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  Nr. 4433 de luni, 12 ianuarie 2009 
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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-01-12 16:32
Referitor la incidentele legate de scoala ONU

ONU a respins afirmatiile IDF cu privire la existenta unor militanti Hamas care bombardau din interiorul scolii:

That does not necessarily contradict Israel's claim that the militants were operating close by, Gunness said.

Gunness put the death toll of the shelling at 40, and added that the agency wants an impartial investigation of witnesses, Israeli military photographs or any other evidence.

The IDF on Tuesday released video footage from 2007 showing Palestinian militants firing from the school compound and carrying a rocket launcher with them as they flee the scene.

Gunnes said the 2007 video bears no connection to Tuesday's military strike on the school.

The IDF bombed the UNRWA school, Fakhura, on Tuesday after militants fired mortars at troops from inside the school, according to the IDF Spokesman's Office. The bodies of militants were found inside, it added.

Three shells hit the girls elementary school, which is located near the Jabalya refugee camp, according to Gunness.

Fakhura, like many other UNRWA schools, was serving as a refuge for people who had been forced to flee their homes.

"The initial examination conducted with forces operating in the area shows that mortar shells were fired from within the school at IDF forces. The IDF returned fire," the IDF Spokesman's Office said, adding, "In the past Hamas has fired at Israeli troops from within the school, making cynical use of civilians."

The casualties included Hamas militants Imad and Hassan Abu Askhar, both of whom had fired mortar shells at troops from the school, the spokesman said.

UNRWA demanded an independent investigation and the indictment of anyone found to have violated international law.

Many of the victims have still not been identified.

This is the second UNRWA school the IDF has shelled in 24 hours.

About 15 hours before Fakhura was shelled, at about midnight on Monday, the IDF fired a missile at UNRWA's Asma school, in the Shati refugee camp north of Gaza City, killing three members of the Al-Sultan family - Hussein, 24, Abed, 19, and Rawhi, 25 - as they emerged from the toilets in the courtyard.

Gunness said that UNRWA gave the IDF the coordinates of all of the 23 schools that are serving as refuges for the 14,000 people forced to flee their homes. Each of the schools hit on Tuesday housed about 400 people.

Meanwhile, a top world Islamic body accused Israel on Wednesday of war crimes in its Gaza offensive and said it should face an international court after the school attack.

"This is a brutal crime and a clear war crime, along with other attacks, and its perpetrators must not escape an international trial," Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) said in a statement.

The 57-nation OIC, based in Jeddah, represents over one billion Muslims. The body, whose charter dates back to the early 1970s when Islamic nations were divided along the lines of the Cold War, has little political power.


Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.1...)
2009-01-12 16:44
2009-01-12: ``Israeli army denies errant fire in UN school incident``

un articol mai recent:
In urma studierii actiunilor militare petrecute, ...
IDF isi mentine pozitiile pe care le-au exprimat initial despre acele doua incidente, mult mediate prin toata presa si televiziunea.

(A) ref. la scoala ONU, rezultata in moartea a 40 de persoane, se mentine in continuare ca IDF a ripostat la impuscaturi si explozii din interiorul scolii.

<<<<<<Yet in response to the report, local daily The Jerusalem Post on Monday quoted an IDF officer, Captain Ishai David, as saying that the Israeli army did not accept that the incident happened as a result of errant shelling.
``We are still sticking by our official position that according to our initial inquiry, the whole thing started when terrorists fired mortar shells from the school compound,`` said David.
``The IDF returned fire to the source, and the unfortunate result was the death of innocent civilians,`` he added.

(B) ref. la soferul camionului UN, ... se pare ca focurile Hamas l-au ucis.
<<<<<<<As to the killing of a UN truck driver near the Erez crossing, UNRWA officials said Sunday that it was IDF gunfire that killed the Palestinian worker of the aid group.
Yet David denied the accusation, saying that ``the initial inquiry indicates that it was not IDF fire that killed him,`` which mirrors an allegation that he was killed by Hamas snipers targeting the aid workers. >>>


Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2009-01-12 20:53
Re: si tu crezi propaganda IDF?

IDF poate sa spuna ce vrea pentru nu sunt responsabili in fata nimanui ... chiar si ei au spus ca o arma foarte important este propaganda.

Fii naiva in continuare.

La 2009-01-12 16:44:12, Seherezada a scris:

> un articol mai recent:
> In urma studierii actiunilor militare petrecute, ...
> IDF isi mentine pozitiile pe care le-au exprimat initial despre acele
> doua incidente, mult mediate prin toata presa si televiziunea.
> (A) ref. la scoala ONU, rezultata in moartea a 40 de persoane, se
> mentine in continuare ca IDF a ripostat la impuscaturi si explozii
> din interiorul scolii.
> <<<<<<Yet in response to the report, local daily The Jerusalem Post on
> Monday quoted an IDF officer, Captain Ishai David, as saying that the
> Israeli army did not accept that the incident happened as a result of
> errant shelling.
> ``We are still sticking by our official position that according to our
> initial inquiry, the whole thing started when terrorists fired mortar
> shells from the school compound,`` said David.
> ``The IDF returned fire to the source, and the unfortunate result was
> the death of innocent civilians,`` he added.
> (B) ref. la soferul camionului UN, ... se pare ca focurile Hamas l-au
> ucis.
> <<<<<<<As to the killing of a UN truck driver near the Erez crossing,
> UNRWA officials said Sunday that it was IDF gunfire that killed the
> Palestinian worker of the aid group.
> Yet David denied the accusation, saying that ``the initial inquiry
> indicates that it was not IDF fire that killed him,`` which mirrors
> an allegation that he was killed by Hamas snipers targeting the aid
> workers. >>>
> http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-01/12/content_10646280.htm

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.1...)
2009-01-12 21:08
Re: dar ce vrei ? sa cred in propaganda in care crezi tu ??

La 2009-01-12 20:53:49, Arcturus a scris:

> IDF poate sa spuna ce vrea pentru nu sunt responsabili in fata nimanui
> ... chiar si ei au spus ca o arma foarte important este propaganda.
> Fii naiva in continuare.
in fatza cui e responsabil hamasul tau ??

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2009-01-12 21:14
Re: dar ce vrei ? sa cred in propaganda in care crezi tu ??

Aha, deci tot ce aflam in stiri despre copii omorati sunt propaganda Hamas?

E si ideea asta un mod de a face cat mai digerabil masacrul din Gaza.

La 2009-01-12 21:08:15, Seherezada a scris:

> La 2009-01-12 20:53:49, Arcturus a scris:
> > IDF poate sa spuna ce vrea pentru nu sunt responsabili in fata nimanui
> > ... chiar si ei au spus ca o arma foarte important este propaganda.
> >
> > Fii naiva in continuare.
> -----------
> in fatza cui e responsabil hamasul tau ??

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.1...)
2009-01-12 21:35
Re: dar ce vrei ? sa cred in propaganda in care crezi tu ??

La 2009-01-12 21:14:18, Arcturus a scris:

> Aha, deci tot ce aflam in stiri despre copii omorati sunt propaganda
> Hamas?
> E si ideea asta un mod de a face cat mai digerabil masacrul din Gaza.
moartea civililor este responsabilitatea hamas, ... ei sint abjectii fara uniforma care se ascund dupa copii si dupa fustele femeilor !!!

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