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  Nr. 4428 de marti, 6 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 21:14
Reactions from Nablus: Gazans are not treated as human. Pai nu zice Talmudu' asa?

Jan 5, 2009

Nablus / PNN – Messages from the West Bank on Gaza include deep sadness and reproach to conspicuously absent Arab leaders.

Dr. Ghassan Hamdan of Medical Relief in the northern West Bank’s Nablus says, "What is happening in Gaza to the Palestinians is not an assault on them only. It affects the dignity of the entire nation. How can we live when our brothers and sisters are dying by the hundreds in the Gaza Strip."

He asked, "Where is the Muslim community to carry the message of our Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him. And where are the Arab rulers? The official Arab regimes are aiding in the humiliation and surrender to the enemy through concessions."

The doctor continued to speak as many in the public do. "What is happening in Gaza is a major insult to this nation and the stigma of shame is on the brow of the official mechanisms which have sold the country, have engaged with the occupation through conventions and initiatives."

Palestinian Legislative Council deputy Ayman Daraghmeh said: "What are the official Arab regimes doing? How can they watch the Palestinians who live and die with fire and bullets, hunger, disease and blood flowing in the streets? The reaction to the massacres and pogroms of governments who ignored their people rising up is to establish relations with the Israeli occupation."

He continued, "What is happening in Gaza is a tragedy. It is genocide committed against our brothers. The occupation is demolishing the houses on the heads of mothers, the elderly and children."

Writer and political analyst Daas Absk said, "What is happening now in Gaza is not new."

He said, "What is happening now in Gaza is not new, but is repeated all the time. The question is what would happen if the opposite were to be, if the Palestinians attacked the Israelis in this way and killed them? Would the world stand idly as is happening now?! Certainly not, a thousand times no. License was granted by some Arab regimes in the form of an official Arab initiative that increased the brutality. It was a license to kill Palestinians."

The writer continued, "The suffering of our brothers and sisters in Gaza is suffering of all the Arabs. This is against all the Arabs. Anybody who has the slightest sense will see a bullet entering the body of a Palestinian will increase the Palestinian determination and strength to face the occupation and the official Arab regimes."

Dr. Jaber Akid was asked for his thoughts. "The surprise is in the case of the most heinous crimes committed against human rights because what is happening in Gaza has exceeded all the crimes committed throughout history, and anyone who did not shake about what happened in Gaza is not someone who bleed. What is happening would make a stone cry, but still it did not affect the official Arab regimes."

He said, "The problem is that the whole world is watching and the Palestinian people are not seen as human beings."

Palestinian Legislative Council member working on the prisoner issue and a Fateh leader, Jamal Tirawi, said, "We are facing a great crime and tragedy of historic proportion. It is a heinous crime against our brothers in Gaza. Hundreds of lives are being taken and the world watches with indifference or even encourages the Zionists to do more than they did through the Arab initiative, which is not only the defeat and surrender."

Hamas leader Mushir Al Masri agreed that responsibility is with Arab leaders and Israeli supporters. "The massacre against the Palestinian people in Gaza is caused by the Arab regime and its official silence. The massacres being carried out by the Zionist terrorist army against our people in Gaza are a natural result of the absence of an Arab deterrent, especially after the more established formal system of Arab relations with the enemy."

He said, "The massacres are not distinguishing between a man and a woman, large and small. School children are among the victims of the continued Zionist aggression. The Arab regimes have closed their eyes to the children of Gaza and sold their homes."


Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 91.177.46...)
2009-01-06 21:25
Tu spune asta lui hamas, ... el ii sacrifica cu buna stiinta.

<<Any cease-fire in the Gaza conflict will require ``clear and definitive action`` to halt the smuggling of weapons and money into the Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory>>, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Tuesday.

<<Meanwhile, Arab foreign ministers met at the United Nations to work up a U.N. draft resolution calling for Israel to stop its offensive in Gaza and for Hamas, which rules the territory, to cease firing rockets at the Jewish state.>>

<<President George W. Bush - whose term ends on January 20 - said Monday that ``any cease-fire must have the conditions in it so that Hamas does not use Gaza as a place from which to launch rockets.``>>

<<Merkel: Cease-fire only when Israel`s security guaranteed ... ``The terror perpetrated by Hamas is unacceptable.`` >>

<<Europe ``wants a ceasefire as quickly as possible``, Mr Sarkozy said, urging Israel to halt the offensive, while blaming Hamas for acting ``irresponsibly and unpardonably``.

<<Czech FM SCHWARZENBERG: ``We presented the Israeli prime minister with the European Union`s view that a ceasefire should be established as soon as possible. Of course, the rocket attacks on Israel have to stop first, but we have to work for a ceasefire as soon as possible.``>>

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