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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-01-20 16:26
Only the truth will set you free=macelarii sefi au nevoie de singe proaspat,sorb tone/ora

Cine va fi urmatorul?=oricine,chiar si russia
The Jewish Controlled Mass Media in Action — 5 minutes of CNN News!
Posted under: General— @ 12:03 pm

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, left, talks as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, looks on during a signing ceremony at the State Department in Washington, Friday, Jan. 16, 2009

The Jewish Controlled Media — 5 Minutes watching CNN!

By David Duke

While Israel imprisons, starves, kills and maims thousands of Palestinian civilians with the deadliest weapons of murder and mass destruction known to man, America has made a pact with Israel that if Israel stops the current mass murder then the U.S. will do whatever it takes to make sure the Palestinians don’t even even have the feeblest of weapons to defend themselves.

I just watched CNN International News at the top of the hour on Friday, January 16, 2009.

It featured America’s Israeli-Controlled Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on her latest “peace offensive” in regard to the slaughter in Gaza.

She made a series of outright lies and said that her main effort now was to “End the supply of weapons to Gaza.” She essentially said that she supports the continued massacre of thousands of Palestinian men women and children in the supposed name of peace because Israel couldn’t live with the threat of rockets. As thousands of Palestinians are maimed and murdered by Israeli missiles and bombs, she actually talked about poor Israelis living with “fear” of Palestinian rockets.

CNN did not dare to point out that Israel has the most deadly weapons of murder and mass destruction in the history of mankind, and that the United States has given Israel millions of bombs and high explosive rounds, as well as the bunker buster bombs that have the destructive power of mini-atomic weapons, tens of thousands of the most destructive modern missiles, tanks, and the most modern of fighter jets, all of which has been used to kill or maim over 5,000 Palestinians, make thousands homeless and starve and deny medicine to all of Gaza, whether it is a 8 year old little girl or a 80 year old grandfather. This in comparison to 15 Israeli casualties, 3/4 of those Israeli commandos.

If I were a reporter on CNN I would ask:

Secretary Rice, You say you want to stop the smuggling of weapons to defenseless Gaza, but you have no problem with the U.S. giving Israel billions of dollars worth of the most deadly weapons of mass destruction and murder known to man, weapons which Israel has used to indiscriminately slaughter thousands of Palestinians? (more…)

Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 tell your representative: “Vote no on federal hate crime bills H.R. 256 or H.R. 262″
Posted under: General— @ 12:30 am

Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 195.212.29...)
2009-01-20 16:33
In Rai - dar cum ?

Un musulman habotnic moare si ajunge in rai. E extrem de excitat - o viata intreaga asteptase sa-l intalneasca pe Mahomed!...
La poarta raiului da peste un tip cu barba. Plin de emotie si infrigurare, omul nostru il intreaba:
- Mahomed ?
- Nu, fiul meu, eu sunt Sf. Petru - Mahomed e mai sus, ii raspunse barbosu', aratand catre o scara care ducea spre un nor superior.
Habotnicul incepe sa urce cu greu scara. In fine, intalneste un alt individ cu barba si i se adreseaza plin de speranta:
- Mahomed ?
- Nu, eu sunt Moise. Mahomed e mai sus.
Habotnicul urca sprinten mai departe, in ciuda urcusului abrupt, plin de euforia revelarii faptului ca reprezentantul evereilor se afla la un nivel inferior fata de Profet...
Ajunge la urmatorul nor si-l intreaba respectuos (dar plin de subintelesuri) pe barbosul intalnit in cale:
- Mahomed ?
- Nu, eu sunt Hristos. Mahomed e mai sus...
In ciuda efortului depus, fata i se lumineaza - dandu-si seama ca tocmai are dovada clara a superioritatii islamului fata de crestinism...
Habotnicul se taraste mai departe, cu ultimele puteri, si ajunge la ultimul nor, adresandu-i-se individului (tot cu barba, dar mult mai) impunator din fata sa:
- Mahomed ?
- Nu, fiule, eu sunt Dumnezeu! Dar tu arati cam extenuat, doresti o cafea ?
- Daca se poate, va multumesc din suflet !
Tragandu-si un pic sufletu', habotnicul continua:
- Sincer sa fiu, trecand peste faptul ca m-asteptam sa va prezentati drept Allah, n-as fi putut banui vreodata ca n-o sa-l intalnesc pe Mahomed aici...
Dumnezeu il linisti imediat, spunandu-i :
- Dar Mahomed este aici, chiar la acelasi nivel cu mine!..., dupa care se-ntoarse batand scurt din palme:
- Mahomed - doua cafele !

carol zwilling1 (...@in.com, IP: 87.69.185...)
2009-01-20 16:33
Re: Only the truth will set you free=macelarii sefi au nevoie de singe proaspat,sorb tone/ora

La 2009-01-20 16:26:30, iobagul roman a scris:

Stii si altceva?Par ex.stii sa te picuri si din gura contra vantului,mai pribegitule?

> Cine va fi urmatorul?=oricine,chiar si russia
> The Jewish Controlled Mass Media in Action — 5 minutes of CNN
> News!
> Posted under: General— @ 12:03 pm
> Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, left, talks as Secretary of
> State Condoleezza Rice, right, looks on during a signing ceremony at
> the State Department in Washington, Friday, Jan. 16, 2009
> The Jewish Controlled Media — 5 Minutes watching CNN!
> By David Duke
> While Israel imprisons, starves, kills and maims thousands of
> Palestinian civilians with the deadliest weapons of murder and mass
> destruction known to man, America has made a pact with Israel that if
> Israel stops the current mass murder then the U.S. will do whatever it
> takes to make sure the Palestinians don’t even even have the
> feeblest of weapons to defend themselves.
> I just watched CNN International News at the top of the hour on
> Friday, January 16, 2009.
> It featured America’s Israeli-Controlled Secretary of State
> Condoleezza Rice on her latest “peace offensive” in
> regard to the slaughter in Gaza.
> She made a series of outright lies and said that her main effort now
> was to “End the supply of weapons to Gaza.” She
> essentially said that she supports the continued massacre of
> thousands of Palestinian men women and children in the supposed name
> of peace because Israel couldn’t live with the threat of
> rockets. As thousands of Palestinians are maimed and murdered by
> Israeli missiles and bombs, she actually talked about poor Israelis
> living with “fear” of Palestinian rockets.
> CNN did not dare to point out that Israel has the most deadly weapons
> of murder and mass destruction in the history of mankind, and that
> the United States has given Israel millions of bombs and high
> explosive rounds, as well as the bunker buster bombs that have the
> destructive power of mini-atomic weapons, tens of thousands of the
> most destructive modern missiles, tanks, and the most modern of
> fighter jets, all of which has been used to kill or maim over 5,000
> Palestinians, make thousands homeless and starve and deny medicine to
> all of Gaza, whether it is a 8 year old little girl or a 80 year old
> grandfather. This in comparison to 15 Israeli casualties, 3/4 of
> those Israeli commandos.
> If I were a reporter on CNN I would ask:
> Secretary Rice, You say you want to stop the smuggling of weapons to
> defenseless Gaza, but you have no problem with the U.S. giving Israel
> billions of dollars worth of the most deadly weapons of mass
> destruction and murder known to man, weapons which Israel has used to
> indiscriminately slaughter thousands of Palestinians? (more…)
> Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 tell your representative: “Vote no
> on federal hate crime bills H.R. 256 or H.R. 262″
> Posted under: General— @ 12:30 am

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