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  Nr. 4438 de sambata, 17 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-18 00:23
The Murderous Zionist Butchers Of Israel

Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD

I have no words to describe the Zionist butchers and their crimes in Gaza. The United States along with its Western allies are as guilty murderers as are the beasts in Israel. George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condi Rice are the murderers that have to be tried in a court of law for the continuous crimes they have committed.
Having said that; I like to point out that the murderous government of the United States is complicit in these crimes because certain segment of the American population that practice a dirtiest form of cult, falsely named Christians-Evangelicals. The bestiality of their belief is that Israel must be loved; hence, Israel must be supported militarily to the point of committing continuous genocide for more than 60 years. Whatever these Evangelicals call themselves, they certainly are not Christians. I remember "Rev." Falwel, may he rot in Hell, when he said that his followers sent over a 100,000 emails to White House demanding full support of Israel.
The West in general and their governments in particular are the true criminals because they provide money and weapons to Israel to commit these crimes. It is not surprising since the US and her allies are doing the same thing in Afghanistan as well as Iraq. This is their modus operandi, to commit state terrorism.
However, when these poor souls who are losing family members, little sweet babies and defenseless women, resort to revenge against the United States of Israel, they are being labeled terrorists.
Are we still puzzled why is the USA so hated and despised by the Muslim world? Look at the scenes of devastations, infants burned beyond recognition while other children cry, suffering from the unbearable pain of injuries sustained by the continuous bombardment by Israeli forces. The weapons used are provided by the United States and paid for by the American taxpayers.
Let the world know, no one in the Muslim world is interested in this fraud called democracy, the so-called International Law, and the

'United Nations.' These are the instruments used by the West in order to enslave the weak of the world. International Law and United Nations are instruments are useful when the victims are Westerners.
As to the Jewish people, they are greedy, have no loyalty to anyone except themselves, and follow the dictates of Talmud that considers non-Jews as animals. No wonder, Jews were persecuted throughout history. They were persecuted because they deceived, betrayed and used other people for self-interest and enrichment. They have one common denominator, which is money, money and money.
Let the world know, Israel may be successful in murdering Palestinian children, women and defenseless civilians, however, the time will come when they and their cowardly allies in the West will crumble like a house of cards, righteousness will prevail and these murderous wicked forces of evil will face eventual demise in Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq.
All Rights Reserved, 2009


cercetas din Stiulezia (...@ausi.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2009-01-18 00:39
DE GURA MATII CE SA SPUN?! Ar fi mai normal sa va cacati pe nas, dar decat nimic merge si asa

La 2009-01-18 00:23:43, Zenn a scris:

> Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD
> AfghanistanAfterDemocracy.com
> 1-17-9
> I have no words to describe the Zionist butchers and their crimes in
> Gaza. The United States along with its Western allies are as guilty
> murderers as are the beasts in Israel. George W Bush, Dick Cheney,
> and Condi Rice are the murderers that have to be tried in a court of
> law for the continuous crimes they have committed.
> Having said that; I like to point out that the murderous government of
> the United States is complicit in these crimes because certain segment
> of the American population that practice a dirtiest form of cult,
> falsely named Christians-Evangelicals. The bestiality of their belief
> is that Israel must be loved; hence, Israel must be supported
> militarily to the point of committing continuous genocide for more
> than 60 years. Whatever these Evangelicals call themselves, they
> certainly are not Christians. I remember "Rev." Falwel, may he rot in
> Hell, when he said that his followers sent over a 100,000 emails to
> White House demanding full support of Israel.
> The West in general and their governments in particular are the true
> criminals because they provide money and weapons to Israel to commit
> these crimes. It is not surprising since the US and her allies are
> doing the same thing in Afghanistan as well as Iraq. This is their
> modus operandi, to commit state terrorism.
> However, when these poor souls who are losing family members, little
> sweet babies and defenseless women, resort to revenge against the
> United States of Israel, they are being labeled terrorists.
> Are we still puzzled why is the USA so hated and despised by the
> Muslim world? Look at the scenes of devastations, infants burned
> beyond recognition while other children cry, suffering from the
> unbearable pain of injuries sustained by the continuous bombardment
> by Israeli forces. The weapons used are provided by the United States
> and paid for by the American taxpayers.
> Let the world know, no one in the Muslim world is interested in this
> fraud called democracy, the so-called International Law, and the
> 'United Nations.' These are the instruments used by the West in order
> to enslave the weak of the world. International Law and United
> Nations are instruments are useful when the victims are Westerners.
> As to the Jewish people, they are greedy, have no loyalty to anyone
> except themselves, and follow the dictates of Talmud that considers
> non-Jews as animals. No wonder, Jews were persecuted throughout
> history. They were persecuted because they deceived, betrayed and
> used other people for self-interest and enrichment. They have one
> common denominator, which is money, money and money.
> Let the world know, Israel may be successful in murdering Palestinian
> children, women and defenseless civilians, however, the time will
> come when they and their cowardly allies in the West will crumble
> like a house of cards, righteousness will prevail and these murderous
> wicked forces of evil will face eventual demise in Afghanistan,
> Palestine and Iraq.
> All Rights Reserved, 2009
> http://www.afghanistanafterdemocacy.com

SFANTUL din Paris (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.235.49...)
2009-01-18 00:44
Re: The Murderous Zionist Butchers Of Israel


La 2009-01-18 00:23:43, Zenn a scris:

> Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD
> AfghanistanAfterDemocracy.com
> 1-17-9
> I have no words to describe the Zionist butchers and their crimes in
> Gaza. The United States along with its Western allies are as guilty
> murderers as are the beasts in Israel. George W Bush, Dick Cheney,
> and Condi Rice are the murderers that have to be tried in a court of
> law for the continuous crimes they have committed.
> Having said that; I like to point out that the murderous government of
> the United States is complicit in these crimes because certain segment
> of the American population that practice a dirtiest form of cult,
> falsely named Christians-Evangelicals. The bestiality of their belief
> is that Israel must be loved; hence, Israel must be supported
> militarily to the point of committing continuous genocide for more
> than 60 years. Whatever these Evangelicals call themselves, they
> certainly are not Christians. I remember "Rev." Falwel, may he rot in
> Hell, when he said that his followers sent over a 100,000 emails to
> White House demanding full support of Israel.
> The West in general and their governments in particular are the true
> criminals because they provide money and weapons to Israel to commit
> these crimes. It is not surprising since the US and her allies are
> doing the same thing in Afghanistan as well as Iraq. This is their
> modus operandi, to commit state terrorism.
> However, when these poor souls who are losing family members, little
> sweet babies and defenseless women, resort to revenge against the
> United States of Israel, they are being labeled terrorists.
> Are we still puzzled why is the USA so hated and despised by the
> Muslim world? Look at the scenes of devastations, infants burned
> beyond recognition while other children cry, suffering from the
> unbearable pain of injuries sustained by the continuous bombardment
> by Israeli forces. The weapons used are provided by the United States
> and paid for by the American taxpayers.
> Let the world know, no one in the Muslim world is interested in this
> fraud called democracy, the so-called International Law, and the
> 'United Nations.' These are the instruments used by the West in order
> to enslave the weak of the world. International Law and United
> Nations are instruments are useful when the victims are Westerners.
> As to the Jewish people, they are greedy, have no loyalty to anyone
> except themselves, and follow the dictates of Talmud that considers
> non-Jews as animals. No wonder, Jews were persecuted throughout
> history. They were persecuted because they deceived, betrayed and
> used other people for self-interest and enrichment. They have one
> common denominator, which is money, money and money.
> Let the world know, Israel may be successful in murdering Palestinian
> children, women and defenseless civilians, however, the time will
> come when they and their cowardly allies in the West will crumble
> like a house of cards, righteousness will prevail and these murderous
> wicked forces of evil will face eventual demise in Afghanistan,
> Palestine and Iraq.
> All Rights Reserved, 2009
> http://www.afghanistanafterdemocacy.com

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 67.184.156...)
2009-01-18 02:22
cINE CREZI TU CA CITESHTE KKturile tale bai Laba Fanatica....bagatzi-le-n Koor

poate ajuta la hemoroizi!

La 2009-01-18 00:23:43, Zenn a scris:

> Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD
> AfghanistanAfterDemocracy.com
> 1-17-9
> I have no words to describe the Zionist butchers and their crimes in
> Gaza. The United States along with its Western allies are as guilty
> murderers as are the beasts in Israel. George W Bush, Dick Cheney,
> and Condi Rice are the murderers that have to be tried in a court of
> law for the continuous crimes they have committed.
> Having said that; I like to point out that the murderous government of
> the United States is complicit in these crimes because certain segment
> of the American population that practice a dirtiest form of cult,
> falsely named Christians-Evangelicals. The bestiality of their belief
> is that Israel must be loved; hence, Israel must be supported
> militarily to the point of committing continuous genocide for more
> than 60 years. Whatever these Evangelicals call themselves, they
> certainly are not Christians. I remember "Rev." Falwel, may he rot in
> Hell, when he said that his followers sent over a 100,000 emails to
> White House demanding full support of Israel.
> The West in general and their governments in particular are the true
> criminals because they provide money and weapons to Israel to commit
> these crimes. It is not surprising since the US and her allies are
> doing the same thing in Afghanistan as well as Iraq. This is their
> modus operandi, to commit state terrorism.
> However, when these poor souls who are losing family members, little
> sweet babies and defenseless women, resort to revenge against the
> United States of Israel, they are being labeled terrorists.
> Are we still puzzled why is the USA so hated and despised by the
> Muslim world? Look at the scenes of devastations, infants burned
> beyond recognition while other children cry, suffering from the
> unbearable pain of injuries sustained by the continuous bombardment
> by Israeli forces. The weapons used are provided by the United States
> and paid for by the American taxpayers.
> Let the world know, no one in the Muslim world is interested in this
> fraud called democracy, the so-called International Law, and the
> 'United Nations.' These are the instruments used by the West in order
> to enslave the weak of the world. International Law and United
> Nations are instruments are useful when the victims are Westerners.
> As to the Jewish people, they are greedy, have no loyalty to anyone
> except themselves, and follow the dictates of Talmud that considers
> non-Jews as animals. No wonder, Jews were persecuted throughout
> history. They were persecuted because they deceived, betrayed and
> used other people for self-interest and enrichment. They have one
> common denominator, which is money, money and money.
> Let the world know, Israel may be successful in murdering Palestinian
> children, women and defenseless civilians, however, the time will
> come when they and their cowardly allies in the West will crumble
> like a house of cards, righteousness will prevail and these murderous
> wicked forces of evil will face eventual demise in Afghanistan,
> Palestine and Iraq.
> All Rights Reserved, 2009
> http://www.afghanistanafterdemocacy.com

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-18 19:13
Re: The Murderous Zionist Butchers Of Israel

La 2009-01-18 00:23:43, Zenn a scris:

Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD


Dupa consolidarea afacerii cu asigurari generale, grupul israelian va lansa produse de asigurari de sanatate suplimentare si va analiza posibilitatea intrarii pe segmentul asigurarilor de viata. Investitia totala a grupului israelian Clal in compania Clal Asigurari, infiintata la sfarsitul anului 2006, va ajunge la 50-70 de milioane de euro in urmatorii cinci ani, a declarat intr-un interviu acordat Ziarului Financiar presedintele grupului, Avigdor Kaplan. Pana in prezent, israelienii au investit 11 milioane de euro pentru dezvoltarea subsidiarei din Romania.

`Cererea de capital va creste odata cu volumul de business. De asemenea, va fi nevoie de capital pentru dezvoltarea infrastructurii. In urmatorii patru-cinci ani, investitia totala va ajunge la 50-70 de milioane de euro`, afirma Kaplan, presedintele celui mai mare grup de asigurari din Israel.

El spune ca obiectivul Clal Asigurari este sa ajunga printre primele zece companii de asigurari generale de pe piata locala, dar ca acest lucru se va intampla in timp. Anul trecut, asiguratorul a inregistrat prime brute subscrise de 1,8 milioane de euro, iar in acest an se asteapta la o dublare a afacerilor.

Pentru a ajunge in top zece, compania se bazeaza pe asigurari auto Casco si de raspundere civila obligatorie, care au cea mai mare pondere in piata locala, si nu ia in considerare ideea unei achizitii.

`Nu ne gandim la achizitie, pentru ca preturile sunt nejustificat de mari. Prefer sa investim acesti bani in compania pe care o avem, decat sa cumparam o alta companie`, considera Kaplan.

In schimb, grupul Clal negociaza acum incheierea unui parteneriat cu un investitor strategic la nivelul tarilor din Europa Centrala si de Est, inclusiv in Romania.

`Nu intentionam sa vindem o parte din participatia detinuta la Clal Romania. Grupul cu care vom incheia un parteneriat va intra in actionariatul companiei printr-o majorare de capital`, explica seful grupului Clal, fara a dezvalui numele viitorului partener de afaceri.

In urmatorii ani, israelienii intentioneaza sa isi diversifice portofoliul cu mai multe tipuri de produse, in special asigurari de raspundere (a angajatorilor, pentru produse, a managerilor si altele), pe masura ce va aparea cerere pe piata.

`Piata nu este inca suficient de matura pentru aceste produse si pana atunci ne vom dezvolta pe liniile de asigurari obisnuite`, spune Kaplan.

El spune ca obiectivul principal al subsidiarei din Romania nu este castigarea cotei de piata, ci profitul.

`Piata se asaza acum si competitia se va muta pe calitatea serviciilor si diversitatea produselor, dar si pretul va ramane un element important. Obiectivul nostru nu este sa vindem ieftin, vom concura pe criterii de calitate si diversitate`, a adaugat Valentin Tuca, noul director general al Clal Asigurari.

Recent, grupul israelian a decis sa schimbe modelul de business pe care il practica in Romania. Initial, israelienii si-au inceput activitatea pe piata locala bazandu-se pe vanzarea politelor prin telefon, dar au constatat ca piata nu este inca suficient de dezvoltata pentru a utiliza acest canal de distributie.

`Am constatat ca clientii prefera sa cumpere asigurari de la agenti si brokeri, nu direct de la companie. Vom pastra si vanzarile prin telefon, dar acesta nu va fi un canal de baza. Si in alte tari a durat mult timp pana cand clientii s-au obisnuit cu aceasta modalitate de vanzare`, explica seful grupului Clal.

O prioritate in strategia de dezvoltare a Clal Asigurari este vanzarea prin intermediul bancilor. `Am luat decizia de a lucra cu toate canalele de distributie. La inceput, ne-am gandit ca vanzarile directe (prin call-center - n.r.) sunt cea mai buna solutie, dar anul trecut am hotarat sa trecem si la alte modalitati`, spune Kaplan.

Odata cu modelul de business, israelienii au schimbat si managementul companiei din Romania. In locul fostului director general, Morgan Zohar, a fost adus la inceputul acestui an Valentin Tuca, fost country manager al Marsh, filiala locala a celui mai mare broker de asigurari din lume. De asemenea, au fost numiti doi noi vicepresedinti si au avut loc schimbari la nivel de middle management, Kaplan spunand ca `managerii locali sunt mai buni`.
Un articol de: Angela Placinta

Integral in Ziarul Financiar


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