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  Nr. 4428 de marti, 6 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 18:07
Smoking Mirrors: To Tell the Truth or Embrace a Lie

The ugly face of modern Israel is becoming all too obvious and none of the worn out canards and public relations scams can conceal it

As smart as the minds behind Israel have always been, before and after it’s inception; driving the Palestinians from their lands with wholesale murder, changing the names of their towns, controlling the flow of information through their control of the world press, giving the impression that one of the world’s most well funded military forces is actually being victimized by peasant farmers with shovels and rocks, they have finally done what all vicious deceivers have done throughout history. They have exposed themselves for what they are.

No one expected the internet. Across the world today, people who want the actual news, instead of clever propaganda, are getting it. People know about Israel’s false flag adventures. People know about her culpability for 9/11. They know who PNAC and Larry Silverstein are. They know about Odigo, Comverse and Megaphone. They know about things like this. They know that Israel started both of her major wars and wasn’t attacked by anyone. They know what Israel did in Lebanon and they know what is happening in Gaza. All over the world people are waking up to the fact that Israel is an enemy of the rest of the human race.

Israel has no desire to live in peace with anyone. Israel and her fellow travelers in the U.S. and abroad initiated the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for her own benefit. Now she seeks war with Iran. There should be a wall built around the entire 1967 borders. It should be built a thousand meters high, not to keep out any enemies but to keep Israel within.



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