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  Nr. 4438 de sambata, 17 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-17 17:16
Crimele asasinilor askeNAZI-sti raman in cataloagele de "war crimes"...

Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away

Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to be charged with “war crimes”

Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009

The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to international laws in the use of arms.

The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be charged with war crimes.

Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas because it can cause severe burns.

The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives – so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination purposes.
The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed for under international law".

Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.

Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should not be used in populated areas.

"Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect is absolutely the same."

However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the largest hospital in Gaza."

There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated areas.

"However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.

"However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white phosphorus was used on this occasion."
View from Gaza: The ambulance driver

Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement, was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack yesterday.

"One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very frightened.”


roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.91...)
2009-01-17 19:32
Re: Hamas: Facut catalog de lux cromo, Zemm capata castig, Sukran Zemm!

La 2009-01-17 17:16:35, Zenn a scris:

> Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to
> be charged with “war crimes”
> Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009
> The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its
> attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an
> international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of
> lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to
> international laws in the use of arms.
> The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been
> internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells
> were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be
> charged with war crimes.
> Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works
> Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such
> shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While
> it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as
> a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of
> advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva
> Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas
> because it can cause severe burns.
> The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military
> targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and
> Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives –
> so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in
> particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in
> 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination
> purposes.
> The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the
> current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive
> on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been
> their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed
> for under international law".
> Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the
> claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces
> continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the
> use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the
> region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.
> Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a
> chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should
> not be used in populated areas.
> "Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white
> phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect
> is absolutely the same."
> However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of
> injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the
> International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had
> just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found
> "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital
> and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be
> from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the
> largest hospital in Gaza."
> There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus
> shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been
> found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the
> shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and
> noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of
> white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The
> Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white
> phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated
> areas.
> "However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit
> civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in
> relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.
> "However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and
> the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their
> whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white
> phosphorus was used on this occasion."
> View from Gaza: The ambulance driver
> Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement,
> was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent
> when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack
> yesterday.
> "One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the
> incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of
> water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires
> if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard
> shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague
> Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at
> people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that
> a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the
> daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went
> through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the
> steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other
> daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found
> her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very
> frightened.”
> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/kim-sengupta-claims-that-israel-is-using-illegal-bombs-wont-go-away-1380409.html

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-17 20:01
Faci spume royule? Asasin nazist. Lepra rasista.

La 2009-01-17 19:32:00, roy a scris:

> La 2009-01-17 17:16:35, Zenn a scris:
> > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> >
> >
> > Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to
> > be charged with “war crimes”
> >
> > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> > Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009
> >
> > The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its
> > attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an
> > international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of
> > lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to
> > international laws in the use of arms.
> >
> > The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been
> > internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells
> > were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be
> > charged with war crimes.
> >
> > Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works
> > Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such
> > shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While
> > it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as
> > a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of
> > advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva
> > Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas
> > because it can cause severe burns.
> >
> > The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military
> > targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and
> > Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives –
> > so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in
> > particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in
> > 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination
> > purposes.
> > The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the
> > current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive
> > on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been
> > their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed
> > for under international law".
> >
> > Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the
> > claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces
> > continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the
> > use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the
> > region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.
> >
> > Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a
> > chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should
> > not be used in populated areas.
> >
> > "Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white
> > phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect
> > is absolutely the same."
> >
> > However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of
> > injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the
> > International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had
> > just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found
> > "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital
> > and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be
> > from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the
> > largest hospital in Gaza."
> >
> > There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus
> > shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been
> > found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the
> > shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and
> > noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of
> > white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The
> > Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white
> > phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated
> > areas.
> >
> > "However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit
> > civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in
> > relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.
> >
> > "However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and
> > the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their
> > whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white
> > phosphorus was used on this occasion."
> > View from Gaza: The ambulance driver
> >
> > Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement,
> > was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent
> > when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack
> > yesterday.
> >
> > "One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the
> > incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of
> > water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires
> > if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard
> > shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague
> > Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at
> > people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that
> > a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the
> > daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went
> > through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the
> > steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other
> > daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found
> > her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very
> > frightened.”
> >
> >
> > http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/kim-sengupta-claims-that-israel-is-using-illegal-bombs-wont-go-away-1380409.html
> >
> >
> >

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-17 20:31
Re: Faci spume royule? Asasin nazist. Lepra rasista.

Din contra o sa aibe gaz sa se incalzeasca,muncitori in constructii cu mai putine pretentii,respect religios precum si alte avantaje de tot felul.Deci clabuci fac cei ce ingheata de frig,muncesc la altii si singura placere este sa manance la rahat pe forum.

BG Group va furniza gaz palestinian Israelului

Conducta submarina ce va lega Gaza de portul israelian Ashkelon ... Compania energetica britanica va incheia cu autoritatile israeliene un contract in valoare de patru miliarde de dolari. In urma cu sase ani, premierul Israelului de atunci, Ariel Sharon, jura ca nu va cumpara niciodata gaz natural de la vecinii sai palestinieni. Acum acest lucru este pe cale sa se schimbe. Grupul energetic britanic BG Group a reusit sa-i convinga pe israelieni ca gazul natural palestinian merita toti banii.

Grupul BG are toate sansele sa diminueze tensiunile existente intre palestinieni si israelieni odata cu semnarea unei intelegeri istorice prin care britanicii vor furniza gaz natural din Gaza, Israelului. Incheierea contractului ar pune capat disputelor legale si politice care au planat in jurul acestui proiect inca din anul 2000, cand BG Group a descoperit campul gazifer in Gaza. Acesta are o capacitate de productie de 305 miliarde de metri cubi de gaz natural, echivalentul a 150 de milioane de barili de petrol.

Contractul este semnat pe durata de 15 ani

Reprezentantii companiei britanice se vor intalni saptamana viitoare cu negociatorii cabinetului israelian pentru a discuta semnarea unui contract pe durata de 15 ani, in valoare de 4 miliarde de dolari. In ciuda violentelor din Gaza, ministrul de externe israelian este nerabdator ca intelegerea sa fie pecetluita cat mai curand posibil.

Contractul va permite BG Group, in trecut o companie detinuta de British Gas, sa dezvolte un camp de extractie pe coasta regiunii Gaza, zona care este singura sursa de gaz natural a Autoritatii Palestiniene. Miscarea reprezinta o adevarata piatra de temelie pentru relatiile economice si politice din Orientul Mijlociu. In aceasta regiune este suficient gaz natural incat poate satisface 10 procente din cererea anuala a Israelului, iar palestinienii ar putea primi redevente in valoare de un miliard de dolari.

Cu toate acestea, discutiile de semnare a intelegerii ar putea fi intrerupte in orice moment, date fiind tensiunile politice din zona. Cu toate acestea, vicepresedintele BG Group din regiune, Nigel Shaw, a afirmat ca grupul al carui reprezentant este face progrese in finalizarea discutiilor. "Sunt unele probleme comerciale care trebuie rezolvate si este nevoie si de acordul bilateral dintre cele doua guverne pentru a putea duce proiectul la bun sfarsit.

Israelienii vor sa plateasca in bunuri si servicii

Dar acest proiect reprezinta o sansa de prosperitate economica in Palestina si este numai bun pentru a semana pacea in regiune", a afirmat el, citat de "Times". Proiectul care a fost pus cap la cap in urma cu aproape opt ani a fost intarziat si de unele probleme legale. Asta deoarece Curtea Suprema a Israelului trebuia sa stabileasca daca palestinienii aveau vreun drept asupra nou-descoperitului camp gazifer.

BG Group a fost la un pas sa incheie o intelegere pentru extragerea de gaz natural din Egipt, insa premierul britanic Tony Blair a intervenit si a cerut companiei sa acorde o a doua sansa Israelului. In urma cu trei saptamani, Cabinetul Israelian a aprobat propunerea premierului Ehud Olmert de a cumpara gaz natural de la Autoritatea Palestiniana. Oficialii israelieni au recunoscut ca tara lor are nevoie si de alte surse de energie pentru a sustine economia in plina dezvoltare a Israelului.

Gazul natural va fi transportat printr-o conducta submarina pana in portul israelian Ashkelon. Desi toate partile implicate sunt increzatoare in intelegere, nu se cunoaste inca modalitatea in care se va face plata catre palestinieni. Asta pentru ca autoritatile israeliene ale apararii vor ca banii sa fie transferati catre palestinieni sub forma de bunuri si servicii si nu vor ca guvernul controlat de Hamas sa intre in posesia unei sume lichide de bani.

Sursa: Adevarul


roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.91...)
2009-01-17 20:49
Re: Hamas: Zemm sbus sbume la gura, Zemm bus brobagandist Ziua, Shukran Zemm!

La 2009-01-17 20:01:35, Zenn a scris:

> La 2009-01-17 19:32:00, roy a scris:
> > La 2009-01-17 17:16:35, Zenn a scris:
> >
> > > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> > >
> > >
> > > Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to
> > > be charged with “war crimes”
> > >
> > > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> > > Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009
> > >
> > > The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its
> > > attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an
> > > international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of
> > > lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to
> > > international laws in the use of arms.
> > >
> > > The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been
> > > internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells
> > > were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be
> > > charged with war crimes.
> > >
> > > Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works
> > > Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such
> > > shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While
> > > it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as
> > > a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of
> > > advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva
> > > Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas
> > > because it can cause severe burns.
> > >
> > > The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military
> > > targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and
> > > Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives –
> > > so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in
> > > particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in
> > > 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination
> > > purposes.
> > > The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the
> > > current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive
> > > on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been
> > > their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed
> > > for under international law".
> > >
> > > Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the
> > > claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces
> > > continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the
> > > use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the
> > > region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.
> > >
> > > Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a
> > > chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should
> > > not be used in populated areas.
> > >
> > > "Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white
> > > phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect
> > > is absolutely the same."
> > >
> > > However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of
> > > injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the
> > > International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had
> > > just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found
> > > "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital
> > > and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be
> > > from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the
> > > largest hospital in Gaza."
> > >
> > > There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus
> > > shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been
> > > found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the
> > > shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and
> > > noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of
> > > white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The
> > > Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white
> > > phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated
> > > areas.
> > >
> > > "However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit
> > > civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in
> > > relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.
> > >
> > > "However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and
> > > the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their
> > > whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white
> > > phosphorus was used on this occasion."
> > > View from Gaza: The ambulance driver
> > >
> > > Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement,
> > > was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent
> > > when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack
> > > yesterday.
> > >
> > > "One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the
> > > incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of
> > > water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires
> > > if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard
> > > shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague
> > > Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at
> > > people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that
> > > a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the
> > > daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went
> > > through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the
> > > steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other
> > > daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found
> > > her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very
> > > frightened.”
> > >
> > >
> > > http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/kim-sengupta-claims-that-israel-is-using-illegal-bombs-wont-go-away-1380409.html
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

vamid (...@yahoo.com, IP: 194.126.185...)
2009-01-17 20:55
Re: Hamas: Zemm sbus sbume la gura, Zemm bus brobagandist Ziua, Shukran Zemm!

Propaganda anti-israeliana din ziarul Independent din UK este penibila. Sursele declaratiilor sunt anti-israelienii de la UNRWA iar declaratiile sunt preluate in The Independent, ziar anti-israelian, de catre un anume ziarist Falk, un antisemit notoriu. E un fel de Sobru al lor doar ca foloseste mai multe cuvinte

La 2009-01-17 20:49:52, roy a scris:

> La 2009-01-17 20:01:35, Zenn a scris:
> > La 2009-01-17 19:32:00, roy a scris:
> >
> > > La 2009-01-17 17:16:35, Zenn a scris:
> > >
> > > > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to
> > > > be charged with “war crimes”
> > > >
> > > > Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> > > > Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009
> > > >
> > > > The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its
> > > > attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an
> > > > international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of
> > > > lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to
> > > > international laws in the use of arms.
> > > >
> > > > The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been
> > > > internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells
> > > > were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be
> > > > charged with war crimes.
> > > >
> > > > Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works
> > > > Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such
> > > > shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While
> > > > it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as
> > > > a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of
> > > > advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva
> > > > Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas
> > > > because it can cause severe burns.
> > > >
> > > > The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military
> > > > targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and
> > > > Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives –
> > > > so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in
> > > > particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in
> > > > 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination
> > > > purposes.
> > > > The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the
> > > > current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive
> > > > on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been
> > > > their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed
> > > > for under international law".
> > > >
> > > > Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the
> > > > claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces
> > > > continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the
> > > > use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the
> > > > region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.
> > > >
> > > > Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a
> > > > chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should
> > > > not be used in populated areas.
> > > >
> > > > "Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white
> > > > phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect
> > > > is absolutely the same."
> > > >
> > > > However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of
> > > > injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the
> > > > International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had
> > > > just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found
> > > > "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital
> > > > and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be
> > > > from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the
> > > > largest hospital in Gaza."
> > > >
> > > > There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus
> > > > shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been
> > > > found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the
> > > > shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and
> > > > noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of
> > > > white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The
> > > > Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white
> > > > phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated
> > > > areas.
> > > >
> > > > "However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit
> > > > civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in
> > > > relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.
> > > >
> > > > "However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and
> > > > the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their
> > > > whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white
> > > > phosphorus was used on this occasion."
> > > > View from Gaza: The ambulance driver
> > > >
> > > > Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement,
> > > > was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent
> > > > when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack
> > > > yesterday.
> > > >
> > > > "One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the
> > > > incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of
> > > > water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires
> > > > if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard
> > > > shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague
> > > > Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at
> > > > people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that
> > > > a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the
> > > > daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went
> > > > through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the
> > > > steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other
> > > > daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found
> > > > her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very
> > > > frightened.”
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/kim-sengupta-claims-that-israel-is-using-illegal-bombs-wont-go-away-1380409.html
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

contraevreu-rus (...@aol.com, IP: 208.104.167...)
2009-01-17 22:02
Re: Crimele asasinilor askeNAZI-sti raman in cataloagele de "war crimes"...

Te zvarcolesti ca o soparla cu copy-paste .si gastiti zdranga ,nimeni nu da un fart pe ce scri tu la fel si coi-slamisti tai.

La 2009-01-17 17:16:35, Zenn a scris:

> Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> Nor will accusations of Israeli “lies” and calls for it to
> be charged with “war crimes”
> Claims that Israel is using illegal bombs won't go away
> Kim Sengupta – The Independent January 16, 2009
> The UN's accusation that Israel used white phosphorus shells in its
> attack on its headquarters in Gaza was the first direct charge by an
> international body and, in effect, accuses the Israeli government of
> lying over its repeated declaration that its forces adhere to
> international laws in the use of arms.
> The attack on the UN headquarters in Gaza City has been
> internationally condemned. Any proof that white phosphorus shells
> were used would add to the call for Israel's military forces to be
> charged with war crimes.
> Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works
> Agency (UNRWA), claimed within hours of the attack that three such
> shells were responsible for injuries to three of its employees. While
> it is not illegal to use different types of white phosphorus shells as
> a tactical weapon – usually to create a smokescreen ahead of
> advancing troops or for illumination at night – the Geneva
> Treaty of 1980 specifically bans it use in densely populated areas
> because it can cause severe burns.
> The Israelis admitted they had used white phosphorus against "military
> targets" on open ground during the Lebanese war of 2006. The US and
> Britain also used the weapons mixed with high explosives –
> so-called "shake and bake" – in Iraq. American forces in
> particular used white phosphorus in the second siege of Fallujah in
> 2004 but insisted that it had been used only for illumination
> purposes.
> The charge that the Israelis were using white phosphorus in the
> current conflict surfaced soon after the start of the air offensive
> on 27 December. The Israeli military responded with what has been
> their standard line – "Israel uses munitions that are allowed
> for under international law".
> Yesterday, a spokesman for the defence ministry in Jerusalem said the
> claims were under investigation but reiterated that Israeli forces
> continued to follow the policy of abiding by international law in the
> use of weapons. However, Human Rights Watch said its experts in the
> region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus.
> Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a
> chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should
> not be used in populated areas.
> "Even if Israel might have some minor chemical variation of white
> phosphorus so that the thing they're using has a new name, the effect
> is absolutely the same."
> However, asked on Wednesday specifically whether there was evidence of
> injuries to civilians caused by such weapons, the president of the
> International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, who had
> just returned from a trip to Gaza City said his organisation had found
> "no evidence" of that. He added: "We have officials at Shifa Hospital
> and they have not come across injuries which could be proved to be
> from white phosphorus. This is just from one hospital, but it is the
> largest hospital in Gaza."
> There were reports yesterday that remnants of a white phosphorus
> shell, identified by the marking M825A1 on the outer casing, had been
> found at Sheikh Ajilin village in western Gaza. Local people said the
> shell was fired on 9 January and recalled seeing thick smoke and
> noticing a garlic-like smell, which is consistent with the use of
> white phosphorus. Robert Emerson, a military analyst, said: "The
> Geneva Act leaves areas of confusion on this. It says white
> phosphorus should not be used against targets in densely populated
> areas.
> "However, a shell meant to explode in the air may go astray and hit
> civilians. Similarly, a shell used against military targets in
> relatively open ground can cause collateral damage.
> "However, questions are obviously being asked about the UN attack and
> the [Israeli Defence Forces] may have to think again about their
> whole policy on white phosphorus if it is indeed proved that white
> phosphorus was used on this occasion."
> View from Gaza: The ambulance driver
> Sharon Lock, an Australian from the International Solidarity Movement,
> was working as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent
> when its Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City came under Israeli attack
> yesterday.
> "One shell landed outside the building about 10 yards from the
> incubators for new babies. We were putting fires out with buckets of
> water. The shrapnel seems to burn for a long time and it starts fires
> if it is not put out. We were just dealing with that when we heard
> shooting from the front steps of the hospital and my colleague
> Mohammed came to me covered with blood. 'Israelis are shooting at
> people who are leaving their houses,' he said. What happened was that
> a father and mother and two daughters had left their home, one of the
> daughters had gone missing and the other was shot. The bullet went
> through one cheek and out the other. As the father was coming up the
> steps he fell, shot as well. They didn't know where the other
> daughter was. Mohammed and I decided to go out and find her. We found
> her hiding in a house. I would say she was about nine. She was very
> frightened.”
> http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/kim-sengupta-claims-that-israel-is-using-illegal-bombs-wont-go-away-1380409.html

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