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  Nr. 4420 de sambata, 20 decembrie 2008 
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iobagul roman
2008-12-21 20:02:01

CE IEFTIN AI SCAPA CU CRIZA,citeva zeci de milioane de victime si gata,dar dupa criza

programata vine si al III-lea si mai programat instaurarea NOM (noul gulag mondial), reducerea populatziei de la 6,5 miliarde la 0,5 miliarde

Rahm Emmanuel, Jewish extremist pulling the wires of his Zionist puppet.

Barack Obama: "America’s First Jewish President"
By Prof. James Petras

Obama asks Shimon Peres: "What can I do for Israel?"

- Haaretz, November 17, 2008

The UN Special

Rappateur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories (Richard Falk) has said Israel’s policies there amount to a crime against humanity…He said the UN must act to protect the Palestinian population suffering what he called `collective punishment’…He said the International Criminal Court should also investigate whether the Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders for the Gaza siege should be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law.

- BBC News, December 10, 2008

Hokusai san
2008-12-21 22:08:24

Traiasca B. Madoff si ceilalti, asemenea lui !


2008-12-22 09:51:23


ECB Spain bank chief warns of ‘total' meltdown like Great Depression

Japan’s recession deepens

2008-12-22 10:04:02

gloomy outlook

Most Asian markets fall on gloomy economic outlook(AP)

2008-12-22 10:45:11

Viitorul Dolarului

" ... Britain ruled the world for nearly two centuries. When it passed on the mantle of the global hegemony to Washington somewhere in the 1940s it seemed Pax Americana would be around for much longer. The latest US Fed decision to cut interest rates to nearly zero and a subsequent fall of the dollar raise serious questions about the future of the world’s only remaining superpower. Critics have long warned of the weaknesses that could force the US economy into a terminal decline. ... "

Future of Dollar Hegemony

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