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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 21:16
The World Should Stop Israel's Killing Machine (VIDEO)

Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.com

Jan 5, 2009

The country that the United States has shown decades of blind support for while contributing billions in U.S. taxpayer revenue, has a seriously checkered past when it comes to military restraint.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Today's Israel began its existence as a terrorist nation. That is a hard fact for many people to accept, but it is true. Great Britain and the United States were complicit in the formation of the Jewish state in 1947-48, and both nations are presently aware that Israel has undeclared nuclear weapons pointing at its neighbors, as it lies to the world and claims to be a non-nuclear entity.

Israel has evolved into a country that kills large numbers of Palestinian people in retaliation for the loss of a few of their own. Today, it is a country despised by its neighbors over its lack of lethal restraint in resolving its affairs.

But it is important to remember that just as Americans have writhed and cringed under the leadership of George W. Bush, rational Israeli's are equally dismayed and concerned over their country's militaristic approach to dealing with problems.

We reported several days ago that while Israel claims that their military action on the Gaza Strip is a response to rocket attacks, the actual violation of an Egypt-brokered truce was initially violated by Israeli's who violated the agreement with a military excursion into Gaza several weeks ago. (see my article: Israel Drew First Blood Against Hamas)

Perhaps it isn't about who did what first. Hamas has no right to fire rockets at Israeli neighborhoods. But these are the actions of a few and the people at large are paying the bill; that is equally wrong when you examine the history.

In reality, most of the weapons Palestinians have lobbed at Israeli's have been rocks and stones. Israel's weaponry includes the American F-16 and F-15 jet fighters.

From its earliest days, the people who formed Israel did so through the use of intimidation and force. Nothing has changed, except the degree of power that Israel has risen to attain.

The highly contested real estate known as "The Promised Land" in the Bible, was home for many Palestinian people in 1947. Therein lies the problem.

Israel was formed in the aftermath of the tragedy experienced by the Jewish people during Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. The millions killed in the concentration camps of Europe died for no reason beyond prejudice and genocide. Their loss however, does not justify the plight of the Palestinian people, or give the Israeli's a blank check.

In fact Israel may already be starting to regret its warring decisions. As the dead number in the hundreds, 2500 people have reportedly been wounded. Israel's ongoing military attack is bringing pressure from groups like the United Nations who are trying in vain so far, to bring an end to the violence and bloodshed.

Israel's Abusive Military History

The Massacre at Dair Yasin Megan on April 9th, 1948, is a glaring example of how Israel came to be. It left scores dead and eliminated the homes of the other people who lived at Dair Yasin.

According to historical reports, the attack began as the children were asleep in their mothers' and fathers' arms.

In the words of Menachim Begin, as he described events, "the Arabs fought tenaciously in defense of their homes, their women and their children."

The fighting moved from house to house, and whenever the Jews occupied a house, they would blow it up, then direct a call to the inhabitants to flee or face death.

The group SoundofEgypt.com, reports that people left in terror, hoping to save their children and women.

"Then, in a picture of barbarism the likes of which humanity has rarely witnessed except on the part of the most depraved, the terrorists began throwing bombs inside the houses in order to bring them down on whoever was inside. The orders they had received were for them to destroy every house."

The explosions were the sound if Israel forming, and they continued in the same "barbaric fashion" until the afternoon of April 10th, 1948.

If it was possible to list all of the events that Israeli forces have been involved in that resemble terrorism, the list would be very long. There are a number of prominent and well known events however, and they are listed here, along with a link below the list that will lead to data on all of the referenced events.

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 21:17
Events that Israeli forces have been involved in :

They include:

The King David Massacre

The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh

Yehida Massacre

Khisas Massacre

Qazaza, Massacre

The Semiramis Hotel Massacre

The Massacre at Dair Yasin

Naser Al-Din Massacre

The Tanturra Massacre

Beit Daras Massacre

The Dahmash Mosque Massacre

Dawayma Massacre

Houla Massacre

Sharafat Massacre

Salha Massacre

The Massacre at Qibya

Kaft Qasem Massacre

Khan Yunis Massacre

The Massacre in Gaza City

Al-Sammuo' Massacre

Aitharoun Massacre

Kawnin Massacre

Hanin Massacre

Bint Jbeil Massacre

Abbasieh Massacre

Adloun Massacre

Saida Massacre

Fakhani Massacre

Beirut Massacre

Sabra And Shatila Massacre

Jibsheet Massacre

Sohmor Massacre

Seer Al Garbiah

Maaraka Massacres

Zrariah Massacre

Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre

Jibaa Massacre

Yohmor Massacre

Tiri massacre

Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre

Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre

Oyon Qara Massacre

Siddiqine Massacre

Al-Aqsa Mosque Massacre

The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre

The Jabalia Massacre

Aramta Massacre

Eretz Checkpoint Massacre

Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre

Nabatiyeh (school bus) Massacre

Mnsuriah Massacre

The Sohmor Second Massacre

Nabatyaih Massacre

Qana Massacre

Trqumia Massacr

Janta Massacre

24 Of June 1999 Massacres

Western Bekaa villages Massacre

Details of these events can be found at: SoundofEgypt.com- Israeli Massacres:

Limited Hope

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki says Arab countries were drafting a U.N. Security Council council resolution Monday, demanding an immediate end to "Israeli aggression" in Gaza.

Arab foreign ministers were meeting at the United Nations Monday to discuss the draft as Israeli forces continued to pound Gaza, Malki said.

He told reporters that the chief of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, along with ministers from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, will discuss the crisis with representatives of the five permanent Security Council members and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Deir Yassin Massacre 1948
The song is try-not-to-cry by Yusuf Islam and the Outlandish


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