului trebuie sa continue ca ei sa se supuna controlului international asa cum o fac si alte state ale lumii (se pot atrage si inspectori iranieni ca sa vada cu ochii lor ca se poate..) Razboaiele nu sunt o solutie iar in zona asta a lumii framintata de milenii este chiar impotriva tuturor perceptelor omenirii...

george nemteanu
2009-01-19 23:07:59

Re: Un arab vrea sa-si vinda masina..

2009-01-19 23:08:15

Re: Armate de avocati (ovrei) din USA.

La 2009-01-19 22:11:34, jan dinu a scris:

> La 2009-01-19 22:05:12, Aladin a scris:
> > Se pregatesc sa mearga in zona si sa lucreze ? voluntar (nu chiar
> > asa) pt. miile de procese ce sunt prevazute sa apara. Iar miroase a
> > gheseft,cine plateste ? Sa nu spuneti ca rasfatatii din jerusalaim.
> >
> ========================================================
> Gadaffi a platit vreo 2 miliarde pentru o pocnitoare aviaticA !
> Cit or plati americanii pentru bombardarea populatiei civile
> palestiniene
> ca sponsor shi protector ??
> JD

Intrebarea retorica poate avea mai multe raspunsuri

Cine tine banii tine si dreptatea

Dulaul reguleaza cateii dau din cur

In rest nu va faceti grija caci istoria este plina de exemple de la distrugerea Germaniei si Japoniei (cateva sute de miliarde $ azi),Iraq,Afganistan.....Yugoslavia cam 100 miliarde $,asa ca pt un mizilic de 2-3 miliarde in Gaza nimeni nu isi bate capul decat ca o propaganda care este ca o clisma la un mort.

Deci cainii latra si caravana trece caci asa este in orient.Bani frumosi vor face companiile din Egipt care au primit deja in teorie 1,5 miliarde $ la conferinta din golf.

george nemteanu
2009-01-19 23:09:32

Re: E bun !

2009-01-19 23:10:17

Eu niu cred ca un arab e in stare sa fie tradator de masina

2009-01-19 23:14:39

Re: Europenii sunt niste idioti

La 2009-01-19 22:43:13, vamid a scris:

> Europenii sunt ipocrit. . Nu mi se pare
> deloc ca evreii ar conduce Europa conform teoriei conspiratiei

Nu mai face asa o declaratie ca te mananca Zenn si Sobru -la care zeul conspiratiei tine loc de biserica.Si nu numai la ei asa ca "darami " toate condimentele si epitetele de pe forum.

Deci in mod cert cei doi europeni sunt evrei marani convertiti la catalocism (nu la ortodoxi) si servesc interesele vaticanului in orientul apropiat.

2009-01-19 23:16:36

ce sa-ti povestesc

nu mai pot,plang de mila voastra asupritilor. daca nici voi nu ati fost favorizati de "west" in contul problemelor din OM, atunci...si apropox...reactorul nuclear de la Dimona a fost construit de francezi, reactor in care ati conceput pe ascuns bombe nucleare impotriva legislatiei internationale

2009-01-19 23:22:49

Haniyeh: We have achieved victory Raspuns pt Aladin si JD

In a speech broadcast on Hamas television on Sunday night, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said the Palestinians had achieved a historical and strategic victory over Israel, and claimed that Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip had failed.
Haniyeh promised that Hamas would give aid to Palestinian families whose relatives were killed or injured during the war, and said Israeli leaders should be tried for war crimes.
He went on to say Hamas's decision to declare a truce on Sunday was "wise and responsible." Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Hamas leader in Syria Khaled Mashaal and congratulated him on the "great victory" the Palestinians had achieved over the IDF, the Iranian IRNA news agency reported on Monday morning.

According to the report, Ahmadinejad said that this was "just the beginning of the victory, which will be completed with patience."

The Iranian president reportedly said the victory would be complete once Israel withdraws its forces from the Gaza Strip, lifts the siege and opens the border crossings, and when Islamic countries "break off contacts with the Zionist regime and its sponsors."

He went on to convey the support of the Iranian people in the Palestinians and their "legitimate government."

Mashaal reportedly told Ahmadinejad that Israel had failed to reach its "satanic" goals and promised that the "resistance" will continue until a full withdrawal of IDF troops from the Strip is completed.

On Sunday, hours after its leaders declared that they would continue to fight, Hamas announced a one-week cease-fire and issued an ultimatum to Israel to withdraw IDF troops from the Gaza Strip within that time.

The announcement was made by Hamas officials in Syria. Later, Hamas representatives in the Gaza Strip issued a statement in which they said they would honor the cease-fire.

Hamas's announcement that it would halt its attacks on Israel coincided with the Sharm e-Sheikh summit, which brought several Arab and EU leaders together to discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead.

The announcement was seen as an attempt by Hamas to divert attention from the Sharm e-Sheikh summit and to demonstrate to the world that the movement alone held the key to calm in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas officials expressed outrage over the participation of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the summit even though his term in office expired earlier this month.

Faraj al-Ghul, the minister of justice in the Hamas government, said that Abbas was now the former president of the PA and therefore no longer represented the Palestinians.

The Hamas minister said that no Palestinian government would honor an agreement signed by Abbas after his mandate ended on January 9. He added that according to the PA Basic Law, the government of Ismail Haniyeh was the only legitimate body representing the Palestinians.

The minister also called for Abbas to be brought before a Palestinian court, or any other legal forum, on charges of committing "atrocities" against the Palestinians.

"We call for the arrest of Abbas so that he could be interrogated and tried for committing hundreds of atrocities and for coordinating with [US security coordinator Keith] Dayton and the Israeli occupation against the resistance," he said. "Abbas is also accused of giving a green light to the Zionist occupation to perpetrate the biggest holocaust in history against the Palestinians."

The cease-fire announcement was first broadcast on Syria's state-run TV. Arab political analysts said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was trying to show the US and the West that important decisions were taken in Damascus, not Cairo. The analysts said that the Egyptians were hoping to emerge as major players in the region by summoning Hamas representatives to Cairo and exerting heavy pressure on them to declare a cease-fire out of the Egyptian capital.

Moussa Abu Marzouk, the deputy chairman of the Hamas .


carol zwilling1
2009-01-19 23:23:45

Castrez camile fara durere-banc

Unui arab nu-i mai mergea camila. Se duce la un camilo-service pe a carui firma scria "Castrez camile fara durere!".
Duce camila, o urca pe rampa, mecanicul ia doua caramizi, loveste testiculele camiloiului, care fuge ca din pusca. Arabul suparat:
- Dom'le, da pe firma scrie ca le castrati fara durere!
- Toata chestia e sa nu-ti prinzi degetele intre caramizi!

2009-01-19 23:35:51

Re: Minciunele si pogaci

La 2009-01-19 22:13:10, Tudor190 a scris:

> Ma intreb daca dormi linistit dupa ce torni atitea minciuni si atita
> ura in ... hai sa le zicem articole.
> Intrebare retorica pentru ca ca un om normal n-ar fi traiat atita cu
> constiinta incarcata.

daca tesu tot e aici zice ca poate prinde 2 actiuni pe un singur pret si intre timp mai trimite shuai, shuai corespondente speciale cu un afuh si un croison pentru fraierii care-l cred

2009-01-19 23:37:22

Re: ce sa-ti povestesc

In timp ce Occidentul se declara consternat si scandalizat de apelul presedintelui iranian de a "sterge Israelul de pe harta", in Iran au avut loc ieri ample demonstratii prilejuite de "ziua al-Qods" (Ierusalim), in timpul carora au fost arse drapele israeliene, americane si britanice si s-a strigat: "Moarte Israelului!", "Moarte Americii!". In multime s-a aflat si presedintele Mahmud Ahmadinejad, care a reluat apelul, in pofida protestelor internationale. Statul evreu a cerut reuniunea de urgenta a Consiliului de Securitate, apreciind ca acest apel reprezinta o crima contra umanitatii, un apel la genocid.

Presedintele iranian, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, a persistat ieri in apelul de "a sterge Israelul de pe harta", in timp ce sute de mii de compatrioti iesisera in strada strigand "Moarte Israelului!". Ieri, in Iran a fost ziua anuala a "antisionismului", si Ahmadinejad, reactionand la indignarea opiniei publice mondiale, preciza: "Cuvintele mele sunt cuvintele exacte ale poporului iranian". Departe de a-si atenua virulenta cuvintelor unanim condamnate ca "inacceptabile" si "nelinistitoare" de catre occidentali, presedintele a denuntat "sionismul international si politica expansionista a arogantei mondiale", expresie desemnand in mod obisnuit SUA si Israelul.

Ieri, Ahmadinejad s-a aflat in mijlocul multimii iesite pe strazile Teheranului cu ocazia anualei "zile al-Qods" (Ierusalim), instituita de ayatollahul Khomeiny, fondatorul Republicii Islamice, pentru a denunta "crimele sioniste". Zeci de mii de persoane, barbati, femei si copii, au marsaluit strigand "Moarte Israelului!" si "Moarte Americii!", sub pancarte ce proclamau "stergerea Israelului de pe harta". Manifestantii au ars drapele israeliene, americane si britanice si efigii ale premierului israelian, Ariel Sharon. Demonstratii similare au avut loc in toata tara.

Israelul cere izolarea Iranului

Israelul a cerut ieri o reuniune de urgenta a Consiliului de Securitate in urma apelului de a-l "sterge de pe harta", lansat de presedintele iranian, Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Ministrul israelian de Externe, Sylvan Shalom, preciza: "Comunitatea internationala trebuie sa puna Iranul in fata responsabilitatilor sale". Purtatorul de cuvant al acestui minister adauga: "Ori acest stat inceteaza sa mai faca apeluri vizand distrugerea Israelului, ceea ce constituie o violare a Chartei ONU, ori se va gasi izolat in cadrul comunitatii natiunilor".

El a estimat ca declaratiile presedintelui iranian permit evidentierea intentiilor Iranului, acuzand Teheranul de "sustinere a Jihadului Islamic, un grup islamist care a revendicat atentatul de miercuri de la Hadera (nordul Israelului), soldat cu cinci morti, in afara autorului - un kamikaze palestinian. La ONU, secretarul general al organizatiei, Kofi Annan, s-a declarat "consternat" de declaratiile liderului iranian.

Premierul britanic avertizeaza Teheranul

Statele occidentale s-au declarat scandalizate de apelul presedintelui iranian, iar la reuniunea de la Hampton Court premierul britanic, Tony Blair, a carui tara asigura presedintia prin rotatie a UE, nu a ezitat sa adopte un ton dur, precizand ca Iranul va fi perceput drept "o adevarata amenintare" pentru securitatea internationala in cazul in care va continua sa sustina "stergerea Israelului de pe harta".
"Vom discuta cu principalii nostri aliati in urmatoarele zile", a mai spus Blair, adaugand ca Teheranul "ar face o eroare teribila daca si-ar inchipui ca lumea este suficient de ocupata pentru a se uita in alta directie". El a subliniat ca "atitudinea lor fata de Israel, fata de terorism, fata de armele nucleare este de neconceput. (...) Imaginati-va un stat cu asemenea atitudine, daca ar avea armament nuclear".

Sursa: Romania Libera,


gheorghe vlasceanu
2009-01-19 23:38:37

Domnu Tesu

Ma bucur. Asta vreau sa spui. Ceea ce tot spun de vreo doua saptamini. Acest exercitiu, antrenament, MASACRU, inaintea marii confruntari cu Iranul este ultimul avertisment al Israelului dat nu numai tarilor arabe ci intregii lumi. Israel uber alles! Cam asta e! Spui de toti jegosii aia adunati la pupat miini, Sarkozy, Berlusconi si sleahta, magarii Europei, ca i-a cam pus pe ginduri treaba cu atomica. Nu, dom Tesu, iar o scalzi, aici este adunata Alianta impotriva Iranului, aici se prefigureaza banii pentru viitorul razboi, impartirea Golfului Persic si ciubucul. Iranienii nu stiu ce ii asteapta. Sau stiu si nu au ce face. Daca lumii i s-a pus pata pe el, ca a finantat si antrenat teroristi, ca vrea si el bomba, ca nu e democratie, ca nu respecta nu stiu ce, ca...sigur ca Iranul va fi tinta sigura a lumii. Opinia publica, nu stiu care, din toata lumea, va fi atit de oripilata de ceea ce i se va spune in curind despre marele pericol iranian, de monstrul Ahmadinejad (care cred ca va fi otravit, sau e) va pune rapid botul si va aplauda atacurile aviatiei israeliene asupra bazelor de cercetare nucleara ale Iranului. De autoaparare, de preventie, de neutralizare, de lichidare. Apoi va sari nenea Obby cu tot ce are prin zona si o va lua metodic, cu blocada navala, cu blocada aeriana, cu embargo economic, cu ultimatum ca in trei zile sa lase inspectorii AIEA sa vada cu ochii lor, acestia indiferent ce vor vedea, ca in Irak, vor spune ca bombele atomice sunt fabricate si stau pe rampe de lansare, ca exista un intreg arsenal de vreo 100 de focoase si fara avertisment la ora 22.00 in ziua Z rachete de pe portavioane, aviatie si cu baza la sol se vor revarsa in direct la TV asupra Teheranului. Pe ampenaje se va vedea clar ca aproape toate sunt iesite din perioada de valabilitate. Ca in Serbia, unde era expirate de 2 ani. Astept cu mare interes dom Tesu, aceasta relatare, peste un an cind, iar vei spune ce s-a rezolvat, adica obiectivele si ce nu s-a rezolvat. Stau si ma intreb, oare ce i-a minat pe sefii astia europeni sa dea navala la resedinta din Ierusalim a prim-ministrului Ehud Olmert? Asa, gramada, calcindu-se in complimente, angajamente, promisiuni si dulcegarii? Eu as spune ca dupa masacrul Gazei, acesti nenorociti de conducatori europeni, care nu au suflat un cuvint despre copiii ucisi de bombe si rachete, sunt niste nesimtiti. Sunt niste stirvuri vii, corbi la ciugulit ochii cadavrului, sacali asteptind restul de la masa leilor. Mare mirsavie. Sigur ca aceasta prezenta masiva de care Omert are nevoie poate descuraja si Hamas si Hezbolah si Iran, dar de fapt, Omert, destept, ii face fara ca ei sa-si dea seama, COMPLICI la iertarea mortilor palestinieni, de acum istorie, si aici mortii sunt de vina, facindu-i pe acesti mari conducatori practic o clica pomanagie, o golaneala la cersit bani, de la finantatorii lumii, ca sa iasa din criza si sa-si pastreze scaunele. Si amantele. Ca doar o viata au. Deci, dom Tesu, parca citii printre rinduri, dar inca nu ai curajul sa spui adevarul pe care il stiu aproape toti evreii.

2009-01-19 23:42:10

Re: Castrez camile fara durere-banc

La 2009-01-19 23:23:45, carol zwilling1 a scris:

> Unui arab nu-i mai mergea camila. Se duce la un camilo-service pe a
> carui firma scria "Castrez camile fara durere!".
> Duce camila, o urca pe rampa, mecanicul ia doua caramizi, loveste
> testiculele camiloiului, care fuge ca din pusca. Arabul suparat:
> - Dom'le, da pe firma scrie ca le castrati fara durere!
> - Toata chestia e sa nu-ti prinzi degetele intre caramizi!

stiam alta versiune:

... Duce camila, o urca pe rampa, mecanicul ia doua caramizi, loveste
testiculele camiloiului, care fuge ca din pusca. Arabul suparat:
- bine, dar eu cum o mai ajung acum?
- suie-te pe rampa...

gheorghe vlasceanu
2009-01-19 23:49:33

Am uitat!

Titlul. Dupa GAZA, VINE RINDUL IRANULUI. Titlu care seamana izbitor de mult, ca mesaj subliminal, al lui nea Scarlat de mai deunazi, GAZA- AL DOILEA FRONT.
Parca ati fi vorbiti! Faceti o propaganda mai ceva ca aia de la defunctul PCR. Titlul ramine ca prima impresie, continutul articolului nu mai are nicio valoare. Mare pisicheri.

2009-01-19 23:51:35

Re: Domnu Tesu

Cand termini cu varsatul veninului antisemit ,poti sa scri si ceva in legatura cu situatia actuala a negocierilor intre Europa ,Rusia si China cu Iranul in cea ce priveste armamentul nuclear care Iranul vrea sa-l produca daca reuseste.

La 2009-01-19 23:38:37, gheorghe vlasceanu a scris:

> Ma bucur. Asta vreau sa spui. Ceea ce tot spun de vreo doua saptamini.
> Acest exercitiu, antrenament, MASACRU, inaintea marii confruntari cu
> Iranul este ultimul avertisment al Israelului dat nu numai tarilor
> arabe ci intregii lumi. Israel uber alles! Cam asta e! Spui de toti
> jegosii aia adunati la pupat miini, Sarkozy, Berlusconi si sleahta,
> magarii Europei, ca i-a cam pus pe ginduri treaba cu atomica. Nu, dom
> Tesu, iar o scalzi, aici este adunata Alianta impotriva Iranului, aici
> se prefigureaza banii pentru viitorul razboi, impartirea Golfului
> Persic si ciubucul. Iranienii nu stiu ce ii asteapta. Sau stiu si nu
> au ce face. Daca lumii i s-a pus pata pe el, ca a finantat si
> antrenat teroristi, ca vrea si el bomba, ca nu e democratie, ca nu
> respecta nu stiu ce, ca...sigur ca Iranul va fi tinta sigura a lumii.
> Opinia publica, nu stiu care, din toata lumea, va fi atit de oripilata
> de ceea ce i se va spune in curind despre marele pericol iranian, de
> monstrul Ahmadinejad (care cred ca va fi otravit, sau e) va pune
> rapid botul si va aplauda atacurile aviatiei israeliene asupra
> bazelor de cercetare nucleara ale Iranului. De autoaparare, de
> preventie, de neutralizare, de lichidare. Apoi va sari nenea Obby cu
> tot ce are prin zona si o va lua metodic, cu blocada navala, cu
> blocada aeriana, cu embargo economic, cu ultimatum ca in trei zile sa
> lase inspectorii AIEA sa vada cu ochii lor, acestia indiferent ce vor
> vedea, ca in Irak, vor spune ca bombele atomice sunt fabricate si
> stau pe rampe de lansare, ca exista un intreg arsenal de vreo 100 de
> focoase si fara avertisment la ora 22.00 in ziua Z rachete de pe
> portavioane, aviatie si cu baza la sol se vor revarsa in direct la TV
> asupra Teheranului. Pe ampenaje se va vedea clar ca aproape toate sunt
> iesite din perioada de valabilitate. Ca in Serbia, unde era expirate
> de 2 ani. Astept cu mare interes dom Tesu, aceasta relatare, peste un
> an cind, iar vei spune ce s-a rezolvat, adica obiectivele si ce nu s-a
> rezolvat. Stau si ma intreb, oare ce i-a minat pe sefii astia
> europeni sa dea navala la resedinta din Ierusalim a prim-ministrului
> Ehud Olmert? Asa, gramada, calcindu-se in complimente, angajamente,
> promisiuni si dulcegarii? Eu as spune ca dupa masacrul Gazei, acesti
> nenorociti de conducatori europeni, care nu au suflat un cuvint
> despre copiii ucisi de bombe si rachete, sunt niste nesimtiti. Sunt
> niste stirvuri vii, corbi la ciugulit ochii cadavrului, sacali
> asteptind restul de la masa leilor. Mare mirsavie. Sigur ca aceasta
> prezenta masiva de care Omert are nevoie poate descuraja si Hamas si
> Hezbolah si Iran, dar de fapt, Omert, destept, ii face fara ca ei
> sa-si dea seama, COMPLICI la iertarea mortilor palestinieni, de acum
> istorie, si aici mortii sunt de vina, facindu-i pe acesti mari
> conducatori practic o clica pomanagie, o golaneala la cersit bani, de
> la finantatorii lumii, ca sa iasa din criza si sa-si pastreze
> scaunele. Si amantele. Ca doar o viata au. Deci, dom Tesu, parca
> citii printre rinduri, dar inca nu ai curajul sa spui adevarul pe
> care il stiu aproape toti evreii.

2009-01-19 23:52:02

Re: Domnu Tesu

treaba cu Iranul e fumata. Israelul ar vrea sa-l atace Iranul dar nu poate singur, America ar putea dar nu (mai) vrea. E de mirare ca lobbyul evreiesc nu pricepe chestia asta simpla si preseaza...preseaza...preseaza.

La 2009-01-19 23:38:37, gheorghe vlasceanu a scris:

> Ma bucur. Asta vreau sa spui. Ceea ce tot spun de vreo doua saptamini.
> Acest exercitiu, antrenament, MASACRU, inaintea marii confruntari cu
> Iranul este ultimul avertisment al Israelului dat nu numai tarilor
> arabe ci intregii lumi. Israel uber alles! Cam asta e! Spui de toti
> jegosii aia adunati la pupat miini, Sarkozy, Berlusconi si sleahta,
> magarii Europei, ca i-a cam pus pe ginduri treaba cu atomica. Nu, dom
> Tesu, iar o scalzi, aici este adunata Alianta impotriva Iranului, aici
> se prefigureaza banii pentru viitorul razboi, impartirea Golfului
> Persic si ciubucul. Iranienii nu stiu ce ii asteapta. Sau stiu si nu
> au ce face. Daca lumii i s-a pus pata pe el, ca a finantat si
> antrenat teroristi, ca vrea si el bomba, ca nu e democratie, ca nu
> respecta nu stiu ce, ca...sigur ca Iranul va fi tinta sigura a lumii.
> Opinia publica, nu stiu care, din toata lumea, va fi atit de oripilata
> de ceea ce i se va spune in curind despre marele pericol iranian, de
> monstrul Ahmadinejad (care cred ca va fi otravit, sau e) va pune
> rapid botul si va aplauda atacurile aviatiei israeliene asupra
> bazelor de cercetare nucleara ale Iranului. De autoaparare, de
> preventie, de neutralizare, de lichidare. Apoi va sari nenea Obby cu
> tot ce are prin zona si o va lua metodic, cu blocada navala, cu
> blocada aeriana, cu embargo economic, cu ultimatum ca in trei zile sa
> lase inspectorii AIEA sa vada cu ochii lor, acestia indiferent ce vor
> vedea, ca in Irak, vor spune ca bombele atomice sunt fabricate si
> stau pe rampe de lansare, ca exista un intreg arsenal de vreo 100 de
> focoase si fara avertisment la ora 22.00 in ziua Z rachete de pe
> portavioane, aviatie si cu baza la sol se vor revarsa in direct la TV
> asupra Teheranului. Pe ampenaje se va vedea clar ca aproape toate sunt
> iesite din perioada de valabilitate. Ca in Serbia, unde era expirate
> de 2 ani. Astept cu mare interes dom Tesu, aceasta relatare, peste un
> an cind, iar vei spune ce s-a rezolvat, adica obiectivele si ce nu s-a
> rezolvat. Stau si ma intreb, oare ce i-a minat pe sefii astia
> europeni sa dea navala la resedinta din Ierusalim a prim-ministrului
> Ehud Olmert? Asa, gramada, calcindu-se in complimente, angajamente,
> promisiuni si dulcegarii? Eu as spune ca dupa masacrul Gazei, acesti
> nenorociti de conducatori europeni, care nu au suflat un cuvint
> despre copiii ucisi de bombe si rachete, sunt niste nesimtiti. Sunt
> niste stirvuri vii, corbi la ciugulit ochii cadavrului, sacali
> asteptind restul de la masa leilor. Mare mirsavie. Sigur ca aceasta
> prezenta masiva de care Omert are nevoie poate descuraja si Hamas si
> Hezbolah si Iran, dar de fapt, Omert, destept, ii face fara ca ei
> sa-si dea seama, COMPLICI la iertarea mortilor palestinieni, de acum
> istorie, si aici mortii sunt de vina, facindu-i pe acesti mari
> conducatori practic o clica pomanagie, o golaneala la cersit bani, de
> la finantatorii lumii, ca sa iasa din criza si sa-si pastreze
> scaunele. Si amantele. Ca doar o viata au. Deci, dom Tesu, parca
> citii printre rinduri, dar inca nu ai curajul sa spui adevarul pe
> care il stiu aproape toti evreii.

2009-01-20 00:00:21

Re: Domnu Tesu (corectura)

La 2009-01-19 23:52:02, ledzep a scris:

> treaba cu Iranul e fumata. Israelul ar vrea SA atace Iranul dar nu poate singur,
(scuze, se-ntelegea, dar am zis ca totusi nu-i totuna cine pe cine ataca)

2009-01-20 00:08:48

Re: Domnu Tesu (corectura)

La 2009-01-20 00:00:21, ledzep a scris:

> La 2009-01-19 23:52:02, ledzep a scris:
> > treaba cu Iranul e fumata. Israelul ar vrea SA atace Iranul dar nu poate singur,
> (scuze, se-ntelegea, dar am zis ca totusi nu-i totuna cine pe cine
> ataca)

Preferabil in coalitie ca in Iraq .Solo devine periculos pt rezervele de petrol caci atunci se vor folosi arme tactice.Coalitie inseamana ce s-a vazut la Gaza in exercitiile de penetrareaa bunkerelor studiate azi de expertii americani si altii..

2009-01-20 00:10:30

gheorghe vlasceanu
2009-01-20 00:16:58


"Cand termini cu varsatul veninului antisemit"
Gresesti rau de tot si cu asta nu fac polemica.

,"poti sa scri si ceva in legatura cu situatia actuala a negocierilor intre Europa ,Rusia si China cu Iranul in cea ce priveste armamentul nuclear care Iranul vrea sa-l produca daca reuseste."

Iar gresesti. Daca Europa, Rusia si China voiau ca Iranul sa aibe bomba, i-o dadeau direct, nu se mai cramponau s-o fabrice aia. Europa vrea gaze si Iranul are, Rusia vrea sa vada visul lui Petru cel Mare de a iesi la Persic, China vrea control si expansiune. Mai mult, americanii au dat iranienilor multe din instalatiile nucleare, englezii scolesc viitorii cercetatori iranieni si uite-asa, din afacere in afacere, toti au pus ochii pe Iran. Nu, contraevreule rus, globalizarea inseamna sa nu misti in front, sa nu faci monopol pe resurse, sa te inhami la acest sistem dobitoc care inseamna democratie, divide et impera. In viitor, Matrix.


2009-01-20 00:18:38

Re: Domnu Tesu (corectura)

> La 2009-01-19 23:52:02, ledzep a scris:
> > treaba cu Iranul e fumata. Israelul ar vrea SA atace Iranul dar nu poate singur.

Forta nucleara a Israelului

decembrie 2006, premierul israelian Ehud Olmert a recunoscut, pentru prima oara, ca Israelul este o mare forta nucleara. Organizatii specializate apreciaza arsenalul nuclear israelian actual s-ar ridica la circa 500 de focoase nucleare. Aceasta cantitate ar plasa Israelul pe locul al cincilea - inaintea Marii Britanii - in topul puterilor nucleare ale lumii. Amenintand serios pozitiile trei si patru, detinute de Franta si China. Posedand arme chimice si biologice, un extrem de sofisticat arsenal nuclear si o strategie ofensiva, Israelul este forta militara dominanta a Orientului Mijlociu iar alaturi de India si Pakistan, Israelul constituie o forta nucleara majora din zona Orientului Mijlociu - Asia.In iunie 2000, un submarin israelian a lansat o racheta de croaziera, care a lovit o tinta situata la aproximativ 1.000 de mile. Israelul devenind astfel al treilea stat - dupa SUA si Rusia - capabil de o asemenea performanta.In 1998, cotidianul englez "Sunday Times" dezvaluia ca Israelul produce arme chimice si biologice la "Nez Tziona Biological Institute". Tot in 1998, in presa britanica a circulat un articol despre faptul ca Israeulul lucra in secret la "etno-bomba", care putea identifica gene tipice arabilor, dupa care se crea o bacterie ori virus modificat genetic.


2009-01-20 00:33:22

Re: Contraevreule

La 2009-01-20 00:16:58, gheorghe vlasceanu a scris:

Biblia si al treilea razboi mondial

Forum Forex - vamist.com _ Metale, petrol si indici bursieri _ GEOPOLITICA




2009-01-20 00:36:07

... Perfect compus Tesh, [ titlu' ca inca nu m-am dus in aval ],

... presupunind ca gatuiti Iranu' la anu', cine vine Ignat next,
rusine la mine ca nu stie sa afle, US si-a etalat dusmanii,
mira-m-as ca voi nu yatzi mentionati,
asum ca noi toti e,
sa mor demolat daca maine nu-mi cumpar un buldozer,
si m-oi cinsti cu el cind mi-o da cu capu-n zid,
daca nu cumva muri-voi imbicsit mumie cu uraniu saracit
cu fosfor, macar d-ar scrie pa bombita, cu foi de vitza,
"de la Chioru' concetateanu tau de la Chibrit" ...

Damn it, am ostenit !

2009-01-20 00:37:16

Re: ce sa-ti povestesc

2009-01-20 00:40:45

Re: Domnu Tesu (corectura)

La 2009-01-20 00:18:38, nellu a scris:

> > La 2009-01-19 23:52:02, ledzep a scris:
> >
> > > treaba cu Iranul e fumata. Israelul ar vrea SA atace Iranul dar nu poate singur.
> ----------------------------
> Forta nucleara a Israelului
Tot in 1998, in presa britanica a circulat un articol
> despre faptul ca Israeulul lucra in secret la "etno-bomba", care
> putea identifica gene tipice arabilor, dupa care se crea o bacterie
> ori virus modificat genetic.
> http://www.ziua.net/news.php?data=2008-02-27&id=3968

"etno-bomba", Hitler era mic copil. In plus era dobitoc, altfel ar fi avut si el un cor al bocitorilor

2009-01-20 00:54:03

Re: Domnu Tesu (corectura)

La 2009-01-20 00:40:45, dorinP a scris:

>> > ----------------------------
> > Forta nucleara a Israelului
> >
> [...]
> Tot in 1998, in presa britanica a circulat un articol
> > despre faptul ca Israeulul lucra in secret la "etno-bomba", care
> > putea identifica gene tipice arabilor, dupa care se crea o bacterie
> > ori virus modificat genetic.
> >
> > http://www.ziua.net/news.php?data=2008-02-27&id=3968
> >
> "etno-bomba", Hitler era mic copil. In plus era dobitoc, altfel ar fi
> avut si el un cor al bocitorilor

Daca a fost un dobitoc antisemit si si-a aruncat savantii evrei asa ii trebuie.Americanii,britanicii i-au primit cu dragoste si stima si au capatat bomba atomica si alte minunatii de genul acesta.Mai tarziu au primit-o si rusii prin tradarea unor savanti evreii idealisti si iubitori ai comunismului.

Dupa 1945 toate puterile invingatoare si-au impartit elevii din Germania si asa au ajuns americanii si rusii sa aibe rachete si avioane cu reactie.(spalandu-i pe toti de toate crimele de razboi si dandu-le onoruri de eroi nationali.
Caci asa se scrie istoria azi esti cu mine maine cu inamicul si invers.......

2009-01-20 01:02:11

Re: ce sa-ti povestesc

gheorghe vlasceanu
2009-01-20 01:05:18


La 2009-01-19 23:38:37, gheorghe vlasceanu a scris:

Recunosc, multumesc. Superba istoria caucaziana.

Giuseppe Cocos
2009-01-20 01:37:39

Ha, Ha, Ha

Sionazisti n-au reusit sa opreasca Kassamurile din Gaza si vor sa atace Iranul.

Astia si-au piredut orce sens de realitate!

2009-01-20 02:18:30

To Roxana ...


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