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  Nr. 4428 de marti, 6 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 18:52
"The Palestinians are now the Jews...and the Israelis are now the NAZIS" - Joe Cortina

"The Palestinians are now the Jews... ...and the Israelis are now the NAZIS" - Joe Cortina

Joe Cortina - Current Issues TV


My name is Joe Cortina. I am a retired Florida businessman who has done substantial world traveling - some purely as a 'tourist' and some in areas - shall I say- 'nothing to do with vacationing'. I am a former special operations officer and have done intelligence investigator work for over 15years - some of it overseas - mostly in Central America - but also in the Mid-East. My political posture is `conservative' and my religious values are Christian.

Exposing lies and revealing the truth was what I did professionally for a long time.

I have hunted REAL terrorists in jungles with Salvadorian Rangers and Marines - so I am not a stranger to dangerous environments and am familiar with basic protocols of civilized conduct regarding civilians and the military - something that the Israelis do not consider applicable to them.

For anyone wishing to challenge my credibility - I am willing to show credentials. I have a flawless civic record, an honorable military record and have never committed a crime nor ever been accused of such. I am mentioned as my father's son in the registry - 'PIONEER FLORIDA'. My grandfather was a pioneer in Florida in the most literal sense, and my father was a respected businessman and foreign diplomat.

I was invited to Israel by a former military comrade who attained a substantial rank and subsequently ended up as the ranking military attache' from our govt., to the Israeli military (IDF). I went places and saw things only a hand full of 'private sector' Americans will EVER experience. My 'specially authorized' trips included Gaza City, Hebron and areas of militarily protected Israeli 'settlements'. I will touch on only a few of what I considered the most revealing experiences. I can't stress this enough. What I write here is but a tear in a sea of misery that I witnessed.



contraevreu-rus (...@aol.com, IP: 208.104.167...)
2009-01-06 18:56
Re: "The Palestinians are now the Jews...and the Israelis are now the NAZIS" - Joe Cortina

Trage cortina si ia-o la muie.

La 2009-01-06 18:52:20, Zenn a scris:

> "The Palestinians are now the Jews... ...and the Israelis are now the
> NAZIS" - Joe Cortina
> Joe Cortina - Current Issues TV
> My name is Joe Cortina. I am a retired Florida businessman who has
> done substantial world traveling - some purely as a 'tourist' and
> some in areas - shall I say- 'nothing to do with vacationing'. I am a
> former special operations officer and have done intelligence
> investigator work for over 15years - some of it overseas - mostly in
> Central America - but also in the Mid-East. My political posture is
> `conservative' and my religious values are Christian.
> Exposing lies and revealing the truth was what I did professionally
> for a long time.
> I have hunted REAL terrorists in jungles with Salvadorian Rangers and
> Marines - so I am not a stranger to dangerous environments and am
> familiar with basic protocols of civilized conduct regarding
> civilians and the military - something that the Israelis do not
> consider applicable to them.
> For anyone wishing to challenge my credibility - I am willing to show
> credentials. I have a flawless civic record, an honorable military
> record and have never committed a crime nor ever been accused of
> such. I am mentioned as my father's son in the registry - 'PIONEER
> FLORIDA'. My grandfather was a pioneer in Florida in the most literal
> sense, and my father was a respected businessman and foreign diplomat.
> I was invited to Israel by a former military comrade who attained a
> substantial rank and subsequently ended up as the ranking military
> attache' from our govt., to the Israeli military (IDF). I went places
> and saw things only a hand full of 'private sector' Americans will
> EVER experience. My 'specially authorized' trips included Gaza City,
> Hebron and areas of militarily protected Israeli 'settlements'. I
> will touch on only a few of what I considered the most revealing
> experiences. I can't stress this enough. What I write here is but a
> tear in a sea of misery that I witnessed.
> Full:
> http://www.currentissues.tv/Joe_Cortina.html

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 19:29
Re: "The Palestinians are now the Jews...and the Israelis are now the NAZIS" - Joe Cortina

Foarte inteligent, n-am ce zice. Asta-i maximum capacitatii tale?

La 2009-01-06 18:56:11, contraevreu-rus a scris:

Trage cortina si ia-o la muie.

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