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  Nr. 4438 de sambata, 17 ianuarie 2009 
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nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-17 11:42
Hamas: We will not accept Israel's demands for Gaza cease-fire

Hamas: We will not accept Israel's demands for Gaza cease-fire

Last update - 02:45 17/01/2009

Hamas will not accept Israel's conditions for a cease-fire in Gaza and will continue armed resistance until the offensive ends, Khaled Meshal, the leader of the Palestinian Islamist group, said on Friday.

Speaking at the opening of an emergency meeting on Gaza in Doha, Meshal called on the leaders present to cut all ties with Israel.

Meshal joined Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a surprise appearance at the summit, aimed to show their weight in diplomatic efforts surrounding the Gaza crisis.

Hamas was to send a delegation to Cairo on Friday to discuss Egyptian efforts to mediate a cease-fire in Gaza, a Hamas official told Al-Jazeera television. .........

........The Egyptian truce proposal, of which Haaretz obtained a copy Thursday, contains three clauses.

First, Israel and the Palestinians would agree to an immediate, time-limited cease-fire, during which the border crossings will be opened for humanitarian aid and Egypt will lead negotiations on a long-term truce.

Second, the long-term truce must include provisions on both border security and an end to the blockade of Gaza.

Third, Fatah and Hamas should resume reconciliation talks.

Egyptian officials told Haaretz they believe the initial, short-term truce should last a few months, to allow plenty of time for negotiations on the long-term cease-fire.

However, the proposal does not require Israel to withdraw from Gaza during the initial truce, and Hamas has said it will not accept the proposal unless that omission is corrected.

Salah al-Bardawil, who was Hamas's Gazan representative to the talks with Egypt, said his organization demands that Israel completely withdraw within five days of whenever the initial cease-fire takes effect.

Hamas also insists that the agreement include a deadline by which the border crossings must reopen.

Israel, for its part, insists that the crossings not be reopened until the smuggling issue is resolved to its satisfaction. It also wants Hamas to agree to an explicit timetable for concluding a deal on kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and to be more flexible in what it is demanding in exchange for Shalit.

De la sursele Evreu-Rus


roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.91...)
2009-01-17 12:46
Re: Nu le-a fost de ajuns bubuiala, mai vor!

La 2009-01-17 11:42:37, nellu a scris:

> Hamas: We will not accept Israel's demands for Gaza cease-fire
> Last update - 02:45 17/01/2009
> Hamas will not accept Israel's conditions for a cease-fire in Gaza and
> will continue armed resistance until the offensive ends, Khaled
> Meshal, the leader of the Palestinian Islamist group, said on Friday.
> Speaking at the opening of an emergency meeting on Gaza in Doha,
> Meshal called on the leaders present to cut all ties with Israel.
> Meshal joined Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a surprise
> appearance at the summit, aimed to show their weight in diplomatic
> efforts surrounding the Gaza crisis.
> Hamas was to send a delegation to Cairo on Friday to discuss Egyptian
> efforts to mediate a cease-fire in Gaza, a Hamas official told
> Al-Jazeera television. .........
> ........The Egyptian truce proposal, of which Haaretz obtained a copy
> Thursday, contains three clauses.
> First, Israel and the Palestinians would agree to an immediate,
> time-limited cease-fire, during which the border crossings will be
> opened for humanitarian aid and Egypt will lead negotiations on a
> long-term truce.
> Second, the long-term truce must include provisions on both border
> security and an end to the blockade of Gaza.
> Third, Fatah and Hamas should resume reconciliation talks.
> Egyptian officials told Haaretz they believe the initial, short-term
> truce should last a few months, to allow plenty of time for
> negotiations on the long-term cease-fire.
> However, the proposal does not require Israel to withdraw from Gaza
> during the initial truce, and Hamas has said it will not accept the
> proposal unless that omission is corrected.
> Salah al-Bardawil, who was Hamas's Gazan representative to the talks
> with Egypt, said his organization demands that Israel completely
> withdraw within five days of whenever the initial cease-fire takes
> effect.
> Hamas also insists that the agreement include a deadline by which the
> border crossings must reopen.
> Israel, for its part, insists that the crossings not be reopened until
> the smuggling issue is resolved to its satisfaction. It also wants
> Hamas to agree to an explicit timetable for concluding a deal on
> kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and to be more flexible in what it is
> demanding in exchange for Shalit.
> De la sursele Evreu-Rus
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1056134.html

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-17 13:07
Re: Nu le-a fost de ajuns bubuiala, mai vor!

Hamas este o organizatie pur proisraeliana care are grija de bunul mers al industriei militare caci nu poti ramane cu munitia in depozite caci expira timpul de folosire.
Asa ca dupa ce au mai scris multi forumisti ca este o creatie a Mossadului incepe adevarul sa iasa la suprafata -asa este.
Deci asistam la o vanatoare de vulpi in care Hamasul este vulpea desertului,cainii agitatori sunt europenii si vanatorul este IDF.
ONU impartind premiile in functie de realizari pe teren.Colateralii fiind spectatorii activi la Gaza si inactiv in Israel.

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