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  Nr. 4428 de marti, 6 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 16:29
Nazismul (cu parul schimbat) da' cu aceleasi naravuri

Macelul din Gaza

Much has already been written about the eight-day-long running massacre of Palestinians that is taking place in Gaza. Indeed, what more can be said when it is clear that the Israeli government is intent on blithely ignoring all petitions, both the ambivalent and the unequivocal, to stop the indiscriminate murder.

At least 450 dead so far (other reports put the figure closer to 500), many of them civilians, women, children, old and young, the rest policemen or Hamas officials. At least 2000 injured, many too seriously to survive or be treated in Gaza's severely blockaded hospitals. In short, in the last eight days the state of Israel has murdered approximately 500 innocent Palestinians and seriously injured 2000, and the representatives of the world's leading democracies sit virtually silent. Make no mistake and do not be fooled by the mainstream media reporting, every single Palestinian that has died or been injured as a result of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza is innocent. When a people that have been dispossessed of their land, livelihoods and homes, occupied, periodically murdered and regularly starved take action to resist and defend themselves, they are guilty of nothing but standing up for their human rights and their rights under international law.

Israel government ministers and their lackeys in the mainstream press are however eager to muddy the waters of this plain truth. They try to present the Gaza turkey shoot in much more vague terms. Reference is repeatedly made to the "violence" in Gaza and the toll it is taking. Consider this CNN headline and summary from the first day of the bombardment:


Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 195.212.29...)
2009-01-06 16:32
MahmuNAZI - iar ai diaree verbala ! ndc

La 2009-01-06 16:29:31, Zenn a scris:

> Macelul din Gaza
> Much has already been written about the eight-day-long running
> massacre of Palestinians that is taking place in Gaza. Indeed, what
> more can be said when it is clear that the Israeli government is
> intent on blithely ignoring all petitions, both the ambivalent and
> the unequivocal, to stop the indiscriminate murder.
> At least 450 dead so far (other reports put the figure closer to 500),
> many of them civilians, women, children, old and young, the rest
> policemen or Hamas officials. At least 2000 injured, many too
> seriously to survive or be treated in Gaza's severely blockaded
> hospitals. In short, in the last eight days the state of Israel has
> murdered approximately 500 innocent Palestinians and seriously
> injured 2000, and the representatives of the world's leading
> democracies sit virtually silent. Make no mistake and do not be
> fooled by the mainstream media reporting, every single Palestinian
> that has died or been injured as a result of the Israeli bombardment
> of Gaza is innocent. When a people that have been dispossessed of
> their land, livelihoods and homes, occupied, periodically murdered
> and regularly starved take action to resist and defend themselves,
> they are guilty of nothing but standing up for their human rights and
> their rights under international law.
> Israel government ministers and their lackeys in the mainstream press
> are however eager to muddy the waters of this plain truth. They try
> to present the Gaza turkey shoot in much more vague terms. Reference
> is repeatedly made to the "violence" in Gaza and the toll it is
> taking. Consider this CNN headline and summary from the first day of
> the bombardment:
> http://www.sott.net/articles/show/172095-The-Butchering-Of-Gaza-Nazi-Germany-Revisited

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 16:36
"iar ai diaree verbala" - D-aia deschizi gura?

La 2009-01-06 16:32:37, Arogantu' a scris:

> La 2009-01-06 16:29:31, Zenn a scris:
> > Macelul din Gaza
> >
> > Much has already been written about the eight-day-long running
> > massacre of Palestinians that is taking place in Gaza. Indeed, what
> > more can be said when it is clear that the Israeli government is
> > intent on blithely ignoring all petitions, both the ambivalent and
> > the unequivocal, to stop the indiscriminate murder.
> >
> > At least 450 dead so far (other reports put the figure closer to 500),
> > many of them civilians, women, children, old and young, the rest
> > policemen or Hamas officials. At least 2000 injured, many too
> > seriously to survive or be treated in Gaza's severely blockaded
> > hospitals. In short, in the last eight days the state of Israel has
> > murdered approximately 500 innocent Palestinians and seriously
> > injured 2000, and the representatives of the world's leading
> > democracies sit virtually silent. Make no mistake and do not be
> > fooled by the mainstream media reporting, every single Palestinian
> > that has died or been injured as a result of the Israeli bombardment
> > of Gaza is innocent. When a people that have been dispossessed of
> > their land, livelihoods and homes, occupied, periodically murdered
> > and regularly starved take action to resist and defend themselves,
> > they are guilty of nothing but standing up for their human rights and
> > their rights under international law.
> >
> > Israel government ministers and their lackeys in the mainstream press
> > are however eager to muddy the waters of this plain truth. They try
> > to present the Gaza turkey shoot in much more vague terms. Reference
> > is repeatedly made to the "violence" in Gaza and the toll it is
> > taking. Consider this CNN headline and summary from the first day of
> > the bombardment:
> >
> >
> > http://www.sott.net/articles/show/172095-The-Butchering-Of-Gaza-Nazi-Germany-Revisited
> >
> >
> >

Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 195.212.29...)
2009-01-06 16:45
Re: "iar ai diaree verbala" - D-aia deschizi gura? - Dupa cum ai vazut - n-am deschis nimic !

Ti-am lasat gunoiul neatins !

Acum m-ai obligat sa ti-l vir inapoi, d-aia nu mai este aici !

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 17:16
Dupa cum ai vazut - n-am deschis nimic ! - Normal! Cand inghiti nu deschizi gura.

La 2009-01-06 16:45:12, Arogantu' a scris:

> Ti-am lasat gunoiul neatins !
> Acum m-ai obligat sa ti-l vir inapoi, d-aia nu mai este aici !

Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 195.212.29...)
2009-01-06 17:35
Re: Dupa cum ai vazut - n-am deschis nimic ! - Normal! Cand inghiti nu deschizi gura.

MahmuNAZI - chiar ca esti mare dobitoc !

Daca n-am deschis - n-aveam de ce sa inghit !

Tu mai oracai degeaba pe-aici - hamasii si-au ##### norocul in stil mahomedan ...

La 2009-01-06 17:16:49, Zenn a scris:

> La 2009-01-06 16:45:12, Arogantu' a scris:
> > Ti-am lasat gunoiul neatins !
> >
> > Acum m-ai obligat sa ti-l vir inapoi, d-aia nu mai este aici !
> >

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