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  Nr. 4432 de sambata, 10 ianuarie 2009 
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2009-01-09 23:26:39

Hamasii trebuie ucisi cu gloante, nu cu sange rece!

Hamasii trebuie ucisi cu gloante, nu cu sange rece!
Merge si cu obuze, rachete, si in general ce arde sau explodeaza.
Acuma gata cu teoriile, la treaba!

2009-01-09 23:40:58

Bai Israelule, bai! Hamasu are cel putin 25,000 de membri. SA VAD ACUSICA 30,000 !

Imediat sa iesiti pe coverta cu 30,000 de luptatori rapusi minimum!
ce dracu bai, credeam ca evreii sunt mai destepti!

2009-01-09 23:43:55

Fa ce zice rabi??? Milosevici era mic copil


All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.

The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides' commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for his legal decision.

According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.

The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.

Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son, Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed a ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers. Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which the Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.

"If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand," said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop."

In the letter, Eliyahu quoted from Psalms. "I will pursue my enemies and apprehend them and I will not desist until I have eradicated them."

Eliyahu wrote that "This is a message to all leaders of the Jewish people not to be compassionate with those who shoot [rockets] at civilians in their houses."

Mos Grigore
2009-01-09 23:54:32

Are dreptate gagiu........ashtia sint ca GINDACII DE BUCATARIE

La 2009-01-09 23:43:55, dorinP a scris:

> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1180527966693&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
> All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam
> attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has
> written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
> Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against
> the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive
> military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.
> The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet
> to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the
> biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides'
> commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for his
> legal decision.
> According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds
> collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In
> Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to
> stop the firing of Kassam rockets.
> The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of
> Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or
> killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.
> Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son,
> Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed a
> ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers.
> Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which the
> Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.
> "If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand,"
> said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we
> must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even
> a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop."
> In the letter, Eliyahu quoted from Psalms. "I will pursue my enemies
> and apprehend them and I will not desist until I have eradicated
> them."
> Eliyahu wrote that "This is a message to all leaders of the Jewish
> people not to be compassionate with those who shoot [rockets] at
> civilians in their houses."

2009-01-10 00:07:24

Orice bestie isi are momentele ei de sinceritate: IDF admite ca nu s-au tras rachete de la scoala UN

Purtatorul de cuvant al UNRWA, Gunness Chris a afirmat ca armata israeliana si-a recunoscut "eroarea".
"Ofiterii IDF au admis ca rachetele la care armata a raspuns prin bombardarea unei scoli aflate sub patronajul ONU nu provin de la scoala, ci au fost trase din alta parte, iar atacul asupra cladirii a fost "neintentionat".
Vorbind din punct de vedere israelian: victime colanterale. Doar palestinienii omoara deliberat. Ipocrizie la cele mai ridicate culmi ale sale.

2009-01-10 00:24:36

The Point Where the Inhumanity Becomes Clear

Ron Jacobs
Jan 9, 2009
"This is the point where the inhumanity becomes clear" — so said John Ging of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to reporters on January 5th, 2009 as he spoke about the worsening situation in Gaza. His comments were illustrated by video of continued Israeli bombing and graphic pictures of wounded men, women and children flooding the overwhelmed hospitals of Gaza. Seventy-five percent of the region is without electricity, food and medicines are in increasingly short supply thanks to the Israeli-imposed blockade that preceded the invasion and the invasion itself. Yet most of the world’s governments are either silent or, even worse, calling for a continuation of the assault.
As I write, I am listening to an Israeli military spokesman telling an Al-Jazeera reporter that the reason for all of this bloodshed is Hamas. Hamas, he says, "is running a con game on the people of Gaza." According to the bloody logic of Israel, Tel Aviv has no blame in the mass murder being perpetrated on the people of Gaza. This is despite the fact that Israeli weapons are what is killing the Palestinians. This is despite the fact that the bombs and rockets rained on the people of Gaza are considered legitimate weapons while the rockets launched by Hamas’ military wing are labeled weapons of terrorists. At the risk of redundancy, how can anyone genuinely believe this? How can anyone call the Israeli rockets that kill more civilians in one stroke than all the thousands of rockets fired into Israel anything but weapons of terror?
This is a war. It may be a very lopsided war, but it is a war. The longer it goes on, the more innocents will die. The longer it goes on, the more Palestinians will side with the resistance in all its forms, including Hamas. The longer it goes on, the likelihood that it could spread heightens. Israel most likely hopes it can end Hamas’ rule in Gaza and force Palestinians to acquiesce to the peace plans contrived in Tel Aviv and Washington. Hamas and its allies are probably hoping for a scenario where they bring the IDF to a stalemate, somewhat like the situation that occurred with Hezbollah during the summer of 2006. Speaking of Hezbollah, if Israel achieves its goals in Gaza, does it plan to revisit Lebanon in a sequel to that 2006 war? Would Israel open a second front on its northern border if Hezbollah began an effort to support the resistance in Gaza? On January 6th, 2009 the Lebanese media reported that the Israeli Air Force was intensifying its reconnaissance flights over southern Lebanon, an area considered to be a Hezbollah stronghold. In addition, Major General Amos Yadlin, the head of Israeli military intelligence, told Israel’s cabinet that a response from Hezbollah to Israel’s onslaught in Gaza was a possibility. Hundreds of IDF reservists have been called up and sent to the Israeli-Lebanese border. On January 8th, AP reported that Hezbollah rockets had been fired into Israel from Lebanon and that Israel had returned fire. Hezbollah denied any involvement.
Despite the fact that the powder keg of the middle east is on fire once again, Tel Aviv has shown no intention of agreeing to a ceasefire. Indeed, it continues to ignite even more powder. This can only mean that they believe their forces can destroy the supply routes used by Hamas and other Palestinians and weaken the resistance to such a point that Tel Aviv can neutralize the Palestinian rulers in Gaza just like those in the West Bank. If this occurs there may no longer be war, but their peace will be one that insures another battle. The current talks Egypt is holding with representatives from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas seem to indicate this to be almost certain. Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council continues to prove its subservience to Washington by refusing to demand a ceasefire in the conflict. This from the same body that used the lies of the Pentagon and White House as a reason to approve an attack on Iraq in 2003.
Let’s go back to those civilians Tel Aviv and Washington claim Hamas hides behind. Besides the quite obvious physical fact that Hamas members are Palestinians before they are anything else and therefore live in Palestine, the other fact is that the IDF, too, lives among its civilian population. After all, they are all Israelis and most of them go home after their work day unless they are stationed on a border or involved in a war. Israeli military facilities, like those of most every nation, are situated near and in civilian areas if for no other reason then the fact that civilians work at them in a variety of support and other functions. The very nature of Hamas and other resistance factions since the dawn of guerrilla warfare is that they are like fish in the sea. This is not only because they have the support of the people but because they need it to exist. If Hamas is holding the Gazans hostage, then Tel Aviv is holding the entire population of Israel hostage by its refusal to negotiate with Hamas and its deception and lies in its negotiations with other more moderate Palestinian groups. Furthermore, the current Israeli offensive places Israeli civilians in an almost certain future danger as it places Gazans because sooner or later the battle will once again shift back to Israel itself in the form of bomb attacks.
This is, once again, the point where the inhumanity becomes clear. Political agendas are important and the right of the Palestinian people to a nation is accepted by most people in the world. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, Israel — the nation with the second most say in the matter– has made it their national purpose to deny this right, except under terms that amount to continued occupation. So, instead of honest and lasting attempts to work towards a Palestinian state, Israel (with the monetary and moral support of Washington and other western governments) invades, destroys, and lies its way towards a future that frustrates Palestinian hopes for a nation while simultaneously weakening the Israelis’ ability to keep theirs. After all, wars and occupations are never permanent and rarely destroy the will of those being warred against. Indeed, the history of the Palestine-Israel seems to indicate that they only multiply the opposition. How many more years will it take before Tel Aviv understands this?
Ron Jacobs is the author of The Way The Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. His most recent novel Short Order Frame Up is published by Mainstay Press. He can be reached at: rjacobs3625@charter.net. Read other articles by Ron.


2009-01-10 00:42:12

Re: The Point Where the Inhumanity Becomes Clear

La 2009-01-10 00:24:36, Zenn a scris:

Universul musulman se deschide in mii de nuante, detalii, elemente, cu o grija profunda pentru orice amanunt. Din pacate dialogurile in araba nu sunt traduse, nici macar cele mai uzuale cuvinte, precum as-salaamu alaykum, shukran, etc.

2009-01-10 00:48:18

Re: Orice bestie isi are momentele ei de sinceritate: IDF admite ca nu s-au tras rachete de la scoala UN

La 2009-01-10 00:07:24, Evreu-rus a scris:

Un alt element traditional absolut seducator il reprezinta vestimentatia musulmana, cu tesaturi drapate, prinse in fibule, precum si abundenta bijuteriilor berbere, adevarate opere de arta.

Redactor-sef adjunct: مساعد رئيس التحرير:

Rasa " ARAB "

... este una dintre rasele cele mai vechi si poate cea mai cunoscuta rasa de cai din lume...
Din datele istorice, reiese ca arabii nu cunosteau calul, ei foloseau ca mijloc de transport camila si asinul, dar au ajuns in contact cu calul prin alte popoare semitice, care in invaziile lor spre Nord, au intalnit ramura indo-iraniana a populatiilor indoeuropene... Acestia au adus cu ei calul, denumit ulterior calul "ARIAN"...

Se presupune ca rasa Ariana, este forma domestica a calului Tarpan, intrucat leaganul de formare a populatiei indo-europene cuprinde si teritoriile unde se presupune ca ar fi fost domesticit calul Tarpan... acesta avea asemanari si caracteristici cu actualul cal Arab... care prin intermediul popoarelor migratoare a intrat in posesia arabilor...
In lumea cailor... (HorsesLand) ... se spune ca nu exista rasa pe pamant care sa nu aiba putin sange de Arab...

Se presupune ca numele deriva din "Equus caballus aryanus", care este forma domestica a calului Tarpan...

Legendele si realitatea actuala... spun ca Beduinii arabi, dupa ce au cunoscut calul, l'au acceptat ca pe un har divin si l'au inconjurat cu o dragoste dusa pana la veneratie... ei l'au crescut ferit de amestecuri straine si l'au pus sub o aureola plina de percepte religioase, de basme si intamplari legendare, de mister si i'au oferit cea mai inalta perfectiune...

2009-01-10 00:50:41

Off topic : Seherezada si Calator

Calator : nu cred ca Seherezada e prietena cu Robin. Ba chiar sant convinsa ca nu.

Seherezada: Calator nu e nimeni altcineva decat EL .
Pana si aluzia ca se da drept altcineva o resimt ca pe o agresiune.
Pentru ca eu il respect pe Calator . Si invat din intelepciunea lui.

2009-01-10 00:52:18

Re: Orice bestie isi are momentele ei de sinceritate: IDF admite ca nu s-au tras rachete de la scoala UN

2009-01-10 01:06:37

Declaratia profesorului Richard Falk, raportor special ONU ptr Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate

(traducere) "Raidurile aeriene israeliene in Fasia Gaza reprezinta grave si masive incalcari in domeniul drepturilor internationale ale omului, cum sunt definite de Conventia de la Geneva, in ceea ce priveste obligatiile unei puteri ocupante cat si legile dupa care un razboi poate fi dus.
Aceste incalcari includ:
Pedeapsa colectiva; toate 1,5 milioane de persoane care locuiesc in Fasia Gaza sunt pedepsite din cauza actiunilor catorva militanti.
Atacarea civililor: bombardamentele aeriene au fost directionate catre zonele civile ale celei mai dens poplate zone din Orientul Mijlociu.
Raspuns militar disproportionat: bombardamentele aeriene nu numai ca au distrus toate unitatile de politie si de securitate ale guvernului ales in Gaza, dar au si ucis si ranit sute de civili, un atac lovind grupuri de studenti care incercau sa ajunga la facultate.
Actiunile anterioare israeliene, in special blocada impusa Gazei, au provocat o grave lipsuri de facilitati medicale, si de combustibilul (precum si produse alimentare), avand drept consecinte incapacitatea ambulantelor de a prelua ranitii, incapacitatea spitalelor de a oferi ingrijiri corespunzatoare precum si incapacitatea medicilor si a altor lucratori sanitari in Gaza asediata ptr a trata victimele in mod corect.
Desigur, atacurile cu rachete impotriva obiectivelor civile din Israel sunt ilegale. Dar astfel de nelegalitate nu da dreptul Israelului, nu justifica ca nici o putere ocupanta sa incalce dreptul umanitarr international si sa comita crime de razboi ca raspuns. Constat ca escaladarea atacurilor militare israeliene asupra civililor nu a facut viata israelienilor mai sigura.
Israel ignora de asemenea recentele initiative diplomatice ptr a restabili armistitiul cu Hamas sau oprirea focului.
Bombardamentele israeliene de azi, si costul uman catastrofal care a rezultat, confrunta aceste tari care au fost si raman complici, atat direct, cat si indirect, violarii dreptului dreptului international de catre Israel. Aceasta complicitate include aceste tari care furnizeaza echipamente militare, inclusiv avioane de razboi si rachete utilizate ilegal in aceste atacuri, precum si acele tari care au sprijinit si a participat la asediu din Gaza, care a provocat o catastrofa umanitara."
In original: http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/07-01-2009/106905-richardfalk-0

2009-01-10 01:37:52

100 ????????

cam putin

si nu erau adunati de israelieni ci s-au adunat singuri-si nu era o suta ci erau 40-si nu erau copii ci luptatori-si nu erau luptatori pentru locuri de munca ci hamasnici-si nu i-a omoat ci i-a trecut pe lumea cealalta ca si cum i-ai trece strada.....

si toate astea pentru ca s-au ascuns intr-o scoala......
saracii....unde sa se scunda si ei ??
ca in spitale i-a gasit deja....!!!

2009-01-10 01:40:21

la pasa vine un arab....

si cu itzik ...doi

2009-01-10 01:55:36

la pasa vine un arab....

La 2009-01-10 01:40:21, itzik a scris:

> si cu itzik ...doi

Un arab batran traia langa New York. Ar fi vrut sa cultive cartofi, dar era singur si garbovit. Fiul sau studia in Paris, asa ca decise sa-i scrie un email.
"Draga Ahmed, sunt foarte trist ca nu pot planta cartofi in gradina. Sunt convins ca daca ai fi fost aici, m-ai fi ajutat si am fi sapat toata gradina. "
Ziua urmatoare primi raspunsul la mail.
"Draga tata, te rog nu te apuca sa sapi in gradina. Acolo am ascuns "CHESTIA" , semnat:Ahmed".
La 4 dimineata se trezeste batranul cu CIA, FBI si Armata in gradina. Cauta si scotocesc fiecare milimetru din gradina, dar nu gasesc nimic. Dezamagiti, pleaca toti.
A doua zi primeste arabul un mail de la fecior:
"Draga tata, sper ca intre timp gradina noastra sa fi fost sapata sa poti cultiva cartofi. Mai mult decat atat nu am putut face pentru tine".

2009-01-10 03:19:13

Pana unde poate merge miselia AskeNAZI-stilor...

Priorities - Isreal will pay for medical treatment for cats and dogs

Ynet reports that the Israeli government will pay for medical care for dogs and cats wounded by Palestinian rocket fire:
Last week a Qassam rocket hit a house in Sderot and killed the family's dog, which was at the building's yard during the attack. The dog was rushed to the veterinarian for treatment, but died due to severe shrapnel injuries and massive loss of blood.

Following this incident and in light of the fact that like their human owners, pets in Israel's south are also under the constant rocket threat, the Agriculture Ministry has decided it would help pay for the medical care of dogs and cats injured by rocket fire from Gaza.

According to Ben-Dov, the ministry will also consider funding the treatment of street cats and dogs without owners." (via Bat)
Meanwhile Palestinians wounded by Israeli bombing and shelling are dying because Israel, together with the PA, is refusing to fund their treatment:
"The head of Israeli NGO Physicians for Human Rights, Ron Yaron, said: "Palestinian physicians in Gaza want to transfer patients to Israel for life-saving care, but the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah [controlled by Fatah] does not want to pay for their care. Patients are suffering from the bombing and from internal political strife.

Israel has given the green light for Palestinians to enter Israel via Erez for medical care as long as the funds for their treatment are secured, said Defence Ministry spokesperson Maj Peter Lerner."
Humanitarian updates

The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused Israel of violating international law after witnessing "shocking" scenes in which aid workers found four children, too weak to stand, lying next to their dead mothers in a house containing at least 12 corpses:
"In another house, the ICRC/PRCS rescue team found 15 other survivors of this attack including several wounded. In yet another house, they found an additional three corpses. Israeli soldiers posted at a military position some 80 meters away from this house ordered the rescue team to leave the area which they refused to do. There were several other positions of the Israeli Defence Forces nearby as well as two tanks.

"This is a shocking incident," said Pierre Wettach, the ICRC's head of delegation for Israel and the OccupiedPalestinianTerritories. "The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded. Neither did they make it possible for us or the Palestine Red Crescent to assist the wounded."

Large earth walls erected by the Israeli army had made it impossible to bring ambulances into the neighbourhood. Therefore, the children and the wounded had to be taken to the ambulances on a donkey cart...

The ICRC believes that in this instance the Israeli military failed to meet its obligation under international humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded. It considers the delay in allowing rescue services access unacceptable."
Christian Aid similarly reports:
"The [AlAeidi] family, including six injured persons, is trapped in an isolated area outside Gazacity, for the fourth consecutive day. Despite involvement of PHR-Israel, the Red Crescent, the Red Cross, Israeli journalists and members of parliament, there is no progress...

The Israeli military authorities, however, have still not sent any evacuation team nor permitted the access of Palestinian or international evacuation teams to the six injured persons. Gunfire still prevented the exit of the family from their homes. During the pause of fire, ambulances were still not able to reach the house, which was surrounded by Israeli forces...

PHR-Israel knows of 16 severe medical cases whose requests to exit Gazafor medical care unavailable in Gazawas sent to the Israeli authorities but never answered. The Palestinian Medical Referrals Coordinator Rif'at Muhaisan, working from home, spoke of 12 such cases, and an additional four applied directly to PHR-Israel - three cancer patients, one of them a one-year old girl, and one urgent neurosurgical case. "
Meanwhile Amnesty International has accused Israel, as well as Hamas, of using civilians as human shields:
"Our sources in Gaza report that Israeli soldiers have entered and taken up positions in a number of Palestinian homes, forcing families to stay in a ground floor room while they use the rest of their house as a military base and sniper position," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme. "This clearly increases the risk to the Palestinian families concerned and means they are effectively being used as human shields."
Using human shields has, it adds, been a "very common" Israeli practice over the past eight years. Amnesty also debunks the claim that Hamas's "cowardly blending" among civilians justifies Israel's massacres:
"Israeli forces have bombed civilian homes and other buildings, arguing that they had been used as cover by gunmen firing at Israeli targets, although Palestinian fighters usually vacate the areas as soon as they have fired.

"The Israeli army is well-aware that Palestinian gunmen usually leave the area after having fired and that any reprisal attack against these homes will in most cases cause harm to civilians - not gunmen."

"Fighters on both sides must not carry out attacks from civilian areas but when they do take cover behind a civilian house or building to fire it does not make that building and its civilian inhabitants a legitimate military target. Any such attacks are unlawful," said Malcolm Smart."
Finally, IRIN reports on the situation for Gazan children:
Gaza's children - some 56 percent of Gaza's 1.5 million people - are struggling to survive the Israeli offensive which began on 27 December...

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 660 Palestinians have been killed since 27 December, including 176 children and 86 women; 2,950 have been injured, of whom 40 percent are children and 18 percent women...

Children are vulnerable for other reasons: 50,000 of them were malnourished in Gaza before the offensive, and half of those under two had anaemia, according to Save the Children.

Furthermore, all primary healthcare services for the population, including vaccination services, have stopped, according to the WHO, placing children at risk of diseases such as hepatitis and measles.

An estimated one million people, including 560,000 children, are living without water or electricity, said Save the Children. Lack of electricity for heating at night presents a hypothermia risk for children, particularly babies and newborns, it added."


2009-01-10 03:20:22

Bestialitati, bestialitati...

Gaza: Children Found Starving
Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, Jan 8, 2008 (IPS) - An international chorus of condemnation has blasted Israel over its human rights abuses in Gaza. Operation Cast Lead, into its 12th day, has now claimed the lives of over 700 Palestinians.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) demanded safe access Thursday for ICRC officials and Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC) ambulances to evacuate the wounded. It accused Israel of deliberately delaying ambulances.

Rescue teams made several attempts to rescue the wounded and retrieve bodies in several areas of Gaza city but were refused entry by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) soldiers.

On Wednesday, however, after a week's intensive negotiations with Israeli officials, ICRC officials and PRC ambulance teams managed to reach some of the survivors in Gaza's Zeitoun neighbourhood.

The ICRC reported finding four starving toddlers next to the bodies of their dead mothers in one of the houses. The children were apparently too weak to stand. One man was found barely alive. Twelve bodies were found laid out on mattresses in the same house.

Fifteen survivors were rescued from another house by the ICRC. Three bodies were found in an adjacent house. The rescue teams kept looking for survivors despite orders by Israeli soldiers that they leave.

"This is shocking," Pierre Wettach, the ICRC's head of delegation for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories told IPS. "The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation, but did not assist the wounded. Neither did they make it possible for us or the PRC to assist the wounded."

The ICRC said it believed Israel had breached international humanitarian law.

Amnesty International accused the IDF and Palestinian gunmen Wednesday of using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

"Our sources in Gaza report that Israeli soldiers have entered and taken up positions in a number of Palestinian homes, forcing families to stay in a ground-floor room while they use the rest of their house as a military base and sniper position," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa programme director.

"This clearly increases the risk to the Palestinian families concerned, and means they are effectively being used as human shields," he said.

While Palestinian gunmen have also used civilian homes as bases to attack Israeli forces, the IDF has adopted this tactic for many years. It is standard IDF policy throughout the occupied West Bank to use Palestinian homes as bases, while confining families to single bedrooms.

Israeli soldiers have been filmed forcing Palestinian youngsters to walk in front of army jeeps or to enter a home they fear is booby-trapped or has gunmen inside, before the soldiers follow afterwards.

Amnesty International also slammed Israel's decision to establish a daily ceasefire of only three hours, saying it was insufficient to tackle the unfolding humanitarian crisis.

"A truce that lasts for a few hours a day is simply insufficient. It's too short to address the urgent and massive needs of the civilians who are caught in the hostilities and suffering heavy casualties," said Curt Goering, Amnesty's senior deputy executive director for the U.S.

"Israel has severely blockaded aid for nearly all of 2008. The Israeli military can't let aid in for three hours and pretend that is sufficient. Nor would a daily brief 'recess' guarantee the safety of humanitarian workers," Goering noted.

Meanwhile, the UN has demanded that Israel provide evidence for its claims that Palestinian gunmen fired on Israeli forces from a UN school compound in northern Gaza before an Israeli artillery attack that killed more than 40 Palestinian civilians there.

The UN has categorically denied that any armed men were in the school at the time.

"We have nothing to hide," UN Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA) spokesman Chris Gunness told CNN Wednesday. "Bring it on. We want to see the evidence. We want to clear any suspicion."

About 14,000 Palestinians have been sheltered by UNRWA schools. The UN also stated that prior to Israel's current military incursion into Gaza it had provided Israel with the GPS coordinates of all UN installations in Gaza.

Several years ago Israel caused an international furore when it accused UNRWA ambulances of transporting gunmen in its ambulances. The IDF claimed to have satellite pictures of 'gunmen' loading 'rockets' into the back of an ambulance.

A subsequent investigation established that the 'rocket' was a stretcher and the 'gunmen' medics. UNRWA demanded an apology, and never got one.

Following the outbreak in 2000 of the second Palestinian uprising, or Intifadah, Israel accused the ICRC of transporting a suicide bomber with an explosives belt around his waist in one of its ambulances. The ICRC strongly denied the claim, and demanded evidence. None has been provided.

Meanwhile, another confrontation could be brewing off Gaza's coast as an international boat carrying humanitarian relief, human rights activists, journalists and politicians prepared to breach Israel's naval blockade of Gaza.

Several previous boats made the journey successfully, but during the last attempt the boat Dignity was rammed by Israeli naval vessels and forced at gunpoint to head to Beirut as the damaged vessel took on water.

Those on board included U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and a CNN news crew which filmed the incident. (END/2009)


2009-01-10 03:21:09

Israel May Face Charges for War Crimes - Oare!?...

Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, Jan 7 (IPS) - Israel has committed war crimes and should be prosecuted in an international court, says Raji Sourani, head of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.

"The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings, where civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to international law," Sourani told IPS.

Palestinian Authority (PA) delegate to Britain Professor Manuel Hassassian has said the PA will launch legal proceedings against Israeli leaders it says are responsible for war crimes in Gaza, according to a Palestinian news report.

Another 22 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning in bombing and shelling as Israel's Operation Cast Lead entered day 11. The dead included four people killed in the shelling of a children's playground near a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza city.

Six Israelis were treated for shock as several rockets from Gaza hit Israel.

Hassassian's comment came in the wake of Israeli shelling of a UN school in Jabaliya refugee camp Tuesday afternoon which killed over 40 Palestinians. Several other UN schools in the Gaza Strip were also hit in the last few days, resulting in a number of casualties.

The UN called for an investigation, stating that prior to the current operation the Israelis were given the precise coordinates of all UN institutions in Gaza.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already condemned an Israeli attack on two members of the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC) last week. The ICRC said the medics were wearing fluorescent jackets, their ambulances were clearly marked, and their flashing lights were on.

Nihal Al-Akras, chairman of the Palestinian Health Care Committees, asked the international community to pressure Israel to stop firing on medical facilities and workers in the Gaza Strip.

Akhras's comments followed Tuesday's bombing of the Ad-Dura hospital in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza city. Three mobile clinics provided by a Danish NGO, DanChurchAid, were also destroyed.

"We've been able to help the wounded and suffering so far because our vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of emergency aid is now in ruins," said Henrik Stubkjær, secretary general of DanChurchAid.

"We are deeply shocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent the humanitarian aid effort," he added.

According to DanChurchAid the clinics were clearly marked with red crosses and were parked in the Union of Healthcare headquarters.

"One Palestinian doctor and three medics have been killed during Israel's bombing campaign which began on December 27," Sammy Hassan, spokesman for Gaza's Shifa Hospital told IPS.

While Israel has denied that it deliberately targets civilians, reading between the lines of reports in the Israeli media and admissions by military leaders would suggest that the lives of Palestinian civilians are secondary to saving Israeli soldiers.

Several senior Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) officers have admitted that the IDF strategy is to use tremendous firepower on the ground to protect Israeli soldiers during fighting in civilian areas, a senior officer explained to journalists on Tuesday.

"For us, being cautious means being aggressive," said one officer. "From the minute we entered, we've acted like we're at war. That creates enormous damage on the ground.

"When we suspect that a Palestinian fighter is hiding in a house, we shoot it with a missile and then with two tank shells, and then a bulldozer hits the wall. It causes damage but it prevents the loss of life among soldiers."

The IDF suffered significant military casualties during the 2006 Lebanon war, and the top brass realised that a repeat of this would erode public morale and the country's political will. The Israeli cabinet took all this into account prior to the ground operation into Gaza.

Additionally, limited global reaction -- due to the lack of international media on the ground in Gaza following an Israeli ban -- to several of the more serious incidents of civilian casualties has emboldened Israel to a certain degree.

Even during the Lebanon War following similarly serious attacks by Israel on Lebanese civilians, a ceasefire took weeks to be enforced.

However, Israel has not been completely immune from the world's outrage. Following international pressure on the escalating humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to establish a humanitarian corridor near Gaza city.

Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through this corridor.

"The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying.

Israeli leaders met in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning to discuss expanding the ground offensive during a period when most of the aims of the operation have been reached, according to a number of Israeli analysts.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defence Minister Ehud Barak -- the war cabinet's troika – reportedly discussed an even more intensive campaign in Gaza's towns and cities. Israel is hoping to inflict as much damage as possible to Hamas's personnel and infrastructure. (END/2009)


2009-01-10 03:21:51

Animalism in toata regula:

Doctor In Gaza Describes Monstrous Israeli Weapons


Doctor Mads Gilbert is a member of a Norwegian triage medical team present in the besieged Gaza Strip. The team has exposed that Israel has used depleted uranium weapons in its war on the impoverished territory which is home to 1.5 million Palestinians. He described the conditions inside Gaza in an exclusive Press TV interview.

Press TV: What can you tell about the uranium findings?

Dr. Mads Gilbert: The findings about the uranium I cannot tell you much about, but I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy.

These weapons have an enormous power to explode. The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not travel long, maybe 10 meters, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, this pressure wave are cut in pieces.

This was first used in Lebanon in 2006, it was used here in Gaza in 2006 and the injuries that we see in Shifa [Hospital] now, many many of them I suspect and we all suspect are the effect of DIME weapons used by the Israelis.

In the long term, these weapons will have a cancer effect on those who survive. They will develop cancer we suspect. There has been very little research on this but some research has been among other places in the United States, which show that these weapons have a high tendency to develop cancer. So they kill and those who survive risk having cancer.

Press TV: And what do you have to say about this?

Dr. Mads Gilbert: All that is happening in Gaza here now is against international law, it is against humanity and I think it is against what it means to be a decent person. You don't treat other people like this. Even if you disagree with him... maybe even if you fight with them, you don't treat civilians, children and women like this.

And I have an appeal to the Israeli doctors and nurses. They are my colleagues. We belong to the same international community, the medical community. I wish that the good doctors and nurses in Israel tell their government to stop these atrocities. We cannot continue with this. We may differ in opinions, but you cannot treat the civilian Palestinian population in Gaza in this way.

Today, they were bombing in Gaza City; we received 150 wounded and more than 50 killed.

Press TV: Only at Shifa hospital ?!

Dr. Mads Gilbert: Yes, here in Shifa. I treated a ten-year-old boy. He had his whole chest filled with fragments from the bomb. On his lap was another person's leg that had been cut off. We resuscitated him and did everything we could do to save his life but he died between our hands.

This is such a terrible experience and behind the numbers that you report all the time, there are human beings, families, women, grandmothers, children. That is in fact the reality in this situation. Those who are paying the price for the Israeli bombardments now are the common people, the Palestinian people.

Half of the population in Palestine are below 15 years and 80 percent of the people in Gaza live below the level of poverty defined by the UN. Now they don't have food, they don't have electricity. It's cold they don't have warmth and in addition to that, they are killed. This must be stopped.

Press TV: How many people did you see that are effected by this weapon?

Dr. Mads Gilbert: Almost all of the patients we have received have these sever amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon. Of course, we have many fragment injuries and burns but those who have got their limbs cut off, constitutes quite a large proportion.

You know we have a lot to do. Palestinian doctors, nurses and paramedics do an incredibly heroic job to save their people. Doctor Eric and I are just a small drip in the ocean, but we learn from them. Unfortunately, we don't have the time to do research, we have to save lives, but this question should be researched by the international community.


2009-01-10 03:23:18

Io-te de ce mor oamenii aia acolo:

The Real reason Behind Israel’s Blitzkrieg on Gaza It has nothing to do with Hamas… nothing to do with rocket attacks in Southern Israel….. the truth is, it’s all about scoring points (and votes) for the upcoming Israeli election…. not a thing more, not a thing less

Gaza War Role Is Political Lift for Ex-Premier

By Ethan Bronner

JERUSALEM — A few weeks ago, Defense Minister Ehud Barak was considered a dead man walking in Israeli politics. Members of his Labor Party were plotting to replace him after elections on Feb. 10, if not before. Under his leadership, the storied party of David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir had sunk so low in the polls that there was serious talk it might disappear.

No one is talking like that now. Twelve days into a punishing war that he is leading against Hamas in Gaza, Labor’s poll numbers are spiking. Mr. Barak is everywhere, in sunglasses and leather jacket, striding among his military commanders, talking strategy, calculating the next move.

"The respect I get when I go into schools since the war is amazing, and it is all about Barak," remarked Daniel Ben-Simon, a Labor Party candidate for Parliament. "Israel’s MacArthur is back."

There is, however, much irony — and uncertainty — in this political upheaval. Although Mr. Barak has gained from the war, he was opposed to it for far longer than any of the other top leaders and has been the most eager of them for a cease-fire since it began. Many abroad recall Mr. Barak as the prime minister who in 2000 went further than any Israeli leader in peace offers to the Palestinians, only to see the deal fail and explode in a violent Palestinian uprising that drove him from power.

If the current war goes on for long and kills many young Israeli men on the battlefield — so far casualties have been few and his shock-and-awe approach of the first days has been widely admired in Israel — Mr. Barak’s gains may again disappear. But his caution has gained him renewed support from the left.

On Wednesday, at a meeting of the country’s security cabinet, he helped persuade his fellow ministers to hold off on expanding the ground war to give diplomats a chance to stop Hamas from rearming through its smuggling routes under the Egyptian Sinai. The focus of the discussions, involving Egypt, France, Britain and the United States, is on using an international force of experts and troops at the southern Gaza border.

"Barak is very cautious," noted Isaac Herzog, Israel’s minister of social welfare and a fellow Labor Party member who was at the meeting. "He is a cool-headed manager of this campaign but wants to exhaust diplomatic avenues."

Voters seem aware of the risk to their soldiers of deepening the Gaza invasion, so the relative pause should not be politically problematic. But the truth is that the public wanted this war more than Mr. Barak did. With elections coming, he felt it would be difficult to hold off any longer, especially when Hamas increased its rocket fire to some 60 rockets a day, several who know him believe.

Furious and frightened after thousands of projectiles had rained down on the south over several years, Israelis yearned for a traditional Zionist warrior to rally around and send a harsh message to Hamas. For months, Mr. Barak, the natural candidate for that warrior role, declined.

At 66, Mr. Barak is the country’s most decorated soldier, famous for having foiled an airplane hijacking years ago while disguised in a mechanic’s uniform and for leading a revenge killing operation against Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon while dressed as a woman. A skilled pianist famed for a steel-trap mind, he has also been the military chief of staff.

But he never took Hamas as seriously as many others, considering it a relatively small strategic challenge whose rockets and arms buildup could be tolerated for a while to allow bigger problems to be handled.

"His eyes are focused on Iran," noted Gilead Sher, who was his chief of staff when he was prime minister a decade ago. "Hamas and Hezbollah largely worry him in relation to Iran."

This, too, is an irony of Mr. Barak’s renewed popularity from the war, because his failure to grasp how average Israelis viewed the rockets is part of a larger political failure on his part. He lacks the kind of easy direct contact with the public that makes for a successful political leader.

In fact, only days before beginning the war, Mr. Barak was berated at an internal Labor Party meeting over his lack of response to the rockets.

"Members were asking aloud what had happened to him, whether he had lost it," a party member who was present recalled. "One member, a minister, said, ‘I’m embarrassed to walk in the street and hear people talk about you as a big nothing. I get text messages from my cousins in the south asking what’s going on. Why aren’t we attacking?’ "

Mr. Barak, the party member said, flew into a rage, saying he had seen more blood than anyone in the room, that he had witnessed things so horrible they would faint just hearing of them, that he would not be lectured to on the need to be tough.

At that time, Labor was polling about 8 seats in the 120-seat Parliament, with the opposition Likud, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, at 30 and the centrist Kadima, led by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, in the mid-20s. Today polls show Labor around 16 to 18; some are fantasizing about squeezing past Kadima for second place.

There is a long history in Israel of warriors becoming peacemakers, and Mr. Barak seemed to fit that pattern a decade ago. But he was always something of a hybrid, and returned to politics after a long hiatus in 2007, when he was elected the leader of the Labor Party. Now it remains to be seen whether he can again turn his comfort in the military arena into a platform for political success.

One reason he might not do so is his political tin ear. After he left politics at the start of this decade he went into business and got rich, buying an apartment on the 31st floor of Tel Aviv’s exclusive Akirov Towers. In recent months he tried to sell it for $11 million. For a leader of Israel’s social democratic party that seeks to speak for the working man, this was clearly a misstep.

2009-01-10 03:23:49

Re: Io-te de ce mor oamenii aia acolo (2):

In an interview with Ari Shavit, a writer for the newspaper Haaretz, about 10 days before the war began, Mr. Barak described the purchase as a mistake.

"I admit I did not take into account that an apartment like this would become a symbol," he said.

But he argued that the contest for national leadership should not be a popularity contest.

"When a plane has to be landed in a storm, you don’t ask if there is someone nice here," he said. "Nor do you ask whether there is someone who looks like a pilot or talks like a pilot or once stood next to a pilot during a flight. You ask if there is a real pilot here, not a nice guy, not a back-slapper."

That sales pitch was adopted by the party, with advertisements showing an unsmiling Mr. Barak and the words "not friendly, not trendy and not nice." It is seen as a surprisingly successful approach.

Most analysts say that whether the election victor is Likud or Kadima, Mr. Barak could well remain in his post as defense minister, where the public is comfortable seeing him. Mr. Netanyahu has told others that if he becomes prime minister he will seek to bring Labor in by keeping Mr. Barak as defense minister.

At the same time, some on Israel’s left seem to be looking again at Mr. Barak as the man to vote for precisely because he has shown caution in going to war.

"Many see Barak as the old Israel, the one that won the ’67 war brilliantly and overwhelmingly after hesitating for a month," Mr. Shavit of Haaretz said. "This is his pattern. Don’t rush in. Try to avoid it. But if you start the war, win the war. It is exactly the opposite of Olmert of ’06, which was to rush in and lose it. If the war doesn’t turn into a disaster, there is feeling of relief that we are back to being the old Israelis in the sense of thinking a bit before we act."

Isabel Kershner contributed reporting.



2009-01-10 03:48:22

Re: Off topic : Seherezada si Calator//Lil

Mos Grigore
2009-01-10 04:00:30

Re: Off topic : Seherezada si Calator//Lil

2009-01-10 04:36:59

Poate se trezeste Sharon, parsivule Hamas-Rus, si fecioarele va pupa imediat

Poate se trezeste Sharon, parsivule Hamas-Rus, si fecioarele va pupa imediat.
Niste oameni hotarati, si niste brigazi de tancuri si artilerie grea, si gata!
O luati in mana cu rachetele.

Ion Caramache
2009-01-10 05:32:19

Re: Declaratia profesorului Richard Falk, raportor special ONU ptr Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate

La 2009-01-10 01:06:37, Evreu-rus a scris:

> (traducere) "Raidurile aeriene israeliene in Fasia Gaza reprezinta
> grave si masive incalcari in domeniul drepturilor internationale ale
> omului, cum sunt definite de Conventia de la Geneva, in ceea ce
> priveste obligatiile unei puteri ocupante cat si legile dupa care un
> razboi poate fi dus.
> Aceste incalcari includ:
> Pedeapsa colectiva; toate 1,5 milioane de persoane care locuiesc in
> Fasia Gaza sunt pedepsite din cauza actiunilor catorva militanti.
> Atacarea civililor: bombardamentele aeriene au fost directionate catre
> zonele civile ale celei mai dens poplate zone din Orientul Mijlociu.
> Raspuns militar disproportionat: bombardamentele aeriene nu numai ca
> au distrus toate unitatile de politie si de securitate ale guvernului
> ales in Gaza, dar au si ucis si ranit sute de civili, un atac lovind
> grupuri de studenti care incercau sa ajunga la facultate.
> Actiunile anterioare israeliene, in special blocada impusa Gazei, au
> provocat o grave lipsuri de facilitati medicale, si de combustibilul
> (precum si produse alimentare), avand drept consecinte incapacitatea
> ambulantelor de a prelua ranitii, incapacitatea spitalelor de a oferi
> ingrijiri corespunzatoare precum si incapacitatea medicilor si a altor
> lucratori sanitari in Gaza asediata ptr a trata victimele in mod
> corect.
> Desigur, atacurile cu rachete impotriva obiectivelor civile din Israel
> sunt ilegale. Dar astfel de nelegalitate nu da dreptul Israelului, nu
> justifica ca nici o putere ocupanta sa incalce dreptul umanitarr
> international si sa comita crime de razboi ca raspuns. Constat ca
> escaladarea atacurilor militare israeliene asupra civililor nu a
> facut viata israelienilor mai sigura.
> Israel ignora de asemenea recentele initiative diplomatice ptr a
> restabili armistitiul cu Hamas sau oprirea focului.
> Bombardamentele israeliene de azi, si costul uman catastrofal care a
> rezultat, confrunta aceste tari care au fost si raman complici, atat
> direct, cat si indirect, violarii dreptului dreptului international
> de catre Israel. Aceasta complicitate include aceste tari care
> furnizeaza echipamente militare, inclusiv avioane de razboi si
> rachete utilizate ilegal in aceste atacuri, precum si acele tari care
> au sprijinit si a participat la asediu din Gaza, care a provocat o
> catastrofa umanitara."
> In original:
> http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/07-01-2009/106905-richardfalk-0
Ba Evrusake din Sanki Leninsburg, Pravda a uitat intetionat sa informeze ca rachetele GRAD sunt o inventie facuta in uresese, bastion al pacii ie!
Nu esti mindru de ce coinational al inventatorilor cu grad esti?

2009-01-10 05:38:56

Itzic ti se pregateste ceva!

Conform unui fost analist KGB, in 2010, USA se va diviza in 6 provincii. California va fii luata de chinezi deci cu cei 4 milioane de evrei si Hoolywoodul si citeva mii de miliarde de dolari, vile aur, diamante. Intr-o vila de acolo pot sta 10 familii de chinezi. Ti-am spus-o acu 10 zile! Alte provincii vor fii pe criterii etnice. Eu fiind de origine latina ma duc la spanioli! Alaska o iau inapoi rusii (au data-o pe 200 de ani de ...vodka de Peter the Great) si mai nou Romania intra in CSI (gavarit parusky) iar Israelul si Iranul vor face cit de curind schimburi dipomatice pe baza de uraniu si plutoniu! Voi ce dreacku faceti: nu Paucker, Bodnarenko, Timisenko (il aveti pe fiu sau Tismaneanu maidanez la "U" Maryland), nu Nicolsky, Newlander....! Iara trebe sa sariti cu pupatul in phund pe la portzi! Cred ca multi dintre voi ati scapat in pantaloni! De veniti in Romania va vinde Presedintele la bucata ca Ceausescu! Uraaaaaaaaaaa!!!

2009-01-10 06:49:14

evreu rus---declaratia MAE israelian in legatura cu impostorul richard falk


Prof. Falk, special rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council, unwelcome in Israel

15 Dec 2008
In the case of Prof. Richard Falk, beyond the imbalance inherent in his mandate, the bias is further exacerbated by the highly politicized views of the rapporteur himself, in legitimizing Hamas terrorism and drawing shameful comparisons to the Holocaust.

(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)

As part of Israel's well established policy of constructive engagement in international scrutiny and dialogue, and its cooperation with various international mechanisms, Israel has welcomed in the past three years the visits of seven special rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council, one special representative of the UN Secretary General and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

However, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories is particularly biased and distorted: not only is it the only Human Rights Council mandate not to have been revised and modified since 1992, it also dictates pre-established conclusions to the report, regardless of any real inquiry and findings by the Rapporteur.

The mandate also ignores all human rights violations by Palestinians, either against Israelis or against other Palestinians. Thus, the rapporteur is prevented from considering, even if he wanted to, the issue of Human Rights violations by Palestinians.

In the case of Prof. Richard Falk, beyond the imbalance inherent in his mandate, the bias is further exacerbated by the highly politicized views of the rapporteur himself, in legitimizing Hamas terrorism and drawing shameful comparisons to the Holocaust. In light of his vehement publications in the past, it is hard to square his appointment with the requirements of the Council's own internal procedures which call for the appointment of mandate holders who are impartial, objective and possess the quality of personal integrity.

Hence, Israel has made clear, that Mr. Falk was not invited, nor would be welcome in Israel, under his capacity as special rapporteur. Notwithstanding Israel's reservation, it has nevertheless facilitated Mr. Falk's visit to Israel in June 2008 under his personal capacity, in order to attend an academic event. However, this visit was abused by him for the purpose of presenting an imbalanced report before the Third Committee during the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly this year.

Mr. Falk's recent attempt to arrive uninvited under his capacity as special rapporteur, fully aware of Israel's clear reservation, stands in marked contrast to the Manual of Operations of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council, adopted in June 2008, which stresses the necessity of consent and coordination with the state concerned, and was therefore denied

2009-01-10 06:58:41

Re: lil, normal

Calator si Arcturus nu sunt aceeasi persoana.

Sunt mosu si Seherezada handicapati cand vine vorba de probleme legate de calculatoare si retele.

La 2009-01-10 00:50:41, lil a scris:

> Calator : nu cred ca Seherezada e prietena cu Robin. Ba chiar sant
> convinsa ca nu.
> Seherezada: Calator nu e nimeni altcineva decat EL .
> Pana si aluzia ca se da drept altcineva o resimt ca pe o agresiune.
> Pentru ca eu il respect pe Calator . Si invat din intelepciunea lui.

2009-01-10 07:14:36

nellu-le, combati, combati?

Esti trimis de MAE Israelian sa bruiezi formul cu citate care nu au legatura cu nimic?

Crima ramane crima, sunteti criminali de copii si femei. Va sade de minune.

2009-01-10 07:17:16

Civilii israelieni

sunt ucisi cu sange cald ? Cum de pentru ei nu plange nimeni ?

2009-01-10 07:29:30

Re: rabin terorist

Nu e nici o diferenta intre popii musulmani care instiga la Jihad si acest nenorocit de Rabi.

Ce moralitate putreda are ... oare toti sunt asa? "collectively guilty" "indiscrimitate killing of civilians"

La 2009-01-09 23:43:55, dorinP a scris:

> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1180527966693&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
> All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam
> attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has
> written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
> Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against
> the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive
> military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.
> The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet
> to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the
> biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides'
> commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for his
> legal decision.
> According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds
> collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In
> Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to
> stop the firing of Kassam rockets.
> The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of
> Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or
> killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.
> Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son,
> Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed a
> ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers.
> Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which the
> Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.
> "If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand,"
> said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we
> must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even
> a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop."
> In the letter, Eliyahu quoted from Psalms. "I will pursue my enemies
> and apprehend them and I will not desist until I have eradicated
> them."
> Eliyahu wrote that "This is a message to all leaders of the Jewish
> people not to be compassionate with those who shoot [rockets] at
> civilians in their houses."

iobagul roman
2009-01-10 07:35:03


sI N-O SA FIE SCAPARE NICI CHIAR PENTRU scarlat (unde so kaka)

2009-01-10 09:12:14

Re: Nu fi naiv

Iata un raspuns la intrebarea dumitale:

1. Evreii au fost declaratzi virusi, bacterii, cancerul civilizatziei de catre bestii care posteaza in forumul lui ZIUA. Ziua nu a reactionat desi declara sus si tare ca nu va permite, bla, bla, bla... obisnuitele vorbe goale.

2. Exista propuneri din partea unora din acelasi forum ca toate ambasadele jidanilor din lume sa fie aruncate in aer dupa care sa urmeze o ploaie de atentate ucigase asupra Israelului.

Si aceste postari au fost publicate in forumul Ziua fara ca cineva din redactzie sa clipeasca din ochi.

3. Evreul-rus care denumeste pe israelienii din forum criminali si nazisti si pompeaza forumul cu articolele cele mai abjecte din blogurile palestineine
este o creatie a aceluiasi ziar pentru a atrage catzi mai multzi antisemitzi in acest forum.

Cu cat sunt mai multzi forumisti, cu atat hulpavii de la Ziua capata mai multi bani pentru publicitate de la Google.

Ei, si atunci te asteptzi de la ZIUA care a devenit un instrument de prima clasa in propagarea antisemitismului in presa romana, ca sa-i planga pe civilii israelieni?

Nu fi naiv!
La 2009-01-10 07:17:16, demetrius a scris:

> sunt ucisi cu sange cald ? Cum de pentru ei nu plange nimeni ?

2009-01-10 09:15:17

Re: Itzic ti se pregateste ceva!

Recomandam tratament psihiatric urgent, eventual in camasa de fortza.
La 2009-01-10 05:38:56, Romeo a scris:

> Conform unui fost analist KGB, in 2010, USA se va diviza in 6
> provincii. California va fii luata de chinezi deci cu cei 4 milioane
> de evrei si Hoolywoodul si citeva mii de miliarde de dolari, vile
> aur, diamante. Intr-o vila de acolo pot sta 10 familii de chinezi.
> Ti-am spus-o acu 10 zile! Alte provincii vor fii pe criterii etnice.
> Eu fiind de origine latina ma duc la spanioli! Alaska o iau inapoi
> rusii (au data-o pe 200 de ani de ...vodka de Peter the Great) si mai
> nou Romania intra in CSI (gavarit parusky) iar Israelul si Iranul vor
> face cit de curind schimburi dipomatice pe baza de uraniu si plutoniu!
> Voi ce dreacku faceti: nu Paucker, Bodnarenko, Timisenko (il aveti pe
> fiu sau Tismaneanu maidanez la "U" Maryland), nu Nicolsky,
> Newlander....! Iara trebe sa sariti cu pupatul in phund pe la portzi!
> Cred ca multi dintre voi ati scapat in pantaloni! De veniti in Romania
> va vinde Presedintele la bucata ca Ceausescu! Uraaaaaaaaaaa!!!

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 10:57:52

Re: Bai, nu vezi...

cat de tampita esti?! Tsipi Livni si Netanyahu sunt si ei candidati la functia de prim ministru si amandoi sunt pro razboi contra Hamas, ca sa-i creasca lui Barak prestigiul...

La 2009-01-10 03:23:18, Zenn a scris:

> The Real reason Behind Israel’s Blitzkrieg on Gaza It has
> nothing to do with Hamas… nothing to do with rocket attacks in
> Southern Israel….. the truth is, it’s all about scoring
> points (and votes) for the upcoming Israeli election…. not a
> thing more, not a thing less
> Gaza War Role Is Political Lift for Ex-Premier
> By Ethan Bronner
> JERUSALEM — A few weeks ago, Defense Minister Ehud Barak was
> considered a dead man walking in Israeli politics. Members of his
> Labor Party were plotting to replace him after elections on Feb. 10,
> if not before. Under his leadership, the storied party of David
> Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir had sunk so low in the polls that there was
> serious talk it might disappear.
> No one is talking like that now. Twelve days into a punishing war that
> he is leading against Hamas in Gaza, Labor’s poll numbers are
> spiking. Mr. Barak is everywhere, in sunglasses and leather jacket,
> striding among his military commanders, talking strategy, calculating
> the next move.
> "The respect I get when I go into schools since the war is
> amazing, and it is all about Barak," remarked Daniel Ben-Simon,
> a Labor Party candidate for Parliament. "Israel’s
> MacArthur is back."
> There is, however, much irony — and uncertainty — in this
> political upheaval. Although Mr. Barak has gained from the war, he
> was opposed to it for far longer than any of the other top leaders
> and has been the most eager of them for a cease-fire since it began.
> Many abroad recall Mr. Barak as the prime minister who in 2000 went
> further than any Israeli leader in peace offers to the Palestinians,
> only to see the deal fail and explode in a violent Palestinian
> uprising that drove him from power.
> If the current war goes on for long and kills many young Israeli men
> on the battlefield — so far casualties have been few and his
> shock-and-awe approach of the first days has been widely admired in
> Israel — Mr. Barak’s gains may again disappear. But his
> caution has gained him renewed support from the left.
> On Wednesday, at a meeting of the country’s security cabinet, he
> helped persuade his fellow ministers to hold off on expanding the
> ground war to give diplomats a chance to stop Hamas from rearming
> through its smuggling routes under the Egyptian Sinai. The focus of
> the discussions, involving Egypt, France, Britain and the United
> States, is on using an international force of experts and troops at
> the southern Gaza border.
> "Barak is very cautious," noted Isaac Herzog,
> Israel’s minister of social welfare and a fellow Labor Party
> member who was at the meeting. "He is a cool-headed manager of
> this campaign but wants to exhaust diplomatic avenues."
> Voters seem aware of the risk to their soldiers of deepening the Gaza
> invasion, so the relative pause should not be politically
> problematic. But the truth is that the public wanted this war more
> than Mr. Barak did. With elections coming, he felt it would be
> difficult to hold off any longer, especially when Hamas increased its
> rocket fire to some 60 rockets a day, several who know him believe.
> Furious and frightened after thousands of projectiles had rained down
> on the south over several years, Israelis yearned for a traditional
> Zionist warrior to rally around and send a harsh message to Hamas.
> For months, Mr. Barak, the natural candidate for that warrior role,
> declined.
> At 66, Mr. Barak is the country’s most decorated soldier, famous
> for having foiled an airplane hijacking years ago while disguised in a
> mechanic’s uniform and for leading a revenge killing operation
> against Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon while dressed as a woman. A
> skilled pianist famed for a steel-trap mind, he has also been the
> military chief of staff.
> But he never took Hamas as seriously as many others, considering it a
> relatively small strategic challenge whose rockets and arms buildup
> could be tolerated for a while to allow bigger problems to be
> handled.
> "His eyes are focused on Iran," noted Gilead Sher, who was
> his chief of staff when he was prime minister a decade ago.
> "Hamas and Hezbollah largely worry him in relation to
> Iran."
> This, too, is an irony of Mr. Barak’s renewed popularity from
> the war, because his failure to grasp how average Israelis viewed the
> rockets is part of a larger political failure on his part. He lacks
> the kind of easy direct contact with the public that makes for a
> successful political leader.
> In fact, only days before beginning the war, Mr. Barak was berated at
> an internal Labor Party meeting over his lack of response to the
> rockets.
> "Members were asking aloud what had happened to him, whether he
> had lost it," a party member who was present recalled.
> "One member, a minister, said, ‘I’m embarrassed to
> walk in the street and hear people talk about you as a big nothing. I
> get text messages from my cousins in the south asking what’s
> going on. Why aren’t we attacking?’ "
> Mr. Barak, the party member said, flew into a rage, saying he had seen
> more blood than anyone in the room, that he had witnessed things so
> horrible they would faint just hearing of them, that he would not be
> lectured to on the need to be tough.
> At that time, Labor was polling about 8 seats in the 120-seat
> Parliament, with the opposition Likud, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu,
> at 30 and the centrist Kadima, led by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni,
> in the mid-20s. Today polls show Labor around 16 to 18; some are
> fantasizing about squeezing past Kadima for second place.
> There is a long history in Israel of warriors becoming peacemakers,
> and Mr. Barak seemed to fit that pattern a decade ago. But he was
> always something of a hybrid, and returned to politics after a long
> hiatus in 2007, when he was elected the leader of the Labor Party.
> Now it remains to be seen whether he can again turn his comfort in
> the military arena into a platform for political success.
> One reason he might not do so is his political tin ear. After he left
> politics at the start of this decade he went into business and got
> rich, buying an apartment on the 31st floor of Tel Aviv’s
> exclusive Akirov Towers. In recent months he tried to sell it for $11
> million. For a leader of Israel’s social democratic party that
> seeks to speak for the working man, this was clearly a misstep.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 11:03:14

Re: Israel May Face Charges for War Crimes - Oare!?...

"Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through this corridor.

"The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying."

La 2009-01-10 03:21:09, Zenn a scris:

> Mel Frykberg
> RAMALLAH, Jan 7 (IPS) - Israel has committed war crimes and should be
> prosecuted in an international court, says Raji Sourani, head of the
> Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.
> "The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings, where
> civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to
> international law," Sourani told IPS.
> Palestinian Authority (PA) delegate to Britain Professor Manuel
> Hassassian has said the PA will launch legal proceedings against
> Israeli leaders it says are responsible for war crimes in Gaza,
> according to a Palestinian news report.
> Another 22 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning in bombing and
> shelling as Israel's Operation Cast Lead entered day 11. The dead
> included four people killed in the shelling of a children's
> playground near a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza
> city.
> Six Israelis were treated for shock as several rockets from Gaza hit
> Israel.
> Hassassian's comment came in the wake of Israeli shelling of a UN
> school in Jabaliya refugee camp Tuesday afternoon which killed over
> 40 Palestinians. Several other UN schools in the Gaza Strip were also
> hit in the last few days, resulting in a number of casualties.
> The UN called for an investigation, stating that prior to the current
> operation the Israelis were given the precise coordinates of all UN
> institutions in Gaza.
> The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already
> condemned an Israeli attack on two members of the Palestinian Red
> Crescent (PRC) last week. The ICRC said the medics were wearing
> fluorescent jackets, their ambulances were clearly marked, and their
> flashing lights were on.
> Nihal Al-Akras, chairman of the Palestinian Health Care Committees,
> asked the international community to pressure Israel to stop firing
> on medical facilities and workers in the Gaza Strip.
> Akhras's comments followed Tuesday's bombing of the Ad-Dura hospital
> in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza city. Three mobile clinics
> provided by a Danish NGO, DanChurchAid, were also destroyed.
> "We've been able to help the wounded and suffering so far because our
> vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of
> emergency aid is now in ruins," said Henrik Stubkjær, secretary
> general of DanChurchAid.
> "We are deeply shocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent
> the humanitarian aid effort," he added.
> According to DanChurchAid the clinics were clearly marked with red
> crosses and were parked in the Union of Healthcare headquarters.
> "One Palestinian doctor and three medics have been killed during
> Israel's bombing campaign which began on December 27," Sammy Hassan,
> spokesman for Gaza's Shifa Hospital told IPS.
> While Israel has denied that it deliberately targets civilians,
> reading between the lines of reports in the Israeli media and
> admissions by military leaders would suggest that the lives of
> Palestinian civilians are secondary to saving Israeli soldiers.
> Several senior Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) officers have admitted
> that the IDF strategy is to use tremendous firepower on the ground to
> protect Israeli soldiers during fighting in civilian areas, a senior
> officer explained to journalists on Tuesday.
> "For us, being cautious means being aggressive," said one officer.
> "From the minute we entered, we've acted like we're at war. That
> creates enormous damage on the ground.
> "When we suspect that a Palestinian fighter is hiding in a house, we
> shoot it with a missile and then with two tank shells, and then a
> bulldozer hits the wall. It causes damage but it prevents the loss of
> life among soldiers."
> The IDF suffered significant military casualties during the 2006
> Lebanon war, and the top brass realised that a repeat of this would
> erode public morale and the country's political will. The Israeli
> cabinet took all this into account prior to the ground operation into
> Gaza.
> Additionally, limited global reaction -- due to the lack of
> international media on the ground in Gaza following an Israeli ban --
> to several of the more serious incidents of civilian casualties has
> emboldened Israel to a certain degree.
> Even during the Lebanon War following similarly serious attacks by
> Israel on Lebanese civilians, a ceasefire took weeks to be enforced.
> However, Israel has not been completely immune from the world's
> outrage. Following international pressure on the escalating
> humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to establish a humanitarian
> corridor near Gaza city.
> Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to
> allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through
> this corridor.
> "The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every
> day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the
> city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying.
> Israeli leaders met in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning to discuss expanding
> the ground offensive during a period when most of the aims of the
> operation have been reached, according to a number of Israeli
> analysts.
> Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni,
> Defence Minister Ehud Barak -- the war cabinet's troika –
> reportedly discussed an even more intensive campaign in Gaza's towns
> and cities. Israel is hoping to inflict as much damage as possible to
> Hamas's personnel and infrastructure. (END/2009)
> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50550&s1=h1

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 11:05:59

Re: Tampito...

de ce nu povestesti ca Hamas bombardeaza cu mortiere convoaiele care aduc "humanitarian aid"?

"Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through this corridor.

"The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying. "

La 2009-01-10 03:21:09, Zenn a scris:

> Mel Frykberg
> RAMALLAH, Jan 7 (IPS) - Israel has committed war crimes and should be
> prosecuted in an international court, says Raji Sourani, head of the
> Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.
> "The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings, where
> civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to
> international law," Sourani told IPS.
> Palestinian Authority (PA) delegate to Britain Professor Manuel
> Hassassian has said the PA will launch legal proceedings against
> Israeli leaders it says are responsible for war crimes in Gaza,
> according to a Palestinian news report.
> Another 22 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning in bombing and
> shelling as Israel's Operation Cast Lead entered day 11. The dead
> included four people killed in the shelling of a children's
> playground near a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza
> city.
> Six Israelis were treated for shock as several rockets from Gaza hit
> Israel.
> Hassassian's comment came in the wake of Israeli shelling of a UN
> school in Jabaliya refugee camp Tuesday afternoon which killed over
> 40 Palestinians. Several other UN schools in the Gaza Strip were also
> hit in the last few days, resulting in a number of casualties.
> The UN called for an investigation, stating that prior to the current
> operation the Israelis were given the precise coordinates of all UN
> institutions in Gaza.
> The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already
> condemned an Israeli attack on two members of the Palestinian Red
> Crescent (PRC) last week. The ICRC said the medics were wearing
> fluorescent jackets, their ambulances were clearly marked, and their
> flashing lights were on.
> Nihal Al-Akras, chairman of the Palestinian Health Care Committees,
> asked the international community to pressure Israel to stop firing
> on medical facilities and workers in the Gaza Strip.
> Akhras's comments followed Tuesday's bombing of the Ad-Dura hospital
> in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza city. Three mobile clinics
> provided by a Danish NGO, DanChurchAid, were also destroyed.
> "We've been able to help the wounded and suffering so far because our
> vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of
> emergency aid is now in ruins," said Henrik Stubkjær, secretary
> general of DanChurchAid.
> "We are deeply shocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent
> the humanitarian aid effort," he added.
> According to DanChurchAid the clinics were clearly marked with red
> crosses and were parked in the Union of Healthcare headquarters.
> "One Palestinian doctor and three medics have been killed during
> Israel's bombing campaign which began on December 27," Sammy Hassan,
> spokesman for Gaza's Shifa Hospital told IPS.
> While Israel has denied that it deliberately targets civilians,
> reading between the lines of reports in the Israeli media and
> admissions by military leaders would suggest that the lives of
> Palestinian civilians are secondary to saving Israeli soldiers.
> Several senior Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) officers have admitted
> that the IDF strategy is to use tremendous firepower on the ground to
> protect Israeli soldiers during fighting in civilian areas, a senior
> officer explained to journalists on Tuesday.
> "For us, being cautious means being aggressive," said one officer.
> "From the minute we entered, we've acted like we're at war. That
> creates enormous damage on the ground.
> "When we suspect that a Palestinian fighter is hiding in a house, we
> shoot it with a missile and then with two tank shells, and then a
> bulldozer hits the wall. It causes damage but it prevents the loss of
> life among soldiers."
> The IDF suffered significant military casualties during the 2006
> Lebanon war, and the top brass realised that a repeat of this would
> erode public morale and the country's political will. The Israeli
> cabinet took all this into account prior to the ground operation into
> Gaza.
> Additionally, limited global reaction -- due to the lack of
> international media on the ground in Gaza following an Israeli ban --
> to several of the more serious incidents of civilian casualties has
> emboldened Israel to a certain degree.
> Even during the Lebanon War following similarly serious attacks by
> Israel on Lebanese civilians, a ceasefire took weeks to be enforced.
> However, Israel has not been completely immune from the world's
> outrage. Following international pressure on the escalating
> humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to establish a humanitarian
> corridor near Gaza city.
> Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to
> allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through
> this corridor.
> "The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every
> day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the
> city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying.
> Israeli leaders met in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning to discuss expanding
> the ground offensive during a period when most of the aims of the
> operation have been reached, according to a number of Israeli
> analysts.
> Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni,
> Defence Minister Ehud Barak -- the war cabinet's troika –
> reportedly discussed an even more intensive campaign in Gaza's towns
> and cities. Israel is hoping to inflict as much damage as possible to
> Hamas's personnel and infrastructure. (END/2009)
> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50550&s1=h1

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 11:37:58

Hai sa vedem...

de la cine avem de invatat umanism...

"Ten years ago, on 24 March 1999, NATO countries led by the United States began brutal aerial bombardments against the civilian population of Yugoslavia. The decision for a military operation was taken in circumvention of the UN Security Council by Javier Solana, then-Secretary General of NATO, after Slobodan Milosevic, the president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, refused to make concessions to the West in the resolution of the Kosovo problem. In such a way, NATO attempted to provoke the Yugoslav people to topple the country’s legal authorities. Yet, the popular response to the air raids was unexpected, for the Serbs put up a tough resistance to the aggressor.

During the 78 days of the aggression, NATO aircraft delivered some 2,000 air strikes on 99 facilities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia using banned munitions, including those with depleted uranium warheads. According to different estimates, the NATO operation resulted in the death of 2,500-3,000 civilians and about 1,000 members of the Yugoslav army and police. Another 10,000 people were injured. Material damage caused by the NATO bombardments was estimated at 50-100 billion US Dollars."

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 11:43:02

Re: Hai sa vedem...

UN officials warned Thursday that a humanitarian disaster was looming in Yugoslavia as a result of the 10-week bombing campaign by NATO. "In the summer, it gets very warm and that's an ideal condition for epidemics," Stephan Vandam of the World Health Organization (WHO) told reporters. "With the winter and cold coming, then we're talking about respiratory problems and pneumonia."

Vandam was part of a 11-day trip by UN relief agencies to assess conditions throughout Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, the first such trip since the bombing began March 24. Vandam said drugs, medical equipment and food were urgently needed throughout the country to prevent the spread of disease. In Serbia, he said, the bombing had destroyed health clinics, while other clinics were forced to operate irregularly due to electricity cuts, fuel shortages, staff reductions and lack of drugs.

Vandam noted in Kosovo, apart from the lack of medical supplies, there was also a shortage of Albanian doctors and nurses who have fled, been driven out or were arrested after the NATO bombing began on March 24. The WHO official said the local population also faced serious mental health risks. They "live in anxiety, they have been forced out of their homes, [they have] lost their jobs and then, there is the invisible enemy from the sky," he said, referring to NATO bombs.

The UN's undersecretary-general and emergency relief coordinator, Sergio Vieira de Mello, who led the mission, delivered a report to the UN Security Council Wednesday, saying Yugoslavia was in a "general state of calamity."

Mello painted a grim picture of conditions inside Kosovo, particularly for the thousands of "internally displaced persons" who left their homes but remained in the province. Mello said returning refugees would require "urgent assistance with reconstruction of destroyed and damaged shelter, water and sanitation, electricity, agricultural and livestock recovery, heating, rehabilitation of schooling, health services, telecommunications, etc."

In keeping with the UN's role as a compliant tool of NATO, Mello placed the onus for this destruction on the Serbs and whitewashed the part played by NATO bombing. However, his report acknowledged the widespread destruction in the rest of Serbia, which was entirely the result of NATO air strikes.

Mello said the mission witnessed ample evidence of the heavy damage NATO has inflicted on an economy already debilitated as a result of sanctions and the breakup of Yugoslavia. The UN official said the country faced a "complex humanitarian crisis, affecting the entire population, but hitting hardest the most vulnerable members of society: children, women, the elderly, large segments of the population that depend on social safety nets, and, of course, refugees and the internally displaced."

Mello said the most pressing concerns common to all regions of Yugoslavia were:

civilian casualties as a result of NATO bombardments;
unemployment reaching crisis proportions, due to the destruction of industrial plants and enterprises and the collapse of the country's economy;
health and the environmental impact of the destruction of chemical and other plants producing hazardous materials contamination;
damage to infrastructure providing basic services-health, water supply, education, transport, telecommunications;
extensive damage to electricity-generating and distribution facilities and heating plants, presenting an acute problem, especially in the face of the coming winter;
serious impact on the educational system (schools and universities have been closed throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since 24 March);
adverse effects on medium-term agricultural production, especially in view of the destruction of the largest fertilizer plant near Panzevo;
a serious landmine problem in Kosovo and the threat posed by unexploded ordinance in the country as a whole;
psychological problems among the population, based on anxiety as a result of unemployment coupled with the ever-present threats of air strikes.

2009-01-10 11:43:24

Re: Roy isi exprima sincera sa parere de rau

Ca nu a fost invitat sa-l expedieze pe domn profesor cu un shoot in tuhas cat mai departe de Israel.

La 2009-01-10 06:49:14, antiohus a scris:

> http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Foreign%20Relations/Israel%20and%20the%
> Prof. Falk, special rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council,
> unwelcome in Israel
> 15 Dec 2008
> In the case of Prof. Richard Falk, beyond the imbalance inherent in
> his mandate, the bias is further exacerbated by the highly
> politicized views of the rapporteur himself, in legitimizing Hamas
> terrorism and drawing shameful comparisons to the Holocaust.
> (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)
> As part of Israel's well established policy of constructive engagement
> in international scrutiny and dialogue, and its cooperation with
> various international mechanisms, Israel has welcomed in the past
> three years the visits of seven special rapporteurs of the UN Human
> Rights Council, one special representative of the UN Secretary
> General and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
> However, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the
> Palestinian Territories is particularly biased and distorted: not
> only is it the only Human Rights Council mandate not to have been
> revised and modified since 1992, it also dictates pre-established
> conclusions to the report, regardless of any real inquiry and
> findings by the Rapporteur.
> The mandate also ignores all human rights violations by Palestinians,
> either against Israelis or against other Palestinians. Thus, the
> rapporteur is prevented from considering, even if he wanted to, the
> issue of Human Rights violations by Palestinians.
> In the case of Prof. Richard Falk, beyond the imbalance inherent in
> his mandate, the bias is further exacerbated by the highly
> politicized views of the rapporteur himself, in legitimizing Hamas
> terrorism and drawing shameful comparisons to the Holocaust. In light
> of his vehement publications in the past, it is hard to square his
> appointment with the requirements of the Council's own internal
> procedures which call for the appointment of mandate holders who are
> impartial, objective and possess the quality of personal integrity.
> Hence, Israel has made clear, that Mr. Falk was not invited, nor would
> be welcome in Israel, under his capacity as special rapporteur.
> Notwithstanding Israel's reservation, it has nevertheless facilitated
> Mr. Falk's visit to Israel in June 2008 under his personal capacity,
> in order to attend an academic event. However, this visit was abused
> by him for the purpose of presenting an imbalanced report before the
> Third Committee during the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly
> this year.
> Mr. Falk's recent attempt to arrive uninvited under his capacity as
> special rapporteur, fully aware of Israel's clear reservation, stands
> in marked contrast to the Manual of Operations of the Special
> Procedures of the Human Rights Council, adopted in June 2008, which
> stresses the necessity of consent and coordination with the state
> concerned, and was therefore denied

2009-01-10 11:47:09

Re: Hai sa vedem...

Pai bine ca invatati si voi de la alti criminali de copii si femei. Voi ati preluat si invatarura lui Milosevici si a aviatiei SUA.

La 2009-01-10 11:37:58, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> de la cine avem de invatat umanism...
> "Ten years ago, on 24 March 1999, NATO countries led by the United
> States began brutal aerial bombardments against the civilian
> population of Yugoslavia. The decision for a military operation was
> taken in circumvention of the UN Security Council by Javier Solana,
> then-Secretary General of NATO, after Slobodan Milosevic, the
> president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, refused to make
> concessions to the West in the resolution of the Kosovo problem. In
> such a way, NATO attempted to provoke the Yugoslav people to topple
> the country’s legal authorities. Yet, the popular response to
> the air raids was unexpected, for the Serbs put up a tough resistance
> to the aggressor.
> During the 78 days of the aggression, NATO aircraft delivered some
> 2,000 air strikes on 99 facilities in the Federal Republic of
> Yugoslavia using banned munitions, including those with depleted
> uranium warheads. According to different estimates, the NATO
> operation resulted in the death of 2,500-3,000 civilians and about
> 1,000 members of the Yugoslav army and police. Another 10,000 people
> were injured. Material damage caused by the NATO bombardments was
> estimated at 50-100 billion US Dollars."

2009-01-10 11:49:07

De plins sunt si unii si altii ...

Orice pierdere a unei vieti omenesti prin violenta se cheama crima , n'asa ?
Numa ca jurnalele , fie ZIUA in cazul nostru , fie forumistii , trebuie sa plinga ... proportioal .
Proportional cu numarul mortilor .
Ori dupa stiinta mea se pot numara pe destele de la miini victimele din tabara evreilor si cu sutele cele din tabara palestinienilor .
Sau ar trebui sa plingem un evreu omorit la fel cu o suta de palestineieni omoriti ?!
Dar daca la un palestinian omorit ar fi fost omoriti o suta de evrei ?
Io crez ca mai bine ar fi sa va potoliti si sa nu mai fie nevoie sa plingem nici pentru unii nici pentru altii , n'asa ?

2009-01-10 11:50:35

hamasul ucide cu sange rece - folosesc pe fratii lor palestinieni ca scut uman

hamasul este plasat in mijlocul populatiei - in cladiri publice in spitale etc.
ani de zile au atacat si provocat israelul cu tiruri de rachete.
o riposta era inevitabila.
li s a dat de nenumarate ori avertisment.
orice alta tara intra peste ei de mult , israelul a asteptat, dar reactia era inevitabila.
ani de zile marionetele astea de la hamas defilau pe strazile alea imputite si urlau lozinci hitleriste la adresa israelului si americii si a occidentului crestin - in general..
niste primitivi , barbari, macelari, teroristi, jeguri pseudo umane.
nu sunt interesati de pace ci doar de terorism si de comercializarea conflictului israelo arab.
(o observatie - in ciuda faptului ca articolul a fost citit deocamdata de doar 270 de oameni - forumul e deja plin de lupte grele intre cele doua tabere...
ceea ce demonstreaza ca ura domneste peste tot).

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 11:55:58

Re: Hai sa vedem...

NATO airplanes killed on April 12, 12 citizens, of course, only by mistake...on April 14 they killed 70, on April 27, 16 were killed, on May 1 a bus was attacked and 23 killed, on May 6 , 16 were killed by fragmentation bombs. On May 19 , a hospital was bombarded in Belgrad, killing 3 citizens and 11 were killed on May 30 when a bridge was bombarded. At the same day a house for elderly was bombarded and 20 of its inhabitants were killed,andc a day later, 11 more.
Between these events, the chinese ambassade was bombarded and a missile which went out of trajectory reached Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria...Sorry, it was a mistake, declared the NATO speaker...

ב-12 באפריל הרגו מטוסי נאט"ו, בטעות כמובן, 12 אזרחים. ב-14 באפריל הם הרגו

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-10 12:03:39

Re: Am zis eu ca...

NATO au ucis deliberat civili? Desigur ca nu, dar asa e in razboi, tu n-ai de unde sa stii, n-ai tinut in viata ta o pusca in mana...

La 2009-01-10 11:47:09, Arcturus a scris:

> Pai bine ca invatati si voi de la alti criminali de copii si femei.
> Voi ati preluat si invatarura lui Milosevici si a aviatiei SUA.
> La 2009-01-10 11:37:58, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > de la cine avem de invatat umanism...
> >
> > "Ten years ago, on 24 March 1999, NATO countries led by the United
> > States began brutal aerial bombardments against the civilian
> > population of Yugoslavia. The decision for a military operation was
> > taken in circumvention of the UN Security Council by Javier Solana,
> > then-Secretary General of NATO, after Slobodan Milosevic, the
> > president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, refused to make
> > concessions to the West in the resolution of the Kosovo problem. In
> > such a way, NATO attempted to provoke the Yugoslav people to topple
> > the country’s legal authorities. Yet, the popular response to
> > the air raids was unexpected, for the Serbs put up a tough resistance
> > to the aggressor.
> >
> > During the 78 days of the aggression, NATO aircraft delivered some
> > 2,000 air strikes on 99 facilities in the Federal Republic of
> > Yugoslavia using banned munitions, including those with depleted
> > uranium warheads. According to different estimates, the NATO
> > operation resulted in the death of 2,500-3,000 civilians and about
> > 1,000 members of the Yugoslav army and police. Another 10,000 people
> > were injured. Material damage caused by the NATO bombardments was
> > estimated at 50-100 billion US Dollars."
> >
> >

2009-01-10 12:04:32

de obicei eu nu reactionez la postarile tale - totusi de ce ti se pare nobil sa bombardezi

sa bombardezi ani de zile civilii israelieni convins fiind - dintr o prostie si inconstienta crasa - ca nu vor fi represalii ?
ma indoiesc ca scopul tau real e (in) binele arabilor - mai curand cred ca doresti cronicizarea si comercializarea razboiului.
in acest caz e inutil sa dramatizezi - "bestialitate" ... etc.
in afara de o initiativa (indoielnica) de pace din arabia saudita - nu mi aduc aminte sa fi auzit vreodata pe unul din voi vorbind serios de pace.
(chiar si pacea cu egiptul si iordania s a semnat dupa victoria militara).

La 2009-01-10 00:07:24, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Purtatorul de cuvant al UNRWA, Gunness Chris a afirmat ca armata
> israeliana si-a recunoscut "eroarea".
> "Ofiterii IDF au admis ca rachetele la care armata a raspuns prin
> bombardarea unei scoli aflate sub patronajul ONU nu provin de la
> scoala, ci au fost trase din alta parte, iar atacul asupra cladirii a
> fost "neintentionat".
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054009.html
> Vorbind din punct de vedere israelian: victime colanterale. Doar
> palestinienii omoara deliberat. Ipocrizie la cele mai ridicate culmi
> ale sale.

2009-01-10 12:11:13

si probabil in capul tau e ca hania merita nobelu pt pace...

ti ar place sa ne trimiti in lagare la gazare n asha ?

La 2009-01-10 03:21:09, Zenn a scris:

> Mel Frykberg
> RAMALLAH, Jan 7 (IPS) - Israel has committed war crimes and should be
> prosecuted in an international court, says Raji Sourani, head of the
> Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.
> "The repeated bombing of clearly marked civilian buildings, where
> civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to
> international law," Sourani told IPS.
> Palestinian Authority (PA) delegate to Britain Professor Manuel
> Hassassian has said the PA will launch legal proceedings against
> Israeli leaders it says are responsible for war crimes in Gaza,
> according to a Palestinian news report.
> Another 22 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning in bombing and
> shelling as Israel's Operation Cast Lead entered day 11. The dead
> included four people killed in the shelling of a children's
> playground near a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza
> city.
> Six Israelis were treated for shock as several rockets from Gaza hit
> Israel.
> Hassassian's comment came in the wake of Israeli shelling of a UN
> school in Jabaliya refugee camp Tuesday afternoon which killed over
> 40 Palestinians. Several other UN schools in the Gaza Strip were also
> hit in the last few days, resulting in a number of casualties.
> The UN called for an investigation, stating that prior to the current
> operation the Israelis were given the precise coordinates of all UN
> institutions in Gaza.
> The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has already
> condemned an Israeli attack on two members of the Palestinian Red
> Crescent (PRC) last week. The ICRC said the medics were wearing
> fluorescent jackets, their ambulances were clearly marked, and their
> flashing lights were on.
> Nihal Al-Akras, chairman of the Palestinian Health Care Committees,
> asked the international community to pressure Israel to stop firing
> on medical facilities and workers in the Gaza Strip.
> Akhras's comments followed Tuesday's bombing of the Ad-Dura hospital
> in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza city. Three mobile clinics
> provided by a Danish NGO, DanChurchAid, were also destroyed.
> "We've been able to help the wounded and suffering so far because our
> vehicles have been present and ready inside Gaza. This possibility of
> emergency aid is now in ruins," said Henrik Stubkjær, secretary
> general of DanChurchAid.
> "We are deeply shocked that the Israeli air strikes directly prevent
> the humanitarian aid effort," he added.
> According to DanChurchAid the clinics were clearly marked with red
> crosses and were parked in the Union of Healthcare headquarters.
> "One Palestinian doctor and three medics have been killed during
> Israel's bombing campaign which began on December 27," Sammy Hassan,
> spokesman for Gaza's Shifa Hospital told IPS.
> While Israel has denied that it deliberately targets civilians,
> reading between the lines of reports in the Israeli media and
> admissions by military leaders would suggest that the lives of
> Palestinian civilians are secondary to saving Israeli soldiers.
> Several senior Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) officers have admitted
> that the IDF strategy is to use tremendous firepower on the ground to
> protect Israeli soldiers during fighting in civilian areas, a senior
> officer explained to journalists on Tuesday.
> "For us, being cautious means being aggressive," said one officer.
> "From the minute we entered, we've acted like we're at war. That
> creates enormous damage on the ground.
> "When we suspect that a Palestinian fighter is hiding in a house, we
> shoot it with a missile and then with two tank shells, and then a
> bulldozer hits the wall. It causes damage but it prevents the loss of
> life among soldiers."
> The IDF suffered significant military casualties during the 2006
> Lebanon war, and the top brass realised that a repeat of this would
> erode public morale and the country's political will. The Israeli
> cabinet took all this into account prior to the ground operation into
> Gaza.
> Additionally, limited global reaction -- due to the lack of
> international media on the ground in Gaza following an Israeli ban --
> to several of the more serious incidents of civilian casualties has
> emboldened Israel to a certain degree.
> Even during the Lebanon War following similarly serious attacks by
> Israel on Lebanese civilians, a ceasefire took weeks to be enforced.
> However, Israel has not been completely immune from the world's
> outrage. Following international pressure on the escalating
> humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to establish a humanitarian
> corridor near Gaza city.
> Israeli military operations will be halted for threehours every day to
> allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza's besieged population through
> this corridor.
> "The idea is for the Israeli military to lay down its weapons every
> day from 1 pm to 4 pm starting today (Wednesday) in the area of the
> city of Gaza," an Israeli source was quoted as saying.
> Israeli leaders met in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning to discuss expanding
> the ground offensive during a period when most of the aims of the
> operation have been reached, according to a number of Israeli
> analysts.
> Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni,
> Defence Minister Ehud Barak -- the war cabinet's troika –
> reportedly discussed an even more intensive campaign in Gaza's towns
> and cities. Israel is hoping to inflict as much damage as possible to
> Hamas's personnel and infrastructure. (END/2009)
> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50550&s1=h1

2009-01-10 12:16:32

Re: Pana unde poate merge miselia AskeNAZI-stilor...

2009-01-10 12:18:26

Re: Bestialitati, bestialitati...

2009-01-10 12:21:04

mai bine ai recunoaste ca esti si tu un amarastean din canada spalator de closete

probabil te a atras mai mult decat culesu de capsuni in spania sau caratu de caramizi in italia.
pana una alta mai boule - uniunea sovietica s a dezmembrat in paispe bucati...
da esti invitat sa astepti dezmembrarea americii...
poate neam de neamu ma tii o sa apuce si asta peste vreo 12000 de ani idiotule.

La 2009-01-10 05:38:56, Romeo a scris:

> Conform unui fost analist KGB, in 2010, USA se va diviza in 6
> provincii. California va fii luata de chinezi deci cu cei 4 milioane
> de evrei si Hoolywoodul si citeva mii de miliarde de dolari, vile
> aur, diamante. Intr-o vila de acolo pot sta 10 familii de chinezi.
> Ti-am spus-o acu 10 zile! Alte provincii vor fii pe criterii etnice.
> Eu fiind de origine latina ma duc la spanioli! Alaska o iau inapoi
> rusii (au data-o pe 200 de ani de ...vodka de Peter the Great) si mai
> nou Romania intra in CSI (gavarit parusky) iar Israelul si Iranul vor
> face cit de curind schimburi dipomatice pe baza de uraniu si plutoniu!
> Voi ce dreacku faceti: nu Paucker, Bodnarenko, Timisenko (il aveti pe
> fiu sau Tismaneanu maidanez la "U" Maryland), nu Nicolsky,
> Newlander....! Iara trebe sa sariti cu pupatul in phund pe la portzi!
> Cred ca multi dintre voi ati scapat in pantaloni! De veniti in Romania
> va vinde Presedintele la bucata ca Ceausescu! Uraaaaaaaaaaa!!!

neamtu tiganu
2009-01-10 12:26:36

lil si calator

Sehe e un pic zapacita, Calugaru a innebunit-o, nu stie saraca ce sa faca, inima-i zice sa zica da, da ma rog anumite reguli parca o tine-n friu. Ca ie-ndragostita de Alamar ie numai sa-l faca gelos pa Calugar.
Calatoru, fiind mai cerebral, s-a bagat si iel fara sa priceapa incarcatura emotionala a momentului.. i-am mai spus, ba calatorule nu mai gindi cu capu incearca si tu cu inima sau cu alt organ.

P.S Ca si mujicii precum rafinatu complexat de superioritate, Robin, incearca sa puna paie pa foc face chestia si mai delicioasa, pt. ca Robin il place pa Alamar, pa care-l place si Sehe, da Robin n-o place pa Sehe si nici invers, Alamar ma place pa mine, da mie nu-mi place de iel si nici unu din iei nu-i plac pa francezi...

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