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  Nr. 4440 de marti, 20 ianuarie 2009 
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Marile Dosare

innumelemeu din de Aici (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.122.58...)
2009-01-20 00:08
Luati baieti si cititi si nu va mai minunati. Conditiile impuse pentru aderarea la UE!

of 15 March 2006
on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly
available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and amending
Directive 2002/58/EC

Article 1
Subject matter and scope
1. This Directive aims to harmonise Member States’ provisions
concerning the obligations of the providers of publicly available
electronic communications services or of public communications
networks with respect to the retention of certain data which are
generated or processed by them, in order to ensure that the data
are available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and
prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each Member State in
its national law.
2. This Directive shall apply to traffic and location data on
both legal entities and natural persons and to the related data necessary
to identify the subscriber or registered user. It shall not
apply to the content of electronic communications, including
information consulted using an electronic communications

innumelemeu din de Aici (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.122.58...)
2009-01-20 00:11
Re: Luati baieti si cititi si nu va mai minunati. Conditiile impuse pentru aderarea la UE! (2)

Directive 2002/58/EC

Article 5
Categories of data to be retained
1. Member States shall ensure that the following categories of
data are retained under this Directive:
(a) data necessary to trace and identify the source of a
(1) concerning fixed network telephony and mobile
(i) the calling telephone number;
(ii) the name and address of the subscriber or registered
(2) concerning Internet access, Internet e-mail and Internet
((i) the user ID(s) allocated;
(ii) the user ID and telephone number allocated to any
communication entering the public telephone
(iii) the name and address of the subscriber or registered
user to whom an Internet Protocol (IP) address, user
ID or telephone number was allocated at the time of
the communication;
(b) data necessary to identify the destination of a
(1) concerning fixed network telephony and mobile
(i) the number(s) dialled (the telephone number(s)
called), and, in cases involving supplementary services
such as call forwarding or call transfer, the
number or numbers to which the call is routed;
(ii) the name(s) and address(es) of the subscriber(s) or
registered user(s);

etc. samd bla-bla. Cititi ce a cerut Ue!

spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 89.136.19...)
2009-01-20 00:16
Re: Luati baieti si cititi si nu va mai minunati. Conditiile impuse pentru aderarea la UE!

La 2009-01-20 00:08:17, innumelemeu a scris:

> of 15 March 2006
> on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the
> provision of publicly
> available electronic communications services or of public
> communications networks and amending
> Directive 2002/58/EC
> (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2006:105:0054:0063:EN:PDF)
> Article 1
> Subject matter and scope
> 1. This Directive aims to harmonise Member States’ provisions
> concerning the obligations of the providers of publicly available
> electronic communications services or of public communications
> networks with respect to the retention of certain data which are
> generated or processed by them, in order to ensure that the data
> are available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and
> prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each Member State in
> its national law.
> 2. This Directive shall apply to traffic and location data on
> both legal entities and natural persons and to the related data
> necessary
> to identify the subscriber or registered user. It shall not
> apply to the content of electronic communications, including
> information consulted using an electronic communications
> network.
Adeca UE se sterge la fund cu Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului? Da de ce ma mai mir?...

paraipan (...@rogers.com, IP: 208.64.106...)
2009-01-20 00:19
Conditiile impuse pentru aderarea la UE!

La 2009-01-20 00:08:17, innumelemeu a scris:

> Article 1
> Subject matter and scope
> 1. This Directive aims to harmonise Member States’ provisions
> concerning the obligations of the providers of publicly available
> electronic communications services or of public communications
> networks with respect to the retention of certain data which are
> generated or processed by them, in order to ensure that the data
> are available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and
> prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each Member State in
> its national law.

Ca bine combatzi Mon Cher! Asa ne gindeam si noi, ca in fraza aia cu
" ... detection and prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each Member State in its NATIONAL LAW".

Si daca my National Law zice ca sa va sparg la dintzi de Bruxellezi, inseamna ca sint OK! Right?

Hokusai san din Kyoto (...@gmail.com, IP: 94.52.184...)
2009-01-20 09:04
Re: Conditiile impuse pentru aderarea la UE! / :)))))))

La 2009-01-20 00:19:26, paraipan a scris:

> La 2009-01-20 00:08:17, innumelemeu a scris:
> > Article 1
> > Subject matter and scope
> > 1. This Directive aims to harmonise Member States’ provisions
> > concerning the obligations of the providers of publicly available
> > electronic communications services or of public communications
> > networks with respect to the retention of certain data which are
> > generated or processed by them, in order to ensure that the data
> > are available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and
> > prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each Member State in
> > its national law.
> Ca bine combatzi Mon Cher! Asa ne gindeam si noi, ca in fraza aia cu
> " ... detection and prosecution of serious crime, as defined by each
> Member State in its NATIONAL LAW".
> Si daca my National Law zice ca sa va sparg la dintzi de Bruxellezi,
> inseamna ca sint OK! Right?

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