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2008-12-29 20:59:42

Colonelul Putin...

Hi!Hi!HI!....nostimi neo bolsevicii astia...Criminali , dar nostimi...
..." crestere negativa"...Hi!Ha!Ha!...adica un fel de ...scadere pozitiva...
Asa se intampla cand Realitatea este contorsionata ca un pretzel...
Colonelul Ptin , cand se refera la : "crsterea economica de 6% , probabil ca se refera la productia de gaze si petrol...
Inceea ce priveste cresterea salariilor proletariatului sovietic cu 10- 12% , acestea probabil ca se refera la "organili de stat "...si poate si la prostituatele din Leningrad si Moskva care am auzit la stiri ca castiga intre 500 si 2000 pe noapte ( nu nu ruble ci :$ )...
In ceea ce priveste dorinta Liderului sovietic de a intari pozitia imperiului sau intre puterile Lumii....Hm!...
Pai parca ziarista Ileana Cornea , si desecretazorul ...secretelor Lumii , dl Vladimir Alexe , ne-a explicat in nenumarate randuri ca alaturi de maoisti si mulahii din teheran , a treia putere a Lumii sunt sovieticii din Kremlin...
Dar probabil ca colonelul Putin nu a citi articolele pline de deontologie ale celor doi ziaristi enumerati mai sus...
Citind ultima propozitie din articol reiese faptul ca "planurile " deszvoltarii noului imperiu sovietic , va urma "conceptia" si "programul de activitate al guvernului"...
Acestea ne pot asigura ca in Realitate , imperiul rus de astazi , va repeta Istoria imperiului sovietic din trecut...
Cu deosebirea ca de data aceasta , coalitia , nu va mai fi intre KGB si Politburo , ci intre KGB si Mafia rusa...cunoscuta si sub numele de '''ologarhi"...

jan dinu
2008-12-29 21:06:42

Re: Colonelul Putin...

La 2008-12-29 20:59:42, alamar a scris:

> Hi!Hi!HI!....nostimi neo bolsevicii astia...Criminali , dar
> nostimi...
> ..." crestere negativa"...Hi!Ha!Ha!...adica un fel de ...scadere
> pozitiva...
> Asa se intampla cand Realitatea este contorsionata ca un pretzel...
> Colonelul Ptin , cand se refera la : "crsterea economica de 6% ,
> probabil ca se refera la productia de gaze si petrol...
> Inceea ce priveste cresterea salariilor proletariatului sovietic cu
> 10- 12% , acestea probabil ca se refera la "organili de stat "...si
> poate si la prostituatele din Leningrad si Moskva care am auzit la
> stiri ca castiga intre 500 si 2000 pe noapte ( nu nu ruble ci :$
> )...
> In ceea ce priveste dorinta Liderului sovietic de a intari pozitia
> imperiului sau intre puterile Lumii....Hm!...
> Pai parca ziarista Ileana Cornea , si desecretazorul ...secretelor
> Lumii , dl Vladimir Alexe , ne-a explicat in nenumarate randuri ca
> alaturi de maoisti si mulahii din teheran , a treia putere a Lumii
> sunt sovieticii din Kremlin...
> Dar probabil ca colonelul Putin nu a citi articolele pline de
> deontologie ale celor doi ziaristi enumerati mai sus...
> Citind ultima propozitie din articol reiese faptul ca "planurile "
> deszvoltarii noului imperiu sovietic , va urma "conceptia" si
> "programul de activitate al guvernului"...
> Acestea ne pot asigura ca in Realitate , imperiul rus de astazi , va
> repeta Istoria imperiului sovietic din trecut...
> Cu deosebirea ca de data aceasta , coalitia , nu va mai fi intre KGB
> si Politburo , ci intre KGB si Mafia rusa...cunoscuta si sub numele
> de '''ologarhi"...
Esti eGzperimentat cu rateurile ce le-ai dat ...
Mai ales despre Obama - te-ai facut de panorama !

2008-12-29 22:33:58

Russian rouble slides to new low

The Russian rouble has hit a low after its central bank allowed the currency to devalue for the twelfth time - including nine falls this month.

It fell to 41.6 against the euro - an all time low - and to 29.3 against the dollar, the lowest level since 2005.

Restul articolului: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7803242.stm

2008-12-29 22:45:01

2009 worst year for Russian economy: FM


MOSCOW: Year 2009 will be the worst for the Russian economy since the World War-II, with the country's national budget deficit touching the USD 70
billion mark, says the Finance Minister.

"2009 will be the most difficult for the Russian and world economies. I cannot remember a worse year since the end of the Second World War. This will be the worst year for the economy in modern times," Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said last night in a TV interview.

Kudrin, who holds the rank of vice-premier in the cabinet of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told state-run Vesti TV channel, "In 2009, the budget will have a deficit of 1.5 to two trillion rubles, which we will have to make up from the national Reserve Fund".

Kudrin's statement virtually acknowledges the bankruptcy of Putin's economic model based on high oil prices, with oil windfall fueling the rapid re-emergence of the former Communist country as a global power.

Earlier, the Kremlin aide Arkady Dvorkovich said that the budget deficit could exceed five per cent of GDP in 2009 if the economy does not begin to recover by the middle of the year.

"If the situation follows a negative scenario and the economic recession lasts throughout next year, the deficit could exceed five per cent," he said.

During eight years of Putin's rule of consolidation of the state power, the Kremlin had been reluctant to introduce democratic reforms to give economic liberties to the common man, which in the situation of global economic crisis could spark off massive protests and unrest in the country.

2008-12-29 23:05:46

US Economy: From Bad to Worse

2008-12-30 01:25:35

Nu ai plingeti voi pe rusi .....

.....dar vedeti ce faceti cu economia Romaniei care din pacate nici macar nu este sub control national. Rusii se vor descurca, vor progresa si vor reveni la statutul de supraputere. Romanii se vor decurca si ei dar in cadrul unui statut complet diferit.

2008-12-30 01:32:09

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse

2008-12-30 02:25:00

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse

2008-12-30 02:39:21

Crestere negativa?

De ce nu? Pot sa-ti creasca datoriile? Pot! Este o exprimare mai diplomatica atunci cand economia se duce in jos.Ghici ce tara a fost cel mai putin afectata la criza inceputa in 1929? Rusia!!! Si-atunci nu-l avea pe Putin.

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 02:50:16

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse partea intii

La 2008-12-29 23:05:46, Evreu-rus a scris:

> US Economy: From Bad to Worse

Evrusake, stai sa vezi cum este prin Cuba lu' Fidel


<<< Many Unemployed Youths Now Graduate in Holguin, Cuba
By Leonardo Pupo Pupo / Thursday, 11 December 2008 / redaccion@ahora.cu

Over 40,000 students from the Comprehensive Upgrading for Unemployed Youth (CSIJ) have graduated in the eastern province of Holguin since its first period 2001-2002. This has had a great social impact on the Cuban family and society.

Juan Mir, methodologist in this eastern territory, told AIN that nearly four thousand students are currently attending the classrooms across the province, and that when concluding the upgrading, these graduates are guaranteed higher studies in such as sectors as health, higher education sports and teaching.

This comprehensive upgrading promotes the incorporation of unemployed youths aged between 17 and 29 years, in order to improve their quality of life and preparing them for higher education or selecting a job.

The teaching activities for the courses are held in the afternoon and evening and using television or through meetings with a teacher who helps them consolidate knowledge.

The social impact of this program has shown behavioural changes in the students, social acceptance by dealing with these young people and is in the interests of the Cuban families so that their children have new opportunities to study. >>>

2008-12-30 02:52:20

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse

La 2008-12-30 01:32:09, alwis46 a scris:

> Ai ajuns de rasul curcilor daca nu nu ai gasit decat o gazeta cubaneza
> din care sa citezi.
> Ce naiba bai muscalule, altceva nu gaseai ?

Poftim si o sursa americana, daca preferi:

US Economy Experiences Worst Job Cuts in Decades
By Deborah Tate

New government figures show a rise in U.S. unemployment last month, with U.S. employers cutting some 533,000 jobs - the most in 34 years. President George Bush says his administration is taking action to help strengthen the economy.

The Labor Department says the unemployment rate rose to 6.7 percent in November.

President Bush told reporters the job data reflects the fact that the American economy is in a recession, due in large part to severe problems in housing, credit and financial markets.

He says his administration is taking steps to address the problems by extending unemployment benefits to the jobless, making credit more affordable and available, and taking action to prevent home foreclosures.

"It is going to take time for all the actions we have taken to have their full impact. But I am confident that the steps we are taking will help fix the problems in our economy, and return it to strength."

At a hearing on Capitol Hill, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Keith Hall, described the unemployment figures as dismal.

"There is very little in this report that is positive," he said. "This is maybe one of the worst jobs report the Bureau of Labor Statistics has ever produced."

"Families are conserving their dwindling resources and simply not buying much of anything, including durable goods, such as cars," said Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who chaired the hearing before the Joint Economic Committee.

Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, executives from the three major automakers testified at a congressional hearing for the second straight day, making their case for $34 billion in loans to help shore up their industry, which has seen thousands of job losses.

President Bush urged Congress to act on a proposal that would redirect $25 billion in loans to help the automakers, but only to those that can survive.

Congress could vote on an aid package to the auto industry when it returns for a brief post-election session next week.


Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 02:58:38

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse partea doua

La 2008-12-29 23:05:46, Evreu-rus a scris:
> US Economy: From Bad to Worse

Evrusake, io-te colea ceva despre

<<<< Workplace Theft: Indicator of Mismanagement
By Circles Robinson* / Wednesday, 01 October 2008 / redaccion@ahora.cu

By Circles Robinson*
With Gustav and Ike, Cuba&#8217;s proven civil defense system once again demonstrated how well Cubans can organize. Despite the hurricanes&#8217; enormous destruction, only seven people died.

The population responded with a high level of family, neighborly and community solidarity, customary among Cubans during times of crisis.

However, the storms have greatly magnified the shortcomings in the island&#8217;s economy and addressing them has become all the more pressing.

One problem that most everyone agrees has reached epidemic proportions is workplace pilfering. Although by far not the only problem in the Cuban economy, it has combined with other factors including low productivity to keep the country from operating anywhere near capacity.

Workplace theft and cheating of consumers is widespread in both the service sector and industries. The problem exists in many countries, but management oversight, at best, or complicity at the worst, has greatly exacerbated its magnitude in Cuba. It seems particularly contradictory with a people known for their solidarity, and a system whose profits are earmarked for the public good.

A common topic of my co-workers and friends is the habit of overcharging at stores, cafeterias and restaurants. It is so common that being on guard has become the norm. Like my neighbors, I am also wary of adulterated products sold at state-owned facilities, be it a bottle of rum, stick of butter or a bottle of dishwashing liquid.

For those of us who have attempted to report problems to the supervisors, the frustration has only deepened, as their low level of concern indicates that they too may be involved.

Time and time again I&#8217;ve personally had the experience at supermarkets, agricultural markets, cafeterias, restaurants, bars and taxis, even most recently at the airport duty free store. Surprisingly though, most Cubans don&#8217;t complain about being overcharged, which makes a foreigner doing so seem even more out of place.

Eating at the Soul and Society

Over a month before the hurricanes, economic analyst Ariel Terrero pointed out that "theft is corrupting both the individual soul and society." Terrero was addressing the issue of disappearing building materials and shoddy construction work at different job sites.

His statement rings all the more true today as Cubans begin to feel the impact of the damage caused by the hurricanes that struck between August 31 and September 10.

Hard times, including shortages of some foodstuffs and an even greater lack of building materials are expected. This makes even more troubling the practice of treating state property as booty ripe for the taking and consumers as victims to be fleeced.

Likewise, while price gauging often accompanies the shortages that follow major disasters anywhere, in Cuba such price hikes are likely to serve as even greater incentive to buy or sell goods of a dubious origin.

On September 19, former President Fidel Castro wrote in a newspaper commentary: "It&#8217;s now, in the aftermath of the devastating blow dealt by the hurricanes, when we must show what we are capable of."

Without directly pointing any fingers Fidel Castro wrote that "every manifestation of privilege, corruption or robbery must be eradicated" and that "for a true communist, there can be no possible excuse for such conduct."

Where to Begin

How to change the widespread practice of workplace mismanagement and stealing is a matter of contention and opinions abound. Some pessimistically believe it&#8217;s impossible to deal with at this point, while others think it&#8217;s never too late to begin.

In discussions in my living room, some friends have said drastic punishment is needed for the higher ups involved, which would also serve as an example to those below them.

Others say an incentive system for sound management is needed so the managers will feel motivated to do their best to benefit the state coffers. Most would extend that proposal to labor, saying that employees should have a better grasp on the finances of their workplace, participate in decision making, and then have a clear stake in its performance through pay incentives.

No one is certain exactly where the culture of deteriorated workplace ethics began. Most blame the low buying power of salaries and fewer extras since the early 1990s. Some say the seeds were already there before but hadn&#8217;t gotten so out of hand.

Despite the social benefits of free education and health care, subsidized public utilities, transportation and some basic items, the reality is that today&#8217;s workers still scramble to feed and clothe their families. The contradiction between resolving ones personal problems and a country that needs to save on resources and make the most of what it has is rarely discussed.

It&#8217;s obvious that a major salary increase is not going to happen without increasing production, and most believe that such an increase in production is unlikely to occur without attractive pay incentives.

The idea of economic incentives for those that make a greater effort in a given workplace makes sense and is consistent with the earliest notions of socialism. Such a system should help increase productivity, thus boosting revenue for the recovery effort and for social and economic investment programs.

However, if a manager or employee that is stealing obtains considerably more than what they could earn through incentives I highly doubt they will stop their habit without much tighter controls and strong disciplinary measures.

While the problem is light weight compared to the financial crisis currently sweeping the United States and Europe, failing to put a dent in workplace mismanagement and theft in Cuba will act as a counterweight to the attempts to rebuild from the extensive hurricane damage and continue on the road to a healthier socialist economy. >>>

Omu' nou chiubanez = omu' nou soveticus = omu' mangleticus = omu' nou julibus = omu' comuist internatzucalist.

Ce zici Evrusake?

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 03:11:12

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse partea treia

La 2008-12-30 02:52:20, Evreu-rus a scris:>
> US Economy From Bad to Worse

Imperialistii americani atita la rezbel

<<< U.S. War Hysteria under Fire

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- This year the U.S. hard-line conservative forces have perpetrated unprecedented provocative moves in a bid to bring the six-party talks to deadlock, check the settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and strain the situation on the peninsula.

Rodong Sinmun Friday observes this in a signed article.

Accusing the U.S. hard-line conservative forces of letting loose a whole string of malignant remarks to lay a hurdle in the way of the progress of the six-party talks, the article notes that this is designed to achieve their criminal purpose to render the DPRK-U.S. relations extremely tense and thus execute their hostile policy towards the DPRK.

It is the ulterior intention of the U.S. bellicose forces to drive the situation to the brink of a war by increasing the pressure upon the DPRK with a hard-line big stick policy, not through the negotiated solution of the problem, and torpedoing denuclearization process on the peninsula, the article notes, and goes on:

The U.S. bellicose forces have staged frantic war exercises targeted against the DPRK by mobilizing their allied forces at a time when the denuclearization was under way on the peninsula. This clearly indicates that they do not stand for the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue but seek to stem the trend of dialogue and peace and stifle the DPRK by force of arms.

Their reckless military hysteria this year proves once again that they are stepping up their preparations for a war behind the scene of dialogue and their wild ambition to invade and dominate the DPRK by force of arms remains unchanged. The U.S. loudmouthed "peace" and "stability," however, are nothing but a smokescreen to cover up their scenario for invading the DPRK. Their plan to start a war of aggression against the DPRK remains unchanged.

The U.S. double-dealing tactics will never work on the DPRK.

It is the DPRK's independent mode of retaliation to counter the enemy brandishing a knife with a long sword and his use of gun with an artillery piece. The U.S. imperialists' policy to stifle the DPRK militarily is bound to go bust.

The U.S. bellicose forces would be well advised to behave themselves, properly understanding the mental power and military muscle of the DPRK. >>>

Ce zici Evrusake de succesilii doctrinei Giuce? Astia te omoara cu gindirea lu' Kim Ir Sen si Kim Jong Il.

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 03:21:08

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse partea patra

La 2008-12-29 23:05:46, Evreu-rus a scris:

> US Economy From Bad to Worse

Evrurake, ICRAL-ul din Phenian te ateapta cu ordinul de repartie in noul tau secure dweling ca ziceai ca vrei sa te muti cu foamelionu' tau din Sanki Leninsburg din motive de securitate perzonala.

<<< Housing Construction Progresses Apace

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government has paid deep attention to the construction of dwelling houses.

The dwelling construction is in full swing in Mansudae Street in the heart of Pyongyang and other parts of the city.

The Pyongyang City Construction Guidance Bureau is making positive efforts to build various types of dwelling houses in Mansudae Street that goes with other main streets of the city in a formative art. It is effecting innovations in construction by introducing monolithic concrete tamping and precast construction methods.

Provinces, cities and counties are also building dwellings suitable to local conditions, thus changing their looks.

Kim Jong Suk County, Ryanggang Province, has fixed blocks for the construction of dwelling houses in a well-defined framework in accordance with the street miniature of the township before pushing ahead with the construction speed by tapping raw materials and internal reserves available there.

Hundreds of dwelling houses are under construction in the City of Hoeryong and similar construction is going on in other cities and counties of North Hamgyong Province.

This year has witnessed the construction of lots of dwellings suitable to architectural features in Hyongjesan District and Sunan District of Pyongyang and other towns, counties and districts of the country.

A turn has been effected in the construction of rural dwelling houses, too, with the result that new rural villages commensurate with the socialist society have made their appearance.

Dwelling houses were built or repaired in rural areas including Raerim-ri, Jaeryong County and Sinchang-ri, Sinwon County of South Hwanghae Province.

Villages with houses for patients have come into being in the form of modern rural dwellings in Talchon hot spring in Samchon County, South Hwanghae Province, Wonhung hot spring in Tongsin County, Jagang Province, Kalsan hot spring in Phangyo County, Kangwon Province and Hwangjin hot spring in Myongchon County, North Hamgyong Province.

Thanks to the popular policy of the Workers' Party of Korea, the dwelling houses built at the state expense are being distributed to people free of charge.>>>

Evrusake, daca nu iti convine la Phenian, te poti muta la Havana ca acuma este si beserica ortodoxa ruseasca unde sa se roage nevasta-ta pentru iertarea pacatelor tale.

Mos Grigore
2008-12-30 03:23:17

WELL., e foarte clar ca Sovieticii sint KKt.................

dar asta e politica LU' ZIUA......asha ca el trebuie sa roada ce i se INTINDE!

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 03:33:13

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse partea cincea

La 2008-12-29 23:05:46, Evreu-rus a scris:
> From Bad to Worse

<<< Floral Basket to Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was presented with a floral basket by the family of Jang Nis Sim, Korean resident in Russia, Friday on the occasion of the New Year Juche 98 (2009).
Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were letters "We wholeheartedly wish the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il good health". >>>

nu stiam ca ai inceput-o cu galbeaza si acum ai dat-o in galbinare...

2008-12-30 04:35:58

Re: Crestere negativa?

Asta cu cresterea negativa o spun si "economistii" nostrii ... Deh, marii specialisti si limbajele lor !!!

2008-12-30 04:37:27

Re: Nu ai plingeti voi pe rusi .....

La 2008-12-30 01:25:35, BULA-NESCU a scris:

> Romanii se vor
> decurca si ei dar in cadrul unui statut complet diferit.
Cel de plantatie !!!

2008-12-30 05:28:51

se termina anul

si ziua nu si-a terminat planul cincinal la balacarit rusi. Va frige tare ca rusii sint mai tari ca americanii, eh? Americanii sint un mare si puturos kkt ambalat frumos in poleiala si stegulete cu stelute. Ziua, mai incet ca-l terminati.. si mai sint si altii pe forum care vor macar o imbukatura..

2008-12-30 06:02:42

Pai daca inflatia e de 13,5 % iar cresterea salariilor de 10-12% ...

... in curind ne vom trezi cu RusAhmed pe capul nostru !

PS Era o gluma - el oricum salahorizeaza de la ambasada Rusiei in Bucuresti ...

2008-12-30 06:04:28

Re: se termina anul - In ce dracu' sint mai tari - in cap ? ndc

La 2008-12-30 05:28:51, Anca2008 a scris:

> si ziua nu si-a terminat planul cincinal la balacarit rusi. Va frige
> tare ca rusii sint mai tari ca americanii, eh? Americanii sint un
> mare si puturos kkt ambalat frumos in poleiala si stegulete cu
> stelute. Ziua, mai incet ca-l terminati.. si mai sint si altii pe
> forum care vor macar o imbukatura..

2008-12-30 10:29:26


...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse planuri.

In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.

Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur, arhiva forumului ZIUA!

2008-12-30 10:51:23


Pai sa ne reamintim.
Presa bolsevica ne bombarda cu dezastruoasele scumpiri de 02-05% ale preturilor de prin cele Americi si tari occidentale in contrapartida cu minunatele si atat de beneficile reasezari de preturi ale socialismului biruitor la sate si orase cand curentul electric crestea de la un leu kilowatt-ul la 3 lei, cand carnea de porc crestea de la 18 lei/kg la 37 lei si cand biletul de tramvai s efacea 3 lei in loc de un leu.
Cam asa si acum...America si occidentul sunt intr-o groapa fara fund in timp ce Rusia, Cuba, Coreea de Nord, Venezuela si alte tari ca ele zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara sfarsit.

La 2008-12-30 10:29:26, moroianu a scris:

> ...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse
> planuri.
> In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit
> moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla
> intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu
> orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.
> Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur,
> arhiva forumului ZIUA!

2008-12-30 12:11:17

Re: Gresit, draga Alwiss!...

Trebuie sa fim in ton cu ultimele tendintze ale istoriei de cafenea:

In prezent, RUSIA se afla intr-o "groapa fara fund" (intrteaba-i pe Roy si pe Mache"), in vreme ce USA (a caror minuanta politica bancara a provocat actuala criza) si restul tarilor occidentale "zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara sfarsit".

Iar romanii nostri, impartiali cum ii stim, inregistreaza totul, dau verdicte si se bucura in forul lor interior de politicieni innascuti.

La 2008-12-30 10:51:23, alwis46 a scris:

> Pai sa ne reamintim.
> Presa bolsevica ne bombarda cu dezastruoasele scumpiri de 02-05% ale
> preturilor de prin cele Americi si tari occidentale in contrapartida
> cu minunatele si atat de beneficile reasezari de preturi ale
> socialismului biruitor la sate si orase cand curentul electric
> crestea de la un leu kilowatt-ul la 3 lei, cand carnea de porc
> crestea de la 18 lei/kg la 37 lei si cand biletul de tramvai s efacea
> 3 lei in loc de un leu.
> Cam asa si acum...America si occidentul sunt intr-o groapa fara fund
> in timp ce Rusia, Cuba, Coreea de Nord, Venezuela si alte tari ca ele
> zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara sfarsit.
> La 2008-12-30 10:29:26, moroianu a scris:
> >
> > ...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse
> > planuri.
> >
> > In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit
> > moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla
> > intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu
> > orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.
> >
> > Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur,
> > arhiva forumului ZIUA!
> >

2008-12-30 12:45:33

Re: Gresit, draga Alwiss!...

Nu e vorba aici cine a gresit...e vorba ca o parte a eminentilor analisti economico-financiari de pe forum vad doar criza din State si tarile puternic industrializate dar se feresc ca dracul de tamaie sa prezinte realitatea din tarile pentru care au ei puternice sentimente de dragoste frateasca.
La fel ca si in State, criza este puternic prezenta si in Rusia ori a prezenta numai groapa in care sunt americanii inseamna un subiectivism dus dincolo de orice intelegere.
Ma uitam mai devreme prin articolele din The Economist si Financial Times si am vazut articole care numai de bine nu vorbesc de criza americana.
Ei bine, analistii de pe forum de care faceam vorbire ceva mai sus, vad numai aceasta parte a unui tablou care din pacate cuprinde si aspecte ale crizei in tari pe care ei ni le prezinta drept oaze de stabilitate si prosperitate desi au o situatie la fel de proasta ca a americanilor.

La 2008-12-30 12:11:17, moroianu a scris:

> Trebuie sa fim in ton cu ultimele tendintze ale istoriei de
> cafenea:
> In prezent, RUSIA se afla intr-o "groapa fara fund"
> (intrteaba-i pe Roy si pe Mache"), in vreme ce USA (a caror minuanta
> politica bancara a provocat actuala criza) si restul tarilor
> occidentale "zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara
> sfarsit".
> Iar romanii nostri, impartiali cum ii stim, inregistreaza
> totul, dau verdicte si se bucura in forul lor interior de politicieni
> innascuti.
> La 2008-12-30 10:51:23, alwis46 a scris:
> > Pai sa ne reamintim.
> > Presa bolsevica ne bombarda cu dezastruoasele scumpiri de 02-05% ale
> > preturilor de prin cele Americi si tari occidentale in contrapartida
> > cu minunatele si atat de beneficile reasezari de preturi ale
> > socialismului biruitor la sate si orase cand curentul electric
> > crestea de la un leu kilowatt-ul la 3 lei, cand carnea de porc
> > crestea de la 18 lei/kg la 37 lei si cand biletul de tramvai s efacea
> > 3 lei in loc de un leu.
> > Cam asa si acum...America si occidentul sunt intr-o groapa fara fund
> > in timp ce Rusia, Cuba, Coreea de Nord, Venezuela si alte tari ca ele
> > zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara sfarsit.
> >
> > La 2008-12-30 10:29:26, moroianu a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > ...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse
> > > planuri.
> > >
> > > In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit
> > > moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla
> > > intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu
> > > orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.
> > >
> > > Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur,
> > > arhiva forumului ZIUA!
> > >
> >
> >

2008-12-30 13:09:52

Re: Gresit, draga Alwiss!...

1) Nu am scris nicaieri ca situatzia din USA este foarte buna. Insa dintre cele doua tzari Rusia si America, parerea mea este ca situatzia din Rusia este mai proasta si ca are sanse sa cada mai zdravan decat America.

2) Ziua aproape ca nu publica articole despre situatzia economica in Rusia, pe de alta parte suntem bombardatzi de comentariile pro-sovietice ale lui Ahmed in care situatzia de acolo este descrisa ca un paradis in comparatzie cu iadul american. De aceea am gasit de cuviintza sa informez forumul despre situatzia adevarata de acolo.

La 2008-12-30 12:11:17, moroianu a scris:

> Trebuie sa fim in ton cu ultimele tendintze ale istoriei de
> cafenea:
> In prezent, RUSIA se afla intr-o "groapa fara fund"
> (intrteaba-i pe Roy si pe Mache"), in vreme ce USA (a caror minuanta
> politica bancara a provocat actuala criza) si restul tarilor
> occidentale "zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara
> sfarsit".
> Iar romanii nostri, impartiali cum ii stim, inregistreaza
> totul, dau verdicte si se bucura in forul lor interior de politicieni
> innascuti.
> La 2008-12-30 10:51:23, alwis46 a scris:
> > Pai sa ne reamintim.
> > Presa bolsevica ne bombarda cu dezastruoasele scumpiri de 02-05% ale
> > preturilor de prin cele Americi si tari occidentale in contrapartida
> > cu minunatele si atat de beneficile reasezari de preturi ale
> > socialismului biruitor la sate si orase cand curentul electric
> > crestea de la un leu kilowatt-ul la 3 lei, cand carnea de porc
> > crestea de la 18 lei/kg la 37 lei si cand biletul de tramvai s efacea
> > 3 lei in loc de un leu.
> > Cam asa si acum...America si occidentul sunt intr-o groapa fara fund
> > in timp ce Rusia, Cuba, Coreea de Nord, Venezuela si alte tari ca ele
> > zburda pe pajistile progresului si fericirii fara sfarsit.
> >
> > La 2008-12-30 10:29:26, moroianu a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > ...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse
> > > planuri.
> > >
> > > In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit
> > > moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla
> > > intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu
> > > orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.
> > >
> > > Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur,
> > > arhiva forumului ZIUA!
> > >
> >
> >

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 13:16:28

Re: se termina anul

La 2008-12-30 05:28:51, Anca2008 a scris:

> Americanii sint un
> mare si puturos kkt ambalat frumos in poleiala si stegulete cu
> stelute.
care ti-a ramas in git.

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 13:31:40

Re: Pai daca inflatia e de 13,5 % iar cresterea salariilor de 10-12% ...

La 2008-12-30 06:02:42, Arogantu' a scris:

> Pai daca inflatia e de 13,5 % iar cresterea salariilor de 10-12% ...
.... inseamna ca cresterea negativa a nivelului de trai muscal este intre 1.5 % si 3.5%. Nu-i asta o realizare mareatza si pozitiva in timpul crizei ieconomice care macina mapamondul?

2008-12-30 14:06:34

Nu-ti mai scrie dorintele pe forum, Roy, ti-am mai atras atentia in repetate randuri

La 2008-12-30 13:09:52, roy a scris:

> 1) Nu am scris nicaieri ca situatzia din USA este foarte buna. Insa
> dintre cele doua tzari Rusia si America, parerea mea este ca
> situatzia din Rusia este mai proasta si ca are sanse sa cada mai
> zdravan decat America.

Rusia inca rezista destoinic (in ciuda gravelor probleme cu care se confrunta si pe care nu ma jenez sa le recunosc) insa SUA se afla deja in cadere libera, din "nefericire". Nu mai este mult pana cand va simti impactul dureros, care o va cutremura din toate incheieturile:
Dollar inevitably loses world reserve currency status
World&#8217;s largest companies working on the global currency market say that the US dollar can no longer be considered a quiet harbor at the height of the financial crisis. The US currency has hit its lowest level against the Japanese yen in 13 years and suffered the largest one-day slide against the euro after the Federal Reserve System reduced the targeted interest rate. The rate currently fluctuates from 0% to 0.25%, which makes it the lowest rate among world&#8217;s developed economies.
CMC Markets analysts say that the dollar has gloomy perspectives. Bloomberg reports that a report from State Street Global Markets describes the future of the American currency as &#8216;undermined.&#8217; The downward movement of the US dollar is justifiable and will last for quite a long period of time, specialists of the London-based Standard Charted Bank Plc. believe.

The dollar has dropped against the yen to 87.13 yens per one US dollar, which marked the lowest index since 1995. However, the dollar strengthened its positions slightly afterwards as it rose to 87.75 yens. The US currency also dropped against the euro to 1.4495, which also marked the lowest index since September of the outgoing year before the dollar rose to 1.4410.

The dollar rate against the Russian ruble dropped by 10 kopecks yesterday and reached the level of 27.6 rubles per dollar. However, the euro skyrocketed against the ruble and set the new maximum in the history of trades on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange as it neared the level of 40 rubles per one euro.

The Fed&#8217;s decision to buy debt liabilities will weaken the dollar to 1.48 dollars per euro, Bank of America analysts say. The aggressive reduction of the rate will result in the growth of the dollar supplies on the world market, which will automatically undermine its cost.

The decision of the Federal Reserve System is dangerous for the dollar, because investors accumulated long-term positions in this currency hoping that the US dollar will grow, a report from State Street Global Markets ran.

The dollar thus loses the status of the world reserve currency. Will a new currency replace the dollar in the end?

In plus:
So long as the world accepts US dollars as money value, the US enjoys unique advantage as the sole printer of those dollars. The trick is to get the world to accept.

2008-12-30 16:13:49

Re: Nu-ti mai scrie dorintele pe forum, Roy, ti-am mai atras atentia in repetate randuri

Pai cu informatii de pe vremea cand dolarul era 27 de ruble vii ?
Pai bine mai acesta, vezi ca intre timp rubla a luat-o rau la vale in raport cu dolarul, o zice chiar agentia rusa de stiri ieri 29 dec. iar astazi 30 dec. a mai pierdut fo 15 kopeiki rubla lu' matale ca sa nu mai zic ca fata de postarea ta patriotica, moneda rusa a pierdut fo' doua ruble in fata dolarului:


De alea 10 trilioane de ruble, 340 miliarde dolari, pe care le pompeaza Putin sa mai atenueze prosperitatea sistemului financiar rusesc vad ca de cateva zile faci abstractie, nu-ti place ca fac muscalii tai ca americanosii ?


Vad ca si cu bugetul sta tot asa de bine Maica Rusia :

Baga ceva cu necazurile americane vazute de agentia cubaneza de stiri .

Uite, ca sa-ti fac o placere, am selectat pentru tine din presa venezueleana :

La 2008-12-30 14:06:34, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-12-30 13:09:52, roy a scris:
> > 1) Nu am scris nicaieri ca situatzia din USA este foarte buna. Insa
> > dintre cele doua tzari Rusia si America, parerea mea este ca
> > situatzia din Rusia este mai proasta si ca are sanse sa cada mai
> > zdravan decat America.
> Rusia inca rezista destoinic (in ciuda gravelor probleme cu care se
> confrunta si pe care nu ma jenez sa le recunosc) insa SUA se afla
> deja in cadere libera, din "nefericire". Nu mai este mult pana cand
> va simti impactul dureros, care o va cutremura din toate
> incheieturile:
> Dollar inevitably loses world reserve currency status
> World&#8217;s largest companies working on the global currency market
> say that the US dollar can no longer be considered a quiet harbor at
> the height of the financial crisis. The US currency has hit its
> lowest level against the Japanese yen in 13 years and suffered the
> largest one-day slide against the euro after the Federal Reserve
> System reduced the targeted interest rate. The rate currently
> fluctuates from 0% to 0.25%, which makes it the lowest rate among
> world&#8217;s developed economies.
> CMC Markets analysts say that the dollar has gloomy perspectives.
> Bloomberg reports that a report from State Street Global Markets
> describes the future of the American currency as
> &#8216;undermined.&#8217; The downward movement of the US dollar is
> justifiable and will last for quite a long period of time,
> specialists of the London-based Standard Charted Bank Plc. believe.
> The dollar has dropped against the yen to 87.13 yens per one US
> dollar, which marked the lowest index since 1995. However, the dollar
> strengthened its positions slightly afterwards as it rose to 87.75
> yens. The US currency also dropped against the euro to 1.4495, which
> also marked the lowest index since September of the outgoing year
> before the dollar rose to 1.4410.
> The dollar rate against the Russian ruble dropped by 10 kopecks
> yesterday and reached the level of 27.6 rubles per dollar. However,
> the euro skyrocketed against the ruble and set the new maximum in the
> history of trades on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange as it
> neared the level of 40 rubles per one euro.
> The Fed&#8217;s decision to buy debt liabilities will weaken the
> dollar to 1.48 dollars per euro, Bank of America analysts say. The
> aggressive reduction of the rate will result in the growth of the
> dollar supplies on the world market, which will automatically
> undermine its cost.
> The decision of the Federal Reserve System is dangerous for the
> dollar, because investors accumulated long-term positions in this
> currency hoping that the US dollar will grow, a report from State
> Street Global Markets ran.
> The dollar thus loses the status of the world reserve currency. Will a
> new currency replace the dollar in the end?
> http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/19-12-2008/106850-dollar-0
> In plus:
> So long as the world accepts US dollars as money value, the US enjoys
> unique advantage as the sole printer of those dollars. The trick is
> to get the world to accept.
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ENG20061014&articleId=3482

2008-12-30 16:38:29

Putinica lui Putin

DA domnule, ce sa-i facem ai dam sus si atare cu crestere negativa ca sunama bine decat "coboratul in buda". E nasol, economia de tara bananiera a rusiei abzata pe exporturi energetice, nici macar prelucrate ci instare bruta nu mai aduce malai ca si atunci cand outina de petrol era $150.
Naspa rau cand nu ai nici o strategie pe termne lung inafara de povesti neocomuniste si ragete impotriva americi, "dusmanul de moarte' .
Da io zic sa incerce mai bine cu industria alcoolului, ca de e frig in rusia si vodka osa treaca ca si painea calda.

Ion Caramache
2008-12-30 17:50:05

Re: Nu-ti mai scrie dorintele pe forum, Roy, ti-am mai atras atentia in repetate randuri

La 2008-12-30 14:06:34, Evreu-rus a scris:

>Nu-ti ma scrie dorintele pe forum. Roy, ti-am atras atentia in repetate rinduri

Evrusake, dormi in cizme !
Pai de ce vii cu stiri vechi si nu publici alea mai noi difuzate de Pravda ?
Evrusake, eu cred ca de fapt numele tau este Ahmed din Sanki Leninsburg, varu&#8217; lui Bagdad Ali al lu&#8217; Saddam Hussein care sustinea sus si tare ca americanii au fost anihilati de Garda respubicana atunci cind ei tocmai ocupasera Bagdadul.

Ui-te colea mai jos ce scria chiar Pravda, sursa ta sigura de informatii :

<<< Russia's Economic And Financial Meltdown Continues Apace

22.12.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL: http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/106860-Russia_Economic_Financial_Meltd-0

By Edward Hugh

Russia's foreign-exchange reserves have been now been declining very rapidly since mid August, and as the money goes so does the faith that the large stock of reserves the country built up during the boom times would be sufficient to see them through any downturn in energy prices. As the money leaves, so it seems does the decade of economic growth and stability which they symbolised. Indeed so rapid has been the decline that Russia's international reserves, which are the third-biggest after those of China and Japan, have now fallen $161 billion, or 27% percent, since 8 August last, and decreased by $17.9 billion to $437 billion in the week to 5 December. Investors have now pulled $211 billion out of the country since August, according to estimates by BNP Paribas.

But just how difficult managing this process is proving to be was illustrated yet again this morning as Russia&#8217;s central bank found itself forced to accept a further devaluation in the ruble - for what is now the second time in a only a week - subsequent to which the ruble fell as much as 1.3 percent (to a four-year low of 37.5015 per euro) as Bank Rossii widened the trading band against the basket of dollars and euros used by the bank as the measure for attempting to manage the exchange rate.

Russia has now used some 27 percent of its reserves in these attempts to stem what has now become a 16 percent decline in the ruble following a 69 percent drop in the price of oil and last weeks decision by credit ratings agency Standard & Poor&#8217;s to cut its Russian credit rating on for the first time in nine years.

Thus over at Bank Rossii they have been having their work cut out "fexibilising" the trading band, and it this flexibilisation process that has now allowed the ruble to fall against its target exchange rate against a basket of currencies by 8.6 percent, down further from the 7.7 percent level facilitated last week and the 3.7 percent one of a month ago. Thus the currency has now fallen a net total of 5.9 percent against the basket in the series of six "adjustments" to the trading band implemented since 11 November. However this "slow and steady" approach to devaluation is creating uncertainty, as well as fomenting a loss of confidence with Russians withdrwaing a total of 6 percent from their ruble accounts in October alone, the fastest rate of withdrawal since Bank Rossii started collecting this data two years ago, while foreign currency deposits rose 11 percent. Thus instead of reinforcing confidence in the monetary regime, the slow, step-by-step adjustment of the nominal exchange rate may be perpetuating a steady stream of deposit withdrawals and dollar purchases, and some evidence for this can be found in November's 5.9 percent contraction in the money supply.

Apart from the financial turmoil, Russia's economy is really reeling under the weight of the sharp drop in crude prices, and the price of Urals crude, Russia's main export blend, is currently trading at around $44.13 a barrel, down 69 percent from the July peak, and well below the $70 average required to balance the country's 2009 budget.

GDP Growth Slowing Rapidly

It is hard to get a fix at the present time on what Russia's growth rate will look like in 2009, and estimates vary widely. Deutsche Bank recently cut its Russian growth forecast to 1 percent for next year, down from an earlier 3.4 percent, while the World Bank last month forceast a slowdown to 3 percent from what has been an average expansion of 7 percent a year since 1999. At the bottom end of the forecast range we have Oleg Vyugin, chairman of MDM Bank and a former central banker, who suggests the economy may contract by as much as 4% if the prices of raw materials exports do not recover. My own feeling is that the final figure may well be much nearer to Vyugin's estimate than to the World Bank one, especially if we don't get a strong rebound in commodity prices and given the sharp contraction in non-energy industrial output.

Analysts an OAO Sperbank have gone one step further and come up with two possible scenarios for possible impacts of the economic slump on property prices. For the first (or mild case) scenario they postulate a 2.5-3.5% growth in GDP, 11% inflation and a 30 ruble per dollar exchange rate in 2009. In this case, the bank anticipates a drop in Moscow real estate prices of 34.4% in ruble terms and 46.6% in dollars. On the second scenario GDP stagnates (or even contracts by up to 2.5%), there is higher inflation and an even larger devaluation of the ruble against the dollar. On this (worst) case scenario the Bank suggests that Moscow property prices would plummet by 38.1% in rubles and 59.6% in US dollars. You have been warned! >>>

Nu-ti ma scrie dorintele pe forum. Evrusake, ti-am atras atentia in repetate rinduri. You have been warned!

2008-12-30 17:50:37

Deprecierea rublei...

Aceasta depreciere , este (in parte ) , facuta din Ordinul Kremlinului ( Putin )...
Acum Putin doreste sa devalorizeze rubla, precum au facut maoistii ...
Devalorizarea unei monede are aspecte pozitive , dar si negative...
Devalorizarea monedei , ajuta cu exportul . Adica cumparatorii externi datorita schimbului valutar , gasesc produsele sovietice , mai ieftine. In felul acesta colonelul Putin spera sa evite , falimente si inchiderea uzinelor si fabricilor sovietice in masa , si o explozie a somajului...Este mai bine sa vinzi ceva , la un pret de nimic , decat sa nu vinzi nimic...
Binenteles ca aceasta strategie ,este limitata de ecuatia : costul de productie vizavi de pretul de vanzare...Cand pretul de vanzare , este egal sau inferior costului de productie , atunci producerea de bunuri , nu mai are nici un sens..

Colonelul Putin doreste sa devalorizeze rubla ptr. a mentine cat de cat o parittate cu devalorizarea dolarului...
Devalorizarea dolarului , a facut ca produsele americane sa devina ieftine pe piata mondiala . Ca urmare exporturile americane au crescut in ultimele semestre , in ciuda restrangerii activitatii economice americane cu cca. 0.5%.
Partea negativa a devalorizarii unei monede este ca de obicei , inflatia , este dupa colt...Infaltia apare , cand prea multi bani , fugaresc prea putine produse sau servicii...
In ceea ce priveste raportul dintre euro si dolar ...Hm!...Acest raport ( valorizarea menedei europene fata de dolar) , a distrus industria turismului american catre europa de vest , deasemnea a scumpit enorm automobilele germane si suedeze pe care americanii de obicei le cumparau , si acum sunt prea scumpe , datorita devalorizarii dolarului fata de moneda europeana...

2008-12-30 20:31:39

Re: US Economy: From Bad to Worse

2008-12-30 21:08:29

Re: Pai daca inflatia e de 13,5 % iar cresterea salariilor de 10-12% ...

Sezi ghinisor - asta-i doar inceputul !

La 2008-12-30 13:31:40, Ion Caramache a scris:

> La 2008-12-30 06:02:42, Arogantu' a scris:
> > Pai daca inflatia e de 13,5 % iar cresterea salariilor de 10-12% ...
> .... inseamna ca cresterea negativa a nivelului de trai muscal este
> intre 1.5 % si 3.5%. Nu-i asta o realizare mareatza si pozitiva in
> timpul crizei ieconomice care macina mapamondul?

2008-12-30 21:11:05

Cum spuneam - ai fi meritat titlul de Doctor in Cauze Pierdute ! ndc

La 2008-12-30 10:29:26, moroianu a scris:

> ...si expert in stabilirea de ierarhii mondiale pe diverse
> planuri.
> In mod automat tabara pe care o slugareste el la un anumit
> moment al istoriei e cea mai puternica din lume, iar cealalta se afla
> intr-un declin inexorabiul si e amenintata cu disparitia, si anume nu
> orice fel de disparitie, ci una cat mai rusinoasa.
> Vezi colectiile ziarelor SCINTEIA, ROMANIA LIBERA si, desigur,
> arhiva forumului ZIUA!

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