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  Nr. 4427 de luni, 5 ianuarie 2009 
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George Dumitrescu (...@bigpond.net.au, IP: 58.161.208...)
2009-01-06 11:05

The Nazis applied whatever was at their means to break the will of the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto. Israelis do the same thing; they use whatever is at their means to break the will of the Palestinians.
The Nazis killed the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto indiscriminately. Don’t the Israelis kill indiscriminately the inhabitants in forcing their control over Gaza?
The Jews of Israel and elsewhere are quite right to protest at the inhumanity of the Nazis in their treatment of them and oblige the world not to allow the same situation to happen again. The Palestinians protest at the inhumanity of the Israeli treatment, yet in a bizarre twist of events, the world still allows the oppression to happen and continue.
It was after the Jews in the ghetto had been largely killed or transported that the world stood up and felt guilty in not acting sooner.
When the world will stand up and say: Enough is enough, there is not going to be a repeat of the Warsaw Ghetto and particularly when its perpetrators are those who suffered the most by its conduct.
There is a basic conflict of inhumanity occurring to the Palestinian people of Gaza that the world is deliberately ignoring. An inhumanity that was inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto is now more than ever closely paralleling that which they are inflicting on the people of Gaza. They learned a hard lesson but it was not a lesson learned well. They have been given the power to practice humanity but have decided instead that they will treat the concerns of the Palestinians in the same inhumane way the Nazis treated them.
Let's see, the Nazis created a wall around the ghetto to prevent the inhabitants from leaving and requiring certain papers at armed gates for those lucky enough to be granted permission by men with machine guns, Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential supplies, Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the inhabitants of the ghetto, Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity, and Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care.
The blockade of Gaza by Israel is similar to the Nazi blockade of the ghetto.

SFANTUL din Paris (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.235.49...)
2009-01-06 13:11
Re: continua


La 2009-01-06 11:05:22, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> The Nazis applied whatever was at their means to break the will of the
> Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto. Israelis do the same thing; they use
> whatever is at their means to break the will of the Palestinians.
> The Nazis killed the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto
> indiscriminately. Don’t the Israelis kill indiscriminately the
> inhabitants in forcing their control over Gaza?
> The Jews of Israel and elsewhere are quite right to protest at the
> inhumanity of the Nazis in their treatment of them and oblige the
> world not to allow the same situation to happen again. The
> Palestinians protest at the inhumanity of the Israeli treatment, yet
> in a bizarre twist of events, the world still allows the oppression
> to happen and continue.
> It was after the Jews in the ghetto had been largely killed or
> transported that the world stood up and felt guilty in not acting
> sooner.
> When the world will stand up and say: Enough is enough, there is not
> going to be a repeat of the Warsaw Ghetto and particularly when its
> perpetrators are those who suffered the most by its conduct.
> There is a basic conflict of inhumanity occurring to the Palestinian
> people of Gaza that the world is deliberately ignoring. An inhumanity
> that was inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto is
> now more than ever closely paralleling that which they are inflicting
> on the people of Gaza. They learned a hard lesson but it was not a
> lesson learned well. They have been given the power to practice
> humanity but have decided instead that they will treat the concerns
> of the Palestinians in the same inhumane way the Nazis treated them.
> Let's see, the Nazis created a wall around the ghetto to prevent the
> inhabitants from leaving and requiring certain papers at armed gates
> for those lucky enough to be granted permission by men with machine
> guns, Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential
> supplies, Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the inhabitants
> of the ghetto, Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and
> electricity, and Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate
> health care.
> The blockade of Gaza by Israel is similar to the Nazi blockade of the
> ghetto.

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