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  Nr. 4440 de marti, 20 ianuarie 2009 
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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.66.36...)
2009-01-20 16:43
precum raporteaza Al Jazeera : ``Arab leaders disagree on Gaza ...``,

adica au o mare problema cu HAM-aSS, ... dar de fapt,
o si mai mare problema cu IRAN si Syria ...

<<``They (... the Arab leaders) decided to confine themselves in a general statement to postpone differences,`` Al Jazeera`s Hashem Ahelbarra reported from Kuwait.

``Saudis and Egyptians are very sceptical of (giving money to) Hamas for one reason,`` he said.
``They think Syria and Iran are using Hamas to destabilise the region and provide the Iranians for an opportunity to further penetrate the Arab region.``

The question of how to respond to the Israeli offensive has divided Arab nations, with some nations calling for strong action while others prefer a softer approach.

At the Kuwait summit, Syria and Qatar held Kuwaiti-mediated discussions with Saudi Arabia and Egypt in an attempt to heal the rift.

While Qatar and Syria favour a firm stance on Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have said that the conflict has its roots in the alleged interference of Iran.>>


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