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  Nr. 4371 de vineri, 24 octombrie 2008 
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Nikon din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.69.185...)
2008-10-24 01:00
Domnule Evreu-rus admira opera vitejilor dumitale

Israel and Egyptian presidents meet at Sharm al-Sh_
Palestinian murders Israeli octogenarian, injures border guard in Jerusalem suburb

October 23, 2008, 10:31 PM (GMT+02:00)

The assailant stabbed a Police Border Guardsman who found him loitering around schools on Vardinon Street at the center of the southern Jerusalem suburb of Gilo. He then set upon 86-year old Avraham Ozri, a local resident, who died of his injuries later in hospital. A bystander wrestled the assailant to the ground after the injured policeman shot him and handed him into custody.

Riots greeted police and Shin Bet officers who arrived later at the terrorist’s village near the West Bank town of Bethlehem to search for accomplices. Eight Palestinians were injured in clashes and several arrested.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-10-24 01:34
Re: Domnule Evreu-rus admira opera vitejilor dumitale

La 2008-10-24 01:00:40, Nikon a scris:

> Israel and Egyptian presidents meet at Sharm al-Sh_
> Palestinian murders Israeli octogenarian, injures border guard in
> Jerusalem suburb
> October 23, 2008, 10:31 PM (GMT+02:00)
> The assailant stabbed a Police Border Guardsman who found him
> loitering around schools on Vardinon Street at the center of the
> southern Jerusalem suburb of Gilo. He then set upon 86-year old
> Avraham Ozri, a local resident, who died of his injuries later in
> hospital. A bystander wrestled the assailant to the ground after the
> injured policeman shot him and handed him into custody.
> Riots greeted police and Shin Bet officers who arrived later at the
> terrorist’s village near the West Bank town of Bethlehem to
> search for accomplices. Eight Palestinians were injured in clashes
> and several arrested.

Chiar trebuie sa-i compatimesc pe oamenii acestia. 8 palestinieni raniti si mai multi arestati drept represalii ptr uciderea bietului evreu batran de catre un iresponsabil? Amaratii de ei, oameni nascuti sub o stea nenorocoasa. Deh, cam astfel functioneaza justitia pe la voi: o fapta reprobabila comisa de un individ atrage dupa sine raspunderea colectivitatii din care acesta face parte. Dar nu este un lucru de mirare, intr-o societate unde un rabin pe nume Mordechai Eliyahu si-a permis sa spuna ca "viata unui singur evreu valoreaza mai mult decat vietile a 1000 arabi".

Timotei (...@rediffmail.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2008-10-24 02:03
DOMNULE RUS !!! Foarte multi camarazi se intreaba ce veste cu acest ID de rusine

Nu prea m-am priceput ce sa le zic.
Sa nu cumva sa demobilizeze.
Ce planuri de exterminari aveti?

La 2008-10-24 01:34:48, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-10-24 01:00:40, Nikon a scris:
> >
> > Israel and Egyptian presidents meet at Sharm al-Sh_
> > Palestinian murders Israeli octogenarian, injures border guard in
> > Jerusalem suburb
> >
> > October 23, 2008, 10:31 PM (GMT+02:00)
> >
> > The assailant stabbed a Police Border Guardsman who found him
> > loitering around schools on Vardinon Street at the center of the
> > southern Jerusalem suburb of Gilo. He then set upon 86-year old
> > Avraham Ozri, a local resident, who died of his injuries later in
> > hospital. A bystander wrestled the assailant to the ground after the
> > injured policeman shot him and handed him into custody.
> >
> > Riots greeted police and Shin Bet officers who arrived later at the
> > terrorist’s village near the West Bank town of Bethlehem to
> > search for accomplices. Eight Palestinians were injured in clashes
> > and several arrested.
> Chiar trebuie sa-i compatimesc pe oamenii acestia. 8 palestinieni
> raniti si mai multi arestati drept represalii ptr uciderea bietului
> evreu batran de catre un iresponsabil? Amaratii de ei, oameni nascuti
> sub o stea nenorocoasa. Deh, cam astfel functioneaza justitia pe la
> voi: o fapta reprobabila comisa de un individ atrage dupa sine
> raspunderea colectivitatii din care acesta face parte. Dar nu este un
> lucru de mirare, intr-o societate unde un rabin pe nume Mordechai
> Eliyahu si-a permis sa spuna ca "viata unui singur evreu valoreaza
> mai mult decat vietile a 1000 arabi".

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 93.172.4...)
2008-10-24 11:56
Re: Domnule Evreu-rus admira opera vitejilor dumitale

Wow! Ahmed-impostorul nu a scris ca israelianul ucis nu a fost omorat de Mossad sau ca s-a sinucis! Ce naiba s-a intamplat Ahmed, o sa fii aspu pedepsit de sefii tai.

La 2008-10-24 01:34:48, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-10-24 01:00:40, Nikon a scris:
> >
> > Israel and Egyptian presidents meet at Sharm al-Sh_
> > Palestinian murders Israeli octogenarian, injures border guard in
> > Jerusalem suburb
> >
> > October 23, 2008, 10:31 PM (GMT+02:00)
> >
> > The assailant stabbed a Police Border Guardsman who found him
> > loitering around schools on Vardinon Street at the center of the
> > southern Jerusalem suburb of Gilo. He then set upon 86-year old
> > Avraham Ozri, a local resident, who died of his injuries later in
> > hospital. A bystander wrestled the assailant to the ground after the
> > injured policeman shot him and handed him into custody.
> >
> > Riots greeted police and Shin Bet officers who arrived later at the
> > terrorist’s village near the West Bank town of Bethlehem to
> > search for accomplices. Eight Palestinians were injured in clashes
> > and several arrested.
> Chiar trebuie sa-i compatimesc pe oamenii acestia. 8 palestinieni
> raniti si mai multi arestati drept represalii ptr uciderea bietului
> evreu batran de catre un iresponsabil? Amaratii de ei, oameni nascuti
> sub o stea nenorocoasa. Deh, cam astfel functioneaza justitia pe la
> voi: o fapta reprobabila comisa de un individ atrage dupa sine
> raspunderea colectivitatii din care acesta face parte. Dar nu este un
> lucru de mirare, intr-o societate unde un rabin pe nume Mordechai
> Eliyahu si-a permis sa spuna ca "viata unui singur evreu valoreaza
> mai mult decat vietile a 1000 arabi".

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