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  Nr. 4371 de vineri, 24 octombrie 2008 
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SpargeLL (...@mailworks.org, IP: 80.67.17...)
2008-10-24 14:41
Scooter-Libby si Powells se dau cu OBAMA si asta ne tzine prelegeri despre CORUPTZIE & Democracy :-)

Pai sa-i raspundem pe masura:

"CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
By Robert Higgs

22/07/08 "Lewrockwell" -- -- Many people deny that the U.S. government presides over a global empire. If you speak of U.S. imperialism, they will fancy that you must be a decrepit Marxist-Leninist who has recently awakened after spending decades in a coma. Yet the facts cannot be denied, however much people's ideology may predispose them to distort or obfuscate those facts.

Evil men who have awesome power to influence world affairs invested the Zionist leaders with what power they had and informed those Zionists that mattered that their attempt to expropriate Palestine from the indigenous Arabs would succeed in the post-war world. That is how Zionist leaders could openly state without fear of their own demise that the shedding of Jewish blood in the Diaspora was necessary in order to get the emotional and moral ascendancy in their unjust and illegal demands for the establishment of a Jewish State before a peace commission after the war.
They knew that their treachery would be airbrushed out of the history, the created reality, the illusion, normally presented to the naïve public. Zionist leaders have used the holocaust to gain undeserved moral authority, and to coerce Jews and others into emotional, unthinking, uncritical conformity to their agenda.
That is, an awesome scheme of emotional blackmail that would arrogate the sympathies of Jews and non-Jews while simultaneously intimidating into silence any critical voices, both non-Jew and Jew, on the subject of their, the Zionist Elite, status as the embodiment of Jewry.
Israel was set up for purposes that have nothing to do with the aspirations of ordinary Jewish people who, like most people, merely wish to live peaceful productive lives.
The architects of the Zionist State of Israel far from it never envisioned such a scenario. The presence of a Jewish homeland amidst Arab nations was always intended to be a perennial source of immense suffering and a geopolitical time bomb primed to explode when the time suits the Secret Masters of the Great Game.
Moreover, that ordinary Jews are being duped into believing their illegal and immoral presence there is not only right by force of arms and political guile, but also is indubitably mandated by God, are two powerful arguments deployed by Zionists and their supporters to give succour to an increasingly marginalised populace.
"As Henry Kissinger cynically noted, being America’s ally is more dangerous than being its enemy." _ TorontoSun.com - Eric Margolis U.S. vilifies faithful old ally

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 86.106.54...)
2008-10-24 14:54
Ultima fraza

Si gura pacatosului graieste adevarul, din cand in cand:

E mai periculos sa fii aliatul Americii, decat dusmanul ei"

Henry Kissinger

Cum este sa fii slugoiul Americii, intreb eu ? Pentru raspuns, uitati-va cu atentie imprejurul Dv-oastra.

La 2008-10-24 14:41:44, SpargeLL a scris:

> Pai sa-i raspundem pe masura:
> "CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
> By Robert Higgs
> 22/07/08 "Lewrockwell" -- -- Many people deny that the U.S. government
> presides over a global empire. If you speak of U.S. imperialism, they
> will fancy that you must be a decrepit Marxist-Leninist who has
> recently awakened after spending decades in a coma. Yet the facts
> cannot be denied, however much people's ideology may predispose them
> to distort or obfuscate those facts.
> Evil men who have awesome power to influence world affairs invested
> the Zionist leaders with what power they had and informed those
> Zionists that mattered that their attempt to expropriate Palestine
> from the indigenous Arabs would succeed in the post-war world. That
> is how Zionist leaders could openly state without fear of their own
> demise that the shedding of Jewish blood in the Diaspora was
> necessary in order to get the emotional and moral ascendancy in their
> unjust and illegal demands for the establishment of a Jewish State
> before a peace commission after the war.
> They knew that their treachery would be airbrushed out of the history,
> the created reality, the illusion, normally presented to the
> naïve public. Zionist leaders have used the holocaust to gain
> undeserved moral authority, and to coerce Jews and others into
> emotional, unthinking, uncritical conformity to their agenda.
> That is, an awesome scheme of emotional blackmail that would arrogate
> the sympathies of Jews and non-Jews while simultaneously intimidating
> into silence any critical voices, both non-Jew and Jew, on the subject
> of their, the Zionist Elite, status as the embodiment of Jewry.
> Israel was set up for purposes that have nothing to do with the
> aspirations of ordinary Jewish people who, like most people, merely
> wish to live peaceful productive lives.
> The architects of the Zionist State of Israel far from it never
> envisioned such a scenario. The presence of a Jewish homeland amidst
> Arab nations was always intended to be a perennial source of immense
> suffering and a geopolitical time bomb primed to explode when the
> time suits the Secret Masters of the Great Game.
> Moreover, that ordinary Jews are being duped into believing their
> illegal and immoral presence there is not only right by force of arms
> and political guile, but also is indubitably mandated by God, are two
> powerful arguments deployed by Zionists and their supporters to give
> succour to an increasingly marginalised populace.
> "As Henry Kissinger cynically noted, being America’s ally is
> more dangerous than being its enemy." _ TorontoSun.com - Eric
> Margolis U.S. vilifies faithful old ally
> http://www.torontosun.com/News/Columnists/Margolis_Eric/2008/08/02/6339931-sun.php"

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 86.106.54...)
2008-10-24 14:54
Ultima fraza

Si gura pacatosului graieste adevarul, din cand in cand:

"E mai periculos sa fii aliatul Americii, decat dusmanul ei"

Henry Kissinger

Cum este sa fii slugoiul Americii, intreb eu ? Pentru raspuns, uitati-va cu atentie imprejurul Dv-oastra.

La 2008-10-24 14:41:44, SpargeLL a scris:

> Pai sa-i raspundem pe masura:
> "CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
> By Robert Higgs
> 22/07/08 "Lewrockwell" -- -- Many people deny that the U.S. government
> presides over a global empire. If you speak of U.S. imperialism, they
> will fancy that you must be a decrepit Marxist-Leninist who has
> recently awakened after spending decades in a coma. Yet the facts
> cannot be denied, however much people's ideology may predispose them
> to distort or obfuscate those facts.
> Evil men who have awesome power to influence world affairs invested
> the Zionist leaders with what power they had and informed those
> Zionists that mattered that their attempt to expropriate Palestine
> from the indigenous Arabs would succeed in the post-war world. That
> is how Zionist leaders could openly state without fear of their own
> demise that the shedding of Jewish blood in the Diaspora was
> necessary in order to get the emotional and moral ascendancy in their
> unjust and illegal demands for the establishment of a Jewish State
> before a peace commission after the war.
> They knew that their treachery would be airbrushed out of the history,
> the created reality, the illusion, normally presented to the
> naïve public. Zionist leaders have used the holocaust to gain
> undeserved moral authority, and to coerce Jews and others into
> emotional, unthinking, uncritical conformity to their agenda.
> That is, an awesome scheme of emotional blackmail that would arrogate
> the sympathies of Jews and non-Jews while simultaneously intimidating
> into silence any critical voices, both non-Jew and Jew, on the subject
> of their, the Zionist Elite, status as the embodiment of Jewry.
> Israel was set up for purposes that have nothing to do with the
> aspirations of ordinary Jewish people who, like most people, merely
> wish to live peaceful productive lives.
> The architects of the Zionist State of Israel far from it never
> envisioned such a scenario. The presence of a Jewish homeland amidst
> Arab nations was always intended to be a perennial source of immense
> suffering and a geopolitical time bomb primed to explode when the
> time suits the Secret Masters of the Great Game.
> Moreover, that ordinary Jews are being duped into believing their
> illegal and immoral presence there is not only right by force of arms
> and political guile, but also is indubitably mandated by God, are two
> powerful arguments deployed by Zionists and their supporters to give
> succour to an increasingly marginalised populace.
> "As Henry Kissinger cynically noted, being America’s ally is
> more dangerous than being its enemy." _ TorontoSun.com - Eric
> Margolis U.S. vilifies faithful old ally
> http://www.torontosun.com/News/Columnists/Margolis_Eric/2008/08/02/6339931-sun.php"

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