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  Nr. 4383 de vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008 
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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-11-07 19:15
Prince Hall Mason in the White House

Obama preaches for CHANGE. Let us see if he will change any of the following

Internationalmensorganisation.info – November 5, 2008

Once again the American people have been duped into thinking they have a democracy. Not the two donkeys the Zionist controlled media put up as candidates for election.

Obama ain't no Martin Luther King and like the Clintons both him and his wife are lawyers and represent the American Bar Associations who have instigated the legal steps that have thrown thousands of BLACK Americans onto the streets in their thousands.

Obama preaches for CHANGE. Let us see if he will change any of the following.

1. Will he restore the rights of the thousands of black Americans who have been thrown onto the street by his fellow lawyers and his Zionist banking friends? Many of who bankrolled his election campaign . WE DONT THINK SO.

2. Will he STOP the American warmongering machine? WE DONT THINK SO.

3. Will he remove the Zionist Neo-cons who control American foreign policy? WE DONT THINK SO.

4. Will he stop the control Israel has over American foreign policy through those Neo-cons? WE DONT THINK SO.

5. Will he remove the massive inequality between the rich and poor in particular the black ghettos that have kept many millions of black Americans in their place? WE DONT THINK SO.

6. Will he stop the American bullying campaigns against smaller countries around the world that America wants to dominate? WE DONT THINK SO.

7. Will he stop the massive corruption in American courts that he and his fellow lawyers and judges have created that see the seizing of the assets of millions of Americans every year and the jailing of a higher population(mostly black) than any other country in the world? WE DONT THINK SO.

8. Will he restore the heterosexual rights of men and their families that have been undermined by the rise of homosexual rights that Obama and his wife have campaigned for so long? Rich American gays have a massive hold over American policy making in terms of the family.WE DONT THINK SO.

These are just some of the many questions that Obama has the next four years to answer. If he changes any one of the above it will be a minor miracle . But as he is heavily steeped in Prince hall masonry the black arm of the masons control across the globe we rather think he will be another stooge for the ORDER OUT OF CHAOS mob that has brought so much disrepute to how America is viewed across the globe.

We believe the American public, especially the black Americans euphoria will be short lived and that the CHANGES Obama has promised wont be anything like the VAST changes required to restore faith in the American political and legal system. A lawyer as a politician will only ensure legislation is enacted to increase the power of the American bar association maybe the most oppressive in the world.


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