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  Nr. 4428 de marti, 6 ianuarie 2009 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 20:39
In goana lor dupa copiii palestinieni, AskeNAZI-stii bombardeaza scoli

Report direct from Gaza
Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza: Palestinians flee their houses but Israeli rockets kill them in schools
Sameh A. Habeeb

Jan 6, 2009

Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza

Death toll 620, injured 3000 and most of them Civilians

By Sameh A. Habeeb, A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist in Gaza Strip.

*Numbers and Figures of Israeli War on Gaza:

*Total death toll: 620 while Wounded: 3000.

*Civilians: 220 children and 130 women killed since the start of this War. Many old men and young people were killed and the number is estimated of 80 and this is all according to the Medical sources.

*Thus, we could say so far: Around 430 civilians killed and 190 are policemen and militants.

* More than 1 thousand child among the wounded!

*11 Ambulances bombed and 4 vans for civil defense hit.

*30 paramedics wounded and 7 killed.

Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:

1-Bombings in Jabalia Refugee Camps, 5 killed and several wounded. Many houses were damaged in the camp while hundreds of people leave their houses into some schools and safer places.

2-Israeli F16s bombarded two adjacent houses for Al Shorafa family in Toffah area. The houses were hit without previous notification. Many people killed and several wounded.

3-A massare against house of Al Daya family southern east of Gaza City. The father was killed, the mother, his son Fayez, his daughter in law Rawans, infant 6-month-baby Muhammad, 5-year-old Sharf Al Din, Ala' aged 8 years, Rania aged 12 and Doha 3 years. Other 5 people were killed in the same house while many still under the rubbles of the 4-floor-house.

4- Marzouq Family hit in Al Toffah area. Many wounded and no news if there are victims or not!

5-Israeli drone killed 3 young guys refugee to one of the schools in Al Shati' Refugee Camp. They were hit by a rocket while they were drinking water inside the school.

6-Medical sources: 13 palestinian women and children arrived to Al Shifa' hospital due to Israeli shelling in Al Toffah quarter.

7-Gaza Local Radios: Thousands of Palestinians shelter to UNRWA schools mid of Gaza as Israeli army threatened of a genocide against them. Some of theose at schools are wounded and unable to reach hospitals.

8-F16s rebombarded Al Saraya security compound last night. The place totally turned rubbles.

9-Bombings target Al Baurej centeral market. Many wounded and 2 killed.

10-Bombings targeted Abu Ghanima family in Al Zaytoun area. The house includes around 12 people. Some injured, some killed and some others under rubbles.

11-A horrendous massacare: 45 civilians! Killed due to heavy Israeli bombings targeted them at Al Fakhora school in Jabalia town. The families and victims took this school a shelter from Israeli strikes. Around 100 wounded and many in critical conditions now!

12-A house for shamalkh family bombed to rubbles due bombings targeted a mosque in the area. Two palestinains killed, 10 wounded and 5 in critical conditions.

13-A house destroyed due to air raid in Khan Yonis town of Abasan.

14-Bombings in Al Shati' camp claimed the life of one civilian and many wounded in the place.

15-Israeli rockets hit Qlaibo area north of Gaza and no wounded to be reported in the raid.

16-A house for Isi family hit in Al Toffah area.

17-A house hit near Mus'ab Bin omair Mosque and many houses burnt due to the shelling north of Gaza.

18- One Palestinian killed and 6 wounded in the Israeli air raids in Absan town in Khan Yonis.

19-Al Samouni Family: around 20 members of our family killed and another 25 under the rubbles of the house.

20-Power Transistors destroyed in the northern area.

21-Artillary shell kills a child, Merwan Ubaid, in Abasan town east of Kgan yonis.

22-Around 25 houses damaged due to artillery shells in Rafah City.

23-A house for Al alool family destroyed at Bait Lahia twon.

24-Five wounded in a rocket hit Khoza'a family.

25-Heavy bombings in the agricultural and farms in the northern areas.

26-A woman from Ghomaida family killed and her husband wounded in the northern areas of Gaza.

27-Mass bombings in Al shijaya area and many wounded and arrived at Al Shifa' hospital.

28-Rockets targeted a house in Al Sheikh Ridwan and 5 wounded, one in critical conditions.

29-Pycatcrics: thousands of children turned traumatized due to the ongoing bombings.

30-Palestinian militants fire 30 rockets into the Israeli settlements.

31-Rockets hit the main Market of Gaza with heavy F116s rockets.


Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 20:39
Massacre: 42 killed by Israeli shelling at UN school in Jabaliya Refugee Camp

Ma'an news
Jan 6, 2009

Gaza – Ma’an – Israeli forces killed at least 42 Palestinians at a UN school housing displaced people in Jabaliya Refugee Camp in the northern Gaza Strip late on Tuesday afternoon, medical officials confirmed to Ma’an.

According to initial reports, the school was destroyed, collapsing on top of Palestinians who took shelter inside from the intense bombardment by Israeli air and ground forces.

According to another report, broadcast by Al-Jazeera television, Israeli tank shells hit the front gate of the school. UNRWA Spokesperson Christopher Gunness confirmed that at least one shell landed near the school.

Children are also said to be among the dead. Hundreds of people were reported to be in the area of the school at the time of the shelling.

Ma’an’s reporter said that dozens more, all civilians, were injured in the attack on the Al-Fakhoura School. The death toll is expected to rise as a number of the wounded are said to be in critical condition. Ambulances were initially unable reach the school.

The school is operated by UNRWA, the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees. UNRWA has been using its schools to house some of the 15,000 Gazans who have fled their homes due to Israel's ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, which began on Saturday.

UNRWA says it handed over the GPS coordinates of all UN installations throughout the Gaza Strip to the Israeli military. The school was clearly marked as a UN facility.

Earlier on Tuesday, the United Nations confirmed that three refugees had been killed at 11:30 on Monday night when Israeli forces fired directly on a UNRWA school in Gaza City. Another UNRWA school also came under fire in the city of Rafah.

"There's nowhere safe in Gaza. Everyone here is terrorized and traumatized," said John Ging, the top UN official in Gaza. He also said that people in Gaza are "entitled" to action by the international community to stop the Israeli invasion.

"I am appealing to political leaders here and in the region and the world to get their act together and stop this," he said, speaking at Gaza's largest hospital. "They are responsible for these deaths."

Tuesday's attack has drawn comparisons to the 1996 Israeli shelling of a UN compound in Qana, southern Lebanon, in which 106 civilians were killed.


Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 89.32.47...)
2009-01-06 20:46
De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ... ndc

La 2009-01-06 20:39:00, Zenn a scris:

> Report direct from Gaza
> Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza: Palestinians flee their houses but
> Israeli rockets kill them in schools
> Sameh A. Habeeb
> Jan 6, 2009
> Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza
> Death toll 620, injured 3000 and most of them Civilians
> By Sameh A. Habeeb, A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist
> in Gaza Strip.
> *Numbers and Figures of Israeli War on Gaza:
> *Total death toll: 620 while Wounded: 3000.
> *Civilians: 220 children and 130 women killed since the start of this
> War. Many old men and young people were killed and the number is
> estimated of 80 and this is all according to the Medical sources.
> *Thus, we could say so far: Around 430 civilians killed and 190 are
> policemen and militants.
> * More than 1 thousand child among the wounded!
> *11 Ambulances bombed and 4 vans for civil defense hit.
> *30 paramedics wounded and 7 killed.
> Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:
> 1-Bombings in Jabalia Refugee Camps, 5 killed and several wounded.
> Many houses were damaged in the camp while hundreds of people leave
> their houses into some schools and safer places.
> 2-Israeli F16s bombarded two adjacent houses for Al Shorafa family in
> Toffah area. The houses were hit without previous notification. Many
> people killed and several wounded.
> 3-A massare against house of Al Daya family southern east of Gaza
> City. The father was killed, the mother, his son Fayez, his daughter
> in law Rawans, infant 6-month-baby Muhammad, 5-year-old Sharf Al Din,
> Ala' aged 8 years, Rania aged 12 and Doha 3 years. Other 5 people were
> killed in the same house while many still under the rubbles of the
> 4-floor-house.
> 4- Marzouq Family hit in Al Toffah area. Many wounded and no news if
> there are victims or not!
> 5-Israeli drone killed 3 young guys refugee to one of the schools in
> Al Shati' Refugee Camp. They were hit by a rocket while they were
> drinking water inside the school.
> 6-Medical sources: 13 palestinian women and children arrived to Al
> Shifa' hospital due to Israeli shelling in Al Toffah quarter.
> 7-Gaza Local Radios: Thousands of Palestinians shelter to UNRWA
> schools mid of Gaza as Israeli army threatened of a genocide against
> them. Some of theose at schools are wounded and unable to reach
> hospitals.
> 8-F16s rebombarded Al Saraya security compound last night. The place
> totally turned rubbles.
> 9-Bombings target Al Baurej centeral market. Many wounded and 2
> killed.
> 10-Bombings targeted Abu Ghanima family in Al Zaytoun area. The house
> includes around 12 people. Some injured, some killed and some others
> under rubbles.
> 11-A horrendous massacare: 45 civilians! Killed due to heavy Israeli
> bombings targeted them at Al Fakhora school in Jabalia town. The
> families and victims took this school a shelter from Israeli strikes.
> Around 100 wounded and many in critical conditions now!
> 12-A house for shamalkh family bombed to rubbles due bombings targeted
> a mosque in the area. Two palestinains killed, 10 wounded and 5 in
> critical conditions.
> 13-A house destroyed due to air raid in Khan Yonis town of Abasan.
> 14-Bombings in Al Shati' camp claimed the life of one civilian and
> many wounded in the place.
> 15-Israeli rockets hit Qlaibo area north of Gaza and no wounded to be
> reported in the raid.
> 16-A house for Isi family hit in Al Toffah area.
> 17-A house hit near Mus'ab Bin omair Mosque and many houses burnt due
> to the shelling north of Gaza.
> 18- One Palestinian killed and 6 wounded in the Israeli air raids in
> Absan town in Khan Yonis.
> 19-Al Samouni Family: around 20 members of our family killed and
> another 25 under the rubbles of the house.
> 20-Power Transistors destroyed in the northern area.
> 21-Artillary shell kills a child, Merwan Ubaid, in Abasan town east of
> Kgan yonis.
> 22-Around 25 houses damaged due to artillery shells in Rafah City.
> 23-A house for Al alool family destroyed at Bait Lahia twon.
> 24-Five wounded in a rocket hit Khoza'a family.
> 25-Heavy bombings in the agricultural and farms in the northern
> areas.
> 26-A woman from Ghomaida family killed and her husband wounded in the
> northern areas of Gaza.
> 27-Mass bombings in Al shijaya area and many wounded and arrived at Al
> Shifa' hospital.
> 28-Rockets targeted a house in Al Sheikh Ridwan and 5 wounded, one in
> critical conditions.
> 29-Pycatcrics: thousands of children turned traumatized due to the
> ongoing bombings.
> 30-Palestinian militants fire 30 rockets into the Israeli
> settlements.
> 31-Rockets hit the main Market of Gaza with heavy F116s rockets.
> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50458&s1=h1

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 141.76.45...)
2009-01-06 20:49
Re: De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ... ndc

Iarasi ingurgitezi rahatul sionist? N-auzi ca scoala este un adapost organizat de ONU, ce rachete visezi?

La 2009-01-06 20:46:52, Arogantu' a scris:

.Sobru. (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.106.63...)
2009-01-06 20:50
Re: De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ... ndc

Pulete, poate sa fie si mama depozitului. Daca acolo vezi oameni, nu tragi. Asta e crima de razboi.
O sa se intoarca roata, si oracaielile vor fi inutile.

Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 89.32.47...)
2009-01-06 20:53
Re: De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ... ndc

Pai problema este clara: vinovat este cretinul care a depozitat rachetele in scoli, moschei, locuinte !

Tu poti sa ai alta parere - dar UM xxxxxx din Slatina era linga fabrica de paine a orasului !
Si linga N blocuri de locuinte ...
Nu recunosti tiparul ?

La 2009-01-06 20:50:06, .Sobru. a scris:

> Pulete, poate sa fie si mama depozitului. Daca acolo vezi oameni, nu
> tragi. Asta e crima de razboi.
> O sa se intoarca roata, si oracaielile vor fi inutile.

.Sobru. (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.106.63...)
2009-01-06 20:57
Re: De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ... ndc

Vinovat e ala care omoara civili cu intentie.
Toate ticalosiile pot fi acoperite cu astfel de scuze. Vinovat e PNL ca PSD si PDL au facut nunta. Recunosti tiparul?

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-06 20:58
Re: Asa le trebuie...

cand trag mortiere si rachete din scoli.

La 2009-01-06 20:39:00, Zenn a scris:

> Report direct from Gaza
> Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza: Palestinians flee their houses but
> Israeli rockets kill them in schools
> Sameh A. Habeeb
> Jan 6, 2009
> Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza
> Death toll 620, injured 3000 and most of them Civilians
> By Sameh A. Habeeb, A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist
> in Gaza Strip.
> *Numbers and Figures of Israeli War on Gaza:
> *Total death toll: 620 while Wounded: 3000.
> *Civilians: 220 children and 130 women killed since the start of this
> War. Many old men and young people were killed and the number is
> estimated of 80 and this is all according to the Medical sources.
> *Thus, we could say so far: Around 430 civilians killed and 190 are
> policemen and militants.
> * More than 1 thousand child among the wounded!
> *11 Ambulances bombed and 4 vans for civil defense hit.
> *30 paramedics wounded and 7 killed.
> Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:
> 1-Bombings in Jabalia Refugee Camps, 5 killed and several wounded.
> Many houses were damaged in the camp while hundreds of people leave
> their houses into some schools and safer places.
> 2-Israeli F16s bombarded two adjacent houses for Al Shorafa family in
> Toffah area. The houses were hit without previous notification. Many
> people killed and several wounded.
> 3-A massare against house of Al Daya family southern east of Gaza
> City. The father was killed, the mother, his son Fayez, his daughter
> in law Rawans, infant 6-month-baby Muhammad, 5-year-old Sharf Al Din,
> Ala' aged 8 years, Rania aged 12 and Doha 3 years. Other 5 people were
> killed in the same house while many still under the rubbles of the
> 4-floor-house.
> 4- Marzouq Family hit in Al Toffah area. Many wounded and no news if
> there are victims or not!
> 5-Israeli drone killed 3 young guys refugee to one of the schools in
> Al Shati' Refugee Camp. They were hit by a rocket while they were
> drinking water inside the school.
> 6-Medical sources: 13 palestinian women and children arrived to Al
> Shifa' hospital due to Israeli shelling in Al Toffah quarter.
> 7-Gaza Local Radios: Thousands of Palestinians shelter to UNRWA
> schools mid of Gaza as Israeli army threatened of a genocide against
> them. Some of theose at schools are wounded and unable to reach
> hospitals.
> 8-F16s rebombarded Al Saraya security compound last night. The place
> totally turned rubbles.
> 9-Bombings target Al Baurej centeral market. Many wounded and 2
> killed.
> 10-Bombings targeted Abu Ghanima family in Al Zaytoun area. The house
> includes around 12 people. Some injured, some killed and some others
> under rubbles.
> 11-A horrendous massacare: 45 civilians! Killed due to heavy Israeli
> bombings targeted them at Al Fakhora school in Jabalia town. The
> families and victims took this school a shelter from Israeli strikes.
> Around 100 wounded and many in critical conditions now!
> 12-A house for shamalkh family bombed to rubbles due bombings targeted
> a mosque in the area. Two palestinains killed, 10 wounded and 5 in
> critical conditions.
> 13-A house destroyed due to air raid in Khan Yonis town of Abasan.
> 14-Bombings in Al Shati' camp claimed the life of one civilian and
> many wounded in the place.
> 15-Israeli rockets hit Qlaibo area north of Gaza and no wounded to be
> reported in the raid.
> 16-A house for Isi family hit in Al Toffah area.
> 17-A house hit near Mus'ab Bin omair Mosque and many houses burnt due
> to the shelling north of Gaza.
> 18- One Palestinian killed and 6 wounded in the Israeli air raids in
> Absan town in Khan Yonis.
> 19-Al Samouni Family: around 20 members of our family killed and
> another 25 under the rubbles of the house.
> 20-Power Transistors destroyed in the northern area.
> 21-Artillary shell kills a child, Merwan Ubaid, in Abasan town east of
> Kgan yonis.
> 22-Around 25 houses damaged due to artillery shells in Rafah City.
> 23-A house for Al alool family destroyed at Bait Lahia twon.
> 24-Five wounded in a rocket hit Khoza'a family.
> 25-Heavy bombings in the agricultural and farms in the northern
> areas.
> 26-A woman from Ghomaida family killed and her husband wounded in the
> northern areas of Gaza.
> 27-Mass bombings in Al shijaya area and many wounded and arrived at Al
> Shifa' hospital.
> 28-Rockets targeted a house in Al Sheikh Ridwan and 5 wounded, one in
> critical conditions.
> 29-Pycatcrics: thousands of children turned traumatized due to the
> ongoing bombings.
> 30-Palestinian militants fire 30 rockets into the Israeli
> settlements.
> 31-Rockets hit the main Market of Gaza with heavy F116s rockets.
> http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50458&s1=h1

.Sobru. (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.106.63...)
2009-01-06 21:05
Re: Asa le trebuie...

Animalule, asa ii trebuie cui? O sa va vedetii copiii arzand sobolane, si nici dracu n-o sa miste un deget.

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-06 21:08
Re: Asa le trebuie...

Ba da, o sa miste degetul in sus la adresa lor!

La 2009-01-06 21:05:05, .Sobru. a scris:

> Animalule, asa ii trebuie cui? O sa va vedetii copiii arzand sobolane,
> si nici dracu n-o sa miste un deget.

fasolaboaba din Franta (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 79.87.255...)
2009-01-06 21:10
Asa le trebuie? Vaaai de capuul lor...

La 2009-01-06 20:58:20, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

Aici ai zbircit-o maestre. Ceri prea mult de la oameni.
Cind iti intra in casa 5 gealati lejer inarmati, crezi ca isi vor cer epermisiunea sa traga cu ce vrea muschii lor?
Ai avea ceva impotriva cind interlocutorul se scobeste tacticos intre dinti cu inelul de la o grenada?

> cand trag mortiere si rachete din scoli.
> La 2009-01-06 20:39:00, Zenn a scris:
> > Report direct from Gaza
> > Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza: Palestinians flee their houses but
> > Israeli rockets kill them in schools
> > Sameh A. Habeeb
> >
> > Jan 6, 2009
> >
> > Day 11 of Israeli War On Gaza
> >
> > Death toll 620, injured 3000 and most of them Civilians
> >
> > By Sameh A. Habeeb, A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist
> > in Gaza Strip.
> >
> > *Numbers and Figures of Israeli War on Gaza:
> >
> > *Total death toll: 620 while Wounded: 3000.
> >
> > *Civilians: 220 children and 130 women killed since the start of this
> > War. Many old men and young people were killed and the number is
> > estimated of 80 and this is all according to the Medical sources.
> >
> > *Thus, we could say so far: Around 430 civilians killed and 190 are
> > policemen and militants.
> >
> > * More than 1 thousand child among the wounded!
> >
> > *11 Ambulances bombed and 4 vans for civil defense hit.
> >
> > *30 paramedics wounded and 7 killed.
> >
> > Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:
> >
> > 1-Bombings in Jabalia Refugee Camps, 5 killed and several wounded.
> > Many houses were damaged in the camp while hundreds of people leave
> > their houses into some schools and safer places.
> >
> > 2-Israeli F16s bombarded two adjacent houses for Al Shorafa family in
> > Toffah area. The houses were hit without previous notification. Many
> > people killed and several wounded.
> >
> > 3-A massare against house of Al Daya family southern east of Gaza
> > City. The father was killed, the mother, his son Fayez, his daughter
> > in law Rawans, infant 6-month-baby Muhammad, 5-year-old Sharf Al Din,
> > Ala' aged 8 years, Rania aged 12 and Doha 3 years. Other 5 people were
> > killed in the same house while many still under the rubbles of the
> > 4-floor-house.
> >
> > 4- Marzouq Family hit in Al Toffah area. Many wounded and no news if
> > there are victims or not!
> >
> > 5-Israeli drone killed 3 young guys refugee to one of the schools in
> > Al Shati' Refugee Camp. They were hit by a rocket while they were
> > drinking water inside the school.
> >
> > 6-Medical sources: 13 palestinian women and children arrived to Al
> > Shifa' hospital due to Israeli shelling in Al Toffah quarter.
> >
> > 7-Gaza Local Radios: Thousands of Palestinians shelter to UNRWA
> > schools mid of Gaza as Israeli army threatened of a genocide against
> > them. Some of theose at schools are wounded and unable to reach
> > hospitals.
> >
> > 8-F16s rebombarded Al Saraya security compound last night. The place
> > totally turned rubbles.
> >
> > 9-Bombings target Al Baurej centeral market. Many wounded and 2
> > killed.
> >
> > 10-Bombings targeted Abu Ghanima family in Al Zaytoun area. The house
> > includes around 12 people. Some injured, some killed and some others
> > under rubbles.
> >
> > 11-A horrendous massacare: 45 civilians! Killed due to heavy Israeli
> > bombings targeted them at Al Fakhora school in Jabalia town. The
> > families and victims took this school a shelter from Israeli strikes.
> > Around 100 wounded and many in critical conditions now!
> >
> > 12-A house for shamalkh family bombed to rubbles due bombings targeted
> > a mosque in the area. Two palestinains killed, 10 wounded and 5 in
> > critical conditions.
> >
> > 13-A house destroyed due to air raid in Khan Yonis town of Abasan.
> >
> > 14-Bombings in Al Shati' camp claimed the life of one civilian and
> > many wounded in the place.
> >
> > 15-Israeli rockets hit Qlaibo area north of Gaza and no wounded to be
> > reported in the raid.
> >
> > 16-A house for Isi family hit in Al Toffah area.
> >
> > 17-A house hit near Mus'ab Bin omair Mosque and many houses burnt due
> > to the shelling north of Gaza.
> >
> > 18- One Palestinian killed and 6 wounded in the Israeli air raids in
> > Absan town in Khan Yonis.
> >
> > 19-Al Samouni Family: around 20 members of our family killed and
> > another 25 under the rubbles of the house.
> >
> > 20-Power Transistors destroyed in the northern area.
> >
> > 21-Artillary shell kills a child, Merwan Ubaid, in Abasan town east of
> > Kgan yonis.
> >
> > 22-Around 25 houses damaged due to artillery shells in Rafah City.
> >
> > 23-A house for Al alool family destroyed at Bait Lahia twon.
> >
> > 24-Five wounded in a rocket hit Khoza'a family.
> >
> > 25-Heavy bombings in the agricultural and farms in the northern
> > areas.
> >
> > 26-A woman from Ghomaida family killed and her husband wounded in the
> > northern areas of Gaza.
> >
> > 27-Mass bombings in Al shijaya area and many wounded and arrived at Al
> > Shifa' hospital.
> >
> > 28-Rockets targeted a house in Al Sheikh Ridwan and 5 wounded, one in
> > critical conditions.
> >
> > 29-Pycatcrics: thousands of children turned traumatized due to the
> > ongoing bombings.
> >
> > 30-Palestinian militants fire 30 rockets into the Israeli
> > settlements.
> >
> > 31-Rockets hit the main Market of Gaza with heavy F116s rockets.
> >
> > http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m50458&s1=h1
> >
> >

Arogantu' din Pedelicii de Strinsura (...@k.ro, IP: 89.32.47...)
2009-01-06 21:15
Re: De, ma zenuNAZI - daca analfabetii din Hamas nu stiu ca scoala nu-i depozit de rachete ...

Nu, Sobrule - nu este comparabil !

PNL a jucat corect.

PS Vrei sa zici ca hamasii au plasat armament in moschei, scoli, blocuri de locuinte FARA INTENTIE ?
Esti copil ... pro-mahomedanist !

La 2009-01-06 20:57:20, .Sobru. a scris:

> Vinovat e ala care omoara civili cu intentie.
> Toate ticalosiile pot fi acoperite cu astfel de scuze. Vinovat e PNL
> ca PSD si PDL au facut nunta. Recunosti tiparul?

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