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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-01-02 13:24
in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

asa ca putem dormii linistitzi pe miinile lor conducatoare

The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza


The following article was forwarded by email from a White Nationalist who is also of Jewish descent.

–Admin staff 2

“When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy…You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…”

–Book of Deuteronomy, 7:1-8

The aerial assault on Gaza thus far resulting in several hundred deaths and close to a thousand casualties (much of which will result in even more deaths) must–if it is to be understood correctly–be placed within the historical context of the religious ideas expounded by Judaism since its inception and which today constitute the philosophical lifeblood of the state of Israel.

It is an increasingly popular fad these days amongst those taking the moral high road against Israel’s 60 year-long orgy of violence and bloodshed against the indigenous Semites of Palestine, Lebanon and other surrounding areas to erect a separation wall between “Zionism” as a violent, racist political movement and “Judaism” as a “holy religion” devoted to the worship of God. Such arguments, whether made by groups such as Neturei Karta or “Rabbis For Human Rights” or whoever maintain that the two ideologies are as different from each other as the lion is to the lamb. Some go so far as to refer to Herzl, the founding father of Zionism as a “heretic” who abandoned the “godliness” of Judaism in favor of a secular, Marxist ideology responsible for creating the modern Jewish state.

However, despite some very impressive arguments made by prominent individuals and groups in trying to paint this picture the fact is that the aforementioned argument is as real as any other fantasy created by Jewish Hollywood that defies the laws of reason or reality. Modern day Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, and it has been the fundamental misunderstanding of this fact that has brought the situation to where it is today, both in the Holy Land and in the present “Clash of Civilizations” between the West and the Islamic world.
The World’s most Extreme, violent Racism — Jewish Supremacism!
Posted under: General— @ 1:08 am

evreu normal din tuturor sperantelor (...@013.net, IP: 87.69.185...)
2009-01-02 14:02
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

La 2009-01-02 13:24:21, iobagul roman a scris:

Animalule absurd si antisimit aciuit in USA!
Dece nu nu descrii macelul prin gazarea garniturilor de tren ale legionarilor romani impotriva evreilor la Iasi?
Dece nu amintesti de trimiterea evreilor de catre romani la Auschwitz si Transnistria??????
Dintre victemel voastre este si o parte a familiei mele.
Domnule sa-ti fie clar tie si celorlalti latrai antisemiti depe forum:
Istoria crimelor voastre impotriva poporului evreu nu se va mai repeta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> asa ca putem dormii linistitzi pe miinile lor conducatoare
> The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza
> The following article was forwarded by email from a White Nationalist
> who is also of Jewish descent.
> –Admin staff 2
> “When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to
> possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then
> slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no
> agreements with them nor show them any mercy…You shall destroy
> their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn
> their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD
> thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others
> upon the face of the earth…”
> –Book of Deuteronomy, 7:1-8
> The aerial assault on Gaza thus far resulting in several hundred
> deaths and close to a thousand casualties (much of which will result
> in even more deaths) must–if it is to be understood
> correctly–be placed within the historical context of the
> religious ideas expounded by Judaism since its inception and which
> today constitute the philosophical lifeblood of the state of Israel.
> It is an increasingly popular fad these days amongst those taking the
> moral high road against Israel’s 60 year-long orgy of violence
> and bloodshed against the indigenous Semites of Palestine, Lebanon
> and other surrounding areas to erect a separation wall between
> “Zionism” as a violent, racist political movement and
> “Judaism” as a “holy religion” devoted to the
> worship of God. Such arguments, whether made by groups such as Neturei
> Karta or “Rabbis For Human Rights” or whoever maintain
> that the two ideologies are as different from each other as the lion
> is to the lamb. Some go so far as to refer to Herzl, the founding
> father of Zionism as a “heretic” who abandoned the
> “godliness” of Judaism in favor of a secular, Marxist
> ideology responsible for creating the modern Jewish state.
> However, despite some very impressive arguments made by prominent
> individuals and groups in trying to paint this picture the fact is
> that the aforementioned argument is as real as any other fantasy
> created by Jewish Hollywood that defies the laws of reason or
> reality. Modern day Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, and it has
> been the fundamental misunderstanding of this fact that has brought
> the situation to where it is today, both in the Holy Land and in the
> present “Clash of Civilizations” between the West and the
> Islamic world.
> The World’s most Extreme, violent Racism — Jewish
> Supremacism!
> Posted under: General— @ 1:08 am

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 89.34.194...)
2009-01-02 14:14
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

La 2009-01-02 13:24:21, iobagul roman a scris:

> asa ca putem dormii linistitzi pe miinile lor conducatoare

mai citeste-ti biblia scarnave ca pe $ care il primesti ca leafa si il lingi in cur pe patron este probabil un simbol care nu iti face placere.

Pune-ti sabia la locul ei, cãci toti cei ce scot sabia de sabie vor pieri.” (Matei 26:52)

Acest cuvant al Domnului Iisus nu este stipulat in credinta crestina prea tare pentru ca in crestinism sabia nu isi are locul, crestinii sunt oameni ai pocaintei ai cuvantului Evangheliei, nu lucreaza cu unelte de razboi. Dar exista o invatatura foarte puternica in spatele acestei expresii ai Domnului Iisus care este ca o lege nescrisa, care functioneaza mereu si mereu, si oamenii de pretutindeni parca se incapataneze sa o invete.

Versetul spune: “caci toti cei ce scot sabia de sabie vor pieri” acolo spune ca “toti” nu doar cei mai nefericiti. Acum noi putem scoate sabie vicleniei in lupta cu oamenii, si ne gandim ca daca nu isi vor da seama, noi vom scapa si vom fi castigati, dar Domnul spune: “toti cei ce scot sabia de sabie for pieri” deci chiar daca nu ai fost observat de nimeni, cel putin Domnul Iisus te-a vazut si el isi va implini cuvantul. Unii scot sabia minciunii cum a facut Anania si Safira, si in mod supranatural Dumnezeu a descoperit lui Petru ca era o minciuna si a pierit Anania si Safira. Atunci cand eu jignesc sau nedreptatesc pe cineva, chiar fara intentie sau prea tare, domnule parca e un facut, nu stiu daca si voua vi s-a intamplat, neaparat mi se intampla si mie inapoi exact ce am facut eu in mad nedrept, si de multe ori exact de la aceeasi persoana, si fara ca noi doi parca sa fim constienti de ce se intampla, asa fara cuvinte. Legea nescrisa a lui Hristos se implineste. Si cand barfim pe cineva, chiar daca cel in cauza nu afla niciodata ca a fost barfit, negresit acea lege se intoarce impotriva noastra si vom fi barfiti si noi, sau desconsiderati de oameni. Cand cineva se mandreste, ne ingamfa pe nedrept de niste lucruri (care nu vin de la el), si atunci a scos o “sabie” si “toti cei ce scot sabia de sabie vor pieri” si Domnul il smereste si il pune in starea lui normala.

Domnul sa ne ajute sa invatam aceasta lege nescrisa a Lui si sa o respectam!

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.226.121...)
2009-01-02 14:15
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

La 2009-01-02 14:02:43, evreu normal a scris:

> Dece nu nu descrii macelul prin gazarea garniturilor de tren ale
> legionarilor romani impotriva evreilor la Iasi?

Domnule, cu istoria "gazarii garniturilor de tren din Iasi", decrebilizati evenimente reale care pot fi luate drept tot povesti ca aceasta, doar daca nu vorbiti de gazare prin propriile lor flatulente.

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.226.121...)
2009-01-02 14:20
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.234...)
2009-01-02 14:28
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

Bai boule,

Vad ca manat de ura si partinire te-ai apucat sa manaci cacat tocmai acolo unde nu era nimic de mancat.
De care gazare a evreilor la iasi vorbesti ba ?
Si cand ma-ta au trimis romanii evrei in trenuri la Auschwitz bai dementule ?
Una este sa postezi adevaruri si alta este sa te apuci sa mananci cacat aiurea.
La Auschwitz au trimis evrei autoritatile maghiare care au stapanit Transilvania intre 1940 si 1944 bou ce esti, nu autoritatile romane pentru ca din Regat n-a fost trimis in lagarele germane de exterminare fir de evreu.
Alta data sa-ti verifici postarile carora vrei sa le dai drumul si sa stopezi tampeniile din ele.

La 2009-01-02 14:02:43, evreu normal a scris:

> La 2009-01-02 13:24:21, iobagul roman a scris:
> Animalule absurd si antisimit aciuit in USA!
> Dece nu nu descrii macelul prin gazarea garniturilor de tren ale
> legionarilor romani impotriva evreilor la Iasi?
> Dece nu amintesti de trimiterea evreilor de catre romani la Auschwitz
> si Transnistria??????
> Dintre victemel voastre este si o parte a familiei mele.
> Domnule sa-ti fie clar tie si celorlalti latrai antisemiti depe
> forum:
> Istoria crimelor voastre impotriva poporului evreu nu se va mai
> repeta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> > asa ca putem dormii linistitzi pe miinile lor conducatoare
> >
> > The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza
> >
> >
> > The following article was forwarded by email from a White Nationalist
> > who is also of Jewish descent.
> >
> > –Admin staff 2
> >
> > “When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to
> > possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then
> > slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no
> > agreements with them nor show them any mercy…You shall destroy
> > their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn
> > their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD
> > thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others
> > upon the face of the earth…”
> >
> > –Book of Deuteronomy, 7:1-8
> >
> > The aerial assault on Gaza thus far resulting in several hundred
> > deaths and close to a thousand casualties (much of which will result
> > in even more deaths) must–if it is to be understood
> > correctly–be placed within the historical context of the
> > religious ideas expounded by Judaism since its inception and which
> > today constitute the philosophical lifeblood of the state of Israel.
> >
> > It is an increasingly popular fad these days amongst those taking the
> > moral high road against Israel’s 60 year-long orgy of violence
> > and bloodshed against the indigenous Semites of Palestine, Lebanon
> > and other surrounding areas to erect a separation wall between
> > “Zionism” as a violent, racist political movement and
> > “Judaism” as a “holy religion” devoted to the
> > worship of God. Such arguments, whether made by groups such as Neturei
> > Karta or “Rabbis For Human Rights” or whoever maintain
> > that the two ideologies are as different from each other as the lion
> > is to the lamb. Some go so far as to refer to Herzl, the founding
> > father of Zionism as a “heretic” who abandoned the
> > “godliness” of Judaism in favor of a secular, Marxist
> > ideology responsible for creating the modern Jewish state.
> >
> > However, despite some very impressive arguments made by prominent
> > individuals and groups in trying to paint this picture the fact is
> > that the aforementioned argument is as real as any other fantasy
> > created by Jewish Hollywood that defies the laws of reason or
> > reality. Modern day Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, and it has
> > been the fundamental misunderstanding of this fact that has brought
> > the situation to where it is today, both in the Holy Land and in the
> > present “Clash of Civilizations” between the West and the
> > Islamic world.
> > The World’s most Extreme, violent Racism — Jewish
> > Supremacism!
> > Posted under: General— @ 1:08 am
> >

evreu normal din tuturor sperantelor (...@013.net, IP: 87.69.185...)
2009-01-02 14:50
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.226.121...)
2009-01-02 14:55
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus

alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.234...)
2009-01-02 14:56
Re:in haita asta de evrei,nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus.evreu normal

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-02 15:33
Re: Aici ai dreptate...

Hokusai san din Kyoto (...@gmail.com, IP: 94.52.184...)
2009-01-02 16:51
Re: in haita asta de evrei, nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la / Mircea, Alwis, am zis, Carol e

bazileus din ROMANIA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.82.2...)
2009-01-02 20:20
Re: Re:in haita asta de evrei,nu exista pacifisti,totzi sunt de la gradul de macelar in sus.evreu normal

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