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  Nr. 4431 de vineri, 9 ianuarie 2009 
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Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2009-01-09 09:26
in sfarsit vesti promitatoare: Obama 'prepared to talk to Hamas'

The new American administration, headed by Barack Obama, is prepared to abandon President George W. Bush's doctrine of isolating Hamas by establishing a channel to the Islamist organization, The Guardian newspaper reported Friday, quoting sources close to the US president-elect's transition team.

Should the new administration open contacts with Hamas, this would represent a definitive break with the Bush presidency's ostracizing of the group, the report said.

The British newspaper's report relies on three people with knowledge of the discussions in the Obama camp. According to The Guardian, there is no talk of Obama approving direct diplomatic negotiations with Hamas early on, but he is being urged by advisors to initiate low-level or clandestine approaches, as there is growing recognition in Washington that the policy of ostracizing Hamas is counter-productive.

One tested course, according to the report, would be to start contacts through Hamas and the US intelligence services, similar to the secret process through which the US engaged with the PLO in the 1970s. Israel did not become aware of the contacts until much later.

Last month, Obama's team received a comprehensive report and recommendations for the American administration's policy, also in terms of Hamas.

The report's authors recommended giving up the demands that Hamas recognizes Israel, renounced the armed struggle and accepts the agreements signed with the Jewish state. They also expressed their support for holding elections in the Palestinian Authority, although their results cannot be foreseen in advance.


Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.247.147...)
2009-01-09 11:42
Arctur ..., vad ca si-la-si-besi stirile, ... precum niste texte din a-be-ce-dar ...

La 2009-01-09 09:26:41, Arcturus a scris:

> The British newspaper's report relies on three people ( !!! ) with knowledge
> of the discussions in the Obama camp. According to The Guardian,
> there is no talk of Obama approving direct diplomatic negotiations
> with Hamas early on, but he is being urged by advisors to initiate
> low-level or clandestine approaches, as there is growing recognition
> in Washington that the policy of ostracizing Hamas is
> counter-productive.
sa te invatz ceva:
cind dai peste o astfel de stire ne-ve-ro-si-mila si re risul lumii ...,
nu sari in sus de bucurie ..., pina nu cercetezi un pic ce se ascunde printre rinduri ...

iata ce se mai zice ...

<< ``This is going to be an administration that is committed to negotiating with critical parties on critical issues,`` the source said.
Experts (... cucu ???) said Mr Obama could avoid negative fallout from contact with Hamas by keeping the talks low-profile.
This could involve using secret (ha-ha-ha !!!) envoys or multilateral talks.
But one Middle East expert close to the transition team said:
``It is highly unlikely that they will be public about it.``>>

CONCLUZIA lui Guardian press:
Hei baieti, ... expertii zic ``whoulda-shoulda-coulda``, ... deci noi avem ``liber la a scrie orice nazbitie !!!

(2) alte articole precizeaza pe CE se bazeaza expertii ...
de fapt ...
<<Richard Haass, a diplomat under both Bush presidents who could become Mr Obama`s choice for Middle East envoy, supports low-level contacts with Hamas but ( !!!) only if there is a ceasefire. >>,
deci Richard Haas este acela care suporta contacts with Hamas ...

CONCLUZIA lui Guardian press:
Hei baieti, ... acest R.H. este unul din POSIBILII pe lista (destul de lunga) lui mme Clinton ca ``envoy for ME``, ... deci noi putem scrie ca ... insusi OBAMA suporta contacts cu Hamas !!!

alte articole exprima o mare indoiala ca Haass ar avea mari shanse sa ajunga ``ME envoy`` in admin. lui Obama:
<<First of all, Haass is a me-me-me person who spends much of his time and energy plugging, well, ``me-me-me.`` More important, I don`t think that either Obama or Clinton need to go back to the era when James Baker and his associates (including Haass, of course), was greasing Saddam Hussein`s way in the world...>>

CONCLUZIA lui Guardian press: ... Hei, baieti, ... va faceti ca nu ati vazut acest articol, ... dati-i bataie !!!

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