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  Nr. 4421 de luni, 22 decembrie 2008 
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2008-12-22 14:42:42

Ca si dumneaei traieste in Belgia. O fi vorbit rejili si cu ea ? Ca daca traiesti in Belgia, nu e cu putinta sa treci pe linga ea, indiferent cine-ai fi ! Io unu n-as putea.

Ma uit si io la flakara luminarii honikanesti sa-o vaz, dar luminarea e made in China si nu m-asculta ! Altfel ? Altfel, ce minune s-ar mai putea intimpla ca s-o vaz ? E atit de scumpa la vedere ! Si nemiloasa ! Nu stie cit poate sa sufere un derbedeu ca mine !

Intro: Ok, this a, this is a song, that uh, theres alot of Christmas songs out there, and uh, not
too many Hanukkah songs, so I wrote a song for all those nice little Jewish
kids who dont get to hear any Hanukkah songs--here we go...

Put on your yarmulka, here comes Hanukkah
Its so much fun-akkah to celebrate Hanukkah,

Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights,
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights.

But when you're the only kid in town without a Christmas tree, Heres a list of
people who are Jewish, just like you and me:

David Lee Roth lights the menorrah,
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah

Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli,
Bowzer from Sha-na-na, and Arthur Fonzerrelli.

Paul Newman's half Jewish; Goldie Hawn's half too,
Put them together--what a fine lookin’ Jew! [Esus]

You dont need Deck the Halls or Jingle Bell Rock
Cause you can spin a dreidl with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock--both Jewish!

Put on your yalmulka, its time for Hanukkah,
The owner of the Seattle Super sonic-ah celebrates Hanukkah.

O.J. Simpson-- not a Jew!
But guess who is...Hall of Famer—Rod Carew--(he converted!)

We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby,
Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish--not too shabby!

Some people think that Ebeneezer Scrooge is,
Well, hes not, but guess who is: All three stooges. [Esus]

So many Jews are in show biz--
Tom Cruise isn't, [tacit] but I heard his agent is. [Esus]

Tell your friend Veronica, its time to celebrate Hanukkah
I hope I get a harmonica, on this lovely, lovely Hanukkah.

So drink your gin-and-tonic-ah, and smoke your mara-juanic-ah,
If you really, really wanna-kah, Have a happy, happy, happy, happy

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