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2009-01-05 22:46:34

E timpul!

A sosit timpul ca arabii din intregul Orient Mijlociu, sa-si dea mana in lupta de aparare contra asupritorului zionst. La naiba cu clasificarile oferite de jewS State Dept. - in apararea acestor nevinovayi, nici un om de bine, fie el Crestin sau Musulman, nu poate sta deoparte.

Regret ca nu-i pot ajuta decat cu cuvantul meu, Bunul Dumnezeu sa-i izbaveasca cat mai curand pe bietii Palestinieni, cel mai asuprit neam de pe fata pamantului.

2009-01-05 22:59:34

Re: E timpul!

Cand 15 milioane de arabi au sa va traga o basina fiecare, petrecerea va fi gata.
Unde mai pui niscai rachete rusesti, pentru diversitate...

La 2009-01-05 22:52:13, carol zwilling1 a scris:

> Hai ca stii sa tragi beshini,nu gluma....si inca din alea
> proaste.......
> Sa fii sanatoasa coana Frosa !
> > A sosit timpul ca arabii din intregul Orient Mijlociu, sa-si
> > dea mana in lupta de aparare contra asupritorului zionst. La naiba
> > cu clasificarile oferite de jewS State Dept. - in apararea acestor
> > nevinovayi, nici un om de bine, fie el Crestin sau Musulman, nu poate
> > sta deoparte.
> >
> > Regret ca nu-i pot ajuta decat cu cuvantul meu, Bunul
> > Dumnezeu sa-i izbaveasca cat mai curand pe bietii Palestinieni, cel
> > mai asuprit neam de pe fata pamantului.
> >

2009-01-05 23:13:09

Ce razboi, bre!? Care razboi?...Atac terorist. Pur si simplu.

TERORISM. Asasinat in masa. Asta e. Nu ...razboi.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-05 23:30:35



2009-01-05 23:55:53

Jidanii dupa 60 de ani cred ca o incurca definitiv!!!

Astia, jidanii, nu se invata minte de peste 2000 de ani! La anul 1000 rusii au omorit 1 milion de evrei, in al 2-lea razboi pagube colaterale (zic ei) de 6 milioane. Ei in schimb au omorit 200 milioane prin sustinerea comunismului!
Daca nu-i oprim astia extermina natiuni! Africa e pe tava, America de sud e sub ei, in USA e inca prostime multa de tot, in Europa si-au infiltrat oameni, poate china ii pune la punct!

2009-01-06 00:14:31

Re: Jidanii dupa 60 de ani cred ca o incurca definitiv!!!

2009-01-06 00:47:03

Re: Ce razboi, bre!? Care razboi?...Atac terorist. Pur si simplu.

Ai perfecta dreptate si pe cine intereaza ce e, atata timp pana dispare hamasul,ia o gura de aier ca supra ventilezi sau respira intro punga sa te linistesti.

La 2009-01-05 23:13:09, Zenn a scris:

> TERORISM. Asasinat in masa. Asta e. Nu ...razboi.

2009-01-06 01:39:19

Re: Jidanii dupa 60 de ani cred ca o incurca definitiv!!!

In Europa au infiltrati demult, acuma sint disperati ca se apropie curatenia. SUA sint terminate, in curand nu vor mai putea misca un deget pentru sobolanime. Rusia si-a facut se pare curatenie, iar China nu poate fi penetrata. Se strange latul si cu cat actioneaza mai dement, cu atat isi apropie sfarsitul.

Auzi la ala, 5769 de ani fix. Ha ha ha ha ha! Orice lucru are un sfarsit, poate nu vor disparea, vor ramane o natiune mare, ca zulusii...

2009-01-06 03:58:36

Re:evreii sunt de 5769 de ani!!! Poate cineva explica aceasta afirmatie?

the a scris:"...pe pozitii, dar evreii sunt de 5769 de ani."

Domnule/Doamna -the, puteti elabora/comenta cum sunt everii de 5769 ani? In afara de ei , mai erau si alti oameni/natii acum 5769 ani?care? Cine sunt urmasii lor?
Cati evrei erauacum 5769 ani, cum au aparut ei, pe ce teritorii, etc
Nu va contrazic, doar as dori sa aflu si precis sunteti documentat/a daca afirmati ceva

2009-01-06 04:29:28


Zice marele patriot (pentru apararea palestinienilor) Eufrosin:

<< A sosit timpul ca arabii din intregul Orient Mijlociu, sa-si dea mana in lupta de aparare contra asupritorului zionst. >>

Flash-news pentru tine, amice: &#8216;&#8230; asupritorul zionist &#8230; &#8216; s-a carat de mult din Gaza: cine &#8216;asupreste&#8217; acum poporul Palestinian este Hamas-ul.
Sa-ti explic foarte simplu, printr-un exemplu, asa fel incat pana si &#8216;.Sobru..&#8217; poate intelege:
" Niste tembeli ungurii din Targu-Mures au hotarat sa fie independenti.
" Nimeni nu se uita la ei.
" Ungurii din Ungaria le trimit rachete ascunse in pachete de lapte-praf (vamesii romani manga !)
" Ungurii din Targu-Mures incep sa lansese rachete catre Cluj (cam mare distanta, dar pentru un exemplu merge). Fiind specialisti in narghilele, rachetele lansate nimeresc doi cotoi, o caruta si doi copii unguri (stii ca si la Cluj sunt unguri, nu-i asa ? )
Ce fac romanii in aceasta situatie:
" Reclama la ONU ?
" Trag un &#8216;Vanghelion&#8217; de necaz ?
" &#8216;Curatza&#8217; Targu-Mures-ul de tembeli ?
Poti sa plangi de mila tembelilor acum ?

2009-01-06 04:54:33

Scuze pentru semnele diacritice folosite la Eufroniseala

Zice marele patriot (pentru apararea palestinienilor) Eufrosin:

<< A sosit timpul ca arabii din intregul Orient Mijlociu, sa-si dea mana in lupta de aparare contra asupritorului zionst. >>

Flash-news pentru tine, amice: <<&#8230; asupritorul zionist &#8230; >> s-a carat de mult din Gaza: cine << asupreste >> acum poporul Palestinian este Hamas-ul.
Sa-ti explic foarte simplu, printr-un exemplu, asa fel incat pana si << .Sobru.. >> poate intelege:
" Niste tembeli ungurii din Targu-Mures au hotarat sa fie independenti.
" Nimeni nu se uita la ei.
" Ungurii din Ungaria le trimit rachete ascunse in pachete de lapte-praf (vamesii romani manga !)
" Ungurii din Targu-Mures incep sa lansese rachete catre Cluj (cam mare distanta, dar pentru un exemplu merge). Fiind specialisti in narghilele, rachetele lansate nimeresc doi cotoi, o caruta si doi copii unguri (stii ca si la Cluj sunt unguri, nu-i asa ? )
Ce fac romanii in aceasta situatie:
" Reclama la ONU ?
" Trag un <<Vanghelion>> de necaz ?
" Curatza Targu-Mures-ul de tembeli ?
Poti sa plangi de mila tembelilor acum ?

Ion Caramache
2009-01-06 06:20:52

Re: Scuze pentru semnele diacritice folosite la Eufroniseala

La 2009-01-06 04:54:33, Firica a scris:

> Zice marele patriot (pentru apararea palestinienilor) Eufrosin:
> << A sosit timpul ca arabii din intregul Orient Mijlociu, sa-si dea
> mana in lupta de aparare contra asupritorului zionst. >>
> Flash-news pentru tine, amice: <<&#8230; asupritorul zionist &#8230;
> >> s-a carat de mult din Gaza: cine << asupreste >> acum poporul
> Palestinian este Hamas-ul.
> Sa-ti explic foarte simplu, printr-un exemplu, asa fel incat pana si
> << .Sobru.. >> poate intelege:
> " Niste tembeli ungurii din Targu-Mures au hotarat sa fie
> independenti.
> " Nimeni nu se uita la ei.
> " Ungurii din Ungaria le trimit rachete ascunse in pachete de
> lapte-praf (vamesii romani manga !)
> " Ungurii din Targu-Mures incep sa lansese rachete catre Cluj
> (cam mare distanta, dar pentru un exemplu merge). Fiind specialisti
> in narghilele, rachetele lansate nimeresc doi cotoi, o caruta si doi
> copii unguri (stii ca si la Cluj sunt unguri, nu-i asa ? )
> Ce fac romanii in aceasta situatie:
> " Reclama la ONU ?
> " Trag un <<Vanghelion>> de necaz ?
> " Curatza Targu-Mures-ul de tembeli ?
> Poti sa plangi de mila tembelilor acum ?
De unde se trage concluzia evidenta ca Frusinake nu stie, si nu vrea sa recunoasca, ca ungurii au venit peste romani, si nu vitavercea. Decebal a fost inaintea lui Atila, dar patrihotzu' Frusinake habar nu are de chestia asta. Te pui cu savantu' istoric de renume mondial Frusinake ?

2009-01-06 07:18:02

Pana cand va permite ZIUA desmatul neolegionar pe forum?

Sub pretextul libertatii cuvantului, publica ZIUA diareea neolegionara si in
acelas timp cenzureaza reactiile pe forum argumentatii elocvente. Nu pretind
sa fiti de acord cu reactiile proisraeliene dar nu ne cenzurati pe noi si in acelas timp sa lasati arena libera celor ce se exprima in termeni pentru care in tari ca germania se primeste concediu la temnita.

2009-01-06 07:31:01

Re: Pana cand va permite ZIUA desmatul neolegionar pe forum?

ZIUA face ilegalitatea de a accepta pe forum instigarile la crima, genocid, epurare etnica, pe care tu si restul bestiilor criminale din neamu tau, le postati zi de zi.
Veniti pe forumuri in cete, animale asasine, ca sa deversati ura si rasismul vostru dement, dupa care tot voi va vaitati.
Vine clipa in care o sa platiti cu varf si-ndesat pentru toata barbaria voastra.

PS Germania v-a suportat destul, degeaba. Rabdarea isi are limitele ei.

marian constantin
2009-01-06 07:56:07

lui Romica

..Eu nu prea le am cu istoria, dar am citit ca neamul evreiesc s-ar fi format in tinutul Ur care era prin sudul Iranului de azi...apoi au plecat de-acolo intr-o vreme in care toata lumea pleca de colo-colo..Au evitat zona mijlocie intre Tigru si Eufrat unde se instalasera unii mai ciumegi, si-au ajuns in Palestina de azi unde si-au intemeiat....ce si-au intemeiat..Dar aia cu o mie de rusi care-au casapit milionul, aia n-o stiu..cum au facut...unu la o mie?!..ca evreii par ca le au cu pac-pacu'....or fi aflat si Hamas istoria asta si s-au incurajat : pai, noi suntem mai multi de-o mie si evreii mai putin de-un milion..ben..pe campurili di batalie..

George Dumitrescu
2009-01-06 09:56:21

Re: Pana cand va permite ZIUA desmatul neolegionar pe forum?

La 2009-01-06 07:18:02, rosenthal a scris:

> Sub pretextul libertatii cuvantului, publica ZIUA diareea
> neolegionara si in
> acelas timp cenzureaza reactiile pe forum argumentatii elocvente. Nu
> pretind
> sa fiti de acord cu reactiile proisraeliene dar nu ne cenzurati pe noi
> si in acelas timp sa lasati arena libera celor ce se exprima in
> termeni pentru care in tari ca germania se primeste concediu la
> temnita.
> Jidan: forma de viatza mai spurcata decat cancerul !

2009-01-06 10:50:57


Antisemit veninos cu o ura nedivinizata contra unui popor care sufera cumplit de 8 ani de cind vin rachete ucigatoare peste un popor care traieste in panica si deruta cu moryti si pagube in timp ce puii de arabi hamasnici impart bomboane pe strada pentru bucuria mortilor evrei nevinovati. ACUM E OCHI PENTRU OCHI SI DINTE PENTRU DINTE!

2009-01-06 10:52:21

Re: Pana cand va permite ZIUA desmatul neolegionar pe forum?

Oare Israel are intr-adevar dreptate in ce face?
Domnule Rosenthal
Reactiile Israelului sunt normale? Atacul civililor (bombardament din aer si atac la sol) in zona palestiniana si neacordarea dreptului de observare unor persoane independente cum vi se pare?
Oare de ce nu a facut Israel o misiune comuna impreuna cu Palestina pentru eliminarea Hamas? Asa mi se parea normal ( Palestina detine zona Ghaza)!
Doar pentru ca exista sprijinul dinspre America - Israel a trecut la o pozitie de forta? .....
Si mai sustineti in continuare temnita din Germania .... care e un caz aparte. In Romania nu exista precedentul german (legea este o urmare a efectelor din lagarele in care au sfarsit multi oameni - nu neaparat evrei) pentru a fi justificata o asemenea lege.
Nu incercati sa eliminati ratiunea si analiza publicului roman, care vreti nu vreti e parte a planetei!
Nu incercati (asa cum o faceti) sa ne dati concluzia dvs gata "digerata" - in care spuneti ca Hamas e de vina!
Si eu sustin ca Israelul are o mare vina (de fapt este singurul vinovat) in pornirea acestui razboi pe care nu are cum sa il castige. Acest act de invazie nu cumva va declansa Jihad-ul ...
PS desmatul neolegionar pe forum - reprezinta niste opinii clare, directe fara ocolisuri sau diplomatie nenecesara. Copii , femeile si barbatii civili omorati de armata israeliana antrenata si dotata ultimul racnet oare ce reprezinta? Activitate "umana si cetateneasca" cumva?

George Dumitrescu
2009-01-06 11:04:18

citate ce demonstreaza fatza de canalie a jidanului

The Warsaw Ghetto during the Jewish Holocaust holds special significance to the European Jews. It was a place of oppression and the pathway to the ultimate death of thousands of their population that has become symbolic with their struggle for recognition. Yet what they are failing to acknowledge as their descendants press forward with their own brand of Jewish and Zionist idealism is the parallel set of conditions that they are now imposing on the Arab people of Palestine.
The Nazis rounded up the Jews of Poland and quartered them in a small area of Warsaw, building a barricade around the perimeter to prevent them leaving. So too have the Israelis through conflict and force pushed many of the Arab inhabitants out of Israel into an enclave that now has a population density of 4,200 people per sq. km which is 14 times that of the surrounding area of Israel which has 360 people per sq. km.
The Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential supplies. So too has the Israeli government stopped the flow of goods to the 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza by limiting the convoys of supplies to a mere trickle.
The Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto to 241 calories per day. So too have the Israelis reduced the calorie intake of the Palestinians in Gaza. According to a UN report, it is presently at 61 percent of the average daily requirements.
The Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity. So too has the Israeli government.
The Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care. Israelis restrict the health care in Gaza by limiting the medical supplies in or the treatment of cases that need to be done outside.
The Jewish inhabitants through the ZZB and the ZOB resisted the oppression by the Nazis albeit too late and their rebellion was brutally crushed without concern for who was in the way. So too have the Palestinians of Gaza through their own resistance organizations, in particular Hamas, rebelled against their oppressors and so too do the Israelis use all means available to crush the rebellion without concern for who is in the way or who they maim or kill in doing so.
The Nazis destroyed the structure of the ghetto leveling it to the ground in a broad quest to rout the resistance to their oppression. Israelis indiscriminately level buildings and the infrastructure in Gaza in a quest to rout out the resistance to their oppression. The Nazis assigned the Jewish people to a lesser status of all their inhabitants depriving them of their rights as citizens and even as humans. Israel assigns the refugees held in Gaza less status than is given to the Jews worldwide and deprives the Palestinians of their rights to return to their former lands

George Dumitrescu
2009-01-06 11:05:22


The Nazis applied whatever was at their means to break the will of the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto. Israelis do the same thing; they use whatever is at their means to break the will of the Palestinians.
The Nazis killed the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto indiscriminately. Don&#8217;t the Israelis kill indiscriminately the inhabitants in forcing their control over Gaza?
The Jews of Israel and elsewhere are quite right to protest at the inhumanity of the Nazis in their treatment of them and oblige the world not to allow the same situation to happen again. The Palestinians protest at the inhumanity of the Israeli treatment, yet in a bizarre twist of events, the world still allows the oppression to happen and continue.
It was after the Jews in the ghetto had been largely killed or transported that the world stood up and felt guilty in not acting sooner.
When the world will stand up and say: Enough is enough, there is not going to be a repeat of the Warsaw Ghetto and particularly when its perpetrators are those who suffered the most by its conduct.
There is a basic conflict of inhumanity occurring to the Palestinian people of Gaza that the world is deliberately ignoring. An inhumanity that was inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto is now more than ever closely paralleling that which they are inflicting on the people of Gaza. They learned a hard lesson but it was not a lesson learned well. They have been given the power to practice humanity but have decided instead that they will treat the concerns of the Palestinians in the same inhumane way the Nazis treated them.
Let's see, the Nazis created a wall around the ghetto to prevent the inhabitants from leaving and requiring certain papers at armed gates for those lucky enough to be granted permission by men with machine guns, Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential supplies, Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the inhabitants of the ghetto, Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity, and Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care.
The blockade of Gaza by Israel is similar to the Nazi blockade of the ghetto.

George Dumitrescu
2009-01-06 11:05:57


And just like the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the inhabitants behind the walls, built tunnels and used sewers to smuggle in weapons from outside allies to fight with all the means that they had (armed with smuggled or captured rifles, pistols and grenades, along with locally produced bombs and Molotov cocktails). The insurgents had little ammunition, and relied heavily on improvised explosive devices (IED&#8217;s) and incendiary bottles. And like the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the inhabitants vow to fight to the death and use suicide as a tactic (some of the Warsaw ghetto fighters committed suicide rather than being caught in fact many of their leaders took cyanide at Mila 18 headquarters rather than surrender).
And believe me, the Warsaw ghetto fighters would have used rockets everyday as well, if they had them in their possession through smuggling the rockets from outside allies into the walled ghetto which was surrounded by the armed forces of the Nazis and their Allies.
The parallels are overwhelming

George Dumitrescu
2009-01-06 11:06:38


Americans have bloody hands in the Israeli massacre of Palestinians in the Gaza/Warsaw Ghetto. Uncle Sam gives Israel all the money it wants and all the political cover it needs to carry out genocide. This is why so much of the world and especially the Muslim world hates America because we are funding genocide. Americans should demand that all this aid be stopped so that the genocide can be stopped. Americans and the whole world should boycott Israel and boycott all the Zionist supporters around the world.

2009-01-06 11:28:35

Zahalul sangereaza,acum trebuie sifonat urat.

Isi vor primi papara.

2009-01-06 11:33:15

Milosevici,un bebelus inocent pe langa criminalul Barak.

Primul a ajuns la Haga,iar al doilea este,inca liber, si pozeaza ca erou.

2009-01-06 11:40:58

Ce chitic sa facut soldatelul curajos

Ba da ce sange au soldati astia evrei dupa ce nu a mai ramas nimic din palestina se mai si feresc ca sobolanii de frica cu toata technologia militara de virf ca o iau in freza . Ce le-a mai ramas la dobitoacele de arabitoi lovite de 10 zile cu artilerie grea ,numai mandria de om si la soldatii le titie curul sa o ia.

2009-01-06 13:02:55

Cat timp Ghaza va fi atacata de Israel, e firesc sa fie posibile comentariile noastre, dle Rosenthal

Asa e firesc ...
Daca nu putem impiedica in mod direct, macar noi ne constituim in opinia publica de care va veti lovi dupa ce toate astea se vor fi terminat ....
Iar la acel final, cei care au purtat atacul si poarta vina mortii raspandite intre civili, va fi firesc sa aiba parte de un proces asa cum au avut Milosevici, ofiterii armatei germane , etc.

2009-01-06 13:11:01

Re: continua


La 2009-01-06 11:05:22, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> The Nazis applied whatever was at their means to break the will of the
> Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto. Israelis do the same thing; they use
> whatever is at their means to break the will of the Palestinians.
> The Nazis killed the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto
> indiscriminately. Don&#8217;t the Israelis kill indiscriminately the
> inhabitants in forcing their control over Gaza?
> The Jews of Israel and elsewhere are quite right to protest at the
> inhumanity of the Nazis in their treatment of them and oblige the
> world not to allow the same situation to happen again. The
> Palestinians protest at the inhumanity of the Israeli treatment, yet
> in a bizarre twist of events, the world still allows the oppression
> to happen and continue.
> It was after the Jews in the ghetto had been largely killed or
> transported that the world stood up and felt guilty in not acting
> sooner.
> When the world will stand up and say: Enough is enough, there is not
> going to be a repeat of the Warsaw Ghetto and particularly when its
> perpetrators are those who suffered the most by its conduct.
> There is a basic conflict of inhumanity occurring to the Palestinian
> people of Gaza that the world is deliberately ignoring. An inhumanity
> that was inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto is
> now more than ever closely paralleling that which they are inflicting
> on the people of Gaza. They learned a hard lesson but it was not a
> lesson learned well. They have been given the power to practice
> humanity but have decided instead that they will treat the concerns
> of the Palestinians in the same inhumane way the Nazis treated them.
> Let's see, the Nazis created a wall around the ghetto to prevent the
> inhabitants from leaving and requiring certain papers at armed gates
> for those lucky enough to be granted permission by men with machine
> guns, Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential
> supplies, Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the inhabitants
> of the ghetto, Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and
> electricity, and Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate
> health care.
> The blockade of Gaza by Israel is similar to the Nazi blockade of the
> ghetto.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-06 13:48:45

Re: Du-te intai...

informeaza-te si dupa aia vino pe forum, ia auzi - "Oare de ce nu a facut Israel o misiune comuna impreuna cu Palestina pentru eliminarea Hamas? Asa mi se parea normal ."

La 2009-01-06 10:52:21, tomi01_2000 a scris:

> Oare Israel are intr-adevar dreptate in ce face?
> Domnule Rosenthal
> Reactiile Israelului sunt normale? Atacul civililor (bombardament din
> aer si atac la sol) in zona palestiniana si neacordarea dreptului de
> observare unor persoane independente cum vi se pare?
> Oare de ce nu a facut Israel o misiune comuna impreuna cu Palestina
> pentru eliminarea Hamas? Asa mi se parea normal ( Palestina detine
> zona Ghaza)!
> Doar pentru ca exista sprijinul dinspre America - Israel a trecut la o
> pozitie de forta? .....
> Si mai sustineti in continuare temnita din Germania .... care e un caz
> aparte. In Romania nu exista precedentul german (legea este o urmare a
> efectelor din lagarele in care au sfarsit multi oameni - nu neaparat
> evrei) pentru a fi justificata o asemenea lege.
> Nu incercati sa eliminati ratiunea si analiza publicului roman, care
> vreti nu vreti e parte a planetei!
> Nu incercati (asa cum o faceti) sa ne dati concluzia dvs gata
> "digerata" - in care spuneti ca Hamas e de vina!
> Si eu sustin ca Israelul are o mare vina (de fapt este singurul
> vinovat) in pornirea acestui razboi pe care nu are cum sa il castige.
> Acest act de invazie nu cumva va declansa Jihad-ul ...
> PS desmatul neolegionar pe forum - reprezinta niste opinii clare,
> directe fara ocolisuri sau diplomatie nenecesara. Copii , femeile si
> barbatii civili omorati de armata israeliana antrenata si dotata
> ultimul racnet oare ce reprezinta? Activitate "umana si cetateneasca"
> cumva?

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-06 13:51:05

Re: Adevarat...

sunt multi care dau din clantza...

La 2009-01-06 13:02:55, tomi01_2000 a scris:

> Asa e firesc ...
> Daca nu putem impiedica in mod direct, macar noi ne constituim in
> opinia publica de care va veti lovi dupa ce toate astea se vor fi
> terminat ....
> Iar la acel final, cei care au purtat atacul si poarta vina mortii
> raspandite intre civili, va fi firesc sa aiba parte de un proces asa
> cum au avut Milosevici, ofiterii armatei germane , etc.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-06 14:29:45

Re: Cat de prost esti...

au declarat evreii in Warsaw Ghetto ca Germania nu are drept la existenta ca stat in Europa?

Le-au dat germanii alegerea - "purtati-va frumos, nu trageti rachete, ca va

Ai vazut evreii in Ghetto cum ii vezi pe suporterii Hamas aici?


La 2009-01-06 11:04:18, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> The Warsaw Ghetto during the Jewish Holocaust holds special
> significance to the European Jews. It was a place of oppression and
> the pathway to the ultimate death of thousands of their population
> that has become symbolic with their struggle for recognition. Yet
> what they are failing to acknowledge as their descendants press
> forward with their own brand of Jewish and Zionist idealism is the
> parallel set of conditions that they are now imposing on the Arab
> people of Palestine.
> The Nazis rounded up the Jews of Poland and quartered them in a small
> area of Warsaw, building a barricade around the perimeter to prevent
> them leaving. So too have the Israelis through conflict and force
> pushed many of the Arab inhabitants out of Israel into an enclave
> that now has a population density of 4,200 people per sq. km which is
> 14 times that of the surrounding area of Israel which has 360 people
> per sq. km.
> The Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential
> supplies. So too has the Israeli government stopped the flow of goods
> to the 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza by limiting the convoys of
> supplies to a mere trickle.
> The Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the Jewish inhabitants
> of the ghetto to 241 calories per day. So too have the Israelis
> reduced the calorie intake of the Palestinians in Gaza. According to
> a UN report, it is presently at 61 percent of the average daily
> requirements.
> The Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity.
> So too has the Israeli government.
> The Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care.
> Israelis restrict the health care in Gaza by limiting the medical
> supplies in or the treatment of cases that need to be done outside.
> The Jewish inhabitants through the ZZB and the ZOB resisted the
> oppression by the Nazis albeit too late and their rebellion was
> brutally crushed without concern for who was in the way. So too have
> the Palestinians of Gaza through their own resistance organizations,
> in particular Hamas, rebelled against their oppressors and so too do
> the Israelis use all means available to crush the rebellion without
> concern for who is in the way or who they maim or kill in doing so.
> The Nazis destroyed the structure of the ghetto leveling it to the
> ground in a broad quest to rout the resistance to their oppression.
> Israelis indiscriminately level buildings and the infrastructure in
> Gaza in a quest to rout out the resistance to their oppression. The
> Nazis assigned the Jewish people to a lesser status of all their
> inhabitants depriving them of their rights as citizens and even as
> humans. Israel assigns the refugees held in Gaza less status than is
> given to the Jews worldwide and deprives the Palestinians of their
> rights to return to their former lands

2009-01-06 15:48:48

Re: Du-te intai...

Pentru ca Hamas este partid politic ales in mod liber si democratic de catre Palestinieni. Se vede ca pentru voi, vointa poporului nu trebuie respectata, decat daca marionetele voastre ajung la putere, precum se intampla in toate "democratiile" de tip occidental.
Dar vine ea si vremea curateniei..

La 2009-01-06 13:48:45, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> informeaza-te si dupa aia vino pe forum, ia auzi - "Oare de ce nu a
> facut Israel o misiune comuna impreuna cu Palestina pentru
> eliminarea Hamas? Asa mi se parea normal ."

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-06 16:22:08

Re: Iarasi o dai in bara...

si Hitler a fost ales in mod democratic de catre germani...si vointa poporului a fost respectata, si ce a urmat stii si tu.
Tampitul care a pus intrebarea nici nu stie de putch-ul care a avut loc in Gaza, cum a alungat Hamasul Autoritatea Palestiniana, care n-a opus nicio rezistenta, si a preluat puterea.

La 2009-01-06 15:48:48, Eufrosin a scris:

> Pentru ca Hamas este partid politic ales in mod liber si democratic
> de catre Palestinieni. Se vede ca pentru voi, vointa poporului nu
> trebuie respectata, decat daca marionetele voastre ajung la putere,
> precum se intampla in toate "democratiile" de tip occidental.
> Dar vine ea si vremea curateniei..
> La 2009-01-06 13:48:45, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > informeaza-te si dupa aia vino pe forum, ia auzi - "Oare de ce nu a
> > facut Israel o misiune comuna impreuna cu Palestina pentru
> > eliminarea Hamas? Asa mi se parea normal ."
> >
> >

2009-01-06 17:34:51

Re: Du-te intai...

De ce nu intelegeti ca atata vreme cat nu faceti curatenie in guvernul vostru, instaland oameni cinstiti si pasnici, caci sunt destui evrei din aceia in Israel, nu veti avea pace niciodata?

Nu este cu putinta ca guvernul sionist sa invadeze, extermine si batjocoreasca pe Palestinieni, fara ca relele sa se intoarca impotriva voastra, a tuturor.
Daca Palestinienii ar inceta lupta, insasi pietrele s-ar arunca singure..

Cel mai mare rau in Israel este guvernul vostru. Va va duce de rapa pe toti. Sa nu spui ca nu ti-a spus-o cineva.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-06 16:22
Re: Iarasi o dai in bara...

si Hitler a fost ales in mod democratic de catre germani...si vointa poporului a fost respectata, si ce a urmat stii si tu.
Tampitul care a pus intrebarea nici nu stie de putch-ul care a avut loc in Gaza, cum a alungat Hamasul Autoritatea Palestiniana, care n-a opus nicio rezistenta, si a preluat puterea.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-01-06 17:48:26

Re: De ce nu intelegi ...

ca nu conteaza daca avem guvern de dreapta sau de stanga, palestinienii raman pe aceeasi linie, Israelul n-are drept la existenta in Orientul Mijlociu.
Daca n-ai citit, citeste Hamas Charter.

La 2009-01-06 17:34:51, Eufrosin a scris:

> De ce nu intelegeti ca atata vreme cat nu faceti curatenie
> in guvernul vostru, instaland oameni cinstiti si pasnici, caci sunt
> destui evrei din aceia in Israel, nu veti avea pace niciodata?
> Nu este cu putinta ca guvernul sionist sa invadeze, extermine
> si batjocoreasca pe Palestinieni, fara ca relele sa se intoarca
> impotriva voastra, a tuturor.
> Daca Palestinienii ar inceta lupta, insasi pietrele s-ar arunca
> singure..
> Cel mai mare rau in Israel este guvernul vostru. Va va duce de rapa pe
> toti. Sa nu spui ca nu ti-a spus-o cineva.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
> 2009-01-06 16:22
> Re: Iarasi o dai in bara...
> si Hitler a fost ales in mod democratic de catre germani...si vointa
> poporului a fost respectata, si ce a urmat stii si tu.
> Tampitul care a pus intrebarea nici nu stie de putch-ul care a avut
> loc in Gaza, cum a alungat Hamasul Autoritatea Palestiniana, care n-a
> opus nicio rezistenta, si a preluat puterea.

2009-01-06 18:51:57

Re: De ce nu intelegi ...

Asta/asta e prea tampita sa inteleaga ceva deja numele Frosina dovedeste ca nu are nici un rost sa-i explici ce sa intamplat in Ghetoul Varsoviei,antisemiti se bucura ca Hitler a exterminat evreii ce conteaza realitatea pentru secaturile astea.

La 2009-01-06 17:48:26, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> ca nu conteaza daca avem guvern de dreapta sau de stanga,
> palestinienii raman pe aceeasi linie, Israelul n-are drept la
> existenta in Orientul Mijlociu.
> Daca n-ai citit, citeste Hamas Charter.
> La 2009-01-06 17:34:51, Eufrosin a scris:
> > De ce nu intelegeti ca atata vreme cat nu faceti curatenie
> > in guvernul vostru, instaland oameni cinstiti si pasnici, caci sunt
> > destui evrei din aceia in Israel, nu veti avea pace niciodata?
> >
> > Nu este cu putinta ca guvernul sionist sa invadeze, extermine
> > si batjocoreasca pe Palestinieni, fara ca relele sa se intoarca
> > impotriva voastra, a tuturor.
> > Daca Palestinienii ar inceta lupta, insasi pietrele s-ar arunca
> > singure..
> >
> > Cel mai mare rau in Israel este guvernul vostru. Va va duce de rapa pe
> > toti. Sa nu spui ca nu ti-a spus-o cineva.
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
> > 2009-01-06 16:22
> > Re: Iarasi o dai in bara...
> >
> > si Hitler a fost ales in mod democratic de catre germani...si vointa
> > poporului a fost respectata, si ce a urmat stii si tu.
> > Tampitul care a pus intrebarea nici nu stie de putch-ul care a avut
> > loc in Gaza, cum a alungat Hamasul Autoritatea Palestiniana, care n-a
> > opus nicio rezistenta, si a preluat puterea.
> >

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