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  Nr. 4426 de miercuri, 31 decembrie 2008 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-01 18:10
Protesters worldwide express anger at Israel

Demonstrations around world denounce Israel's deadly bombardment of Gaza Strip.

PARIS - Protesters denouncing Israel's deadly bombardment of the Gaza Strip returned to the streets Tuesday in demonstrations around the world to keep up the pressure for an end to the violence.
As Israel, under increasing diplomatic pressure, mulled a proposed 48-hour truce and the death toll from its onslaught rose to at least 373 Palestinians, the protesters made their voices heard again.
In France, more than 7,000 protesters marched in a dozen cities across the country to denounce the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which continued for the fourth day running Tuesday.
In Paris, around 3,500 people according to police -- 5,000 according to the organizers -- marched towards the French foreign ministry on the Quai D'Orsay by the River Seine, shouting slogans and carrying banners denouncing Israel.
Police said another 700 marched in the western city of Nantes, while demonstrations in at least a dozen cities and towns across the country each attracted hundreds of protesters.
In London, between 200 and 300 demonstrators protested peacefully outside the Israeli embassy, after the two previous days' rallies had descended into violence.
This demonstration was smaller than on Sunday and Monday, when scuffles erupted between police and protestors against Israel's air raids, leading to a total of 17 arrests over the two days.
Iranian demonstrators stormed the British diplomatic compound in Tehran Tuesday evening to protest London's stance towards the Israeli onslaught, state news agency IRNA reported.
"A large group of people and students entered the Gholhak gardens, which are occupied by the British embassy to protest at Britain's policies in supporting the Zionist regime and put up the Palestinian flag there," IRNA said.
A media officer at the British embassy in Tehran confirmed the report.
In Washington, around 200 people protested outside the US State Department chanting slogans like "Stop the Killing, Stop the War, Stop the Genocide of Palestinians" and with some carrying banners saying "Stop US Aid to Israel".
In Tunis, hundreds of lawyers and trade unionists joined opposition activists to defy a police ban and protest the bombing of Gaza, several sources reported.
As some protesters shouted slogans denouncing the lack of response from Arab countries in general and Egypt in particular, police headed off the demonstration as it headed towards the courthouse, said witnesses.
Tunisia's government has already condemned the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip.
Saudi Arabia's interior ministry denied a report by Shiite news website Rasid.com that hundreds had demonstrated Monday afternoon in heavily Shiite Al Qatif, just west of Dammam, leading to several arrests.
Shiite news website Rasid.com reported that police had fired rubber bullets to break up the demonstrations Monday afternoon, which were attended by hundreds of people. But an interior ministry spokesman said there had been no such demonstration.
Demonstrators in the Yemeni port city of Aden briefly broke into the Egyptian consulate to protest Cairo's response to the Israeli offensive, a security official said.
The protesters, mostly students from the university of Aden, "vandalised furniture before they were removed peacefully from the building," the official said, asking not to be identified.
Egypt has come in for strong criticism from its own population and people around the Muslim world for not fully opening its border with Gaza in the face of Israel's devastating air blitz.
In Algeria, about 100 people staged a protest in the capital Algiers after a call from politicians and editors of writers' and artists' magazines. They observed a minute's silence in memory of the dead.
In Panama City, around 200 people protested outside the Israeli embassy to condemn Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip.
In the Bulgarian capital Sofia, about 200 protesters called on the Bulgarian government to support the peace efforts. Demonstrators carried pro-Palestinian banners and others denouncing Israel.
Earlier Tuesday, about 200 people carrying flowers and candles offered a one-minute prayer in front of the Israeli embassy, with a Buddhist monk ringing a bell for the souls of the victims.
"This is nothing but a bloodbath," organizer Hiroshi Taniyama told demonstrators.


evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-01 18:25
Re: Bai cocoana Pinokia...

e mare nevoie acum in rai de curve virgine, si tu esti o candidata super...

La 2009-01-01 18:10:05, Zenn a scris:

> Demonstrations around world denounce Israel's deadly bombardment of
> Gaza Strip.
> PARIS - Protesters denouncing Israel's deadly bombardment of the Gaza
> Strip returned to the streets Tuesday in demonstrations around the
> world to keep up the pressure for an end to the violence.
> As Israel, under increasing diplomatic pressure, mulled a proposed
> 48-hour truce and the death toll from its onslaught rose to at least
> 373 Palestinians, the protesters made their voices heard again.
> In France, more than 7,000 protesters marched in a dozen cities across
> the country to denounce the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip,
> which continued for the fourth day running Tuesday.
> In Paris, around 3,500 people according to police -- 5,000 according
> to the organizers -- marched towards the French foreign ministry on
> the Quai D'Orsay by the River Seine, shouting slogans and carrying
> banners denouncing Israel.
> Police said another 700 marched in the western city of Nantes, while
> demonstrations in at least a dozen cities and towns across the
> country each attracted hundreds of protesters.
> In London, between 200 and 300 demonstrators protested peacefully
> outside the Israeli embassy, after the two previous days' rallies had
> descended into violence.
> This demonstration was smaller than on Sunday and Monday, when
> scuffles erupted between police and protestors against Israel's air
> raids, leading to a total of 17 arrests over the two days.
> Iranian demonstrators stormed the British diplomatic compound in
> Tehran Tuesday evening to protest London's stance towards the Israeli
> onslaught, state news agency IRNA reported.
> "A large group of people and students entered the Gholhak gardens,
> which are occupied by the British embassy to protest at Britain's
> policies in supporting the Zionist regime and put up the Palestinian
> flag there," IRNA said.
> A media officer at the British embassy in Tehran confirmed the
> report.
> In Washington, around 200 people protested outside the US State
> Department chanting slogans like "Stop the Killing, Stop the War,
> Stop the Genocide of Palestinians" and with some carrying banners
> saying "Stop US Aid to Israel".
> In Tunis, hundreds of lawyers and trade unionists joined opposition
> activists to defy a police ban and protest the bombing of Gaza,
> several sources reported.
> As some protesters shouted slogans denouncing the lack of response
> from Arab countries in general and Egypt in particular, police headed
> off the demonstration as it headed towards the courthouse, said
> witnesses.
> Tunisia's government has already condemned the Israeli bombardment of
> the Gaza Strip.
> Saudi Arabia's interior ministry denied a report by Shiite news
> website Rasid.com that hundreds had demonstrated Monday afternoon in
> heavily Shiite Al Qatif, just west of Dammam, leading to several
> arrests.
> Shiite news website Rasid.com reported that police had fired rubber
> bullets to break up the demonstrations Monday afternoon, which were
> attended by hundreds of people. But an interior ministry spokesman
> said there had been no such demonstration.
> Demonstrators in the Yemeni port city of Aden briefly broke into the
> Egyptian consulate to protest Cairo's response to the Israeli
> offensive, a security official said.
> The protesters, mostly students from the university of Aden,
> "vandalised furniture before they were removed peacefully from the
> building," the official said, asking not to be identified.
> Egypt has come in for strong criticism from its own population and
> people around the Muslim world for not fully opening its border with
> Gaza in the face of Israel's devastating air blitz.
> In Algeria, about 100 people staged a protest in the capital Algiers
> after a call from politicians and editors of writers' and artists'
> magazines. They observed a minute's silence in memory of the dead.
> In Panama City, around 200 people protested outside the Israeli
> embassy to condemn Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip.
> In the Bulgarian capital Sofia, about 200 protesters called on the
> Bulgarian government to support the peace efforts. Demonstrators
> carried pro-Palestinian banners and others denouncing Israel.
> Earlier Tuesday, about 200 people carrying flowers and candles offered
> a one-minute prayer in front of the Israeli embassy, with a Buddhist
> monk ringing a bell for the souls of the victims.
> "This is nothing but a bloodbath," organizer Hiroshi Taniyama told
> demonstrators.
> http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=29463

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 89.34.194...)
2009-01-01 18:45
Protesters worldwide express anger at Israel

La 2009-01-01 18:10:05, Zenn a scris:

> Demonstrations around world denounce Israel's deadly bombardment of
> Gaza Strip.

In afara de palavre si de a copia toate textele de ce nu faci ceva practic ?Poti sa-ti iei pe fratele vitreg lepra sifilitica din Ploesti -Sobru si sa pleci voluntar in Gaza .In mod sigur vei fi bine primit mai ales ca ai si o comunitate mare de intelectuale din Romania vandute sau convinse de un sapun FA sa cedeze uterul la cauza palestiniana.
Daca ai mai mult de 4 clase primare si poti sa si citesti ce scrie pe AKM atunci in mod sigur vei avea sansa nobila de a lupta contra cruciatilor judeocrestini care iti ataca rudele si prietenii.

Vad ca ai si devenit grijuliu ce spune opinia publica mondiala poate ca mai si primesti un job la Hamas ca purtator de cuvant.Dupa parerea mea poti fi o mare comoara intelectuala a acestei organizatie si ar fi pacat sa nu profiti de ea.Este mai intelectual decat sa fii sluga la italieni sau capsunar in Spania.

Un mic sfat sa nu pui cumva la gat vreo cruce ortodoxa caci iti taie Hamasul preputul imediat .Daca pleci azi atunci participi si la sarbatoare sf Vasile din Cezarea care este dupa cum nu stii comemorarea taierii imprejur a primului jidan al lumii Isus.Dat probabil ca in loc sa fi dus la biserica te-au botezat intr-o moschee asa ca nu ai de unde sa stii aceste lucruri pagane.

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-01 18:45
Re: Bai cocoana Pinokia...

Nu serios, vierme? De ce nu te-nscrii, sobolane. Cat mai ai timp.

La 2009-01-01 18:25:23, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> e mare nevoie acum in rai de curve virgine, si tu esti o candidata
> super...

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-01 18:50
Re: Protesters worldwide express anger at Israel

Conversatiile cu retardatii sant simpatice. In cazul tau e putin deosebit: mi-e scarba de viermi jegosi. Asa ca ia-ti instrumentele scarboase si canta la alta masa. Cat mai ai timp.

La 2009-01-01 18:45:07, nellu a scris:

> In afara de palavre si de a copia toate textele de ce nu faci ceva
> practic ?Poti sa-ti iei pe fratele vitreg lepra sifilitica din
> Ploesti -Sobru si sa pleci voluntar in Gaza .In mod sigur vei fi bine
> primit mai ales ca ai si o comunitate mare de intelectuale din Romania
> vandute sau convinse de un sapun FA sa cedeze uterul la cauza
> palestiniana.
> Daca ai mai mult de 4 clase primare si poti sa si citesti ce scrie pe
> AKM atunci in mod sigur vei avea sansa nobila de a lupta contra
> cruciatilor judeocrestini care iti ataca rudele si prietenii.
> Vad ca ai si devenit grijuliu ce spune opinia publica mondiala poate
> ca mai si primesti un job la Hamas ca purtator de cuvant.Dupa parerea
> mea poti fi o mare comoara intelectuala a acestei organizatie si ar fi
> pacat sa nu profiti de ea.Este mai intelectual decat sa fii sluga la
> italieni sau capsunar in Spania.
> Un mic sfat sa nu pui cumva la gat vreo cruce ortodoxa caci iti taie
> Hamasul preputul imediat .Daca pleci azi atunci participi si la
> sarbatoare sf Vasile din Cezarea care este dupa cum nu stii
> comemorarea taierii imprejur a primului jidan al lumii Isus.Dat
> probabil ca in loc sa fi dus la biserica te-au botezat intr-o moschee
> asa ca nu ai de unde sa stii aceste lucruri pagane.

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 89.34.194...)
2009-01-01 19:06
Re: Protesters worldwide express anger at Israel

La 2009-01-01 18:50:36, Zenn a scris:

> Conversatiile cu retardatii sant simpatice. In cazul tau e putin
> deosebit: mi-e scarba de viermi jegosi. Asa ca ia-ti instrumentele
> scarboase si canta la alta masa. Cat mai ai timp.
Serios ?Te-ai uitat in oglinda in mod sigur nici macar vierme scarbos cum spui nu o sa vezi.Ce nu ai argumente ? Sau faci ca la Buzau .Nu mai gasesti nici un site de plagaiat pe google ?
Asa ca du-te la un urolog scoate -ti branza din preputz ca ti-a umplut gura si ataca papilele de la degete .Eu cel putin nu sunt pt a te trata la psihiatru sau sa-ti fac infuzie dar daca o sa-ti crape ficatul o sa vin sa ti-l cos asa cum am invatat la facultatea din Cluj de medicina cu exceptia ca in plaga o sa-ti pun si branza taranesca .
Iar daca nu iti convine prezenta poti apela la webmaster sau sa-ti muti gunoiul lepros la Porunca Vremii .

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