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  Nr. 4391 de luni, 17 noiembrie 2008 
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2008-11-17 20:54:02

Asta dovedeste principiul ca organismul se poate vindeca singur

Precum in cazul in care se bea numai apa timp de 40 de zile (pt cine poate sa reziste), dar mai usor este cu sucuri de fructe si legume.
The juice of fruits and vegetables is filled with healing, cleansing properties which allow the body to gently and safely detoxify. Juice fasting has become an effective stepping-stone to water fasting.

Benefits of Juice Fasting
Look out cancer cells, toxins, built-up chemicals, excess body fat, transformed fatty acids, impacted mucus in the bowel, sickness and disease, here comes the juice!

Radiating with God-given power, ruthlessly attaching itself to anything harmful in the body, giving it the heave ho. A living fuel that takes no digestive energies from the body, allowing the body's entire focus to be on healing and rejuvenation. Packed with vitamins, minerals, living enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, yet low enough in calories to force the body to cannibalize on its filthy waste, propelling you to vigorous physical health and clarity of mind. Sure, there will be periods of toxic crisis, but once you learn not to fear them, they can bring an exciting anticipation that your body is going through a deep cleansing that we call The Babylonian Bends.

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