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  Nr. 4396 de sambata, 22 noiembrie 2008 
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roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.241...)
2008-11-21 22:01
Rusia in plin crash

Pana acum expertzii in dezinformatzii ai lui Putin (vezi agentul ruSS) povesteau ca criza financiara are un foarte mic impact asupra Rusiei, cand deodata...

Reuters: Russia acknowledges financial crisis has hit hard

By Michael Stott - Analysis

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia had convinced itself -- and the outside world -- that its huge oil wealth and vast foreign exchange reserves made it much less vulnerable than others to the global financial crisis.

But after weeks of virtual silence by state media about the effects the crisis has had on Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev has suddenly acknowledged the extent of the damage.

"In all likelihood, the crisis is going to spread. Here we have to face reality," he said on Tuesday.

Top bankers and businessmen say Medvedev's words amounted to an official acknowledgement of what they have sensed in recent weeks -- a sudden, dramatic slowdown of the economy as credit dried up, sales slumped and factories laid off staff.

"We had thought that Russia would be far less badly hurt by the crisis than other major economies," said one leading Russian banker, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"Now it is clear that Russia will be much worse affected by the crisis than other major economies and will be affected for much longer."

Restul articolului:

Alcor din Canada (...@hotmail.com, IP: 99.237.8...)
2008-11-22 15:47
Sa nu credem Moscova....

.....care sta pe un "purcoi" de gaze, dar neaparat trebuie sa-i credem pe cei de la Reuters.Cine are gaze si petrol, are si posibilitatea de a iesi din criza mai usor, daca stie cum sa le gestioneze.

> Pana acum expertzii in dezinformatzii ai lui Putin (vezi agentul ruSS)
> povesteau ca criza financiara are un foarte mic impact asupra Rusiei,
> cand deodata...
> Reuters: Russia acknowledges financial crisis has hit hard
> By Michael Stott - Analysis
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia had convinced itself -- and the outside
> world -- that its huge oil wealth and vast foreign exchange reserves
> made it much less vulnerable than others to the global financial
> crisis.
> But after weeks of virtual silence by state media about the effects
> the crisis has had on Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev has suddenly
> acknowledged the extent of the damage.
> "In all likelihood, the crisis is going to spread. Here we have to
> face reality," he said on Tuesday.
> Top bankers and businessmen say Medvedev's words amounted to an
> official acknowledgement of what they have sensed in recent weeks --
> a sudden, dramatic slowdown of the economy as credit dried up, sales
> slumped and factories laid off staff.
> "We had thought that Russia would be far less badly hurt by the crisis
> than other major economies," said one leading Russian banker, speaking
> on condition of anonymity.
> "Now it is clear that Russia will be much worse affected by the crisis
> than other major economies and will be affected for much longer."
> Restul articolului:
> http://www.reuters.com/article/reutersEdge/idUSTRE4AK4L620081121?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true

acta_derbedeica din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 68.76.106...)
2008-11-22 16:44
Re: Rusia in plin crash

Un comentariu la NPR: Sa nu ne face iluzii ca pretul petrolului va ramine scazut. Va salta imediat la preturile anterioare crizei, cind economiile isi vor reveni (doi ani?). Nu spun asta in contextul economiei Rusiei, care mai exporta si gaze. Tranzitia spre alte surse de energie decit cele fosile va dura mai mult, decit criza (sper eu). Pina una alta, eu incep sa folosesc mai mult masina.

La 2008-11-21 22:01:47, roy a scris:

> Pana acum expertzii in dezinformatzii ai lui Putin (vezi agentul ruSS)
> povesteau ca criza financiara are un foarte mic impact asupra Rusiei,
> cand deodata...
> Reuters: Russia acknowledges financial crisis has hit hard
> By Michael Stott - Analysis
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia had convinced itself -- and the outside
> world -- that its huge oil wealth and vast foreign exchange reserves
> made it much less vulnerable than others to the global financial
> crisis.
> But after weeks of virtual silence by state media about the effects
> the crisis has had on Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev has suddenly
> acknowledged the extent of the damage.
> "In all likelihood, the crisis is going to spread. Here we have to
> face reality," he said on Tuesday.
> Top bankers and businessmen say Medvedev's words amounted to an
> official acknowledgement of what they have sensed in recent weeks --
> a sudden, dramatic slowdown of the economy as credit dried up, sales
> slumped and factories laid off staff.
> "We had thought that Russia would be far less badly hurt by the crisis
> than other major economies," said one leading Russian banker, speaking
> on condition of anonymity.
> "Now it is clear that Russia will be much worse affected by the crisis
> than other major economies and will be affected for much longer."
> Restul articolului:
> http://www.reuters.com/article/reutersEdge/idUSTRE4AK4L620081121?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true

Rhodos din Korea de Nord (...@hotmail.com, IP: 83.39.198...)
2008-11-23 11:43
Depinde de evenimentele viitoare ,pretul petrolului in viitor.

La 2008-11-21 22:01:47, roy a scris:

> Pana acum expertzii in dezinformatzii ai lui Putin (vezi agentul ruSS)
> povesteau ca criza financiara are un foarte mic impact asupra Rusiei,
> cand deodata...
> Reuters: Russia acknowledges financial crisis has hit hard
> By Michael Stott - Analysis
> MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia had convinced itself -- and the outside
> world -- that its huge oil wealth and vast foreign exchange reserves
> made it much less vulnerable than others to the global financial
> crisis.
> But after weeks of virtual silence by state media about the effects
> the crisis has had on Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev has suddenly
> acknowledged the extent of the damage.
> "In all likelihood, the crisis is going to spread. Here we have to
> face reality," he said on Tuesday.
> Top bankers and businessmen say Medvedev's words amounted to an
> official acknowledgement of what they have sensed in recent weeks --
> a sudden, dramatic slowdown of the economy as credit dried up, sales
> slumped and factories laid off staff.
> "We had thought that Russia would be far less badly hurt by the crisis
> than other major economies," said one leading Russian banker, speaking
> on condition of anonymity.
> "Now it is clear that Russia will be much worse affected by the crisis
> than other major economies and will be affected for much longer."
> Restul articolului:
> http://www.reuters.com/article/reutersEdge/idUSTRE4AK4L620081121?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true
Pretul hidrocarburilor ,depinde de succesul evenimentelor viitoare ,o victorie rapida cu schimbare de regim....mda 2 ani .....stiu si eu socoteala din tirg....

Tergiversarea sau neimplicarea vor readuce pretul petrolului sus poate chiar mai sus.:nbEbunia mare va incepe este inevitabil.(evitabil daca lumea occidentala accepta decadenta sa in detrimentul altora .)

Totul se leaga, este logic ,(criza etc )altfel nu se mai poate .

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