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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-12-05 00:47
Cum se distruge o tara (propagandistic si propiu-zis)

La 2008-12-04 22:30:33, carol zwilling1 a scris:

> dela vorbe si pana la fapte,drumul e lung si denivelat.......

O fi drum lung ptr altii, dar voi puteti gasi oricand o scurtatura ptr a ajunge mai repede la fapte.
Argentina is the Key to a New Plot against Iran
Iran: US tries to sabotage UN nuclear report
Nici nu este prea greu: ptr inceput lumea trebuie sa creada ca Iranul are in plan fabricarea de arme nucleare, ca mai apoi sa le utilizeze ptr a "sterge Israelul de pe harta". Inevitabil, nimeni nu se va mai opune ca Iranul sa urmeze destinul tragic al Irakului. Intr-un mod similar, Bush (presat de aceiasi "prieteni cu intentii dintre cele mai bune") acuzase si Irakul in 2002 ca detine arme de distrugere in masa, evenimentele care au urmat dovedind ca aceasta era o mare minciuna. Urmeaza partea a doua a planului-pres. Iranului face declaratii belicoase la adresa statului rival: declarayiile pres. Iranului, trebuiesc mediatizate excesiv (si fals interpretate) ptr ca interventia militara in Iran sa fie pe deplin justificata. Desi Ahmadinajad a trimis o scrisoare deschisa lui Bush, in care a pledat despre pace, respect reciproc si respectarea drepturilor omului si a demascat faptul ca afirmatile sale au fost eronat interpretate, aceasta a fost ignorata cu desavarsire de presa.
Parta a treia: invinuirea Iranului de implicare in acte de terorism asupra ambasadei israeliane din Argentina din 1992-cand de fapt multi cunosc cine a fost responsabilul ptr moartea a 29 de concetsateni de-ai sai.
Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina
Partea finala: atacul (cadrul propice: presa muta, ONU cu mainile legate la spate, momentul oportun: propaganda functioneaza ca unsa-Iranul figureaza pe locul intai in toul celor mai detestate tari). Astfel se ajunge la distrugerea unui stat a carei unica vina este aceea ca "s-a pus cu cine nu trebuie".

Ion Caramache (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2008-12-05 03:03
Re: Cum se distruge o tara (propagandistic si propiu-zis)

Papagaldistu' evului rus face de ris intregu' apus si a fatat o analiza fara cusur care are insa o singura gaura cit gaura putzului din izba analistului din Sanki Lenisburg.
Analistul Evrusake nu explica de ce este asa de timpit luptatorul pentru pace Ahmadinejad si face declaratii belicoase la adresa acelor " pretini cu intentii dintre cele mai bune " in care ameninta ca va " sterge Israelul de pe harta ".
Problema se poate pune si altfel: ce vina au persii ca satrapul acestora este un idiot ? De ce ar trebui ei sa plateasca pentru prostiile debitate de blajinul si blindul Ahmadinejad , precum au platit si platesc cu singele lor palestinienii pentru prostiile facute de conducatorii lor ?
Cit despre scrisorica de amor chior pasnic si iubitor de pace trimisa de idiotul timpit Ahmadinejad lui Bush, este normal ca acesta s-a sters undeva cu ea din doua motive simple: primul este acela ca Bush nu este in stare sa inteleaga dragostea de pace si chemarea la colaborare frateasca si pretenie vesnica care anima spiritul lui Ahmadinejad, iar al doilea este acela ca categorica victorie in alegeri a lui O'Bomba l-au lasat fara piuit si-pasat stafeta celui care a declarat ca este gata sa se intilneasca fara nici un fel de conditii cu Ahmadinejad spre marea bucurie a iubitorilor de pace pretutindenari in frunte cu ieuropenii care adora pe O'Bomba si pe recent numita secretara Hillara care numai cu citeva luni in urma sustinea sus si tare ca O'Bomba habar nu are ce vorbeste atunci cind vrea sa se duca preteneste sa-l auda pe Ahmadinejad cum vorbeste la Teheran cu voce de iman.
Capitolul 3. Periculozitatea teroristilor cu valizda diplomatica care nu ii fereste de saltatul curat murdar necostitutional din cauza ca nu s-au imunizat ca sa fie imuni cu diploma de diplomat.
Acest lucru este evident in cazul teroristului diplomat israelian arestat in Argentina unde acesta a nimerit din gresala deoarece misiunea lui era de a ateriza in Siria. Prostul bombardier incult si sfertodoct a confundat Siria cu Argentina deoarece ambele tari aveau un presedinte pur singe garantat sirian.
De unde concluzia: unde dai si unde crapa Teshu plaieshu' .

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-12-05 03:54
Dle Caramache

Declaratia pres. iranian a fost intentionat tradusa gresit. Ahmadinejad NU a spus nicidecum ca Israelul trebuie maturat de pe harta. El s-a exprimat impotriva regimului aflat la putere la Ierusalim (un regim corupt, terorist si ipocrit peste masura-chiar, de ce trebuie sa sufere bietii cetateni israelieni din cauza bestiilor lor de conducatori?) care poate disparea asa cum a disparut regimul sovietic in Rusia. Totusi, se pare ca greseala initiala de traducere apartine serviciului de presa al rrepublicii iraniene. Ministerul Afacerilor Externe din Iran a corectat cu promptitudine declaratia si a revenit cu comonicate de presa pe acest subiect, care au fost in schimb ignorate de sionistii oportunisti, care au profitat de pe urma acestei incurcaturi ptr a se victimiza (ocupatia lor de baza).
Iran's President Did Not Say "Israel must be wiped off the map"
Mossadul este singurul responsabil de moartea celor 29 evrei din ambasada israeliana din Argentina. Pe scurt: un atentat autoprovocat.
"March 17, 1992, a car loaded with explosives, smashed into the front of the embassy and detonated (According to the Israeli consul) . Oscar Laborda, an expert for the Supreme Court of Justice, who later worked for AMIA, confirmed that the explosive was C-4. The American ATF agreed with him.
The explosion destroyed the embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby school building. The final death toll was 29 killed, and 242 wounded. Several Israelis died, but most of the victims were Argentine civilians, many children.
Israeli Shin Beth as the actual bombers. Israel controlled the street traffic and the massive damage could only be caused by a bomb that was inside the building and on the ground floor.
Shin Beth had complete security at the embassy and a bomb that size could never be brought in. The Shin Beth also refused to allow any independent investigation of the embassy. Only the Mossad was allowed access to the site.
The reason for the bombing :... Argentina was installing a nuclear reactor in Syria and selling them Condor II missiles and Israel wanted the deal stopped. Israel would perpetrate a false flag and blow up their embassy in Argentina - appearing the victim and inserting themselves. This caused the USA, Israel and Argentina to ban together and stop the reactor and missile sale."


Ion Caramache (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2008-12-05 04:28
Re: Dle Caramache

La 2008-12-05 03:54:28, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Declaratia pres. iranian a fost intentionat tradusa gresit.
> Ahmadinejad NU a spus nicidecum ca Israelul trebuie maturat de pe
> harta. El s-a exprimat impotriva regimului aflat la putere la
> Ierusalim (un regim corupt, terorist si ipocrit peste masura-chiar,
> de ce trebuie sa sufere bietii cetateni israelieni din cauza
> bestiilor lor de conducatori?) care poate disparea asa cum a disparut
> regimul sovietic in Rusia. Totusi, se pare ca greseala initiala de
> traducere apartine serviciului de presa al rrepublicii iraniene.

Evrusake, daca cetatenii platiti de Ahmdinejad au tradus intentionat gresit declaratiilii iubitoare de pace ale acestuia, inseamna ca ei au fost niste sabotori in slujba CIA si Mossad-ului. Ca sa te cred pentru cele pe care le sustii, afiseaza comunicatul prin care se anunta condamnarea la spinzuratoare a sabotorilor, numele lor, decizia tribunalului si fotografiile de la executie. Pe de alta parte, de unde stim noi ca aceeasi sabotori ( sau altii ) nu au tradus gresit scrisoarea deschisa pe care Ahmadinejad i-a trimis-o lui Bush? Sau, te pomenesti ca Ahmadinedjad a sris scrisorica direct in limba diavolului ascultator de sionisti?
Ce incredere se poate avea in "serviciul de presa al rrepublicii iraniene" ?

> Ministerul Afacerilor Externe din Iran a corectat cu promptitudine
> declaratia si a revenit cu comonicate de presa pe acest subiect, care
> au fost in schimb ignorate de sionistii oportunisti, care au profitat
> de pe urma acestei incurcaturi ptr a se victimiza (ocupatia lor de
> baza).
> Iran's President Did Not Say "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article16218.htm
> Mossadul este singurul responsabil de moartea celor 29 evrei din
> ambasada israeliana din Argentina. Pe scurt: un atentat
> autoprovocat.
> Fragmente:
> "March 17, 1992, a car loaded with explosives, smashed into the front
> of the embassy and detonated (According to the Israeli consul) .
> Oscar Laborda, an expert for the Supreme Court of Justice, who later
> worked for AMIA, confirmed that the explosive was C-4. The American
> ATF agreed with him.
> The explosion destroyed the embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby
> school building. The final death toll was 29 killed, and 242 wounded.
> Several Israelis died, but most of the victims were Argentine
> civilians, many children.
> Israeli Shin Beth as the actual bombers. Israel controlled the street
> traffic and the massive damage could only be caused by a bomb that
> was inside the building and on the ground floor.
> Shin Beth had complete security at the embassy and a bomb that size
> could never be brought in. The Shin Beth also refused to allow any
> independent investigation of the embassy. Only the Mossad was allowed
> access to the site.
> The reason for the bombing :... Argentina was installing a nuclear
> reactor in Syria and selling them Condor II missiles and Israel
> wanted the deal stopped. Israel would perpetrate a false flag and
> blow up their embassy in Argentina - appearing the victim and
> inserting themselves. This caused the USA, Israel and Argentina to
> ban together and stop the reactor and missile sale."
> http://judicial-inc.biz/AMIA_Argentina.htm

Pai nu am zis si eu ca diplomatul israelian cu valizda a aterizat la sirianul din Buenos Aires, desi avea misiune sa bombeze sirianul din Damasc?
Chestia cu nepermisiunea data expertilor sa intre in ambasada israeliana este hilara! Cind au dat rusii, iranienii, palestinienii, sirienii, etc, permisiunea expertilor independenti sa intre in ambasadele lor?

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.191...)
2008-12-05 08:00
Re: Propaganda iraniana

Propagandistul Ahmed din nou in actziune!

1. Ahmadinejad a repetat chestiunea cu stergerea Israelului de cateva ori. La un moment dat, vazand ca aceasta declaratzie a avut ecouri foarte negative in Occident, a schimbat-o cu "In curand, regimul sionist va dispare".

Acum Ahmed, incearca sa ni-l prezinte pe Ahmadinejad foarte grijuliu pentru soarta cetatzenilor israelieni care sufera din cauza conducatorilor lor (votatzi chiar de ei).

Totusi, nu este clar cum va dispare in curand regimul sionist? La asta mr. Ahmed nu are explicatzii, pentru ca Ahmadinejad nu are alta solutzie pentru al face sa dispara imediat decat bomba atomica.

2. Totusi putem vedea o evolutzie in stilul propagandei iraniene. In primul rand a lansat zvonul cum ca pasajul nu a existat niciodata si ca ar fi fost introdus de Mossad.

Avand in vedere ca presedintele iranian a spus-o de cateva ori si inca in fatza camerelor TV (oy vey!), s-a trecut la alta tactica: nu se mai da vina pe Mossad, ci ca ar fi o traducere gresita in mod intentzionat a Ministerului de externe iranian (wow, se poate face asa ceva fara ca traducatorii sa fie pedepsitzi si ministrul de externe sa continue sa functioneze?)

3. O alta fatzeta care apare in propaganda iraniana este ca incearca sa izoleze Europa de Vest de America. Cu alte cuvinte prezinta conflictul cum ca ar fi intre Iran si America sau mai bine zis intre Iran si Bush.

UIn fapt insa ce s-a intamplat? Europa ingrijorata a purtat discutzii lungi si sterile cu Iranul timp de catziva ani, din care a castigat numai Iranul folosind tactica tragerii de timp si dezvoltand in continuare optzia atomica.

De ce sunt europenii foarte ingrijoratzi? Din faptul ca Iranul dezvolta rachete cu care poate ajunge in Europa , cu mult peste necesitatzile sale militare si prin faptul ca si-a expus deja pretentzii asupra Golfului (de exemplu sustzin ca Bahrein este teritoriu iranian) ceea ce inseamna o reeditare posibila a razboiului din Golf de data asta cu bombe atomice in arsenal.

Deci europenii sunt adanc bagatzi in conflictul cu iranul iar Frantza nu este de acord cu prelungirea discutziilor cu Iranul care dupa parerea ei au fost de mult epuizate.

3. Sa vedem ce va face Obama. Intai s-a declarat pentru discutzii cu Iranul, dar a ales-o pe Hillary Clinton care este foarte anti- discutzii. Presupun ca va fi o runda foarte scurta de 2-3 luni dupa care Obama va vedea singur ca discutziile sunt absolut inutile.

Dupa care va avea de ales. Nu cred ca va bombarda Iranul dar va inasapri foarte serios sanctziunile. Sanctziuni dure + scaderea petrolului sub 50 de $ barilul ar putea conduce la miscari interne in Iran si la caderea regimului mulelor aparate de propagandistul Ahmed.

La 2008-12-05 03:54:28, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Declaratia pres. iranian a fost intentionat tradusa gresit.
> Ahmadinejad NU a spus nicidecum ca Israelul trebuie maturat de pe
> harta. El s-a exprimat impotriva regimului aflat la putere la
> Ierusalim (un regim corupt, terorist si ipocrit peste masura-chiar,
> de ce trebuie sa sufere bietii cetateni israelieni din cauza
> bestiilor lor de conducatori?) care poate disparea asa cum a disparut
> regimul sovietic in Rusia. Totusi, se pare ca greseala initiala de
> traducere apartine serviciului de presa al rrepublicii iraniene.
> Ministerul Afacerilor Externe din Iran a corectat cu promptitudine
> declaratia si a revenit cu comonicate de presa pe acest subiect, care
> au fost in schimb ignorate de sionistii oportunisti, care au profitat
> de pe urma acestei incurcaturi ptr a se victimiza (ocupatia lor de
> baza).
> Iran's President Did Not Say "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article16218.htm
> Mossadul este singurul responsabil de moartea celor 29 evrei din
> ambasada israeliana din Argentina. Pe scurt: un atentat
> autoprovocat.
> Fragmente:
> "March 17, 1992, a car loaded with explosives, smashed into the front
> of the embassy and detonated (According to the Israeli consul) .
> Oscar Laborda, an expert for the Supreme Court of Justice, who later
> worked for AMIA, confirmed that the explosive was C-4. The American
> ATF agreed with him.
> The explosion destroyed the embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby
> school building. The final death toll was 29 killed, and 242 wounded.
> Several Israelis died, but most of the victims were Argentine
> civilians, many children.
> Israeli Shin Beth as the actual bombers. Israel controlled the street
> traffic and the massive damage could only be caused by a bomb that
> was inside the building and on the ground floor.
> Shin Beth had complete security at the embassy and a bomb that size
> could never be brought in. The Shin Beth also refused to allow any
> independent investigation of the embassy. Only the Mossad was allowed
> access to the site.
> The reason for the bombing :... Argentina was installing a nuclear
> reactor in Syria and selling them Condor II missiles and Israel
> wanted the deal stopped. Israel would perpetrate a false flag and
> blow up their embassy in Argentina - appearing the victim and
> inserting themselves. This caused the USA, Israel and Argentina to
> ban together and stop the reactor and missile sale."
> http://judicial-inc.biz/AMIA_Argentina.htm

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-12-05 08:44
Re: Propaganda iraniana - ia vezi ce zice un profesor american, expert in domeniu: Juan Cole


Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting rid of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az bain bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an Arabi-Israeli national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the world of Islam with Israel as the pivot of this plan.

The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."

Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.

Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map" with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be erased from the page of time.

Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the page of time.

I should again underline that I personally despise everything Ahmadinejad stands for, not to mention the odious Khomeini, who had personal friends of mine killed so thoroughly that we have never recovered their bodies. Nor do I agree that the Israelis have no legitimate claim on any part of Jerusalem. And, I am not exactly a pacifist but have a strong preference for peaceful social activism over violence, so needless to say I condemn the sort of terror attacks against innocent civilians (including Arab Israelis) that we saw last week. I have not seen any credible evidence, however, that such attacks are the doing of Ahmadinejad, and in my view they are mainly the result of the expropriation and displacement of the long-suffering Palestinian people.

It is not realistic for Americans to call for Iran to talk directly to the Israeli government (though in the 1980s the Khomeinists did a lot of business with Israel) when the US government won't talk directly to the Iranians about most bilateral issues. In fact, an American willingness to engage in direct talks might well pave the way to an eventual settlement of these outstanding issues.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.191...)
2008-12-05 11:53
Re: MINTZI! ia vezi pe youtube ce zice Ahmad insusi si nu mai bate capul cu "expertzi"

Nu mai bate capul, cu tampeniile asa zisilor expertzi. Pur si simplu MINTZI!!!

l-am vazut pe Ahmad la TV si am vazut exact ce a zis. Nu incerca sa convingi cu tot felul de pseudo-expertzi cand realitatea este alta.


Si iata planurile pentru lumea crestina

La 2008-12-05 08:44:53, Arcturus a scris:

> www.informedcomment.com
> Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
> made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting
> rid of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az
> bain bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an
> Arabi-Israeli national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the
> world of Islam with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
> The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this
> regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must
> [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv
> shavad)."
> Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
> Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give
> up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
> inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
> Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
> meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
> people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
> erased from the page of time.
> Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
> page of time.
> I should again underline that I personally despise everything
> Ahmadinejad stands for, not to mention the odious Khomeini, who had
> personal friends of mine killed so thoroughly that we have never
> recovered their bodies. Nor do I agree that the Israelis have no
> legitimate claim on any part of Jerusalem. And, I am not exactly a
> pacifist but have a strong preference for peaceful social activism
> over violence, so needless to say I condemn the sort of terror
> attacks against innocent civilians (including Arab Israelis) that we
> saw last week. I have not seen any credible evidence, however, that
> such attacks are the doing of Ahmadinejad, and in my view they are
> mainly the result of the expropriation and displacement of the
> long-suffering Palestinian people.
> It is not realistic for Americans to call for Iran to talk directly to
> the Israeli government (though in the 1980s the Khomeinists did a lot
> of business with Israel) when the US government won't talk directly
> to the Iranians about most bilateral issues. In fact, an American
> willingness to engage in direct talks might well pave the way to an
> eventual settlement of these outstanding issues.

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2008-12-05 12:10
Re: MINTZI! dar tu?

Ce-i bai Roi-ule youtubes sunt expertii tai?

Juan Cole, profesor universitar de istorie - specializat in Middle East, zice de cuvantarea cu "wipe of the map". Nu minte! ... cine esti tu MUCEA sa-l faci pseudo-expert?

La 2008-12-05 11:53:51, roy a scris:

> Nu mai bate capul, cu tampeniile asa zisilor expertzi. Pur si simplu
> l-am vazut pe Ahmad la TV si am vazut exact ce a zis. Nu incerca sa
> convingi cu tot felul de pseudo-expertzi cand realitatea este alta.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FckLO8HcNyo
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk_eXtCu03E&feature=related
> Si iata planurile pentru lumea crestina
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuslxJFpBuU&feature=related
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-12-05 08:44:53, Arcturus a scris:
> > www.informedcomment.com
> >
> > Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
> > made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting
> > rid of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az
> > bain bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an
> > Arabi-Israeli national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the
> > world of Islam with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
> >
> > The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this
> > regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must
> > [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv
> > shavad)."
> >
> > Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
> > Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give
> > up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
> > inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
> >
> > Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
> > meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> > with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
> > people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
> > erased from the page of time.
> >
> > Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
> > page of time.
> >
> > I should again underline that I personally despise everything
> > Ahmadinejad stands for, not to mention the odious Khomeini, who had
> > personal friends of mine killed so thoroughly that we have never
> > recovered their bodies. Nor do I agree that the Israelis have no
> > legitimate claim on any part of Jerusalem. And, I am not exactly a
> > pacifist but have a strong preference for peaceful social activism
> > over violence, so needless to say I condemn the sort of terror
> > attacks against innocent civilians (including Arab Israelis) that we
> > saw last week. I have not seen any credible evidence, however, that
> > such attacks are the doing of Ahmadinejad, and in my view they are
> > mainly the result of the expropriation and displacement of the
> > long-suffering Palestinian people.
> >
> > It is not realistic for Americans to call for Iran to talk directly to
> > the Israeli government (though in the 1980s the Khomeinists did a lot
> > of business with Israel) when the US government won't talk directly
> > to the Iranians about most bilateral issues. In fact, an American
> > willingness to engage in direct talks might well pave the way to an
> > eventual settlement of these outstanding issues.
> >

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-12-05 12:30
Re: MINTZI! El nu minte o data, de doua ori. El minte precum respira.

La 2008-12-05 12:10:27, Arcturus a scris:

> Ce-i bai Roi-ule youtubes sunt expertii tai?
> Juan Cole, profesor universitar de istorie - specializat in Middle
> East, zice de cuvantarea cu "wipe of the map". Nu minte! ... cine
> esti tu MUCEA sa-l faci pseudo-expert?

Juan Cole este un expert pe probleme ale Orientului Mijlociu, apreciat in tara lui, "hiba" sa fiind opozitia fata de sionisti si a tratamentului acestora aplicat palestinienilor. A criticat de asemenea sprijinul american acordat Israelui si activitatile lobby-ului israelian si a afirmat ca anumiti oficiali americani sunt loiali Partidului Likud din Israel.
Cole s-a opus totusi boicotarii academiilor israeliene deoarece crede ca comunitatea academica din Israel se opuna politicii Partidului Likud.
"Musulmanii nu au o problema cu evreii, ci doar cu sionistii care se comporta inuman cu palestinienii. Multi musulmani au insistat ca exista o diferenta considerabila intre a-i critica pe sionisti si a-i critica pe evrei."-Juan Cole.

AIPAC's Overt and Covert Ops

Ptr voi, experti se cheama doar cei care va sustin direct si neconditionat. Restul sunt niste pseudo-experti, desi poate sunt mult mai informati decat "expertii" acceptati de voi.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.191...)
2008-12-05 13:59
Re: Poate ca Ahmadinejad nici nu exista...

Adica ce se vede pe ecran, Ahmadinejad nu este el si nu spune nimic?
La 2008-12-05 12:10:27, Arcturus a scris:

> Ce-i bai Roi-ule youtubes sunt expertii tai?
> Juan Cole, profesor universitar de istorie - specializat in Middle
> East, zice de cuvantarea cu "wipe of the map". Nu minte! ... cine
> esti tu MUCEA sa-l faci pseudo-expert?
> La 2008-12-05 11:53:51, roy a scris:
> > Nu mai bate capul, cu tampeniile asa zisilor expertzi. Pur si simplu
> > MINTZI!!!
> >
> > l-am vazut pe Ahmad la TV si am vazut exact ce a zis. Nu incerca sa
> > convingi cu tot felul de pseudo-expertzi cand realitatea este alta.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FckLO8HcNyo
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk_eXtCu03E&feature=related
> >
> > Si iata planurile pentru lumea crestina
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuslxJFpBuU&feature=related
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-12-05 08:44:53, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > www.informedcomment.com
> > >
> > > Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
> > > made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting
> > > rid of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az
> > > bain bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an
> > > Arabi-Israeli national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the
> > > world of Islam with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
> > >
> > > The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this
> > > regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must
> > > [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv
> > > shavad)."
> > >
> > > Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
> > > Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give
> > > up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
> > > inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
> > >
> > > Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
> > > meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> > > with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
> > > people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
> > > erased from the page of time.
> > >
> > > Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
> > > page of time.
> > >
> > > I should again underline that I personally despise everything
> > > Ahmadinejad stands for, not to mention the odious Khomeini, who had
> > > personal friends of mine killed so thoroughly that we have never
> > > recovered their bodies. Nor do I agree that the Israelis have no
> > > legitimate claim on any part of Jerusalem. And, I am not exactly a
> > > pacifist but have a strong preference for peaceful social activism
> > > over violence, so needless to say I condemn the sort of terror
> > > attacks against innocent civilians (including Arab Israelis) that we
> > > saw last week. I have not seen any credible evidence, however, that
> > > such attacks are the doing of Ahmadinejad, and in my view they are
> > > mainly the result of the expropriation and displacement of the
> > > long-suffering Palestinian people.
> > >
> > > It is not realistic for Americans to call for Iran to talk directly to
> > > the Israeli government (though in the 1980s the Khomeinists did a lot
> > > of business with Israel) when the US government won't talk directly
> > > to the Iranians about most bilateral issues. In fact, an American
> > > willingness to engage in direct talks might well pave the way to an
> > > eventual settlement of these outstanding issues.
> > >
> >
> >

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.191...)
2008-12-05 13:59
Re: Poate ca Ahmadinejad nici nu exista...

Adica ce se vede pe ecran, Ahmadinejad nu este el si nu spune nimic?
La 2008-12-05 12:10:27, Arcturus a scris:

> Ce-i bai Roi-ule youtubes sunt expertii tai?
> Juan Cole, profesor universitar de istorie - specializat in Middle
> East, zice de cuvantarea cu "wipe of the map". Nu minte! ... cine
> esti tu MUCEA sa-l faci pseudo-expert?
> La 2008-12-05 11:53:51, roy a scris:
> > Nu mai bate capul, cu tampeniile asa zisilor expertzi. Pur si simplu
> > MINTZI!!!
> >
> > l-am vazut pe Ahmad la TV si am vazut exact ce a zis. Nu incerca sa
> > convingi cu tot felul de pseudo-expertzi cand realitatea este alta.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FckLO8HcNyo
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk_eXtCu03E&feature=related
> >
> > Si iata planurile pentru lumea crestina
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuslxJFpBuU&feature=related
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-12-05 08:44:53, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > www.informedcomment.com
> > >
> > > Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
> > > made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting
> > > rid of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az
> > > bain bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an
> > > Arabi-Israeli national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the
> > > world of Islam with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
> > >
> > > The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this
> > > regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must
> > > [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv
> > > shavad)."
> > >
> > > Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
> > > Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give
> > > up hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
> > > inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
> > >
> > > Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
> > > meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> > > with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
> > > people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
> > > erased from the page of time.
> > >
> > > Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
> > > page of time.
> > >
> > > I should again underline that I personally despise everything
> > > Ahmadinejad stands for, not to mention the odious Khomeini, who had
> > > personal friends of mine killed so thoroughly that we have never
> > > recovered their bodies. Nor do I agree that the Israelis have no
> > > legitimate claim on any part of Jerusalem. And, I am not exactly a
> > > pacifist but have a strong preference for peaceful social activism
> > > over violence, so needless to say I condemn the sort of terror
> > > attacks against innocent civilians (including Arab Israelis) that we
> > > saw last week. I have not seen any credible evidence, however, that
> > > such attacks are the doing of Ahmadinejad, and in my view they are
> > > mainly the result of the expropriation and displacement of the
> > >

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