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  Nr. 4438 de sambata, 17 ianuarie 2009 
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nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-17 11:34
Dutch MP: I never heard Gaza protesters shouting 'Jews to the gas'

A Dutch parliamentarian who attended a recent anti-Israel demonstration was accused Wednesday of incitement to hate, violence and discrimination against Jews.

MP Harry van Bommel attended a January 3 Amsterdam demonstration where protesters shouted, "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas," leading to a complaint to the Dutch justice ministry from attorney Bram Moskowicz.
..........The longtime Israel critic from the Socialist Party told Haaretz that by calling for intifada he meant "non-violent resistance like in the first intifada, with strikes and civic disobedience to occupation."

Moskowicz, a prominent attorney, cited the 1999 conviction of a rightist MP for incitement after attending a demonstration where the crowd called, "Our own people come first," in his complaint.

The affair has caused van Bommel to cancel his attendance at a memorial for the victims of Auschwitz on January 25, "due to threats to disrupt the event." The organizers announced yesterday he is nonetheless welcome to attend.


De la sursele Evreu-Rus

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.91...)
2009-01-17 12:34
Re: Dutch MP: I never heard Gaza protesters shouting 'Jews to the gas'

Ek no fi auzit-o, dar eu am vazut-o la TV. Lozinca introdusa de musulmanii olandezi. Olandezii au de ce sa se teama.

La 2009-01-17 11:34:43, nellu a scris:

> A Dutch parliamentarian who attended a recent anti-Israel
> demonstration was accused Wednesday of incitement to hate, violence
> and discrimination against Jews.
> MP Harry van Bommel attended a January 3 Amsterdam demonstration where
> protesters shouted, "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas," leading to a
> complaint to the Dutch justice ministry from attorney Bram Moskowicz.
> ..........The longtime Israel critic from the Socialist Party told
> Haaretz that by calling for intifada he meant "non-violent resistance
> like in the first intifada, with strikes and civic disobedience to
> occupation."
> Moskowicz, a prominent attorney, cited the 1999 conviction of a
> rightist MP for incitement after attending a demonstration where the
> crowd called, "Our own people come first," in his complaint.
> The affair has caused van Bommel to cancel his attendance at a
> memorial for the victims of Auschwitz on January 25, "due to threats
> to disrupt the event." The organizers announced yesterday he is
> nonetheless welcome to attend.
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1055554.html
> De la sursele Evreu-Rus

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.108...)
2009-01-17 13:20
Re: Dutch MP: I never heard Gaza protesters shouting 'Jews to the gas'

La 2009-01-17 12:34:05, roy a scris:

> Ek no fi auzit-o, dar eu am vazut-o la TV. Lozinca introdusa de
> musulmanii olandezi. Olandezii au de ce sa se teama.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Limba oficiala in Europa peste cateva decenii va fi araba (in toate dialectele ) caci uterul musulman lucreaza din plin pe spinarea asigurarilor sociale platite de europeni.La nevoie mai pot interveni si persii pentru a le trimite un cadou la recalcitranti ,de care tzarul Rusiei are grija sa-i conseve la temperatura potrivita.
Asa ca Olanda este mizilic fata de Franta,Anglia,tarile scandinave......

Estul Europei avand deja experienta otomana vor fi catalizatori caci altfel nu se explica migratia de milioane de esteuropeni spre westul Europei.

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